getName(); } elseif (isa($pagename, 'WikiDB_PageRevision')) { $page = $pagename->getPage(); $args['version'] = $pagename->getVersion(); $pagename = $page->getName(); } } if (is_array($args)) { $enc_args = array(); foreach ($args as $key => $val) { $enc_args[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($val); } $args = join('&', $enc_args); } if (USE_PATH_INFO) { $url = $get_abs_url ? SERVER_URL . VIRTUAL_PATH . "/" : ""; $url .= preg_replace('/%2f/i', '/', rawurlencode($pagename)); if ($args) $url .= "?$args"; } else { $url = $get_abs_url ? SERVER_URL . SCRIPT_NAME : basename(SCRIPT_NAME); $url .= "?pagename=" . rawurlencode($pagename); if ($args) $url .= "&$args"; } return $url; } function IconForLink($protocol_or_url) { global $Theme; list ($proto) = explode(':', $protocol_or_url, 2); $src = $Theme->getLinkIconURL($proto); if ($src) return HTML::img(array('src' => $src, 'alt' => $proto, 'class' => 'linkicon')); else return false; } function LinkURL($url, $linktext = '') { // FIXME: Is this needed (or sufficient?) if(ereg("[<>\"]", $url)) { $link = HTML::strong(HTML::u(array('class' => 'baduri'), _("BAD URL -- remove all of <, >, \""))); } else { $link = HTML::a(array('href' => $url), IconForLink($url), $linktext ? $linktext : $url); } $link->setAttr('class', $linktext ? 'namedurl' : 'rawurl'); return $link; } function LinkWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext = '', $version = false) { global $request, $Theme; $dbi = $request->getDbh(); if ($dbi->isWikiPage($wikiword)) $link = $Theme->linkExistingWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext, $version); else $link = $Theme->linkUnknownWikiWord($wikiword, $linktext); return $link; } function LinkImage($url, $alt = '[External Image]') { // FIXME: Is this needed (or sufficient?) if(ereg("[<>\"]", $url)) { $link = HTML::strong(HTML::u(array('class' => 'baduri'), _("BAD URL -- remove all of <, >, \""))); } else { $link = HTML::img(array('src' => $url, 'alt' => $alt)); } $link->setAttr('class', 'inlineimage'); return $link; } class Stack { var $items = array(); var $size = 0; function push($item) { $this->items[$this->size] = $item; $this->size++; return true; } function pop() { if ($this->size == 0) { return false; // stack is empty } $this->size--; return $this->items[$this->size]; } function cnt() { return $this->size; } function top() { if($this->size) return $this->items[$this->size - 1]; else return ''; } } // end class definition function MakeWikiForm ($pagename, $args, $class, $button_text = '') { $form = HTML::form(array('action' => USE_PATH_INFO ? WikiURL($pagename) : SCRIPT_NAME, 'method' => 'get', 'class' => $class, 'accept-charset' => CHARSET)); $td = HTML::td(); while (list($key, $val) = each($args)) { $i = HTML::input(array('name' => $key, 'value' => $val, 'type' => 'hidden')); if (preg_match('/^ (\d*) \( (.*) \) ((upload)?) $/xi', $val, $m)) { $i->setAttr('size', $m[1] ? $m[1] : 30); $i->setAttr('value', $m[2]); if (!$m[3]) { $i->setAttr('type', 'text'); } else { $i->setAttr('type', 'file'); $form->setAttr('enctype', 'multipart/form-data'); $form->pushContent(HTML::input(array('name' => 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', 'value' => MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, 'type' => 'hidden'))); $form->setAttr('method', 'post'); } $td->pushContent($i); } else $form->pushContent($i); } $tr = HTML::tr($td); if (!empty($button_text)) $tr->pushContent(HTML::td(HTML::input(array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'button', 'value' => $button_text)))); $form->pushContent(HTML::table(array('cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 2, 'border' => 0), $tr)); return $form; } function SplitQueryArgs ($query_args = '') { $split_args = split('&', $query_args); $args = array(); while (list($key, $val) = each($split_args)) if (preg_match('/^ ([^=]+) =? (.*) /x', $val, $m)) $args[$m[1]] = $m[2]; return $args; } function LinkPhpwikiURL($url, $text = '') { $args = array(); if (!preg_match('/^ phpwiki: ([^?]*) [?]? (.*) $/x', $url, $m)) { return HTML::strong(array('class' => 'rawurl'), HTML::u(array('class' => 'baduri'), _("BAD phpwiki: URL"))); } if ($m[1]) $pagename = urldecode($m[1]); $qargs = $m[2]; if (empty($pagename) && preg_match('/^(diff|edit|links|info)=([^&]+)$/', $qargs, $m)) { // Convert old style links (to not break diff links in // RecentChanges). $pagename = urldecode($m[2]); $args = array("action" => $m[1]); } else { $args = SplitQueryArgs($qargs); } if (empty($pagename)) $pagename = $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('pagename'); if (isset($args['action']) && $args['action'] == 'browse') unset($args['action']); /*FIXME: if (empty($args['action'])) $class = 'wikilink'; else if (is_safe_action($args['action'])) $class = 'wikiaction'; */ if (empty($args['action']) || is_safe_action($args['action'])) $class = 'wikiaction'; else { // Don't allow administrative links on unlocked pages. $page = $GLOBALS['request']->getPage(); if (!$page->get('locked')) return HTML::span(array('class' => 'wikiunsafe'), HTML::u(_("Lock page to enable link"))); $class = 'wikiadmin'; } // FIXME: ug, don't like this if (preg_match('/=\d*\(/', $qargs)) return MakeWikiForm($pagename, $args, $class, $text); if (!$text) $text = HTML::span(array('class' => 'rawurl'), $url); return HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, $args), 'class' => $class), $text); } function LinkBracketLink($bracketlink) { global $request, $AllowedProtocols, $InlineImages; global $InterWikiLinkRegexp, $Theme; // $bracketlink will start and end with brackets; in between will // be either a page name, a URL or both separated by a pipe. // strip brackets and leading space preg_match("/(\[\s*)(.+?)(\s*\])/", $bracketlink, $match); // match the contents preg_match("/([^|]+)(\|)?([^|]+)?/", $match[2], $matches); if (isset($matches[3])) { // named link of the form "[some link name |]" $URL = trim($matches[3]); $linkname = trim($matches[1]); } else { // unnamed link of the form "[] or [wiki page]" $URL = trim($matches[1]); $linkname = false; } $dbi = $request->getDbh(); if ($dbi->isWikiPage($URL)) return $Theme->linkExistingWikiWord($URL, $linkname); elseif (preg_match("#^($AllowedProtocols):#", $URL)) { // if it's an image, embed it; otherwise, it's a regular link if (preg_match("/($InlineImages)$/i", $URL)) return LinkImage($URL, $linkname); else return LinkURL($URL, $linkname); } elseif (preg_match("/^phpwiki:/", $URL)) return LinkPhpwikiURL($URL, $linkname); elseif (function_exists('LinkInterWikiLink') && preg_match("/^$InterWikiLinkRegexp:/", $URL)) return LinkInterWikiLink($URL, $linkname); else { return $Theme->linkUnknownWikiWord($URL, $linkname); } } /* FIXME: this should be done by the transform code */ function ExtractWikiPageLinks($content) { global $WikiNameRegexp; if (is_string($content)) $content = explode("\n", $content); $wikilinks = array(); foreach ($content as $line) { // remove plugin code $line = preg_replace('/<\?plugin\s+\w.*?\?>/', '', $line); // remove escaped '[' $line = str_replace('[[', ' ', $line); // remove footnotes $line = preg_replace('/[\d+]/', ' ', $line); // bracket links (only type wiki-* is of interest) $numBracketLinks = preg_match_all("/\[\s*([^\]|]+\|)?\s*(\S.*?)\s*\]/", $line, $brktlinks); for ($i = 0; $i < $numBracketLinks; $i++) { $link = LinkBracketLink($brktlinks[0][$i]); if (preg_match('/^(named-)?wiki(unknown)?$/', $link->getAttr('class'))) $wikilinks[$brktlinks[2][$i]] = 1; $brktlink = preg_quote($brktlinks[0][$i]); $line = preg_replace("|$brktlink|", '', $line); } // BumpyText old-style wiki links if (preg_match_all("/!?$WikiNameRegexp/", $line, $link)) { for ($i = 0; isset($link[0][$i]); $i++) { if($link[0][$i][0] <> '!') $wikilinks[$link[0][$i]] = 1; } } } return array_keys($wikilinks); } /** * Split WikiWords in page names. * * It has been deemed useful to split WikiWords (into "Wiki Words") in * places like page titles. This is rumored to help search engines * quite a bit. * * @param $page string The page name. * * @return string The split name. */ function split_pagename ($page) { if (preg_match("/\s/", $page)) return $page; // Already split --- don't split any more. // FIXME: this algorithm is Anglo-centric. static $RE; if (!isset($RE)) { // This mess splits between a lower-case letter followed by // either an upper-case or a numeral; except that it wont // split the prefixes 'Mc', 'De', or 'Di' off of their tails. $RE[] = '/([[:lower:]])((? $val) $RE[$key] = pcre_fix_posix_classes($val); } foreach ($RE as $regexp) $page = preg_replace($regexp, '\\1 \\2', $page); return $page; } function NoSuchRevision (&$request, $page, $version) { $html = HTML(HTML::h2(_("Revision Not Found")), HTML::p(fmt("I'm sorry. Version %d of %s is not in my database.", $version, LinkWikiWord($page->getName())))); include_once('lib/Template.php'); GeneratePage($html, _("Bad Version"), $page->getCurrentRevision()); $request->finish(); } /** * Get time offset for local time zone. * * @param $time time_t Get offset for this time. Default: now. * @param $no_colon boolean Don't put colon between hours and minutes. * @return string Offset as a string in the format +HH:MM. */ function TimezoneOffset ($time = false, $no_colon = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); $secs = date('Z', $time); if ($secs < 0) { $sign = '-'; $secs = -$secs; } else { $sign = '+'; } $colon = $no_colon ? '' : ':'; $mins = intval(($secs + 30) / 60); return sprintf("%s%02d%s%02d", $sign, $mins / 60, $colon, $mins % 60); } /** * Format time in ISO-8601 format. * * @param $time time_t Time. Default: now. * @return string Date and time in ISO-8601 format. */ function Iso8601DateTime ($time = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); $tzoff = TimezoneOffset($time); $date = date('Y-m-d', $time); $time = date('H:i:s', $time); return $date . 'T' . $time . $tzoff; } /** * Format time in RFC-2822 format. * * @param $time time_t Time. Default: now. * @return string Date and time in RFC-2822 format. */ function Rfc2822DateTime ($time = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); return date('D, j M Y H:i:s ', $time) . TimezoneOffset($time, 'no colon'); } /** * Format time to standard 'ctime' format. * * @param $time time_t Time. Default: now. * @return string Date and time in RFC-2822 format. */ function CTime ($time = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); return date("D M j H:i:s Y", $time); } /** * Internationalized printf. * * This is essentially the same as PHP's built-in printf * with the following exceptions: *
  1. It passes the format string through gettext(). *
  2. It supports the argument reordering extensions. *
* * Example: * * In php code, use: *
 *    __printf("Differences between versions %s and %s of %s",
 *             $new_link, $old_link, $page_link);
* * Then in locale/po/de.po, one can reorder the printf arguments: * *
 *    msgid "Differences between %s and %s of %s."
 *    msgstr "Der Unterschiedsergebnis von %3$s, zwischen %1$s und %2$s."
* * (Note that while PHP tries to expand $vars within double-quotes, * the values in msgstr undergo no such expansion, so the '$'s * okay...) * * One shouldn't use reordered arguments in the default format string. * Backslashes in the default string would be necessary to escape the * '$'s, and they'll cause all kinds of trouble.... */ function __printf ($fmt) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); echo __vsprintf($fmt, $args); } /** * Internationalized sprintf. * * This is essentially the same as PHP's built-in printf with the * following exceptions: * *
  1. It passes the format string through gettext(). *
  2. It supports the argument reordering extensions. *
* * @see __printf */ function __sprintf ($fmt) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); return __vsprintf($fmt, $args); } /** * Internationalized vsprintf. * * This is essentially the same as PHP's built-in printf with the * following exceptions: * *
  1. It passes the format string through gettext(). *
  2. It supports the argument reordering extensions. *
* * @see __printf */ function __vsprintf ($fmt, $args) { $fmt = gettext($fmt); // PHP's sprintf doesn't support variable with specifiers, // like sprintf("%*s", 10, "x"); --- so we won't either. if (preg_match_all('/(? count($args)) trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s: argument index out of range"), $argnum), E_USER_WARNING); $newargs[] = $args[$argnum - 1]; } $args = $newargs; } // Not all PHP's have vsprintf, so... array_unshift($args, $fmt); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } class fileSet { /** * Build an array in $this->_fileList of files from $dirname. * Subdirectories are not traversed. * * (This was a function LoadDir in lib/loadsave.php) * See also */ function getFiles() { return $this->_fileList; } function _filenameSelector($filename) { // Default selects all filenames, override as needed. return true; } function fileSet($directory) { $this->_fileList = array(); if (empty($directory)) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s is empty."), 'directoryname'), E_USER_NOTICE); return; // early return } @ $dir_handle = opendir($dir=$directory); if (empty($dir_handle)) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("Unable to open directory '%s' for reading"), $dir), E_USER_NOTICE); return; // early return } while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle)) { if ($filename[0] == '.' || filetype("$dir/$filename") != 'file') continue; if ($this->_filenameSelector($filename)) { array_push($this->_fileList, "$filename"); //trigger_error(sprintf(_("found file %s"), $filename), // E_USER_NOTICE); //debugging } } closedir($dir_handle); } }; // Class introspections /** Determine whether object is of a specified type. * * @param $object object An object. * @param $class string Class name. * @return bool True iff $object is a $class * or a sub-type of $class. */ function isa ($object, $class) { $lclass = strtolower($class); return is_object($object) && ( get_class($object) == strtolower($lclass) || is_subclass_of($object, $lclass) ); } /** Determine whether (possible) object has method. * * @param $object mixed Object * @param $method string Method name * @return bool True iff $object is an object with has method $method. */ function can ($object, $method) { return is_object($object) && method_exists($object, strtolower($method)); } /** * Seed the random number generator. * * better_srand() ensures the randomizer is seeded only once. * * How random do you want it? See: * * */ function better_srand($seed = '') { static $wascalled = FALSE; if (!$wascalled) { $seed = $seed === '' ? (double) microtime() * 1000000 : $seed; srand($seed); $wascalled = TRUE; //trigger_error("new random seed", E_USER_NOTICE); //debugging } } // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>