_args = $rc_args; $this->_diffargs = array('action' => 'diff'); if ($rc_args['show_major'] && !$rc_args['show_minor']) $this->_diffargs['previous'] = 'major'; } function include_versions_in_URLs() { return (bool) $this->_args['show_all']; } function date ($rev) { global $Theme; return $Theme->formatDate($rev->get('mtime')); } function time ($rev) { global $Theme; return $Theme->formatTime($rev->get('mtime')); } function diffURL ($rev) { $args = $this->_diffargs; if ($this->include_versions_in_URLs()) $args['version'] = $rev->getVersion(); $page = $rev->getPage(); return WikiURL($page->getName(), $args, $this->_absurls); } function historyURL ($rev) { $page = $rev->getPage(); return WikiURL(_("PageHistory"), array('page' => $page->getName()), $this->_absurls); } function pageURL ($rev) { $params = array(); if ($this->include_versions_in_URLs()) $params['version'] = $rev->getVersion(); $page = $rev->getPage(); return WikiURL($page->getName(), $params, $this->_absurls); } function authorURL($author) { global $WikiNameRegexp, $dbi; if (preg_match("/^$WikiNameRegexp\$/", $author) && $dbi->isWikiPage($author)) return WikiURL($author); return false; } function status ($rev) { if ($rev->hasDefaultContents()) return 'deleted'; $page = $rev->getPage(); $prev = $page->getRevisionBefore($rev->getVersion()); if ($prev->hasDefaultContents()) return 'new'; return 'updated'; } function importance ($rev) { return $rev->get('is_minor_edit') ? 'minor' : 'major'; } function summary($rev) { if ( ($summary = $rev->get('summary')) ) return $summary; switch ($this->status($rev)) { case 'deleted': return _("Deleted."); case 'new': return _("New page."); default: return ''; } } } class _RecentChanges_HtmlFormatter extends _RecentChanges_Formatter { function diffLink ($rev) { global $Theme; return $Theme->makeButton(_("(diff)"), $this->diffURL($rev), 'wikiaction'); } function pageLink ($rev) { $page = $rev->getPage(); return HTML::a(array('href' => $this->pageURL($rev), 'class' => 'wiki'), $page->getName()); } function authorLink ($rev) { $author = $rev->get('author'); if ( ($url = $this->authorURL($author)) ) return HTML::a(array('href' => $url, 'class' => 'wiki'), $author); else return $author; } function summaryAsHTML ($rev) { if ( !($summary = $this->summary($rev)) ) return ''; return HTML::strong( array('class' => 'wiki-summary'), "[", do_transform($summary, 'LinkTransform'), "]"); } function rss_icon () { global $request, $Theme; $rss_url = $request->getURLtoSelf(array('format' => 'rss')); return $Theme->makeButton("RSS", $rss_url, 'rssicion'); } function description () { extract($this->_args); // FIXME: say something about show_all. if ($show_major && $show_minor) $edits = _("edits"); elseif ($show_major) $edits = _("major edits"); else $edits = _("minor edits"); if ($limit > 0) { if ($days > 0) $desc = fmt("The %d most recent %s during the past %.1f days are listed below.", $limit, $edits, $days); else $desc = fmt("The %d most recent %s are listed below.", $limit, $edits); } else { if ($days > 0) $desc = fmt("The most recent %s during the past %.1f days are listed below.", $edits, $days); else $desc = fmt("All %s are listed below.", $edits); } return $desc; } function title () { extract($this->_args); return array($show_minor ? _("RecentEdits") : _("RecentChanges"), ' ', $this->rss_icon()); } function format ($changes) { $html[] = HTML::h2(false, $this->title()); if (($desc = $this->description())) $html[] = HTML::p(false, $desc); $last_date = ''; $lines = false; while ($rev = $changes->next()) { if (($date = $this->date($rev)) != $last_date) { if ($lines) $html[] = $lines; $html[] = HTML::h3($date); $lines = HTML::ul(); $last_date = $date; } $lines->pushContent($this->format_revision($rev)); } if ($lines) $html[] = $lines; return $html; } function format_revision ($rev) { $class = 'rc-' . $this->importance($rev); return HTML::li(array('class' => $class), $this->diffLink($rev), ' ', $this->pageLink($rev), ' ', $this->time($rev), ' ', $this->summaryAsHTML($rev), ' ... ', $this->authorLink($rev)); } } class _RecentChanges_RssFormatter extends _RecentChanges_Formatter { var $_absurls = true; function time ($rev) { return Iso8601DateTime($rev->get('mtime')); } function pageURI ($rev) { $page = $rev->getPage(); return WikiURL($page->getName(), array('version' => $rev->getVersion()), 'absurl'); } function format ($changes) { include_once('lib/RssWriter.php'); $rss = new RssWriter; $rss->channel($this->channel_properties()); if (($props = $this->image_properties())) $rss->image($props); if (($props = $this->textinput_properties())) $rss->textinput($props); while ($rev = $changes->next()) { $rss->addItem($this->item_properties($rev), $this->pageURI($rev)); } $rss->finish(); printf("\n\n", $GLOBALS['RCS_IDS']); ExitWiki(); // NORETURN!!!! } function image_properties () { global $Theme; $img_url = $Theme->getImageURL('logo'); if (!$img_url) return false; return array('title' => WIKI_NAME, 'link' => WikiURL(_("HomePage"), false, 'absurl'), 'url' => $img_url); } function textinput_properties () { return array('title' => _("Search"), 'description' => _("Title Search"), 'name' => 's', 'link' => WikiURL(_("TitleSearch"), false, 'absurl')); } function channel_properties () { global $request; $rc_url = WikiURL($request->getArg('pagename'), false, 'absurl'); return array('title' => WIKI_NAME, 'dc:description' => _("RecentChanges"), 'link' => $rc_url, 'dc:date' => Iso8601DateTime(time())); /* FIXME: other things one might like in : * sy:updateFrequency * sy:updatePeriod * sy:updateBase * dc:subject * dc:publisher * dc:language * dc:rights * rss091:language * rss091:managingEditor * rss091:webmaster * rss091:lastBuildDate * rss091:copyright */ } function item_properties ($rev) { $page = $rev->getPage(); $pagename = $page->getName(); return array( 'title' => split_pagename($pagename), 'description' => $this->summary($rev), 'link' => $this->pageURL($rev), 'dc:date' => $this->time($rev), 'dc:contributor' => $rev->get('author'), 'wiki:version' => $rev->getVersion(), 'wiki:importance' => $this->importance($rev), 'wiki:status' => $this->status($rev), 'wiki:diff' => $this->diffURL($rev), 'wiki:history' => $this->historyURL($rev) ); } } class WikiPlugin_RecentChanges extends WikiPlugin { function getName () { return _("RecentChanges"); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array('days' => 2, 'show_minor' => false, 'show_major' => true, 'show_all' => false, 'limit' => false, 'format' => false); } function getArgs ($argstr, $request, $defaults = false) { $args = WikiPlugin::getArgs($argstr, $request, $defaults); if ($request->getArg('action') != 'browse') $args['format'] = false; // default -> HTML if ($args['format'] == 'rss' && empty($args['limit'])) $args['limit'] = 15; // Fix default value for RSS. return $args; } function getMostRecentParams ($args) { extract($args); $params = array('include_minor_revisions' => $show_minor, 'exclude_major_revisions' => !$show_major, 'include_all_revisions' => !empty($show_all)); if ($limit > 0) $params['limit'] = $limit; if ($days > 0.0) $params['since'] = time() - 24 * 3600 * $days; return $params; } function getChanges ($dbi, $args) { return $dbi->mostRecent($this->getMostRecentParams($args)); } function format ($changes, $args) { global $Theme; $format = $args['format']; $fmt_class = $Theme->getFormatter('RecentChanges', $format); if (!$fmt_class) { if ($format == 'rss') $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_RssFormatter'; elseif ($format == 'rss091') { include_once "lib/RSSWriter091.php"; $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_RssFormatter091'; } else $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_HtmlFormatter'; } $fmt = new $fmt_class($args); return $fmt->format($changes); } function run ($dbi, $argstr, $request) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); // Hack alert: format() is a NORETURN for rss formatters. return $this->format($this->getChanges($dbi, $args), $args); } }; // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>