to enable rating on this page * Note: The wikilens theme must be enabled, to enable this plugin! * Or use a sidebar based theme with the box method. * to show my ratings * to show my buddies * * * @author: Dan Frankowski (wikilens author), Reini Urban (as plugin) * * TODO: * - fix smart caching * - finish mysuggest.c (external engine with data from mysql) * - add php_prediction * - add the various show modes (esp. TopN queries in PHP) */ /* CREATE TABLE rating ( dimension INT(4) NOT NULL, raterpage INT(11) NOT NULL, rateepage INT(11) NOT NULL, ratingvalue FLOAT NOT NULL, rateeversion INT(11) NOT NULL, tstamp TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (dimension, raterpage, rateepage) ); */ require_once("lib/WikiPlugin.php"); class WikiPlugin_RateIt extends WikiPlugin { function getName() { return _("RateIt"); } function getDescription() { return _("Rating system. Store user ratings per page"); } function getVersion() { return preg_replace("/[Revision: $]/", '', "\$Revision: 1.5 $"); } function RatingWidgetJavascript() { global $Theme; $img = substr($Theme->_findData("images/RateItNk0.png"),0,-7); $urlprefix = WikiUrl("",0,1); $js = " function displayRating(imgPrefix, ratingvalue, pred) { var cancel = imgPrefix + 'Cancel'; for (i=1; i<=10; i++) { var imgName = imgPrefix + i; var imgSrc = '".$img."'; if (pred) document[imgName].title = '"._("Predicted rating ")."'+ratingvalue; else document[imgName].title = '"._("Your rating ")."'+ratingvalue; if (i<=(ratingvalue*2)) { if (pred) document[imgName].src = imgSrc + ((i%2) ? 'Rk1' : 'Rk0') + '.png'; else document[imgName].src = imgSrc + ((i%2) ? 'Ok1' : 'Ok0') + '.png'; } else { document[imgName].src = imgSrc + ((i%2) ? 'Nk1' : 'Nk0') + '.png'; } } if ((pred == 0) && (ratingvalue > 0)) document[cancel].src = imgSrc + 'Cancel.png'; else document[cancel].src = imgSrc + 'CancelN.png'; } function click(actionImg, pagename, version, imgPrefix, dimension, rating) { if (rating == 'X') { deleteRating(actionImg, pagename, dimension); displayRating(imgPrefix, 0, 0); } else { submitRating(actionImg, pagename, version, dimension, rating); displayRating(imgPrefix, rating, 0); } } function submitRating(actionImg, page, version, dimension, rating) { var myRand = Math.round(Math.random()*(1000000)); var imgSrc = page + '?version=' + version + '&action=".urlencode(_("RateIt"))."&mode=add&rating=' + rating + '&dimension=' + dimension + '&nopurge=cache&rand=' + myRand; //alert('submitRating(' + page + ', ' + version + ', ' + dimension + ', ' + rating + ') => '+imgSrc); document[actionImg].src= imgSrc; } function deleteRating(actionImg, page, dimension) { var myRand = Math.round(Math.random()*(1000000)); var imgSrc = '".$urlprefix."' + page + '?action=".urlencode(_("RateIt"))."&mode=delete&dimension=' + dimension + '&nopurge=cache&rand=' + myRand; //alert('deleteRating(' + page + ', ' + version + ', ' + dimension + ')'); document[actionImg].src= imgSrc; } "; return JavaScript($js); } function actionImgPath() { global $Theme; return $Theme->_findFile("images/RateItAction.png"); } /** * Take a string and quote it sufficiently to be passed as a Javascript * string between ''s */ function _javascript_quote_string($s) { return str_replace("'", "\'", $s); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array( 'pagename' => '[pagename]', 'version' => false, 'id' => 'rateit', 'imgPrefix' => '', 'dimension' => false, 'small' => false, 'show' => false, 'mode' => false, ); } function head() { // early side-effects (before body) global $Theme; $Theme->addMoreHeaders($this->RatingWidgetJavascript()); } // todo: only for signed users // todo: set rating dbi for external rating database function run($dbi, $argstr, $request, $basepage) { global $Theme; $this->_request = & $request; $this->_dbi = & $dbi; $user = & $request->getUser(); $this->userid = $user->UserName(); $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); $this->dimension = $args['dimension']; if ($this->dimension == '') { $this->dimension = 0; $args['dimension'] = 0; } if ($args['pagename']) { // Expand relative page names. $page = new WikiPageName($args['pagename'], $basepage); $args['pagename'] = $page->name; } if (empty($args['pagename'])) { return $this->error(_("no page specified")); } $this->pagename = $args['pagename']; if (RATING_STORAGE == 'SQL') { $dbi = &$this->_dbi->_backend; if (isa($dbi,'WikiDB_backend_PearDB')) $this->dbtype = "PearDB"; else $this->dbtype = "ADODB"; $this->iter_class = "WikiDB_backend_".$this->dbtype."_generic_iter"; extract($dbi->_table_names); if (empty($rating_tbl)) { $rating_tbl = (!empty($GLOBALS['DBParams']['prefix']) ? $GLOBALS['DBParams']['prefix'] : '') . 'rating'; $dbi->_table_names['rating_tbl'] = $rating_tbl; } } if ($args['mode'] === 'add') { if (!$user->isSignedIn()) return $this->error(_("You must sign in")); global $Theme; $actionImg = $Theme->_path . $this->actionImgPath(); $this->addRating($request->getArg('rating')); ob_end_clean(); // discard any previous output // delete the cache $page = $request->getPage(); $page->set('_cached_html', false); $request->cacheControl('MUST-REVALIDATE'); $dbi->touch(); //fake validators without args $request->appendValidators(array('wikiname' => WIKI_NAME, 'args' => hash(''))); header('Content-type: image/png'); readfile($actionImg); exit(); } elseif ($args['mode'] === 'delete') { if (!$user->isSignedIn()) return $this->error(_("You must sign in")); global $Theme; $actionImg = $Theme->_path . $this->actionImgPath(); $this->deleteRating(); ob_end_clean(); // discard any previous output // delete the cache $page = $request->getPage(); $page->set('_cached_html', false); $request->cacheControl('MUST-REVALIDATE'); $dbi->touch(); //fake validators without args $request->appendValidators(array('wikiname' => WIKI_NAME, 'args' => hash(''))); header('Content-type: image/png'); readfile($actionImg); exit(); } elseif (! $args['show'] ) { // we must use the head method instead, because is already printed. // $Theme->addMoreHeaders($this->RatingWidgetJavascript()); // or we change the header in the ob_buffer. //Todo: add a validator based on the users last rating mtime $rating = $this->getRating(); /* static $validated = 0; if (!$validated) { //$page = $request->getPage(); //$page->set('_cached_html', false); $request->cacheControl('REVALIDATE'); $validated = 1; } */ $args['rating'] = $rating; return $this->RatingWidgetHtml($args); } else { if (!$user->isSignedIn()) return $this->error(_("You must sign in")); extract($args); $rating = $this->getRating(); $html = HTML::p(sprintf(_("Rated by %d users | Average rating %.1f stars"), $this->getNumUsers($this->pagename,$this->dimension), $this->getAvg($this->pagename,$this->dimension)), HTML::br()); if ($rating !== false) $html->pushContent(sprintf(_("Your rating was %.1f"), $rating)); else { $pred = $this->getPrediction($this->userid,$this->pagename,$this->dimension); if (is_string($pred)) $html->pushContent(sprintf(_("%s prediction for you is %s stars"), WIKI_NAME, $pred)); elseif ($pred) $html->pushContent(sprintf(_("%s prediction for you is %.1f stars"), WIKI_NAME, $pred)); } $html->pushContent(HTML::p()); $html->pushContent(HTML::em("(Experimental: This is entirely bogus data)")); return $html; } } // box is used to display a fixed-width, narrow version with common header function box($args=false, $request=false, $basepage=false) { if (!$request) $request =& $GLOBALS['request']; if (!$request->_user->isSignedIn()) return; if (!isset($args)) $args = array(); $args['small'] = 1; $argstr = ''; foreach ($args as $key => $value) $argstr .= $key."=".$value; $widget = $this->run($request->_dbi, $argstr, $request, $basepage); return $this->makeBox(WikiLink(_("RateIt"),'',_("Rate It")), $widget); } function addRating($rating, $userid=null, $pagename=null, $dimension=null) { if (is_null($dimension)) $dimension = $this->dimension; if (is_null($userid)) $userid = $this->userid; if (is_null($pagename)) $pagename = $this->pagename; if (RATING_STORAGE == 'SQL') { $page = $this->_dbi->getPage($this->pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $rateeversion = $current->getVersion(); $this->sql_rate($userid, $pagename, $rateeversion, $dimension, $rating); } else { $this->metadata_set_rating($userid, $pagename, $dimension, $rating); } } function deleteRating($userid=null, $pagename=null, $dimension=null) { if (is_null($dimension)) $dimension = $this->dimension; if (is_null($userid)) $userid = $this->userid; if (is_null($pagename)) $pagename = $this->pagename; if (RATING_STORAGE == 'SQL') { $this->sql_delete_rating($userid, $pagename, $dimension); } else { $this->metadata_set_rating($userid, $pagename, $dimension, -1); } } function getRating($userid=null, $pagename=null, $dimension=null) { if (is_null($dimension)) $dimension = $this->dimension; if (is_null($userid)) $userid = $this->userid; if (is_null($pagename)) $pagename = $this->pagename; if (RATING_STORAGE == 'SQL') { $ratings_iter = $this->sql_get_rating($dimension, $userid, $pagename); if ($rating = $ratings_iter->next()) { return $rating['ratingvalue']; } else return false; } else { return $this->metadata_get_rating($userid, $pagename, $dimension); } } // TODO // Currently we have to call the "suggest" CGI // // until we implement a simple recommendation engine. // Note that "suggest" is only free for non-profit organizations. // I am currently writing a binary CGI using suggest, which loads // data from mysql. function getPrediction($userid=null, $pagename=null, $dimension=null) { if (is_null($dimension)) $dimension = $this->dimension; if (is_null($userid)) $userid = $this->userid; if (is_null($pagename)) $pagename = $this->pagename; $dbi = &$this->_dbi->_backend; if (isset($pagename)) $page = $dbi->_get_pageid($pagename); else return 0; if (isset($userid)) $user = $dbi->_get_pageid($userid); else return 0; return 0; if (defined('RATING_EXTERNAL')) { // how call suggest.exe? as CGI or natively //$rating = HTML::Raw(""); $args = "-u$user -p$page -malpha"; // --top 10 if (isset($dimension)) $args .= " -d$dimension"; $rating = passthru(RATING_EXTERNAL . " $args"); } else { $rating = $this->php_prediction($userid, $pagename, $dimension); } return $rating; } /** * TODO: slow item-based recommendation engine, similar to suggest RType=2. * Only the SUGGEST_EstimateAlpha part */ function php_prediction($userid=null, $pagename=null, $dimension=null) { if (is_null($dimension)) $dimension = $this->dimension; if (is_null($userid)) $userid = $this->userid; if (is_null($pagename)) $pagename = $this->pagename; if (RATING_STORAGE == 'SQL') { $rating = 0; } else { $rating = 0; } return $rating; } function getNumUsers($pagename=null, $dimension=null) { if (is_null($dimension)) $dimension = $this->dimension; if (is_null($pagename)) $pagename = $this->pagename; if (RATING_STORAGE == 'SQL') { $ratings_iter = $this->sql_get_rating($dimension, null, $pagename, null, "ratee"); return $ratings_iter->count(); } else { $page = $this->_dbi->getPage($pagename); $data = $page->get('rating'); if (!empty($data[$dimension])) return count($data[$dimension]); else return 0; } } // TODO: metadata method function getAvg($pagename=null, $dimension=null) { if (is_null($dimension)) $dimension = $this->dimension; if (is_null($pagename)) $pagename = $this->pagename; if (RATING_STORAGE == 'SQL') { $dbi = &$this->_dbi->_backend; $where = "WHERE 1"; if (isset($pagename)) { $raterid = $dbi->_get_pageid($pagename, true); $where .= " AND raterpage=$raterid"; } if (isset($dimension)) { $where .= " AND dimension=$dimension"; } //$dbh = &$this->_dbi; extract($dbi->_table_names); $query = "SELECT AVG(ratingvalue) as avg" . " FROM $rating_tbl r, $page_tbl p " . $where. " GROUP BY raterpage"; $result = $dbi->_dbh->query($query); $iter = new $this->iter_class($this,$result); $row = $iter->next(); return $row['avg']; } else { return 2.5; } } /** * Get ratings. * * @param dimension The rating dimension id. * Example: 0 * [optional] * If this is null (or left off), the search for ratings * is not restricted by dimension. * * @param rater The page id of the rater, i.e. page doing the rating. * This is a Wiki page id, often of a user page. * Example: "DanFr" * [optional] * If this is null (or left off), the search for ratings * is not restricted by rater. * TODO: Support an array * * @param ratee The page id of the ratee, i.e. page being rated. * Example: "DudeWheresMyCar" * [optional] * If this is null (or left off), the search for ratings * is not restricted by ratee. * TODO: Support an array * * @param orderby An order-by clause with fields and (optionally) ASC * or DESC. * Example: "ratingvalue DESC" * [optional] * If this is null (or left off), the search for ratings * has no guaranteed order * * @param pageinfo The type of page that has its info returned (i.e., * 'pagename', 'hits', and 'pagedata') in the rows. * Example: "rater" * [optional] * If this is null (or left off), the info returned * is for the 'ratee' page (i.e., thing being rated). * * @return DB iterator with results */ function sql_get_rating($dimension=null, $rater=null, $ratee=null, $orderby=null, $pageinfo = "ratee") { if (empty($dimension)) $dimension=null; $result = $this->_sql_get_rating_result($dimension, $rater, $ratee, $orderby, $pageinfo); return new $this->iter_class($this, $result); } /** * Like get_rating(), but return a result suitable for WikiDB_PageIterator */ function _sql_get_rating_page($dimension=null, $rater=null, $ratee=null, $orderby=null, $pageinfo = "ratee") { if (empty($dimension)) $dimension=null; $result = $this->_sql_get_rating_result($dimension, $rater, $ratee, $orderby, $pageinfo); return new $this->iter_class($this, $result); } /** * @access private * @return DB iterator with results */ function _sql_get_rating_result($dimension=null, $rater=null, $ratee=null, $orderby=null, $pageinfo = "ratee") { // pageinfo must be 'rater' or 'ratee' if (($pageinfo != "ratee") && ($pageinfo != "rater")) return; $dbi = &$this->_dbi->_backend; //$dbh = &$this->_dbi; extract($dbi->_table_names); $where = "WHERE r." . $pageinfo . "page ="; if (isset($dimension)) { $where .= " AND dimension=$dimension"; } if (isset($rater)) { $raterid = $dbi->_get_pageid($rater, true); $where .= " AND raterpage=$raterid"; } if (isset($ratee)) { $rateeid = $dbi->_get_pageid($ratee, true); $where .= " AND rateepage=$rateeid"; } $orderbyStr = ""; if (isset($orderby)) { $orderbyStr = " ORDER BY " . $orderby; } $query = "SELECT *" . " FROM $rating_tbl r, $page_tbl p " . $where . $orderbyStr; $result = $dbi->_dbh->query($query); return $result; } /** * Delete a rating. * * @param rater The page id of the rater, i.e. page doing the rating. * This is a Wiki page id, often of a user page. * @param ratee The page id of the ratee, i.e. page being rated. * @param dimension The rating dimension id. * * @access public * * @return true upon success */ function sql_delete_rating($rater, $ratee, $dimension) { //$dbh = &$this->_dbi; $dbi = &$this->_dbi->_backend; extract($dbi->_table_names); $dbi->lock(); $raterid = $dbi->_get_pageid($rater, true); $rateeid = $dbi->_get_pageid($ratee, true); $where = "WHERE raterpage=$raterid and rateepage=$rateeid"; if (isset($dimension)) { $where .= " AND dimension=$dimension"; } $dbi->_dbh->query("DELETE FROM $rating_tbl $where"); $dbi->unlock(); return true; } /** * Rate a page. * * @param rater The page id of the rater, i.e. page doing the rating. * This is a Wiki page id, often of a user page. * @param ratee The page id of the ratee, i.e. page being rated. * @param rateeversion The version of the ratee page. * @param dimension The rating dimension id. * @param rating The rating value (a float). * * @access public * * @return true upon success */ //$this->userid, $this->pagename, $this->dimension, $rating); function sql_rate($rater, $ratee, $rateeversion, $dimension, $rating) { $dbi = &$this->_dbi->_backend; extract($dbi->_table_names); if (empty($rating_tbl)) $rating_tbl = (!empty($GLOBALS['DBParams']['prefix']) ? $GLOBALS['DBParams']['prefix'] : '') . 'rating'; $dbi->lock(); $raterid = $dbi->_get_pageid($rater, true); $rateeid = $dbi->_get_pageid($ratee, true); $where = "WHERE raterpage=$raterid AND rateepage=$rateeid"; if (isset($dimension)) $where .= " AND dimension=$dimension"; $dbi->_dbh->query("DELETE FROM $rating_tbl $where"); // NOTE: Leave tstamp off the insert, and MySQL automatically updates it (only if MySQL is used) $dbi->_dbh->query("INSERT INTO $rating_tbl (dimension, raterpage, rateepage, ratingvalue, rateeversion) VALUES ('$dimension', $raterid, $rateeid, '$rating', '$rateeversion')"); $dbi->unlock(); return true; } function metadata_get_rating($userid, $pagename, $dimension) { $page = $this->_dbi->getPage($pagename); $data = $page->get('rating'); if (!empty($data[$dimension][$userid])) return (float)$data[$dimension][$userid]; else return false; } function metadata_set_rating($userid, $pagename, $dimension, $rating = -1) { $page = $this->_dbi->getPage($pagename); $data = $page->get('rating'); if ($rating == -1) unset($data[$dimension][$userid]); else { if (empty($data[$dimension][$userid])) $data[$dimension] = array($userid => (float)$rating); else $data[$dimension][$userid] = $rating; } $page->set('rating',$data); } /** * HTML widget display * * This needs to be put in the section of the page. * * @param pagename Name of the page to rate * @param version Version of the page to rate (may be "" for current) * @param imgPrefix Prefix of the names of the images that display the rating * You can have two widgets for the same page displayed at * once iff the imgPrefix-s are different. * @param dimension Id of the dimension to rate * @param small Makes a smaller ratings widget if non-false * * Limitations: Currently this can only print the current users ratings. * And only the widget, but no value (for buddies) also. */ function RatingWidgetHtml($args) { global $Theme, $request; extract($args); if (!$request->_user->isSignedIn()) return; $imgPrefix = $pagename . $imgPrefix; $actionImgName = $imgPrefix . 'RateItAction'; $dbi =& $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $version = $dbi->_backend->get_latest_version($pagename); // Protect against 's, though not \r or \n $reImgPrefix = $this->_javascript_quote_string($imgPrefix); $reActionImgName = $this->_javascript_quote_string($actionImgName); $rePagename = $this->_javascript_quote_string($pagename); //$dimension = $args['pagename'] . "rat"; $html = HTML::span(array("id" => $id)); for ($i=0; $i < 2; $i++) { $nk[$i] = $Theme->_findData("images/RateItNk$i.png"); $none[$i] = $Theme->_findData("images/RateItRk$i.png"); } if (!$small) { $html->pushContent(Button(_("RateIt"),_("RateIt"),$pagename)); $html->pushContent(HTML::raw(' ')); } $user = $request->getUser(); $userid = $user->getId(); if (!isset($args['rating'])) $rating = $this->getRating($userid, $pagename, $dimension); if (!$rating) { $pred = $this->getPrediction($userid,$pagename,$dimension); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $a1 = HTML::a(array('href' => 'javascript:click(\'' . $reActionImgName . '\',\'' . $rePagename . '\',\'' . $version . '\',\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',\'' . $dimension . '\',' . ($i/2) . ')')); $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $nk[$i%2]; if (!$rating and !$pred) $img_attr['src'] = $none[$i%2]; $img_attr['name'] = $imgPrefix . $i; $img_attr['border'] = 0; $a1->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); $a1->addToolTip(_("Rate the topic of this page")); $html->pushContent($a1); //This adds a space between the rating smilies: // if (($i%2) == 0) $html->pushContent(' '); } $html->pushContent(HTML::Raw(' ')); $a0 = HTML::a(array('href' => 'javascript:click(\'' . $reActionImgName . '\',\'' . $rePagename . '\',\'' . $version . '\',\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',\'' . $dimension . '\',\'X\')')); if ($rating) { $msg = _("Cancel rating"); $a0->pushContent(HTML::img(array('src' => $Theme->getImageUrl("RateItCancel"), 'name'=> $imgPrefix.'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg))); $a0->addToolTip($msg); $html->pushContent($a0); } elseif ($pred) { $msg = _("No opinion"); $html->pushContent(HTML::img(array('src' => $Theme->getImageUrl("RateItCancelN"), 'name'=> $imgPrefix.'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg))); //$a0->addToolTip($msg); //$html->pushContent($a0); } $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $Theme->_findData("images/RateItAction.png"); $img_attr['name'] = $actionImgName; //$img_attr['class'] = 'k' . $i; $img_attr['border'] = 0; $html->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); // Display the current rating if there is one if ($rating) $html->pushContent(JavaScript('displayRating(\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\','.$rating .',0)')); elseif ($pred) $html->pushContent(JavaScript('displayRating(\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\','.$pred .',1)')); else $html->pushContent(JavaScript('displayRating(\'' . $reImgPrefix . '\',0,0)')); return $html; } }; // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.4 2004/04/06 20:00:11 rurban // Cleanup of special PageList column types // Added support of plugin and theme specific Pagelist Types // Added support for theme specific UserPreferences // Added session support for ip-based throttling // sql table schema change: ALTER TABLE session ADD sess_ip CHAR(15); // Enhanced postgres schema // Added DB_Session_dba support // // Revision 1.3 2004/04/01 06:29:51 rurban // better wording // RateIt also for ADODB // // Revision 1.2 2004/03/31 06:22:22 rurban // shorter javascript, // added prediction buttons and display logic, // empty HTML if not signed in. // fixed deleting (empty dimension => 0) // // Revision 1.1 2004/03/30 02:38:06 rurban // RateIt support (currently no recommendation engine yet) // // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>