> * or <> * or <> * or <> * or <> * * Provide access to phpwiki's lower level system information. * * version, charset, pagestats, SERVER_NAME, database, discspace, * cachestats, userstats, linkstats, accessstats, hitstats, * revisionstats, interwikilinks, imageextensions, wikiwordregexp, * availableplugins, downloadurl or any other predefined CONSTANT * * In spirit to http://www.ecyrd.com/JSPWiki/SystemInfo.jsp * * Done: Some calculations are heavy (~5-8 secs), so we should cache * the result. In the page or with WikiPluginCached? */ require_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; class WikiPlugin_SystemInfo extends WikiPluginCached { function getPluginType() { return PLUGIN_CACHED_HTML; } function getName() { return _("SystemInfo"); } function getDescription() { return _("Provides access to PhpWiki's lower level system information."); } /* From lib/WikiPlugin.php: * If the plugin can deduce a modification time, or equivalent * sort of tag for it's content, then the plugin should * call $request->appendValidators() with appropriate arguments, * and should override this method to return true. */ function managesValidators() { return true; } function getExpire($dbi, $argarray, $request) { return '+1800'; // 30 minutes } function getHtml($dbi, $argarray, $request, $basepage) { $loader = new WikiPluginLoader; return $loader->expandPI('<', $request, $this, $basepage); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array( // 'seperator' => ' ', // on multiple args ); } function database() { global $request; $s = "DATABASE_TYPE: " . DATABASE_TYPE . ", "; switch (DATABASE_TYPE) { case 'SQL': // pear case 'ADODB': case 'PDO': $dsn = DATABASE_DSN; $s .= "DATABASE BACKEND:" . " "; $s .= (DATABASE_TYPE == 'SQL') ? 'PearDB' : 'ADODB'; if (preg_match('/^(\w+):/', $dsn, $m)) { $backend = $m[1]; $s .= " $backend"; } $s .= ", DATABASE_PREFIX: \"".DATABASE_PREFIX."\", "; break; case 'dba': $s .= "DATABASE_DBA_HANDLER: ".DATABASE_DBA_HANDLER.", "; $s .= "DATABASE_DIRECTORY: \"".DATABASE_DIRECTORY."\", "; break; case 'cvs': $s .= "DATABASE_DIRECTORY: \"".DATABASE_DIRECTORY."\", "; // $s .= "cvs stuff: , "; break; case 'flatfile': $s .= "DATABASE_DIRECTORY: ".DATABASE_DIRECTORY.", "; break; } // hack: suppress error when using sql, so no timeout @$s .= "DATABASE_TIMEOUT: " . DATABASE_TIMEOUT; return $s; } function cachestats() { global $request; if (! defined('USECACHE') or !USECACHE) return _("no cache used"); $dbi =& $this->_dbi; $cache = $dbi->_cache; $s = _("cached pagedata:") . " " . count($cache->_pagedata_cache); $s .= ", " . _("cached versiondata:"); $s .= " " . count($cache->_versiondata_cache); //$s .= ", glv size: " . count($cache->_glv_cache); //$s .= ", cache hits: ?"; //$s .= ", cache misses: ?"; return $s; } function ExpireParams() { global $ExpireParams; $s = sprintf(_("Keep up to %d major edits, but keep them no longer than %d days."), $ExpireParams['major']['keep'], $ExpireParams['major']['max_age']); $s .= sprintf(_(" Keep up to %d minor edits, but keep them no longer than %d days."), $ExpireParams['minor']['keep'], $ExpireParams['minor']['max_age']); $s .= sprintf(_(" Keep the latest contributions of the last %d authors up to %d days."), $ExpireParams['author']['keep'], $ExpireParams['author']['max_age']); $s .= sprintf(_(" Additionally, try to keep the latest contributions of all authors in the last %d days (even if there are more than %d of them,) but in no case keep more than %d unique author revisions."), $ExpireParams['author']['min_age'], $ExpireParams['author']['keep'], $ExpireParams['author']['max_keep']); return $s; } function pagestats() { global $request; $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $s = sprintf(_("%d pages"), $dbi->numPages(true)); $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("%d not-empty pages"), $dbi->numPages(false)); // more bla.... // $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("earliest page from %s"), $earliestdate); // $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("latest page from %s"), $latestdate); // $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("latest pagerevision from %s"), $latestrevdate); return $s; } //What kind of link statistics? // total links in, total links out, mean links per page, ... // Any useful numbers similar to a VisualWiki interestmap? function linkstats() { $s = _("not yet"); return $s; } // number of homepages: easy // number of anonymous users? // calc this from accesslog info? // number of anonymous edits? // easy. related to the view/edit rate in accessstats. function userstats() { global $request; $dbi =& $this->_dbi; $h = 0; $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages(true); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { if ($page->isUserPage(true)) // check if the admin is there. if not add him to the authusers. $h++; } $s = sprintf(_("%d homepages"), $h); // $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("%d anonymous users"), $au); // ?? // $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("%d anonymous edits"), $ae); // see recentchanges // $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("%d authenticated users"), $auth); // users with password set // $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("%d externally authenticated users"), $extauth); // query AuthDB? return $s; } //only from logging info possible. = hitstats per time. // total hits per day/month/year // view/edit rate // TODO: see WhoIsOnline hit stats, and sql accesslogs function accessstats() { $s = _("not yet"); return $s; } // numeric array function _stats($hits, $treshold = 10.0) { sort($hits); reset($hits); $n = count($hits); $max = 0; $min = 9999999999999; $sum = 0; foreach ($hits as $h) { $sum += $h; $max = max($h, $max); $min = min($h, $min); } $median_i = (int) $n / 2; if (! ($n / 2)) $median = $hits[$median_i]; else $median = $hits[$median_i]; $treshold = 10; $mintreshold = $max * $treshold / 100.0; // lower than 10% of the hits reset($hits); $nmin = $hits[0] < $mintreshold ? 1 : 0; while (next($hits) < $mintreshold) $nmin++; $maxtreshold = $max - $mintreshold; // more than 90% of the hits end($hits); $nmax = 1; while (prev($hits) > $maxtreshold) $nmax++; return array('n' => $n, 'sum' => $sum, 'min' => $min, 'max' => $max, 'mean' => $sum / $n, 'median'=> $median, 'stddev'=> stddev($hits, $sum), 'treshold' => $treshold, 'nmin' => $nmin, 'mintreshold' => $mintreshold, 'nmax' => $nmax, 'maxtreshold' => $maxtreshold); } // only absolute numbers, not for any time interval. see accessstats // some useful number derived from the curve of the hit stats. // total, max, mean, median, stddev; // %d pages less than 3 hits (<10%) <10% percent of the leastpopular // %d pages more than 100 hits (>90%) >90% percent of the mostpopular function hitstats() { global $request; $dbi =& $this->_dbi; $hits = array(); $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages(true); while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { if (($current = $page->getCurrentRevision()) && (! $current->hasDefaultContents())) { $hits[] = $page->get('hits'); } } $treshold = 10.0; $stats = $this->_stats($hits, $treshold); $s = sprintf(_("total hits: %d"), $stats['sum']); $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("max: %d"), $stats['max']); $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("mean: %2.3f"), $stats['mean']); $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("median: %d"), $stats['median']); $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("stddev: %2.3f"), $stats['stddev']); $s .= "; " . sprintf(_("%d pages with less than %d hits (<%d%%)."), $stats['nmin'], $stats['mintreshold'], $treshold); $s .= " " . sprintf(_("%d page(s) with more than %d hits (>%d%%)."), $stats['nmax'], $stats['maxtreshold'], 100 - $treshold); return $s; } /* not yet ready */ function revisionstats() { global $request, $LANG; include_once("lib/WikiPluginCached.php"); $cache = WikiPluginCached::newCache(); $id = $cache->generateId('SystemInfo::revisionstats_' . $LANG); $cachedir = 'plugincache'; $content = $cache->get($id, $cachedir); if (!empty($content)) return $content; $dbi =& $this->_dbi; $stats = array(); $page_iter = $dbi->getAllPages(true); $stats['empty'] = $stats['latest']['major'] = $stats['latest']['minor'] = 0; while ($page = $page_iter->next()) { if (!$page->exists()) { $stats['empty']++; continue; } $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); // is the latest revision a major or minor one? // latest revision: numpages 200 (100%) / major (60%) / minor (40%) if ($current->get('is_minor_edit')) $stats['latest']['major']++; else $stats['latest']['minor']++; /* // FIXME: This needs much too long to be acceptable. // overall: // number of revisions: all (100%) / major (60%) / minor (40%) // revs per page: // per page: mean 20 / major (60%) / minor (40%) $rev_iter = $page->getAllRevisions(); while ($rev = $rev_iter->next()) { if ($rev->get('is_minor_edit')) $stats['page']['major']++; else $stats['page']['minor']++; } $rev_iter->free(); $stats['page']['all'] = $stats['page']['major'] + $stats['page']['minor']; $stats['perpage'][] = $stats['page']['all']; $stats['perpage_major'][] = $stats['page']['major']; $stats['sum']['all'] += $stats['page']['all']; $stats['sum']['major'] += $stats['page']['major']; $stats['sum']['minor'] += $stats['page']['minor']; $stats['page'] = array(); */ } $page_iter->free(); $stats['numpages'] = $stats['latest']['major'] + $stats['latest']['minor']; $stats['latest']['major_perc'] = $stats['latest']['major'] * 100.0 / $stats['numpages']; $stats['latest']['minor_perc'] = $stats['latest']['minor'] * 100.0 / $stats['numpages']; $empty = sprintf("empty pages: %d (%02.1f%%) / %d (100%%)\n", $stats['empty'], $stats['empty'] * 100.0 / $stats['numpages'], $stats['numpages']); $latest = sprintf("latest revision: major %d (%02.1f%%) / minor %d (%02.1f%%) / all %d (100%%)\n", $stats['latest']['major'], $stats['latest']['major_perc'], $stats['latest']['minor'], $stats['latest']['minor_perc'], $stats['numpages']); /* $stats['sum']['major_perc'] = $stats['sum']['major'] * 100.0 / $stats['sum']['all']; $stats['sum']['minor_perc'] = $stats['sum']['minor'] * 100.0 / $stats['sum']['all']; $sum = sprintf("number of revisions: major %d (%02.1f%%) / minor %d (%02.1f%%) / all %d (100%%)\n", $stats['sum']['major'], $stats['sum']['major_perc'], $stats['sum']['minor'], $stats['sum']['minor_perc'], $stats['sum']['all']); $stats['perpage'] = $this->_stats($stats['perpage']); $stats['perpage_major'] = $this->_stats($stats['perpage_major']); $stats['perpage']['major_perc'] = $stats['perpage_major']['sum'] * 100.0 / $stats['perpage']['sum']; $stats['perpage']['minor_perc'] = 100 - $stats['perpage']['major_perc']; $stats['perpage_minor']['sum'] = $stats['perpage']['sum'] - $stats['perpage_major']['sum']; $stats['perpage_minor']['mean'] = $stats['perpage_minor']['sum'] / ($stats['perpage']['n'] - $stats['perpage_major']['n']); $perpage = sprintf("revisions per page: all %d, mean %02.1f / major %d (%02.1f%%) / minor %d (%02.1f%%)\n", $stats['perpage']['sum'], $stats['perpage']['mean'], $stats['perpage_major']['mean'], $stats['perpage']['major_perc'], $stats['perpage_minor']['mean'], $stats['perpage']['minor_perc']); $perpage .= sprintf(" %d page(s) with less than %d revisions (<%d%%)\n", $stats['perpage']['nmin'], $stats['perpage']['maintreshold'], $treshold); $perpage .= sprintf(" %d page(s) with more than %d revisions (>%d%%)\n", $stats['perpage']['nmax'], $stats['perpage']['maxtreshold'], 100 - $treshold); $content = $empty . $latest . $sum . $perpage; */ $content = $empty . $latest; // regenerate cache every 30 minutes $cache->save($id, $content, '+1800', $cachedir); return $content; } // Size of databases/files/cvs are possible plus the known size of the app. // Cache this costly operation. // Even if the whole plugin call is stored internally, we cache this // seperately with a seperate key. function discspace() { global $DBParams, $request; include_once("lib/WikiPluginCached.php"); $cache = WikiPluginCached::newCache(); $id = $cache->generateId('SystemInfo::discspace'); $cachedir = 'plugincache'; $content = $cache->get($id, $cachedir); if (empty($content)) { $dir = defined('PHPWIKI_DIR') ? PHPWIKI_DIR : '.'; //TODO: windows only (no cygwin) $appsize = `du -s $dir | cut -f1`; if (in_array($DBParams['dbtype'], array('SQL', 'ADODB'))) { //TODO: where is the data is actually stored? see phpMyAdmin $pagesize = 0; } elseif ($DBParams['dbtype'] == 'dba') { $pagesize = 0; $dbdir = $DBParams['directory']; if ($DBParams['dba_handler'] == 'db3') $pagesize = filesize($DBParams['directory'] . "/wiki_pagedb.db3") / 1024; // if issubdirof($dbdir, $dir) $appsize -= $pagesize; } else { // flatfile, cvs $dbdir = $DBParams['directory']; $pagesize = `du -s $dbdir`; // if issubdirof($dbdir, $dir) $appsize -= $pagesize; } $content = array('appsize' => $appsize, 'pagesize' => $pagesize); // regenerate cache every 30 minutes $cache->save($id, $content, '+1800', $cachedir); } else { $appsize = $content['appsize']; $pagesize = $content['pagesize']; } $s = sprintf(_("Application size: %d Kb"), $appsize); if ($pagesize) $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("Pagedata size: %d Kb", $pagesize)); return $s; } function inlineimages () { return implode(' ', explode('|', INLINE_IMAGES)); } function wikinameregexp () { return $GLOBALS['WikiNameRegexp']; } function allowedprotocols () { return implode(' ', explode('|', ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS)); } function available_plugins () { $fileset = new FileSet(FindFile('lib/plugin'), '*.php'); $list = $fileset->getFiles(); natcasesort($list); reset($list); return sprintf(_("Total %d plugins: "), count($list)) . implode(', ', array_map(create_function('$f', 'return substr($f,0,-4);'), $list)); } function supported_languages () { $available_languages = listAvailableLanguages(); natcasesort($available_languages); return sprintf(_("Total of %d languages: "), count($available_languages)) . implode(', ', $available_languages) . ". " . sprintf(_("Current language: '%s'"), $GLOBALS['LANG']) . ((DEFAULT_LANGUAGE != $GLOBALS['LANG']) ? ". " . sprintf(_("Default language: '%s'"), DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) : ''); } function supported_themes () { global $WikiTheme; $available_themes = listAvailableThemes(); natcasesort($available_themes); return sprintf(_("Total of %d themes: "), count($available_themes)) . implode(', ',$available_themes) . ". " . sprintf(_("Current theme: '%s'"), $WikiTheme->_name) . ((THEME != $WikiTheme->_name) ? ". " . sprintf(_("Default theme: '%s'"), THEME) : ''); } function call ($arg, &$availableargs) { if (!empty($availableargs[$arg])) return $availableargs[$arg](); elseif (method_exists($this, $arg)) // any defined SystemInfo->method() return call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $arg), array()); elseif (defined($arg) && // any defined constant !in_array($arg,array('ADMIN_PASSWD','DATABASE_DSN','DBAUTH_AUTH_DSN'))) return constant($arg); else return $this->error(sprintf(_("unknown argument '%s' to SystemInfo"), $arg)); } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { // don't parse argstr for name=value pairs. instead we use just 'name' //$args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); $this->_dbi =& $dbi; $args['seperator'] = ' '; $availableargs = // name => callback + 0 args array ('appname' => create_function('',"return 'PhpWiki';"), 'version' => create_function('',"return sprintf('%s', PHPWIKI_VERSION);"), 'LANG' => create_function('','return $GLOBALS["LANG"];'), 'LC_ALL' => create_function('','return setlocale(LC_ALL, 0);'), 'current_language' => create_function('','return $GLOBALS["LANG"];'), 'system_language' => create_function('','return DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;'), 'current_theme' => create_function('','return $GLOBALS["WikiTheme"]->_name;'), 'system_theme' => create_function('','return THEME;'), // more here or as method. '' => create_function('',"return 'dummy';") ); // split the argument string by any number of commas or space // characters, which include " ", \r, \t, \n and \f $allargs = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $argstr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (in_array('all', $allargs) || in_array('table', $allargs)) { $allargs = array('appname' => _("Application name"), 'version' => _("PhpWiki engine version"), 'database' => _("Database"), 'cachestats' => _("Cache statistics"), 'pagestats' => _("Page statistics"), //'revisionstats' => _("Page revision statistics"), //'linkstats' => _("Link statistics"), 'userstats' => _("User statistics"), //'accessstats' => _("Access statistics"), 'hitstats' => _("Hit statistics"), 'discspace' => _("Harddisc usage"), 'expireparams' => _("Expiry parameters"), 'wikinameregexp' => _("Wikiname regexp"), 'allowedprotocols' => _("Allowed protocols"), 'inlineimages' => _("Inline images"), 'available_plugins' => _("Available plugins"), 'supported_languages' => _("Supported languages"), 'supported_themes' => _("Supported themes"), // '' => _(""), '' => "" ); $table = HTML::table(array('class' => 'bordered')); foreach ($allargs as $arg => $desc) { if (!$arg) continue; if (!$desc) $desc = _($arg); $table->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::th(array('style' => "white-space:nowrap"), $desc), HTML::td(HTML($this->call($arg, $availableargs))))); } return $table; } else { $output = ''; foreach ($allargs as $arg) { $o = $this->call($arg, $availableargs); if (is_object($o)) return $o; else $output .= ($o . $args['seperator']); } // if more than one arg, remove the trailing seperator if ($output) $output = substr($output, 0, - strlen($args['seperator'])); return HTML($output); } } } function median($hits) { sort($hits); reset($hits); $n = count($hits); $median = (int) $n / 2; if (! ($n % 2)) // proper rounding on even length return ($hits[$median] + $hits[$median-1]) * 0.5; else return $hits[$median]; } function rsum($a, $b) { $a += $b; return $a; } function mean(&$hits, $total = false) { $n = count($hits); if (!$total) $total = array_reduce($hits, 'rsum'); return (float) $total / ($n * 1.0); } function stddev(&$hits, $total = false) { $n = count($hits); if (!$total) $total = array_reduce($hits, 'rsum'); $GLOBALS['mean'] = $total / $n; $r = array_map(create_function('$i', 'global $mean; return ($i-$mean)*($i-$mean);'), $hits); unset($GLOBALS['mean']); return (float)sqrt(mean($r, $total) * ($n / (float)($n -1))); } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>