> * * Administration: * <> * and protect this page properly (e.g. PhpWikiPoll/Admin) * * TODO: * admin page (view and reset statistics) * for now only radio, support checkboxes (multiple selections) also? * * Author: ReiniUrban */ class WikiPlugin_WikiPoll extends WikiPlugin { public $_args; function getDescription() { return _("Enable configurable polls."); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array('page' => '[pagename]', 'admin' => false, 'require_all' => 1, // 1 if all questions must be answered 'require_least' => 0, // how many at least ); } /** * @param string $argstr * @param WikiRequest $request * @param array $defaults * @return array */ function getArgs($argstr, $request = null, $defaults = array()) { if (empty($defaults)) { $defaults = $this->getDefaultArguments(); } //Fixme: on POST argstr is empty $args = array(); list ($argstr_args, $argstr_defaults) = $this->parseArgStr($argstr); if (isset($argstr_args["question_1"])) { $args['question'] = $this->str2array("question", $argstr_args); $args['answer'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($args['question']); $i++) { if ($array = $this->str2array(sprintf("%s_%d", "answer", $i), $argstr_args)) $args['answer'][$i] = $array; } } if (!empty($defaults)) foreach ($defaults as $arg => $default_val) { if (isset($argstr_args[$arg])) $args[$arg] = $argstr_args[$arg]; elseif ($request and ($argval = $request->getArg($arg)) !== false) $args[$arg] = $argval; elseif (isset($argstr_defaults[$arg])) $args[$arg] = (string)$argstr_defaults[$arg]; else $args[$arg] = $default_val; if ($request) $args[$arg] = $this->expandArg($args[$arg], $request); unset($argstr_args[$arg]); unset($argstr_defaults[$arg]); } foreach (array_merge($argstr_args, $argstr_defaults) as $arg => $val) { if (!preg_match("/^(answer_|question_)/", $arg)) trigger_error(sprintf(_("Argument ā€œ%sā€ not declared by plugin."), $arg), E_USER_NOTICE); } return $args; } function handle_plugin_args_cruft($argstr, $args) { /** * @var WikiRequest $request */ global $request; $argstr = str_replace("\n", " ", $argstr); $argstr = str_replace(array("[", "]"), array("_", ""), $argstr); $this->_args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); } private function str2array($var, $obarray = false) { if (!$obarray) $obarray = $GLOBALS; $i = 0; $array = array(); $name = sprintf("%s_%d", $var, $i); if (isset($obarray[$name])) $array[$i] = $obarray[$name]; do { $i++; $name = sprintf("%s_%d", $var, $i); if (isset($obarray[$name])) $array[$i] = $obarray[$name]; } while (isset($obarray[$name])); return $array; } /** * @param WikiDB $dbi * @param string $argstr * @param WikiRequest $request * @param string $basepage * @return mixed */ function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { if (!isset($_SERVER)) $_SERVER =& $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']; $request->setArg('nocache', 'purge'); $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (!$args['page']) { return $this->error(sprintf(_("A required argument ā€œ%sā€ is missing."), 'page')); } if (!empty($args['admin']) and $request->_user->isAdmin()) { // reset statistics return $this->doPollAdmin($dbi, $request, $page); } extract($this->_args); $page = $dbi->getPage($args['page']); // check ip and last visit $poll = $page->get("poll"); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $disable_submit = false; if (isset($poll['ip'][$ip]) and ((time() - $poll['ip'][$ip]) < 20 * 60)) { //view at least the result or disable the Go button $html = HTML(HTML::strong( _("Sorry! You must wait at least 20 minutes until you can vote again!"))); $html->pushContent($this->doPoll($page, $request, $request->getArg('answer'), true)); return $html; } $poll['ip'][$ip] = time(); // purge older ip's foreach ($poll['ip'] as $ip => $time) { if ((time() - $time) > 21 * 60) unset($poll['ip'][$ip]); } $html = HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post')); if ($request->isPost()) { // checkme: check if all answers are answered if ($request->getArg('answer') and ( ($args['require_all'] and count($request->getArg('answer')) == count($question)) or ($args['require_least'] and count($request->getArg('answer')) >= $args['require_least'])) ) { $page->set("poll", $poll); // update statistics and present them the user return $this->doPoll($page, $request, $request->getArg('answer')); } else { $html->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong(_("Not enough questions answered!")))); } } $init = isset($question[0]) ? 0 : 1; for ($i = $init; $i <= count($question); $i++) { if (!isset($question[$i])) break; $q = $question[$i]; if (!isset($answer[$i])) trigger_error(fmt("Missing %s for %s", "answer" . "[$i]", "question" . "[$i]"), E_USER_ERROR); $a = $answer[$i]; if (!is_array($a)) { // a simple checkbox $html->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong($q))); $html->pushContent(HTML::div( HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "answer[$i]", 'value' => 1)), HTML::raw(" "), $a)); } else { $row = HTML(); for ($j = 0; $j <= count($a); $j++) { if (isset($a[$j])) $row->pushContent(HTML::div( HTML::input(array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => "answer[$i]", 'value' => $j)), HTML::raw(" "), $a[$j])); } $html->pushContent(HTML::p(HTML::strong($q)), $row); } } if (!$disable_submit) $html->pushContent(HTML::p( HTML::input(array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => "WikiPoll", 'value' => _("OK"))), HTML::input(array('type' => 'reset', 'name' => "reset", 'value' => _("Reset"))))); else $html->pushContent(HTML::p(), HTML::strong( _("Sorry! You must wait at least 20 minutes until you can vote again!"))); return $html; } private function bar($percent) { global $WikiTheme; return HTML(HTML::img(array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl('leftbar'), 'alt' => '<')), HTML::img(array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl('mainbar'), 'alt' => '-', 'width' => sprintf("%02d", $percent), 'height' => 14)), HTML::img(array('src' => $WikiTheme->getImageUrl('rightbar'), 'alt' => '>'))); } private function doPoll($page, $request, $answers, $readonly = false) { $question = $this->_args['question']; $answer = $this->_args['answer']; $html = HTML::table(array('cellspacing' => 2)); $init = isset($question[0]) ? 0 : 1; for ($i = $init; $i <= count($question); $i++) { if (!isset($question[$i])) break; $poll = $page->get('poll'); @$poll['data']['all'][$i]++; $q = $question[$i]; if (!isset($answer[$i])) trigger_error(fmt("Missing %s for %s", "answer" . "[$i]", "question" . "[$i]"), E_USER_ERROR); if (!$readonly) $page->set('poll', $poll); $a = $answer[$i]; $result = (isset($answers[$i])) ? $answers[$i] : -1; if (!is_array($a)) { $checkbox = HTML::input(array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => "answer[$i]", 'value' => $a)); if ($result >= 0) $checkbox->setAttr('checked', "checked"); if (!$readonly) list($percent, $count, $all) = $this->storeResult($page, $i, $result ? 1 : 0); else list($percent, $count, $all) = $this->getResult($page, $i, 1); $print = sprintf(_(" %d%% (%d/%d)"), $percent, $count, $all); $html->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::th(array('colspan' => 4, 'class' => 'align-left'), $q))); $html->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td($checkbox), HTML::td($a), HTML::td($this->bar($percent)), HTML::td($print))); } else { $html->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::th(array('colspan' => 4, 'class' => 'align-left'), $q))); $row = HTML(); if (!$readonly) $this->storeResult($page, $i, $answers[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j <= count($a); $j++) { if (isset($a[$j])) { list($percent, $count, $all) = $this->getResult($page, $i, $j); $print = sprintf(_(" %d%% (%d/%d)"), $percent, $count, $all); $radio = HTML::input(array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => "answer[$i]", 'value' => $j)); if ($result == $j) $radio->setAttr('checked', "checked"); $row->pushContent(HTML::tr(HTML::td($radio), HTML::td($a[$j]), HTML::td($this->bar($percent)), HTML::td($print))); } } $html->pushContent($row); } } if (!$readonly) return HTML(HTML::h3(_("The result of this poll so far:")), $html, HTML::p(_("Thanks for participating!"))); else return HTML(HTML::h3(_("The result of this poll so far:")), $html); } private function getResult($page, $i, $j) { $poll = $page->get("poll"); @$count = $poll['data']['count'][$i][$j]; @$all = $poll['data']['all'][$i]; $percent = sprintf("%d", $count * 100.0 / $all); return array($percent, $count, $all); } private function storeResult($page, $i, $j) { $poll = $page->get("poll"); if (!$poll) { $poll = array('data' => array('count' => array(), 'all' => array())); } @$poll['data']['count'][$i][$j]++; //@$poll['data']['all'][$i]; $page->set("poll", $poll); $percent = sprintf("%d", $poll['data']['count'][$i][$j] * 100.0 / $poll['data']['all'][$i]); return array($percent, $poll['data']['count'][$i][$j], $poll['data']['all'][$i]); } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: