* Create TopPage/Comments with: * * * TODO: * * It also works as an action-page if you create a page called 'WikiBlog' * containing this plugin. This allows adding comments to any page * by linking "PageName?action=WikiBlog". Maybe a nice feature in * lib/displaypage.php would be to automatically check if there are * blogs for the given page, then provide a link to them somewhere on * the page. Or maybe this just creates a huge mess... * * Maybe it would be a good idea to ENABLE blogging of only certain * pages by setting metadata or something...? If a page is non-bloggable * the plugin is ignored (perhaps with a warning message). * * Should blogs be by default filtered out of RecentChanges et al??? * * Think of better name for this module: Blog? WikiLog? WebLog? WikiDot? * * Have other 'styles' for the plugin?... e.g. 'quiet'. Display only * 'This page has 23 associated comments. Click here to view / add.' * * For admin user, put checkboxes beside comments to allow for bulk removal. * * Permissions for who can add blogs? Display entry box only if * user meets these requirements...? * * Code cleanup: break into functions, use templates (or at least remove CSS) * */ class WikiPlugin_WikiBlog extends WikiPlugin { function getName () { return _("WikiBlog"); } function getDescription () { return sprintf(_("Show and add blogs for %s"),'[pagename]'); } function getVersion() { return preg_replace("/[Revision: $]/", '', "\$Revision: 1.8 $"); } // Arguments: // // page - page which is blogged to (default current page) // // order - 'normal' - place in chronological order // - 'reverse' - place in reverse chronological order // // mode - 'show' - only show old blogs // 'add' - only show entry box for new blog // 'show,add' - show old blogs then entry box // 'add,show' - show entry box followed by old blogs // // TODO: // // - arguments to allow selection of time range to display // - arguments to display only XX blogs per page (can this 'paging' // co-exist with the wiki?? difficult) // - arguments to allow comments outside this range to be // display as e.g. June 2002 archive, July 2002 archive, etc.. // - captions for 'show' and 'add' sections function getDefaultArguments() { return array('page' => '[pagename]', 'order' => 'normal', 'mode' => 'show,add', 'noheader' => false ); } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (!$args['page']) return $this->error("No page specified"); // Get our form args. $blog = $request->getArg("blog"); $request->setArg('blog', false); if ($request->isPost() and !empty($blog['addblog'])) { $this->addBlog($request, $blog); // noreturn } // Now we display previous comments and/or provide entry box // for new comments $html = HTML(); foreach (explode(',', $args['mode']) as $show) { if (!empty($seen[$show])) continue; $seen[$show] = 1; switch ($show) { case 'show': $html->pushContent($this->showBlogs($request, $args)); break; case 'add': $html->pushContent($this->showBlogForm($request, $args)); break; default: return $this->error(sprintf("Bad mode ('%s')", $show)); } } return $html; } function addBlog (&$request, $blog) { if (!($parent = $blog['page'])) $request->finish("No page specified for blog."); $user = $request->getUser(); $now = time(); $dbi = $request->getDbh(); /* * Page^H^H^H^H Blog meta-data * * This is info that won't change for each revision. * Nevertheless, it's now stored in the revision meta-data. * Several reasons: * o It's more convenient to have all information required * to render a page revision in the revision meta-data. * o We can avoid a race condition, since version meta-data * updates are atomic with the version creation. */ $blog_meta = array('ctime' => $now, 'creator' => $user->getId(), 'creator_id' => $user->getAuthenticatedId(), ); // Version meta-data $summary = trim($blog['summary']); $version_meta = array('author' => $blog_meta['creator'], 'author_id' => $blog_meta['creator_id'], 'markup' => 2.0, // assume new markup 'summary' => $summary ? $summary : _("New comment."), 'mtime' => $now, 'pagetype' => 'wikiblog', 'wikiblog' => $blog_meta, ); // Comment body. $body = trim($blog['body']); $saved = false; while (!$saved) { // Generate the page name. For now, we use the format: // Rootname/Blog-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS // This gives us natural chronological order when sorted // alphabetically. // a unique name is found. // change to ISO formatted time? 2003-01-11T24:03:02 // Yes, I think that's a good idea. -- JeffDairiki. //$time = strftime ('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $now); $time = Iso8601DateTime(); $p = $dbi->getPage($parent . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . "Blog" . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . str_replace("T", SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, "$time")); $pr = $p->getCurrentRevision(); // Version should be zero. If not, page already exists // so increment timestamp and try again. if ($pr->getVersion() > 0) { $now++; continue; } // FIXME: there's a slight, but currently unimportant // race condition here. If someone else happens to // have just created a blog with the same name, // we'll have locked it before we discover that the name // is taken. /* * FIXME: For now all blogs are locked. It would be * nice to allow only the 'creator' to edit by default. */ $p->set('locked', true); //lock by default $saved = $p->save($body, 1, $version_meta); $now++; } $dbi->touch(); $request->redirect($request->getURLtoSelf()); // noreturn // FIXME: when submit a comment from preview mode, // adds the comment properly but jumps to browse mode. // Any way to jump back to preview mode??? } function showBlogs (&$request, $args) { // FIXME: currently blogSearch uses WikiDB->titleSearch to // get results, so results are in alphabetical order. // When PageTypes fully implemented, could have smarter // blogSearch implementation / naming scheme. $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $parent = $args['page']; $blogs = $this->findBlogs($dbi, $parent); $html = HTML(); if ($blogs) { if ($args['order'] == 'reverse') $blogs = array_reverse($blogs); if (!$args['noheader']) $html->pushContent(HTML::h2(array('class' => 'wikiblog-heading'), fmt("Comments on %s:", WikiLink($parent)))); foreach ($blogs as $rev) { if (!$rev->get('wikiblog')) { // Ack! this is an old-style blog with data ctime in page meta-data. $content = $this->_transformOldFormatBlog($rev); } else $content = $rev->getTransformedContent('wikiblog'); $html->pushContent($content); } } return $html; } function _transformOldFormatBlog($rev) { $page = $rev->getPage(); foreach (array('ctime', 'creator', 'creator_id') as $key) $blog_meta[$key] = $page->get($key); $meta = $rev->getMetaData(); $meta['wikiblog'] = $blog_meta; return new TransformedText($page, $rev->getPackedContent(), $meta, 'wikiblog'); } function findBlogs (&$dbi, $parent) { $prefix = $parent . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR; $pfxlen = strlen($prefix); require_once('lib/TextSearchQuery.php'); $pages = $dbi->titleSearch(new TextSearchQuery ($prefix)); $blogs = array(); while ($page = $pages->next()) { // FIXME: // Verify that it is a blog page. If not, go to next page. // When we proper blogSearch implementation this will not // be necessary. $name = $page->getName(); if (substr($name, 0, $pfxlen) != $prefix) continue; $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); //use only pagetype if (/*preg_match("/^Blog-([[:digit:]]{14})$/", substr($name, $pfxlen)) or */$current->get('pagetype') == 'wikiblog') { $blogs[] = $current; } } return $blogs; } function showBlogForm (&$request, $args) { // Show blog-entry form. return new Template('blogform', $request, array('PAGENAME' => $args['page'])); } }; // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.7 2003/11/17 16:23:55 carstenklapp // Switched to Iso8601DateTime and more use of SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR. This // allows plugin UnfoldSubpages (for example) to be added to page // XxYy/Blog/ where desired, for a view of all Blogs in one day. This // change should not break existing BLOGs, we are only checking for // pagetype == 'wikiblog' now instead of relying on the subpage name to // collect blog subpages. (** WARNING: Do not add UnfoldSubpages to both // XxYy/Blog/ and XxYy/Blog/2003-11/16/ pages, due to recursion bug in // UnfoldSubpages plugin.) // // Revision 1.6 2003/02/21 04:20:09 dairiki // Big refactor. Formatting now done by the stuff in PageType.php. // Split the template into two separate ones: one for the add comment form, // one for comment display. // // Revision 1.5 2003/02/16 19:47:17 dairiki // Update WikiDB timestamp when editing or deleting pages. // // Revision 1.4 2003/01/11 22:23:00 carstenklapp // More refactoring to use templated output. Use page meta "summary" field. // // Revision 1.3 2003/01/06 02:29:02 carstenklapp // New: use blog.tmpl template to format output. Some cosmetic // issues, it mostly works but code still needs cleanup. Added // getVersion() for PluginManager. // // For emacs users // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>