pre_description(), fmt(" (to pages linked from \"%s\")",$this->_args['page'])); } } class WikiPlugin_RelatedChanges extends WikiPlugin_RecentChanges { function getName () { return _("RecentEdits"); } function getDescription () { return _("List of changes on all pages which are linked to from this page."); } function getDefaultArguments() { $args = parent::getDefaultArguments(); $args['page'] = '[pagename]'; $args['show_minor'] = true; $args['show_all'] = true; $args['caption'] = _("Related Changes"); return $args; } function getChanges ($dbi, $args) { $changes = $dbi->mostRecent($this->getMostRecentParams($args)); $show_deleted = $args['show_deleted']; if ($show_deleted == 'sometimes') $show_deleted = $args['show_minor']; if (!$show_deleted) $changes = new NonDeletedRevisionIterator($changes, !$args['show_all']); // sort out pages not linked from our page $changes = new RelatedChangesRevisionIterator($changes, $dbi, $args['page']); return $changes; } // box is used to display a fixed-width, narrow version with common header. // just a numbered list of limit pagenames, without date. function box($args = false, $request = false, $basepage = false) { if (!$request) $request =& $GLOBALS['request']; if (!isset($args['limit'])) $args['limit'] = 15; $args['format'] = 'box'; $args['show_minor'] = false; $args['show_major'] = true; $args['show_deleted'] = false; $args['show_all'] = false; $args['days'] = 90; return $this->makeBox(WikiLink(_("RelatedChanges"),'',_("Related Changes")), $this->format($this->getChanges($request->_dbi, $args), $args)); } function format ($changes, $args) { global $WikiTheme; $format = $args['format']; $fmt_class = $WikiTheme->getFormatter('RelatedChanges', $format); if (!$fmt_class) { if ($format == 'rss') $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_RssFormatter'; elseif ($format == 'rss2') $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_Rss2Formatter'; elseif ($format == 'rss091') { include_once 'lib/RSSWriter091.php'; $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_RssFormatter091'; } elseif ($format == 'sidebar') $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_SideBarFormatter'; elseif ($format == 'box') $fmt_class = '_RecentChanges_BoxFormatter'; else $fmt_class = '_RelatedChanges_HtmlFormatter'; } $fmt = new $fmt_class($args); return $fmt->format($changes); } } /** * list of pages which are linked from the current page. * i.e. sort out all non-linked pages. */ class RelatedChangesRevisionIterator extends WikiDB_PageRevisionIterator { function RelatedChangesRevisionIterator ($revisions, &$dbi, $pagename) { $this->_revisions = $revisions; $this->_wikidb = $dbi; $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $links = $page->getLinks(); $this->_links = array(); while ($linked_page = $links->next()) { $this->_links[$linked_page->_pagename] = 1; } $links->free(); } function next () { while (($rev = $this->_revisions->next())) { if (isset($this->_links[$rev->_pagename])) return $rev; } $this->free(); return false; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: