Samples: <> <> <> <> <> < < ?> < ?> < ?> < < */ class WikiPlugin_WikiFormRich extends WikiPlugin { function getName() { return "WikiFormRich"; } function getDescription() { return _("Provide generic WikiForm input buttons"); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array('action' => false, // required argument 'method' => 'post', // or get 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'buttontext' => false, // for the submit button. default: action 'cancel' => false, // boolean if the action supports cancel also 'nobr' => false, // "no break": linebreaks or not ); } /* TODO: support better block alignment:
, tables, indent */ function handle_plugin_args_cruft($argstr, $args) { $allowed = array("editbox", "hidden", "checkbox", "radiobutton" /*deprecated*/, "radio", "pulldown", "submit", "reset", "combobox"); // no editbox[] = array(...) allowed (space) $arg_array = preg_split("/\n/", $argstr); // for security we should check this better $arg = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($arg_array); $i++) { //TODO: we require an name=value pair here, but submit may go without also. if (preg_match("/^\s*(" . join("|", $allowed) . ")\[\](.*)$/", $arg_array[$i], $m)) { $name = $m[1]; // one of the allowed input types $this->inputbox[][$name] = array(); $j = count($this->inputbox) - 1; $curargs = trim($m[2]); // must match name=NAME and also value= while (preg_match("/^(\w+?)=((?:\".*?\")|(?:\w+)|(?:\"?\"?))\s*/", $curargs, $m)) { $attr = $m[1]; $value = $m[2]; $curargs = substr($curargs, strlen($m[0])); if (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"$/", $value, $m)) $value = $m[1]; if (in_array($name, array("pulldown", "checkbox", "radio", "radiobutton", "combobox")) and preg_match('/^$/', $value, $m) ) // like pulldown[] name=test value= { $loader = new WikiPluginLoader(); $markup = null; $basepage = null; $plugin_str = preg_replace(array("/^$/"), array(""), $value); // will return a pagelist object! pulldown,checkbox,radiobutton $value = $loader->expandPI($plugin_str, $GLOBALS['request'], $markup, $basepage); if (isa($value, 'PageList')) $value = $value->pageNames(); // apply limit elseif (!is_array($value)) trigger_error(sprintf("Invalid argument %s ignored", htmlentities($arg_array[$i])), E_USER_WARNING); } elseif (defined($value)) $value = constant($value); $this->inputbox[$j][$name][$attr] = $value; } //trigger_error("not yet finished"); //eval('$this->inputbox[]["'.$m[1].'"]='.$m[2].';'); } else { trigger_error(sprintf("Invalid argument %s ignored", htmlentities($arg_array[$i])), E_USER_WARNING); } } return; } function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); if (empty($action)) { return $this->error(fmt("A required argument ā€œ%sā€ is missing.", "action")); } $form = HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => strtolower($method), 'class' => 'wikiformrich', 'accept-charset' => $GLOBALS['charset']), HiddenInputs(array('action' => $action))); $nbsp = HTML::Raw(' '); $already_submit = 0; foreach ($this->inputbox as $inputbox) { foreach ($inputbox as $inputtype => $input) { if ($inputtype == 'radiobutton') $inputtype = 'radio'; // convert from older versions $input['type'] = $inputtype; $text = ''; if ($inputtype != 'submit') { if (empty($input['name'])) return $this->error(fmt("A required argument ā€œ%sā€ is missing.", $inputtype . "[][name]")); if (!isset($input['text'])) $input['text'] = gettext($input['name']); $text = $input['text']; unset($input['text']); } switch ($inputtype) { case 'checkbox': // text right case 'radio': if (empty($input['value'])) $input['value'] = 1; if (is_array($input['value'])) { $div = HTML::div(array('class' => $class)); $values = $input['value']; $name = $input['name']; $input['name'] = $inputtype == 'checkbox' ? $name . "[]" : $name; foreach ($values as $val) { $input['value'] = $val; if ($request->getArg($name)) { if ($request->getArg($name) == $val) $input['checked'] = 'checked'; else unset($input['checked']); } $div->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $val, $nbsp, "\n"); if (!$nobr) $div->pushContent(HTML::br()); } $form->pushContent($div); } else { if (empty($input['checked'])) { if ($request->getArg($input['name'])) $input['checked'] = 'checked'; } else { $input['checked'] = 'checked'; } if ($nobr) $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $text, $nbsp); else $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $text)); } break; case 'editbox': // text left $input['type'] = 'text'; if (empty($input['value']) and ($s = $request->getArg($input['name']))) $input['value'] = $s; if (!empty($input['autocomplete'])) $this->_doautocomplete($form, $inputtype, $input, $input['value']); if ($nobr) $form->pushContent($text, $nbsp, HTML::input($input)); else $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), $text, $nbsp, HTML::input($input))); break; case 'combobox': // text left $input['autocomplete'] = 1; case 'pulldown': $values = isset($input['value']) ? $input['value'] : ''; unset($input['value']); unset($input['type']); if (is_string($values)) $values = explode(",", $values); if (!empty($input['autocomplete'])) $this->_doautocomplete($form, $inputtype, $input, $values); $select = HTML::select($input); if (empty($values) and ($s = $request->getArg($input['name']))) { $select->pushContent(HTML::option(array('value' => $s), $s)); } elseif (is_array($values)) { $name = $input['name']; unset($input['name']); foreach ($values as $val) { $input = array('value' => $val); if ($request->getArg($name)) { if ($request->getArg($name) == $val) $input['selected'] = 'selected'; else unset($input['selected']); } //TODO: filter uneeded attributes $select->pushContent(HTML::option($input, $val)); } } else { // force empty option $select->pushContent(HTML::option(array(), '')); } $form->pushContent($text, $nbsp, $select); break; case 'reset': case 'hidden': $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input)); break; // change the order of inputs, by explicitly placing a submit button here. case 'submit': // text right (?) //$input['type'] = 'submit'; if (empty($input['value'])) $input['value'] = $buttontext ? $buttontext : $action; unset($input['text']); if (empty($input['class'])) $input['class'] = $class; if ($nobr) $form->pushContent(HTML::input($input), $nbsp, $text, $nbsp); else $form->pushContent(HTML::div(array('class' => $class), HTML::input($input), $text)); // unset the default submit button $already_submit = 1; break; } } } if ($request->getArg('start_debug')) $form->pushContent(HTML::input (array('name' => 'start_debug', 'value' => $request->getArg('start_debug'), 'type' => 'hidden'))); if (!USE_PATH_INFO) $form->pushContent(HiddenInputs(array('pagename' => $basepage))); if (!$already_submit) { if (empty($buttontext)) $buttontext = $action; $submit = Button('submit:', $buttontext, $class); if ($cancel) { $form->pushContent(HTML::span (array('class' => $class), $submit, Button('submit:cancel', _("Cancel"), $class))); } else { $form->pushContent(HTML::span(array('class' => $class), $submit)); } } return $form; } function _doautocomplete(&$form, $inputtype, &$input, &$values) { global $request; $input['class'] = "dropdown"; $input['acdropdown'] = "true"; //$input['autocomplete'] = "OFF"; $input['autocomplete_complete'] = "true"; // only match begin: autocomplete_matchbegin, or $input['autocomplete_matchsubstring'] = "true"; if (empty($values)) { if (isset($input['method']) && $input['method']) { if (empty($input['args'])) { if (preg_match("/^(.*?) (.*)$/", $input['method'], $m)) { $input['method'] = $m[1]; $input['args'] = $m[2]; } else $input['args'] = null; } static $tmpArray = 'tmpArray00'; // deferred remote xmlrpc call if (string_starts_with($input['method'], "dynxmlrpc:")) { // how is server + method + args encoding parsed by acdropdown? $input['autocomplete_list'] = substr($input['method'], 3); if ($input['args']) $input['autocomplete_list'] .= (" " . $input['args']); // static xmlrpc call, local only } elseif (string_starts_with($input['method'], "xmlrpc:")) { include_once 'lib/XmlRpcClient.php'; $values = wiki_xmlrpc_post(substr($input['method'], 7), $input['args']); } elseif (string_starts_with($input['method'], "url:")) { include_once 'lib/HttpClient.php'; $html = HttpClient::quickGet(substr($input['method'], 4)); //TODO: how to parse the HTML result into a list? } elseif (string_starts_with($input['method'], "dynurl:")) { $input['autocomplete_list'] = substr($input['method'], 3); } elseif (string_starts_with($input['method'], "plugin:")) { $dbi = $request->getDbh(); $pluginName = substr($input['method'], 7); $basepage = ''; require_once 'lib/WikiPlugin.php'; $w = new WikiPluginLoader; $p = $w->getPlugin($pluginName, false); // second arg? if (!is_object($p)) trigger_error("invalid input['method'] " . $input['method'], E_USER_WARNING); $pagelist = $p->run($dbi, @$input['args'], $request, $basepage); $values = array(); if (is_object($pagelist) and isa($pagelist, 'PageList')) { foreach ($pagelist->_pages as $page) { if (is_object($page)) $values[] = $page->getName(); else $values[] = (string)$page; } } } elseif (string_starts_with($input['method'], "array:")) { // some predefined values (e.g. in a template or themeinfo.php) $input['autocomplete_list'] = $input['method']; } else { trigger_error("invalid input['method'] " . $input['method'], E_USER_WARNING); } if (empty($input['autocomplete_list'])) { $tmpArray++; $input['autocomplete_list'] = "array:" . $tmpArray; $svalues = empty($values) ? "" : join("','", $values); $form->pushContent(JavaScript("var $tmpArray = new Array('" . $svalues . "')")); } if (count($values) == 1) $input['value'] = $values[0]; else $input['value'] = ""; unset($input['method']); unset($input['args']); //unset($input['autocomplete']); } elseif ($s = $request->getArg($input['name'])) $input['value'] = $s; } return true; } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: