* Author: Reini Urban */ require_once("lib/PageList.php"); require_once("lib/TextSearchQuery.php"); require_once("lib/plugin/IncludePage.php"); class WikiPlugin_UnfoldSubpages extends WikiPlugin_IncludePage { function getName() { return _("UnfoldSubpages"); } function getDescription () { return _("Includes the content of all SubPages of the current page."); } function getVersion() { return preg_replace("/[Revision: $]/", '', "\$Revision$"); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array_merge ( PageList::supportedArgs(), array( 'pagename' => '[pagename]', // default: current page //'header' => '', // expandable string 'quiet' => false, // print no header 'sortby' => '', // [+|-]pagename, [+|-]mtime, [+|-]hits 'maxpages' => false, // maximum number of pages to include (== limit) 'smalltitle' => false, // if set, hide transclusion-title, // just have a small link at the start of // the page. 'words' => false, // maximum number of words // per page to include 'lines' => false, // maximum number of lines // per page to include 'bytes' => false, // maximum number of bytes // per page to include 'sections' => false, // maximum number of sections per page to include 'section' => false, // this named section per page only 'sectionhead' => false // when including a named // section show the heading )); } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { static $included_pages = false; if (!$included_pages) $included_pages = array($basepage); $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); extract($args); $query = new TextSearchQuery($pagename . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . '*', true, 'glob'); $subpages = $dbi->titleSearch($query, $sortby, $limit, $exclude); //if ($sortby) // $subpages = $subpages->applyFilters(array('sortby' => $sortby, 'limit' => $limit, 'exclude' => $exclude)); //$subpages = explodePageList($pagename . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . '*', false, // $sortby, $limit, $exclude); if (is_string($exclude) and !is_array($exclude)) $exclude = PageList::explodePageList($exclude, false, false, $limit); $content = HTML(); include_once('lib/BlockParser.php'); $i = 0; while ($page = $subpages->next()) { $cpagename = $page->getName(); if ($maxpages and ($i++ > $maxpages)) { return $content; } if (in_array($cpagename, $exclude)) continue; // A page cannot include itself. Avoid doublettes. if (in_array($cpagename, $included_pages)) { $content->pushContent(HTML::p(sprintf(_("recursive inclusion of page %s ignored"), $cpagename))); continue; } // Check if user is allowed to get the Page. if (!mayAccessPage ('view', $cpagename)) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("Illegal inclusion of page %s: no read access"), $cpagename)); } // trap any remaining nonexistant subpages if ($page->exists()) { $r = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $c = $r->getContent(); // array of lines // follow redirects if ((preg_match('/<'.'\?plugin\s+RedirectTo\s+page=(\S+)\s*\?'.'>/', implode("\n", $c), $m)) or (preg_match('/<'.'\?plugin\s+RedirectTo\s+page=(.*?)\s*\?'.'>/', implode("\n", $c), $m)) or (preg_match('/<<\s*RedirectTo\s+page=(\S+)\s*>>/', implode("\n", $c), $m)) or (preg_match('/<<\s*RedirectTo\s+page="(.*?)"\s*>>/', implode("\n", $c), $m))) { // Strip quotes (simple or double) from page name if any if ((string_starts_with($m[1], "'")) or (string_starts_with($m[1], "\""))) { $m[1] = substr($m[1], 1, -1); } // trap recursive redirects if (in_array($m[1], $included_pages)) { if (!$quiet) $content->pushContent( HTML::p(sprintf(_("recursive inclusion of page %s ignored"), $cpagename.' => '.$m[1]))); continue; } $cpagename = $m[1]; // Check if user is allowed to get the Page. if (!mayAccessPage ('view', $cpagename)) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("Illegal inclusion of page %s: no read access"), $cpagename)); } $page = $dbi->getPage($cpagename); $r = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $c = $r->getContent(); // array of lines } // moved to IncludePage $ct = $this->extractParts ($c, $cpagename, $args); array_push($included_pages, $cpagename); if ($smalltitle) { $pname = array_pop(explode(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, $cpagename)); // get last subpage name // Use _("%s: %s") instead of .": ". for French punctuation $ct = TransformText(sprintf(_("%s: %s"), "[$pname|$cpagename]", $ct), $r->get('markup'), $cpagename); } else { $ct = TransformText($ct, $r->get('markup'), $cpagename); } array_pop($included_pages); if (! $smalltitle) { $content->pushContent(HTML::p(array('class' => $quiet ? '' : 'transclusion-title'), fmt("Included from %s:", WikiLink($cpagename)))); } $content->pushContent(HTML(HTML::div(array('class' => $quiet ? '' : 'transclusion'), false, $ct))); } } if (! isset($cpagename)) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("%s has no subpages defined."), $pagename)); } return $content; } }; // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>