action = _("RecentComments"); return $fmt->format($changes); } /** * @param WikiDB $dbi * @param string $argstr * @param WikiRequest $request * @param string $basepage * @return mixed */ function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); // HACKish: fix for SF bug #622784 (1000 years of RecentChanges ought // to be enough for anyone.) $args['days'] = min($args['days'], 365000); return $this->format($this->getChanges($request->_dbi, $args), $args); } function getChanges($dbi, $args) { $changes = $dbi->mostRecent($this->getMostRecentParams($args)); $show_deleted = $args['show_deleted']; if ($show_deleted == 'sometimes') $show_deleted = $args['show_minor']; if (!$show_deleted) $changes = new NonDeletedRevisionIterator($changes, !$args['show_all']); // sort out pages with no comments $changes = new RecentCommentsRevisionIterator($changes, $dbi); return $changes; } } class _RecentChanges_CommentFormatter extends _RecentChanges_HtmlFormatter { function empty_message() { return _("No comments found"); } function title() { return; } function format_revision($rev) { static $doublettes = array(); if (isset($doublettes[$rev->getPageName()])) { return HTML::raw(''); } $doublettes[$rev->getPageName()] = 1; $args = &$this->_args; $class = 'rc-' . $this->importance($rev); $time = $this->time($rev); if (!$rev->get('is_minor_edit')) $time = HTML::strong(array('class' => 'pageinfo-majoredit'), $time); $line = HTML::li(array('class' => $class)); if ($args['difflinks']) $line->pushContent($this->diffLink($rev), ' '); if ($args['historylinks']) $line->pushContent($this->historyLink($rev), ' '); $line->pushContent($this->pageLink($rev), ' ', $time, ' ', ' . . . . ', _("latest comment by "), $this->authorLink($rev)); return $line; } } /** * List of pages which have comments * i.e. sort out all non-commented pages. */ class RecentCommentsRevisionIterator extends WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator { function RecentCommentsRevisionIterator($revisions, &$dbi) { $this->_revisions = $revisions; $this->_wikidb = $dbi; $this->_current = 0; $this->_blog = new WikiPlugin_WikiBlog(); } function next() { if (!empty($this->comments) and $this->_current) { if (isset($this->comments[$this->_current])) { return $this->comments[$this->_current++]; } else { $this->_current = 0; } } while (($rev = $this->_revisions->next())) { $this->comments = $this->_blog->findBlogs($this->_wikidb, $rev->getPageName(), 'comment'); if ($this->comments) { if (count($this->comments) > 2) usort($this->comments, array("WikiPlugin_WikiBlog", "cmp")); if (isset($this->comments[$this->_current])) { //$this->_current++; return $this->comments[$this->_current++]; } } else { $this->_current = 0; } } $this->free(); return false; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: