> * <> * <> * * @author: ReiniUrban */ require_once("lib/PageList.php"); class WikiPlugin_SqlResult extends WikiPlugin { var $_args; function getName () { return _("SqlResult"); } function getDescription () { return _("Display arbitrary SQL result tables"); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array( 'alias' => false, // DSN database specification 'ordered' => false, // if to display as
    list: single col only without template 'template' => false, // use a custom /template.tmpl 'where' => false, // custom filter for the query 'sortby' => false, // for paging, default none 'limit' => "0,50", // for paging, default: only the first 50 ); } function getDsn($alias) { $ini = parse_ini_file(FindFile("config/SqlResult.ini")); return $ini[$alias]; } /** Get the SQL statement from the rest of the lines */ function handle_plugin_args_cruft($argstr, $args) { $this->_sql = str_replace("\n"," ",$argstr); return; } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { global $DBParams; //$request->setArg('nocache','1'); extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); if (!$alias) return $this->error(_("No DSN alias for SqlResult.ini specified")); $sql = $this->_sql; // apply custom filters if ($where and strstr($sql, "%%where%%")) $sql = str_replace("%%where%%", $where, $sql); // TODO: use a SQL construction library? if ($limit) { $pagelist = new PageList(); $limit = $pagelist->limit($limit); if (strstr($sql, "%%limit%%")) $sql = str_replace("%%limit%%", $limit, $sql); else { if (strstr($sql, "LIMIT")) $sql = preg_replace("/LIMIT\s+[\d,]+\s+/m", "LIMIT ".$limit." ", $sql); } } if (strstr($sql, "%%sortby%%")) { if (!$sortby) $sql = preg_replace("/ORDER BY .*%%sortby%%\s/m", "", $sql); else $sql = str_replace("%%sortby%%", $sortby, $sql); } elseif (PageList::sortby($sortby,'db')) { // add sorting: support paging sortby links if (preg_match("/\sORDER\s/",$sql)) $sql = preg_replace("/ORDER BY\s\S+\s/m", "ORDER BY " . PageList::sortby($sortby,'db'), $sql); else $sql .= " ORDER BY " . PageList::sortby($sortby,'db'); } $inidsn = $this->getDsn($alias); if (!$inidsn) return $this->error(sprintf(_("No DSN for alias %s in SqlResult.ini found"), $alias)); // adodb or pear? adodb as default, since we distribute per default it. // for pear there may be overrides. // TODO: native PDO support (for now we use ADODB) if ($DBParams['dbtype'] == 'SQL') { $dbh = DB::connect($inidsn); $all = $dbh->getAll($sql); if (DB::isError($all)) { return $this->error($all->getMessage(). ' ' . $all->userinfo); } } else { // unless PearDB use the included ADODB, regardless if dba, file or PDO, ... if ($DBParams['dbtype'] != 'ADODB') { require_once('lib/WikiDB/backend/ADODB.php'); } $parsed = parseDSN($inidsn); $dbh = &ADONewConnection($parsed['phptype']); $conn = $dbh->Connect($parsed['hostspec'],$parsed['username'], $parsed['password'], $parsed['database']); if (!$conn) return $this->error($dbh->errorMsg()); $GLOBALS['ADODB_FETCH_MODE'] = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; $dbh->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $all = $dbh->getAll($sql); $GLOBALS['ADODB_FETCH_MODE'] = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; $dbh->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); if (!$all) return $this->error($dbh->errorMsg()); } $args = array(); if ($limit) { // fill paging vars (see PageList) $args = $pagelist->pagingTokens(count($all), count($all[0]), $limit); if (!$args) $args = array(); } if ($template) { $args = array_merge( array('SqlResult' => $all, // the resulting array of rows 'ordered' => $ordered, // whether to display as
        'where' => $where, 'sortby' => $sortby, 'limit' => $limit), $args); // paging params override given params return Template($template, $args); } else { if ($ordered) { $html = HTML::ol(array('class'=>'sqlresult')); if ($all) foreach ($all as $row) { $html->pushContent(HTML::li(array('class'=> $i++ % 2 ? 'evenrow' : 'oddrow'), $row[0])); } } else { $html = HTML::table(array('class'=>'sqlresult')); $i = 0; if ($all) foreach ($all as $row) { $tr = HTML::tr(array('class'=> $i++ % 2 ? 'evenrow' : 'oddrow')); if ($row) foreach ($row as $col) { $tr->pushContent(HTML::td($col)); } $html->pushContent($tr); } } } // do paging via pagelink template if (!empty($args['NUMPAGES'])) { $paging = Template("pagelink", $args); $html = $table->pushContent(HTML::thead($paging), HTML::tbody($html), HTML::tfoot($paging)); } if (0 and DEBUG) { // test deferred error/warning/notice collapsing trigger_error("test notice", E_USER_NOTICE); trigger_error("test warning", E_USER_WARNING); } return $html; } }; // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>