> * Translation service for HomePage into french (redirect to translate.google.com) * <> * Translation matrix of all pages with proper translations (all in pgsrc) * <> * Translation matrix of the first 20 wikiwords matching "W*" * <> * Translation matrix for all given languages * <> * Translation matrix for all supported languages * <> * Just return the translated string for this language. * * @author: Reini Urban */ /* Container for untranslated pagenames. Needed to show up in locale/po/phpwiki.pot */ $pgsrc_container = _("AddComment") . ',' . _("AddCommentPlugin") . ',' . _("AddingPages") . ',' . _("AllPages") . ',' . _("AllPagesCreatedByMe") . ',' . _("AllPagesLastEditedByMe") . ',' . _("AllPagesOwnedByMe") . ',' . _("AllUsers") . ',' . _("AnalyseAccessLogSql") . ',' . _("AppendText") . ',' . _("AsciiMath") . ',' . _("AsciiSVG") . ',' . _("AtomFeed") . ',' . _("DebugAuthInfo") . ',' . _("AuthorHistory") . ',' . _("AuthorHistoryPlugin") . ',' . _("DebugBackendInfo") . ',' . _("BackLinks") . ',' . _("BlogArchives") . ',' . _("BlogJournal") . ',' . _("BoxRight") . ',' . _("CacheTest") . ',' . _("Calendar") . ',' . _("CalendarList") . ',' . _("CalendarListPlugin") . ',' . _("CalendarPlugin") . ',' . _("CategoryCategory") . ',' . _("CategoryHomePages") . ',' . _("CategoryPage") . ',' . _("Chart") . ',' . _("Chown") . ',' . _("Comment") . ',' . _("CommentPlugin") . ',' . _("CreateBib") . ',' . _("CreatePage") . ',' . _("CreateToc") . ',' . _("CreateTocPlugin") . ',' . _("CurrentTime") . ',' . _("DeadEndPages") . ',' . _("DebugInfo") . ',' . _("Diff") . ',' . _("DynamicIncludePage") . ',' . _("EditMetaData") . ',' . _("EditMetaDataPlugin") . ',' . _("ExternalSearch") . ',' . _("ExternalSearchPlugin") . ',' . _("FacebookLike") . ',' . _("FileInfo") . ',' . _("FindPage") . ',' . _("FoafViewer") . ',' . _("FoafViewerPlugin") . ',' . _("FullRecentChanges") . ',' . _("FullTextSearch") . ',' . _("FuzzyPages") . ',' . _("GoogleMaps") . ',' . _("GooglePlugin") . ',' . _("GoTo") . ',' . _("GraphViz") . ',' . _("DebugGroupInfo") . ',' . _("HelloWorld") . ',' . _("HelloWorldPlugin") . ',' . _("HomePageAlias") . ',' . _("HtmlConverter") . ',' . _("IncludePage") . ',' . _("IncludePagePlugin") . ',' . _("IncludePages") . ',' . _("IncludeSiteMap") . ',' . _("IncludeTree") . ',' . _("InterWiki") . ',' . _("InterWikiSearch") . ',' . _("JabberPresence") . ',' . _("LdapSearch") . ',' . _("LikePages") . ',' . _("LinkDatabase") . ',' . _("LinkIcons") . ',' . _("LinkSearch") . ',' . _("ListPages") . ',' . _("ListRelations") . ',' . _("ListSubpages") . ',' . _("MagicPhpWikiURLs") . ',' . _("MediawikiTable") . ',' . _("ModeratedPage") . ',' . _("MoreAboutMechanics") . ',' . _("MostPopular") . ',' . _("NewPagesPerUser") . ',' . _("NoCache") . ',' . _("OldStyleTable") . ',' . _("OldStyleTablePlugin") . ',' . _("OrphanedPages") . ',' . _("PageDump") . ',' . _("PageGroup") . ',' . _("PageHistory") . ',' . _("PageInfo") . ',' . _("PageTrail") . ',' . _("PasswordReset") . ',' . _("PhotoAlbum") . ',' . _("PhotoAlbumPlugin") . ',' . _("PhpHighlight") . ',' . _("PhpHighlightPlugin") . ',' . _("PhpWeather") . ',' . _("PhpWeatherPlugin") . ',' . _("PhpWiki") . ',' . _("PhpWikiAdministration") . ',' . _("PhpWikiDocumentation") . ',' . _("PhpWikiPoll") . ',' . _("Ploticus") . ',' . _("PloticusPlugin") . ',' . _("PluginManager") . ',' . _("PopularNearby") . ',' . _("PopularTags") . ',' . _("PopUp") . ',' . _("PreferenceApp") . ',' . _("PreferencesInfo") . ',' . _("PrevNext") . ',' . _("Processing") . ',' . _("RandomPage") . ',' . _("RateIt") . ',' . _("RawHtml") . ',' . _("RawHtmlPlugin") . ',' . _("RecentChanges") . ',' . _("RecentChangesCached") . ',' . _("RecentComments") . ',' . _("RecentEdits") . ',' . _("RecentReferrers") . ',' . _("RecentVisitors") . ',' . _("RedirectTo") . ',' . _("RedirectToPlugin") . ',' . _("RelatedChanges") . ',' . _("ReleaseNotes") . ',' . _("Remove") . ',' . _("Rename") . ',' . _("Replace") . ',' . _("DebugRetransform") . ',' . _("RichTable") . ',' . _("RichTablePlugin") . ',' . _("RssFeed") . ',' . _("SearchHighlight") . ',' . _("SemanticRelations") . ',' . _("SemanticSearch") . ',' . _("SemanticSearchAdvanced") . ',' . _("SetAcl") . ',' . _("SiteMap") . ',' . _("SpellCheck") . ',' . _("SpecialPages") . ',' . _("SqlResult") . ',' . _("SyncWiki") . ',' . _("SyntaxHighlighter") . ',' . _("SystemInfo") . ',' . _("SystemInfoPlugin") . ',' . _("Template") . ',' . _("TeX2png") . ',' . _("text2png") . ',' . _("TextFormattingRules") . ',' . _("TexToPng") . ',' . _("TitleSearch") . ',' . _("Transclude") . ',' . _("TranscludePlugin") . ',' . _("TranslateText") . ',' . _("UnfoldSubpages") . ',' . _("UnfoldSubpagesPlugin") . ',' . _("UpLoad") . ',' . _("UpLoadPlugin") . ',' . _("UriResolver") . ',' . _("UserPreferences") . ',' . _("UserRatings") . ',' . _("Video") . ',' . _("VisualWiki") . ',' . _("WabiSabi") . ',' . _("WantedPages") . ',' . _("WantedPagesOld") . ',' . _("WatchPage") . ',' . _("WhoIsOnline") . ',' . _("WikiAdminChown") . ',' . _("WikiAdminDeleteAcl") . ',' . _("WikiAdminPurge") . ',' . _("WikiAdminRemove") . ',' . _("WikiAdminRename") . ',' . _("WikiAdminSearchReplace") . ',' . _("WikiAdminSelect") . ',' . _("WikiAdminSetAcl") . ',' . _("WikiAdminSetAclSimple") . ',' . _("WikiAdminSetExternal") . ',' . _("WikiAdminUtils") . ',' . _("WikiBlog") . ',' . _("WikiBlogPlugin") . ',' . _("WikicreoleTable") . ',' . _("WikiForm") . ',' . _("WikiFormRich") . ',' . _("WikiForum") . ',' . _("WikiPlugin") . ',' . _("WikiPoll") . ',' . _("WikiTranslation") . ',' . _("WikiWikiWeb") . ',' . _("YouTube"); require_once 'lib/PageList.php'; class WikiPlugin_WikiTranslation extends WikiPlugin { public $lang; public $_locales; public $_reverse_locales; public $args; function getDescription() { return _("Show translations of various words or pages."); } function getDefaultArguments() { return array_merge ( PageList::supportedArgs(), array('languages' => '', // comma delimited string of de,en,sv,... 'string' => '', 'page' => '', // use a translation service 'what' => 'pages', // or 'buttons', 'plugins' or 'wikiwords' 'match' => '*', 'from_lang' => false, 'include_empty' => false, //'exclude' => '', //'sortby' => '', //'limit' => 0, 'nolinks' => false, // don't display any links // (for development only) 'noT' => false // don't display the T link // (for development only) )); } function init_locale($lang) { if ($lang != $this->lang) update_locale($lang); $this->_locales[$lang] = $locale; } // reverse translation: function translate_to_en($text, $lang = false) { if (!$lang) $lang = $this->lang; // current locale if ($lang == 'en') return $text; $this->_locales = array(); $this->_reverse_locales = array(); if (!isset($this->_locales[$lang])) { $this->init_locale($lang); } assert(!empty($this->_locales[$lang])); if (!isset($this->_reverse_locales[$lang])) { // and now do a reverse lookup in the $locale hash $this->_reverse_locales[$lang] = array_flip($this->_locales[$lang]); } if (!empty($this->_reverse_locales[$lang][$text])) { return $this->_reverse_locales[$lang][$text]; } else { return $text; } } /** * setlocale() switching with the gettext extension is by far too slow. * So use the hash regardless if gettext is loaded or not. */ function fast_translate($text, $to_lang, $from_lang = false) { if (!$from_lang) $from_lang = $this->lang; // current locale if ($from_lang == $to_lang) return $text; // setup hash from en => to_lang if (!isset($this->_locales[$to_lang])) $this->init_locale($to_lang); if ($from_lang != 'en') { // get reverse gettext: translate to english $text = $this->translate_to_en($text, $from_lang); } return !empty($this->_locales[$to_lang][$text]) ? $this->_locales[$to_lang][$text] : $text; } //FIXME! There's something wrong. function translate($text, $to_lang, $from_lang = false) { if (!$from_lang) $from_lang = $this->lang; // current locale if ($from_lang == $to_lang) return $text; // Speed up hash lookup. Not needed for gettext module if (!isset($this->_locales[$from_lang]) and !function_exists('bindtextdomain')) { $this->init_locale($from_lang); } if ($from_lang != 'en') { // get reverse gettext: translate to english $en = $this->translate_to_en($text, $from_lang); // and then to target update_locale($to_lang); $result = gettext($en); update_locale($from_lang); } else { // locale switching is very slow with the gettext extension. // better use fast_translate if ($from_lang != $to_lang) { update_locale($to_lang); } $result = gettext($text); if ($from_lang != $to_lang) { update_locale($from_lang); } } return $result; } /** * @param WikiDB $dbi * @param string $argstr * @param WikiRequest $request * @param string $basepage * @return mixed */ function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $this->args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); extract($this->args); $this->request = &$request; if (!$from_lang) $from_lang = $request->getPref('lang'); if (!$from_lang) $from_lang = $GLOBALS['LANG']; $this->lang = $from_lang; if (empty($languages)) { $available_languages = listAvailableLanguages(); if ($from_lang == 'en') { // "en" is always the first. array_shift($available_languages); } // put from_lang to the very end. if (in_array($from_lang, $available_languages)) $languages = $available_languages; else $languages = array_merge($available_languages, array($from_lang)); } elseif (strstr($languages, ',')) { $languages = explode(',', $languages); } else { $languages = array($languages); } $to_lang = $languages[0]; if (!empty($string) and count($languages) == 1) { return $this->translate($string, $to_lang, $from_lang); } if (!empty($page)) { $pagename = $page; if ($dbi->isWikiPage($pagename)) { $url = ''; // google can only translate from english and french if (in_array($from_lang, array('en', 'fr'))) { $url = "http://translate.google.com/translate"; $url .= "?langpair=" . urlencode($from_lang . "|" . $to_lang); $url .= "&u=" . urlencode(WikiURL($pagename, array(), true)); } // redirect or transclude? if ($url) { return $request->redirect($url); } return HTML(fmt("TODO: Google can only translate from english and french. Find a translation service for %s to language %s", WikiURL($pagename, array(), true), $to_lang)); } else { return $this->error(fmt("%s is empty.", $pagename)); } } $pagelist = new PageList('', $exclude, $this->args); $pagelist->_columns[0]->_heading = "$from_lang"; foreach ($languages as $lang) { if ($lang == $from_lang) continue; $field = "custom:$lang"; $pagelist->addColumnObject( new _PageList_Column_customlang($field, $from_lang, $this)); } if (!empty($string)) { $pagelist->addPage($string); return $pagelist; } switch ($what) { case 'allpages': $pagelist->addPages($dbi->getAllPages($include_empty, $sortby, $limit, $exclude)); break; case 'pages': // not all pages, only the pgsrc pages if (!is_array($exclude)) $exclude = $pagelist->explodePageList($exclude, false, $sortby, $limit, $exclude); $path = FindLocalizedFile(WIKI_PGSRC); $pgsrc = new fileSet($path); foreach ($pgsrc->getFiles($exclude, $sortby, $limit) as $pagename) { $pagename = urldecode($pagename); if (substr($pagename, -1, 1) == '~') continue; if (in_array($pagename, $exclude)) continue; // exclude page. if ($match != '*' and !glob_match($match, $pagename)) continue; $page_handle = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $pagelist->addPage($page_handle); } break; case 'wikiwords': if (!isset($this->_locales[$from_lang])) { $this->init_locale($from_lang); } $locale = & $this->_locales[$from_lang]; if (is_array($locale)) { $count = 0; foreach ($locale as $from => $to) { if ($match != '*' and !glob_match($match, $from)) continue; if (isWikiWord($from)) { $count++; $pagelist->addPage($from); if ($limit and $count > $limit) break; } } } break; // all Button texts, which need a localized .png // where to get them from? templates/*.tmpl: Button() // and WikiLink(?,'button') // navbar links, actionpages, and admin requests case 'buttons': $buttons = $GLOBALS['AllActionPages']; $fileset = new FileSet(FindFile("themes/MacOSX/buttons/en"), "*.png"); foreach ($fileset->getFiles() as $file) { $b = urldecode(substr($file, 0, -4)); if (!in_array($b, $buttons)) $buttons[] = $b; } $count = 0; foreach ($buttons as $button) { $pagelist->addPage($button); if ($limit and ++$count > $limit) break; } break; } return $pagelist; } } class _PageList_Column_customlang extends _PageList_Column { function _PageList_Column_customlang($field, $from_lang, $plugin) { /** * @var WikiRequest $request */ global $request; $this->_field = $field; $this->_from_lang = $from_lang; $this->_plugin =& $plugin; $this->_what = $plugin->args['what']; $this->_noT = $plugin->args['noT']; $this->_nolinks = $plugin->args['nolinks']; $this->_iscustom = substr($field, 0, 7) == 'custom:'; if ($this->_iscustom) $this->_field = substr($field, 7); //$heading = $field; $this->dbi = &$request->getDbh(); $this->_PageList_Column_base($this->_field); } function _getValue($page, &$revision_handle) { if (is_object($page)) $text = $page->getName(); else $text = $page; $trans = $this->_plugin->fast_translate($text, $this->_field, $this->_from_lang); // how to markup untranslated words and not existing pages? // untranslated: (TODO) link to translation editor if ($trans == $text or // untranslated (($this->_from_lang != 'en') and ($this->_field != 'en') and ($trans == $this->_plugin->fast_translate($text, 'en', $this->_from_lang)) ) ) { global $WikiTheme; $link = $WikiTheme->linkUnknownWikiWord($trans); if (!($this->_noT or $this->_nolinks) and $this->dbi->isWikiPage($trans) ) { $url = WikiURL($trans, array('action' => 'TranslateText', 'lang' => $this->_field)); $button = $WikiTheme->makeButton('T', $url); $button->addTooltip(sprintf(_("Define the translation for %s in %s"), $trans, $this->_field)); $link = HTML::span($button); $link->setAttr('class', 'wikiunknown'); $text = HTML::span($WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($trans)); $text->setAttr('style', 'text-decoration:line-through'); $link->pushContent($text); return $link; } elseif (is_object($page)) return ''; else // not existing: empty return ''; } elseif (is_object($page)) { if (!$this->_nolinks) return WikiLink($trans, 'auto'); else return $trans; } else { return $trans; } } } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: