> just the widget without text * Note: The wikilens theme or any derivate must be enabled, to enable this plugin! * <> text plus widget below * <> to show my ratings * TODO: <> to show my buddies * <> * TODO: <> just text, no widget, for dumps * * @author: Dan Frankowski (wikilens author), Reini Urban (as plugin) * * TODO: * - finish mysuggest.c (external engine with data from mysql) */ require_once 'lib/WikiPlugin.php'; require_once 'lib/wikilens/RatingsDb.php'; class WikiPlugin_RateIt extends WikiPlugin { static $toBeUniq = 1; public $idTop = ''; function getDescription() { return _("Rating system. Store user ratings per page."); } function RatingWidgetJavascript() { global $WikiTheme; if (!empty($this->imgPrefix)) $imgPrefix = $this->imgPrefix; elseif (defined("RATEIT_IMGPREFIX")) $imgPrefix = RATEIT_IMGPREFIX; else $imgPrefix = ''; if ($imgPrefix and !$WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk0.png", 1)) $imgPrefix = ''; $img = substr($WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk0.png"), 0, -7); $urlprefix = WikiURL("", 0, 1); // TODO: check actions USE_PATH_INFO=false $js_globals = "var rateit_imgsrc = '" . $img . "'; var rateit_action = '" . urlencode("RateIt") . "'; "; $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders (JavaScript('', array('src' => $WikiTheme->_findData('themes/wikilens/wikilens.js')))); return JavaScript($js_globals); } function actionImgPath() { global $WikiTheme; return $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/RateItAction.png", 1); } /** * Take a string and quote it sufficiently to be passed as a Javascript * string between ''s */ private function _javascript_quote_string($s) { return str_replace("'", "\'", $s); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array('pagename' => '[pagename]', 'version' => false, 'id' => 'rateit', 'imgPrefix' => '', // '' or BStar or Star 'dimension' => false, 'small' => false, 'show' => false, 'mode' => false, ); } function head() { // early side-effects (before body) global $WikiTheme; static $_already; if (!empty($_already)) return; $_already = 1; $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript( "var prediction = new Array; var rating = new Array; var avg = new Array; var numusers = new Array; var canRate = new Array; var msg_rating_votes = '" . _("Rating: %.1f (%d votes)") . "'; var msg_curr_rating = '" . _("Your current rating: ") . "'; var msg_curr_prediction = '" . _("Your current prediction: ") . "'; var msg_chg_rating = '" . _("Change your rating from ") . "'; var msg_to = '" . _(" to ") . "'; var msg_add_rating = '" . _("Add your rating: ") . "'; var msg_thanks = '" . _("Thanks!") . "'; var msg_rating_deleted = '" . _("Rating deleted!") . "'; ")); $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders($this->RatingWidgetJavascript()); } function displayActionImg($mode) { global $WikiTheme, $request; if (!empty($request->_is_buffering_output)) ob_end_clean(); // discard any previous output // delete the cache $page = $request->getPage(); //$page->set('_cached_html', false); $request->cacheControl('MUST-REVALIDATE'); $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $dbi->touch(); //fake validators without args $request->appendValidators(array('wikiname' => WIKI_NAME, 'args' => wikihash(''))); $request->discardOutput(); $actionImg = $WikiTheme->_path . $this->actionImgPath(); if (file_exists($actionImg)) { header('Content-type: image/png'); readfile($actionImg); } else { header('Content-type: image/png'); echo base64_decode('iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAIAAAACAQMAAABIeJ9nAAAAA1BMVEX///' . '+nxBvIAAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAABNJREFUeF4NwAEBAAAAgJD+r5YGAAQAAXHhfPAAAAAASUVORK5CYII='); } exit; } // Only for signed users done in template only yet. function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { global $WikiTheme; //$this->_request = & $request; //$this->_dbi = & $dbi; $user = $request->getUser(); //FIXME: fails on test with DumpHtml:RateIt if (!is_object($user)) { return HTML::raw(''); } $this->userid = $user->getId(); if (!$this->userid) { return HTML::raw(''); } $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); $this->dimension = $args['dimension']; $this->imgPrefix = $args['imgPrefix']; if ($this->dimension == '') { $this->dimension = 0; $args['dimension'] = 0; } if ($args['pagename']) { // Expand relative page names. $page = new WikiPageName($args['pagename'], $basepage); $args['pagename'] = $page->name; } if (empty($args['pagename'])) { return $this->error(_("no page specified")); } $this->pagename = $args['pagename']; $rdbi = RatingsDb::getTheRatingsDb(); $this->_rdbi =& $rdbi; if ($args['mode'] === 'add') { //if (!$user->isSignedIn()) return $this->error(_("You must sign in")); $this->rating = $request->getArg('rating'); $rdbi->addRating($this->rating, $this->userid, $this->pagename, $this->dimension); $this->displayActionImg('add'); } elseif ($args['mode'] === 'delete') { //if (!$user->isSignedIn()) return $this->error(_("You must sign in")); $rdbi->deleteRating($this->userid, $this->pagename, $this->dimension); unset($this->rating); $this->displayActionImg('delete'); } elseif (!$args['show']) { return $this->RatingWidgetHtml($args['pagename'], $args['version'], $args['imgPrefix'], $args['dimension'], $args['small']); } else { //if (!$user->isSignedIn()) return $this->error(_("You must sign in")); //extract($args); $this->rating = $rdbi->getRating($this->userid, $this->pagename, $this->dimension); $this->avg = $rdbi->getAvg($this->pagename, $this->dimension); $this->numusers = $rdbi->getNumUsers($this->pagename, $this->dimension); // Update this text on rateit in javascript. needed: NumUsers, Avg $html = HTML::div ( HTML::span(array('class' => 'rateit'), sprintf(_("Rating: %.1f (%d votes)"), $this->avg, $this->numusers))); if ($args['show'] == 'top') { if (ENABLE_PAGE_PUBLIC) { $page = $dbi->getPage($this->pagename); if ($page->get('public')) $html->setAttr('class', "public"); } $html->setAttr('id', "rateit-widget-top"); $html->pushContent(HTML::br(), $this->RatingWidgetHtml($args['pagename'], $args['version'], $args['imgPrefix'], $args['dimension'], $args['small'])); } elseif ($args['show'] == 'text') { if (!$WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE) $html->pushContent(HTML::br(), sprintf(_("Your rating was %.1f"), $this->rating)); } elseif ($this->rating) { $html->pushContent(HTML::br(), sprintf(_("Your rating was %.1f"), $this->rating)); } else { $this->pred = $rdbi->getPrediction($this->userid, $this->pagename, $this->dimension); if (is_string($this->pred)) $html->pushContent(HTML::br(), sprintf(_("Prediction: %s"), $this->pred)); elseif ($this->pred) $html->pushContent(HTML::br(), sprintf(_("Prediction: %.1f"), $this->pred)); } return $html; } return HTML::raw(); } // box is used to display a fixed-width, narrow version with common header function box($args = false, $request = false, $basepage = false) { if (!$request) $request =& $GLOBALS['request']; if (!$request->_user->isSignedIn()) { return HTML::raw(); } if (!isset($args)) $args = array(); $args['small'] = 1; $argstr = ''; foreach ($args as $key => $value) $argstr .= $key . "=" . $value; $widget = $this->run($request->_dbi, $argstr, $request, $basepage); return $this->makeBox(WikiLink(_("RateIt"), '', _("Rate It")), $widget); } /** * HTML widget display * * This needs to be put in the section of the page. * * @param pagename Name of the page to rate * @param version Version of the page to rate (may be "" for current) * @param imgPrefix Prefix of the names of the images that display the rating * You can have two widgets for the same page displayed at * once iff the imgPrefix-s are different. * @param dimension Id of the dimension to rate * @param small Makes a smaller ratings widget if non-false * * Limitations: Currently this can only print the current users ratings. * And only the widget, but no value (for buddies) also. */ function RatingWidgetHtml($pagename, $version, $imgPrefix, $dimension, $small = false) { global $WikiTheme, $request; $dbi =& $request->_dbi; $version = $dbi->_backend->get_latest_version($pagename); $pageid = sprintf("%u", crc32($pagename)); // MangleXmlIdentifier($pagename) $imgId = 'RateIt' . $pageid; $actionImgName = 'RateIt' . $pageid . 'Action'; //$rdbi =& $this->_rdbi; $rdbi = RatingsDb::getTheRatingsDb(); // check if the imgPrefix icons exist. if (!$WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk0.png", true)) $imgPrefix = ''; // Protect against \'s, though not \r or \n $reImgPrefix = $this->_javascript_quote_string($imgPrefix); $reImgId = $this->_javascript_quote_string($imgId); $reActionImgName = $this->_javascript_quote_string($actionImgName); $rePagename = $this->_javascript_quote_string($pagename); //$dimension = $args['pagename'] . "rat"; $html = HTML::span(array("class" => "rateit-widget", "id" => $imgId)); for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $ok[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Ok" . $i . ".png"); // empty $nk[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Nk" . $i . ".png"); // rated $rk[$i] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Rk" . $i . ".png"); // pred } if (empty($this->userid)) { $user = $request->getUser(); $this->userid = $user->getId(); } if (empty($this->rating)) { $this->rating = $rdbi->getRating($this->userid, $pagename, $dimension); if (!$this->rating and empty($this->pred)) { $this->pred = $rdbi->getPrediction($this->userid, $pagename, $dimension); } } for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $j = $i / 2; $a1 = HTML::a(array('href' => "javascript:clickRating('$reImgPrefix','$rePagename','$version'," . "'$reImgId','$dimension',$j)")); $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $nk[$i % 2]; if ($this->rating) { $img_attr['src'] = $ok[$i % 2]; $img_attr['onmouseover'] = "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',$j,0,1)"; $img_attr['onmouseout'] = "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',$this->rating,0,1)"; } else if (!$this->rating and $this->pred) { $img_attr['src'] = $rk[$i % 2]; $img_attr['onmouseover'] = "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',$j,1,1)"; $img_attr['onmouseout'] = "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',$this->pred,1,1)"; } else { $img_attr['onmouseover'] = "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',$j,0,1)"; $img_attr['onmouseout'] = "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',0,0,1)"; } //$imgName = 'RateIt'.$reImgId.$i; $img_attr['id'] = $imgId . $i; $img_attr['alt'] = $img_attr['id']; $a1->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); //$a1->addToolTip(_("Rate the topic of this page")); $html->pushContent($a1); //This adds a space between the rating smilies: //if (($i%2) == 0) $html->pushContent("\n"); } $html->pushContent(HTML::raw(" ")); $a0 = HTML::a(array('href' => "javascript:clickRating('$reImgPrefix','$rePagename','$version'," . "'$reImgId','$dimension','X')")); $msg = _("Cancel your rating"); $imgprops = array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl("RateIt" . $imgPrefix . "Cancel"), 'id' => $imgId . $imgPrefix . 'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg, 'title' => $msg); if (!$this->rating) $imgprops['style'] = 'display:none'; $a0->pushContent(HTML::img($imgprops)); $a0->addToolTip($msg); $html->pushContent($a0); /*} elseif ($pred) { $msg = _("No opinion"); $html->pushContent(HTML::img(array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl("RateItCancelN"), 'id' => $imgPrefix.'Cancel', 'alt' => $msg))); //$a0->addToolTip($msg); //$html->pushContent($a0); }*/ $img_attr = array(); $img_attr['src'] = $WikiTheme->_findData("images/spacer.png"); $img_attr['id'] = $actionImgName; $img_attr['alt'] = $img_attr['id']; $img_attr['height'] = 15; $img_attr['width'] = 20; $html->pushContent(HTML::img($img_attr)); // Display your current rating if there is one, or the current prediction // or the empty widget. $pred = empty($this->pred) ? 0 : $this->pred; $js = ''; if (!empty($this->avg)) $js .= "avg['$reImgId']=$this->avg; numusers['$reImgId']=$this->numusers;\n"; if ($this->rating) { $js .= "rating['$reImgId']=$this->rating; prediction['$reImgId']=$pred;\n"; $html->pushContent(JavaScript($js . "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',$this->rating,0,1);")); } elseif (!empty($this->pred)) { $js .= "rating['$reImgId']=0; prediction['$reImgId']=$this->pred;\n"; $html->pushContent(JavaScript($js . "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',$this->pred,1,1);")); } else { $js .= "rating['$reImgId']=0; prediction['$reImgId']=0;\n"; $html->pushContent(JavaScript($js . "displayRating('$reImgId','$reImgPrefix',0,0,1);")); } return $html; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: