'') { print "

" . gettext("WikiFatalError") . "

\n"; print $errormsg; print "\n"; } exit; } function LinkExistingWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext='') { global $ScriptUrl; $enc_word = rawurlencode($wikiword); if(empty($linktext)) $linktext = htmlspecialchars($wikiword); return "$linktext"; } function LinkUnknownWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext='') { global $ScriptUrl; $enc_word = rawurlencode($wikiword); if(empty($linktext)) $linktext = htmlspecialchars($wikiword); return "$linktext?"; } function LinkURL($url, $linktext='') { global $ScriptUrl; if(ereg("[<>\"]", $url)) { return "BAD URL -- remove all of <, >, ""; } if(empty($linktext)) $linktext = htmlspecialchars($url); return "$linktext"; } function LinkImage($url, $alt='[External Image]') { global $ScriptUrl; if(ereg('[<>"]', $url)) { return "BAD URL -- remove all of <, >, ""; } return "\"$alt\""; } function ParseAdminTokens($line) { global $ScriptUrl; while (preg_match("/%%ADMIN-INPUT-(.*?)-(\w+)%%/", $line, $matches)) { $head = str_replace('_', ' ', $matches[2]); $form = "
" ."$head: " ."" ."
"; $line = str_replace($matches[0], $form, $line); } return $line; } // converts spaces to tabs function CookSpaces($pagearray) { return preg_replace("/ {3,8}/", "\t", $pagearray); } class Stack { var $items = array(); var $size = 0; function push($item) { $this->items[$this->size] = $item; $this->size++; return true; } function pop() { if ($this->size == 0) { return false; // stack is empty } $this->size--; return $this->items[$this->size]; } function cnt() { return $this->size; } function top() { if($this->size) return $this->items[$this->size - 1]; else return ''; } } // end class definition function ParseAndLink($bracketlink) { global $dbi, $ScriptUrl, $AllowedProtocols, $InlineImages; // $bracketlink will start and end with brackets; in between // will be either a page name, a URL or both separated by a pipe. // strip brackets and leading space preg_match("/(\[\s*)(.+?)(\s*\])/", $bracketlink, $match); // match the contents preg_match("/([^|]+)(\|)?([^|]+)?/", $match[2], $matches); if (isset($matches[3])) { // named link of the form "[some link name | http://blippy.com/]" $URL = trim($matches[3]); $linkname = htmlspecialchars(trim($matches[1])); $linktype = 'named'; } else { // unnamed link of the form "[http://blippy.com/] or [wiki page]" $URL = trim($matches[1]); $linkname = ''; $linktype = 'simple'; } if (IsWikiPage($dbi, $URL)) { $link['type'] = "wiki-$linktype"; $link['link'] = LinkExistingWikiWord($URL, $linkname); } elseif (preg_match("#^($AllowedProtocols):#", $URL)) { // if it's an image, embed it; otherwise, it's a regular link if (preg_match("/($InlineImages)$/i", $URL)) { $link['type'] = "image-$linktype"; $link['link'] = LinkImage($URL, $linkname); } else { $link['type'] = "url-$linktype"; $link['link'] = LinkURL($URL, $linkname); } } elseif (preg_match("#^phpwiki:(.*)#", $URL, $match)) { $link['type'] = "url-wiki-$linktype"; if(empty($linkname)) $linkname = htmlspecialchars($URL); $link['link'] = "$linkname"; } elseif (preg_match("#^\d+$#", $URL)) { $link['type'] = "reference-$linktype"; $link['link'] = $URL; } else { $link['type'] = "wiki-unknown-$linktype"; $link['link'] = LinkUnknownWikiWord($URL, $linkname); } return $link; } function ExtractWikiPageLinks($content) { global $WikiNameRegexp; $wikilinks = array(); $numlines = count($content); for($l = 0; $l < $numlines; $l++) { // remove escaped '[' $line = str_replace('[[', ' ', $content[$l]); // bracket links (only type wiki-* is of interest) $numBracketLinks = preg_match_all("/\[\s*([^\]|]+\|)?\s*(.+?)\s*\]/", $line, $brktlinks); for ($i = 0; $i < $numBracketLinks; $i++) { $link = ParseAndLink($brktlinks[0][$i]); if (preg_match("#^wiki#", $link['type'])) $wikilinks[$brktlinks[2][$i]] = 1; $brktlink = preg_quote($brktlinks[0][$i]); $line = preg_replace("|$brktlink|", '', $line); } // BumpyText old-style wiki links if (preg_match_all("/!?$WikiNameRegexp/", $line, $link)) { for ($i = 0; isset($link[0][$i]); $i++) { if($link[0][$i][0] <> '!') $wikilinks[$link[0][$i]] = 1; } } } return $wikilinks; } function LinkRelatedPages($dbi, $pagename) { // currently not supported everywhere if(!function_exists('GetWikiPageLinks')) return ''; $links = GetWikiPageLinks($dbi, $pagename); $txt = ""; $txt .= sprintf (gettext ("%d best incoming links:"), NUM_RELATED_PAGES); $txt .= "\n"; for($i = 0; $i < NUM_RELATED_PAGES; $i++) { if(isset($links['in'][$i])) { list($name, $score) = $links['in'][$i]; $txt .= LinkExistingWikiWord($name) . " ($score), "; } } $txt .= "\n
"; $txt .= sprintf (gettext ("%d best outgoing links:"), NUM_RELATED_PAGES); $txt .= "\n"; for($i = 0; $i < NUM_RELATED_PAGES; $i++) { if(isset($links['out'][$i])) { list($name, $score) = $links['out'][$i]; if(IsWikiPage($dbi, $name)) $txt .= LinkExistingWikiWord($name) . " ($score), "; } } $txt .= "\n
"; $txt .= sprintf (gettext ("%d most popular nearby:"), NUM_RELATED_PAGES); $txt .= "\n"; for($i = 0; $i < NUM_RELATED_PAGES; $i++) { if(isset($links['popular'][$i])) { list($name, $score) = $links['popular'][$i]; $txt .= LinkExistingWikiWord($name) . " ($score), "; } } return $txt; } # GeneratePage() -- takes $content and puts it in the template $template # this function contains all the template logic # # $template ... name of the template (see config.php for list of names) # $content ... html content to put into the page # $name ... page title # $hash ... if called while creating a wiki page, $hash points to # the $pagehash array of that wiki page. function GeneratePage($template, $content, $name, $hash) { global $ScriptUrl, $AllowedProtocols, $templates; global $datetimeformat, $dbi, $logo, $FieldSeparator; if (!is_array($hash)) unset($hash); function _dotoken ($id, $val, &$page) { global $FieldSeparator; $page = str_replace("$FieldSeparator#$id$FieldSeparator#", $val, $page); } function _iftoken ($id, $condition, &$page) { global $FieldSeparator; // line based IF directive $lineyes = "$FieldSeparator#IF $id$FieldSeparator#"; $lineno = "$FieldSeparator#IF !$id$FieldSeparator#"; // block based IF directive $blockyes = "$FieldSeparator#IF:$id$FieldSeparator#"; $blockyesend = "$FieldSeparator#ENDIF:$id$FieldSeparator#"; $blockno = "$FieldSeparator#IF:!$id$FieldSeparator#"; $blocknoend = "$FieldSeparator#ENDIF:!$id$FieldSeparator#"; if ($condition) { $page = str_replace($lineyes, '', $page); $page = str_replace($blockyes, '', $page); $page = str_replace($blockyesend, '', $page); $page = preg_replace("/$blockno(.*?)$blocknoend/s", '', $page); $page = ereg_replace("${lineno}[^\n]*\n", '', $page); } else { $page = str_replace($lineno, '', $page); $page = str_replace($blockno, '', $page); $page = str_replace($blocknoend, '', $page); $page = preg_replace("/$blockyes(.*?)$blockyesend/s", '', $page); $page = ereg_replace("${lineyes}[^\n]*\n", '', $page); } } $page = join('', file($templates[$template])); $page = str_replace('###', "$FieldSeparator#", $page); // valid for all pagetypes _iftoken('COPY', isset($hash['copy']), $page); _iftoken('LOCK', (isset($hash['flags']) && ($hash['flags'] & FLAG_PAGE_LOCKED)), $page); _iftoken('ADMIN', defined('WIKI_ADMIN'), $page); _dotoken('SCRIPTURL', $ScriptUrl, $page); _dotoken('PAGE', htmlspecialchars($name), $page); _dotoken('ALLOWEDPROTOCOLS', $AllowedProtocols, $page); _dotoken('LOGO', $logo, $page); // invalid for messages (search results, error messages) if ($template != 'MESSAGE') { _dotoken('PAGEURL', rawurlencode($name), $page); _dotoken('LASTMODIFIED', date($datetimeformat, $hash['lastmodified']), $page); _dotoken('LASTAUTHOR', $hash['author'], $page); _dotoken('VERSION', $hash['version'], $page); if (strstr($page, "$FieldSeparator#HITS$FieldSeparator#")) { _dotoken('HITS', GetHitCount($dbi, $name), $page); } if (strstr($page, "$FieldSeparator#RELATEDPAGES$FieldSeparator#")) { _dotoken('RELATEDPAGES', LinkRelatedPages($dbi, $name), $page); } } // valid only for EditLinks if ($template == 'EDITLINKS') { for ($i = 1; $i <= NUM_LINKS; $i++) { $ref = isset($hash['refs'][$i]) ? $hash['refs'][$i] : ''; _dotoken("R$i", $ref, $page); } } _dotoken('CONTENT', $content, $page); print $page; } ?>