'[pagename]', 'order' => 'normal', 'mode' => 'show,add', 'noheader' => false ); } /** * @param WikiDB $dbi * @param string $argstr * @param WikiRequest $request * @param string $basepage * @return mixed */ function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); // allow empty pagenames for ADMIN_USER style blogs: "Blog/day" //if (!$args['pagename']) // return $this->error(_("No pagename specified")); // Get our form args. $blog = $request->getArg("edit"); $request->setArg("edit", false); if ($request->isPost() and !empty($blog['save'])) { $this->add($request, $blog, 'wikiblog', $basepage); // noreturn } //TODO: preview // Now we display previous comments and/or provide entry box // for new comments $html = HTML(); foreach (explode(',', $args['mode']) as $show) { if (!empty($seen[$show])) continue; $seen[$show] = 1; switch ($show) { case 'show': $html->pushContent($this->showAll($request, $args)); break; case 'add': $html->pushContent($this->showForm($request, $args)); break; default: return $this->error(sprintf("Bad mode (ā€œ%sā€)", $show)); } } return $html; } /** * posted: required: pagename, content. optional: summary * * @param WikiRequest $request * @param array $posted * @param string $type */ function add(&$request, $posted, $type = 'wikiblog') { // This is similar to editpage. Shouldn't we use just this for preview? $parent = $posted['pagename']; if (empty($parent)) { $prefix = ""; // allow empty parent for default "Blog/day" $parent = HOME_PAGE; } elseif (($parent == 'Blog' or $parent == 'WikiBlog') and $type == 'wikiblog') { // avoid Blog/Blog/2003-01-11/14:03:02+00:00 $prefix = ""; $parent = ''; // 'Blog'; } elseif ($parent == 'Comment' and $type == "comment") { $prefix = ""; $parent = ''; // 'Comment'; } elseif ($parent == 'Forum' and $type == "wikiforum") { $prefix = ""; $parent = ''; // 'Forum'; } else { $prefix = $parent . '/'; } //$request->finish(fmt("No pagename specified for %s",$type)); $now = time(); $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $user = $request->getUser(); /* * Page^H^H^H^H Blog meta-data * This method is reused for all attachable pagetypes: wikiblog, comment and wikiforum * * This is info that won't change for each revision. * Nevertheless, it's now stored in the revision meta-data. * Several reasons: * o It's more convenient to have all information required * to render a page revision in the revision meta-data. * o We can avoid a race condition, since version meta-data * updates are atomic with the version creation. */ $blog_meta = array('ctime' => $now, 'creator' => $user->getId(), 'creator_id' => $user->getAuthenticatedId(), ); // Version meta-data $summary = trim($posted['summary']); // edit: private only $perm = new PagePermission(); $perm->perm['edit'] = $perm->perm['remove']; $version_meta = array('author' => $blog_meta['creator'], 'author_id' => $blog_meta['creator_id'], 'summary' => $summary ? $summary : _("New comment."), 'mtime' => $now, 'pagetype' => $type, $type => $blog_meta, 'perm' => $perm->perm, ); if ($type == 'comment') unset($version_meta['summary']); // Comment body. $body = trim($posted['content']); $saved = false; if ($type != 'wikiforum') $pagename = $this->blogPrefix($type); else { $pagename = substr($summary, 0, 12); if (empty($pagename)) { $saved = true; trigger_error("Empty title", E_USER_WARNING); } } while (!$saved) { // Generate the page name. For now, we use the format: // Rootname/Blog/2003-01-11/14:03:02+00:00 // Rootname = $prefix, Blog = $pagename, // This gives us natural chronological order when sorted // alphabetically. "Rootname/" is optional. // Esp. if Rootname is named Blog, it is omitted. $time = Iso8601DateTime(); // Check intermediate pages. If not existing they should RedirectTo the parent page. // Maybe add the BlogArchives plugin instead for the new interim subpage. $redirected = $prefix . $pagename; if (!$dbi->isWikiPage($redirected)) { if (!$parent) $parent = HOME_PAGE; require_once 'lib/loadsave.php'; $pageinfo = array('pagename' => $redirected, 'content' => '<>', 'pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $blog_meta['creator'], 'is_minor_edit' => 1), ); SavePage($request, $pageinfo, ''); } $redirected = $prefix . $pagename . '/' . preg_replace("/T.*/", "", "$time"); if (!$dbi->isWikiPage($redirected)) { if (!$parent) $parent = HOME_PAGE; require_once 'lib/loadsave.php'; $pageinfo = array('pagename' => $redirected, 'content' => '<>', 'pagedata' => array(), 'versiondata' => array('author' => $blog_meta['creator'], 'is_minor_edit' => 1), ); SavePage($request, $pageinfo, ''); } $p = $dbi->getPage($prefix . $pagename . '/' . str_replace("T", '/', "$time")); $pr = $p->getCurrentRevision(); // Version should be zero. If not, page already exists // so increment timestamp and try again. if ($pr->getVersion() > 0) { $now++; continue; } // FIXME: there's a slight, but currently unimportant // race condition here. If someone else happens to // have just created a blog with the same name, // we'll have locked it before we discover that the name // is taken. $saved = $p->save($body, 1, $version_meta); $now++; } $dbi->touch(); $request->setArg("mode", "show"); $request->redirect($request->getURLtoSelf()); // noreturn // FIXME: when submit a comment from preview mode, // adds the comment properly but jumps to browse mode. // Any way to jump back to preview mode??? } function showAll(&$request, $args, $type = "wikiblog") { // FIXME: currently blogSearch uses WikiDB->titleSearch to // get results, so results are in alphabetical order. // When PageTypes fully implemented, could have smarter // blogSearch implementation / naming scheme. $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $basepage = $args['pagename']; $blogs = $this->findBlogs($dbi, $basepage, $type); $html = HTML(); if ($blogs) { // First reorder usort($blogs, array("WikiPlugin_WikiBlog", "cmp")); if ($args['order'] == 'reverse') $blogs = array_reverse($blogs); $name = $this->blogPrefix($type); if (!$args['noheader']) $html->pushContent(HTML::h4(array('class' => "$type-heading"), fmt("%s on %s:", $name, WikiLink($basepage)))); foreach ($blogs as $rev) { if (!$rev->get($type)) { // Ack! this is an old-style blog with data ctime in page meta-data. $content = $this->transformOldFormatBlog($rev, $type); } else { $content = $rev->getTransformedContent($type); } $html->pushContent($content); } } return $html; } // Subpage for the basepage. All Blogs/Forum/Comment entries are // Subpages under this pagename, to find them faster. protected function blogPrefix($type = 'wikiblog') { if ($type == 'wikiblog') $basepage = "Blog"; elseif ($type == 'comment') $basepage = "Comment"; elseif ($type == 'wikiforum') // $basepage = substr($summary, 0, 12); $basepage = _("Message"); // FIXME: we use now the first 12 chars of the summary return $basepage; } private function transformOldFormatBlog($rev, $type = 'wikiblog') { $page = $rev->getPage(); $metadata = array(); foreach (array('ctime', 'creator', 'creator_id') as $key) $metadata[$key] = $page->get($key); if (empty($metadata) and $type != 'wikiblog') $metadata[$key] = $page->get('wikiblog'); $meta = $rev->getMetaData(); $meta[$type] = $metadata; return new TransformedText($page, $rev->getPackedContent(), $meta, $type); } function findBlogs(&$dbi, $basepage = '', $type = 'wikiblog') { $prefix = (empty($basepage) ? "" : $basepage . '/') . $this->blogPrefix($type); $pages = $dbi->titleSearch(new TextSearchQuery('"' . $prefix . '"', true, 'none')); $blogs = array(); while ($page = $pages->next()) { if (!string_starts_with($page->getName(), $prefix)) continue; $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); if ($current->get('pagetype') == $type) { $blogs[] = $current; } } return $blogs; } function cmp($a, $b) { return (strcmp($a->get('mtime'), $b->get('mtime'))); } function showForm(&$request, $args, $template = 'blogform') { // Show blog-entry form. $args = array('PAGENAME' => $args['pagename'], 'HIDDEN_INPUTS' => HiddenInputs($request->getArgs())); if (ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR and !ENABLE_WYSIWYG and ($template != 'addcomment')) { include_once 'lib/EditToolbar.php'; $toolbar = new EditToolbar(); $args = array_merge($args, $toolbar->getTokens()); } return new Template($template, $request, $args); } // "2004-12" => "December 2004" protected function monthTitle($month) { if (!$month) $month = strftime("%Y-%m"); //list($year,$mon) = explode("-",$month); return strftime("%B %Y", strtotime($month . "-01")); } // "UserName/Blog/2004-12-13/12:28:50+01:00" => array('month' => "2004-12", ...) protected function _blog($rev_or_page) { $pagename = $rev_or_page->getName(); if (preg_match("/^(.*Blog)\/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d)-(\d\d)\/(.*)/", $pagename, $m)) list(, $prefix, $month, $day, $time) = $m; return array('pagename' => $pagename, // page (list pages per month) or revision (list months)? //'title' => is_a($rev_or_page,'WikiDB_PageRevision') ? $rev_or_page->get('summary') : '', //'monthtitle' => $this->monthTitle($month), 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day, 'time' => $time, 'prefix' => $prefix); } protected function nonDefaultArgs($args) { return array_diff_assoc($args, $this->getDefaultArguments()); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: