getName(); } elseif (isa($pagename, 'WikiDB_PageRevision')) { $page = $pagename->getPage(); $args['version'] = $pagename->getVersion(); $pagename = $page->getName(); } elseif (isa($pagename, 'WikiPageName')) { $anchor = $pagename->anchor; $pagename = $pagename->name; } else { // php5 $anchor = $pagename->anchor; $pagename = $pagename->name; } } if (!$get_abs_url and DEBUG and $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('start_debug')) { if (!$args) $args = 'start_debug=' . $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('start_debug'); elseif (is_array($args)) $args['start_debug'] = $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('start_debug'); else $args .= '&start_debug=' . $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('start_debug'); } if (is_array($args)) { $enc_args = array(); foreach ($args as $key => $val) { // avoid default args if (USE_PATH_INFO and $key == 'pagename') ; elseif ($key == 'action' and $val == 'browse') ; elseif (!is_array($val)) // ugly hack for getURLtoSelf() which also takes POST vars $enc_args[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($val); } $args = join('&', $enc_args); } if (USE_PATH_INFO or !empty($GLOBALS['WikiTheme']->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX)) { $url = $get_abs_url ? (SERVER_URL . VIRTUAL_PATH . "/") : ""; $url = $url . preg_replace('/%2f/i', '/', rawurlencode($pagename)); if (!empty($GLOBALS['WikiTheme']->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX)) $url .= $GLOBALS['WikiTheme']->HTML_DUMP_SUFFIX; if ($args) $url .= "?$args"; } else { $url = $get_abs_url ? SERVER_URL . SCRIPT_NAME : basename(SCRIPT_NAME); $url .= "?pagename=" . rawurlencode($pagename); if ($args) $url .= "&$args"; } if ($anchor) $url .= "#" . MangleXmlIdentifier($anchor); return $url; } /** Convert relative URL to absolute URL. * * This converts a relative URL to one of PhpWiki's support files * to an absolute one. * * @param string $url * @return string Absolute URL */ function AbsoluteURL ($url) { if (preg_match('/^https?:/', $url)) return $url; if ($url[0] != '/') { $base = USE_PATH_INFO ? VIRTUAL_PATH : dirname(SCRIPT_NAME); while ($base != '/' and substr($url, 0, 3) == "../") { $url = substr($url, 3); $base = dirname($base); } if ($base != '/') $base .= '/'; $url = $base . $url; } return SERVER_URL . $url; } function DataURL ($url) { if (preg_match('/^https?:/', $url)) return $url; $url = NormalizeWebFileName($url); if (DEBUG and $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('start_debug') and substr($url,-4,4) == '.php') $url .= "?start_debug=1"; // XMLRPC and SOAP debugging helper. return AbsoluteURL($url); } /** * Generates icon in front of links. * * @param string $protocol_or_url URL or protocol to determine which icon to use. * * @return HtmlElement HtmlElement object that contains data to create img link to * icon for use with url or protocol passed to the function. False if no img to be * displayed. */ function IconForLink($protocol_or_url) { global $WikiTheme; if (0 and $filename_suffix == false) { // display apache style icon for file type instead of protocol icon // - archive: unix:gz,bz2,tgz,tar,z; mac:dmg,dmgz,bin,img,cpt,sit; pc:zip; // - document: html, htm, text, txt, rtf, pdf, doc // - non-inlined image: jpg,jpeg,png,gif,tiff,tif,swf,pict,psd,eps,ps // - audio: mp3,mp2,aiff,aif,au // - multimedia: mpeg,mpg,mov,qt } else { list ($proto) = explode(':', $protocol_or_url, 2); $src = $WikiTheme->getLinkIconURL($proto); if ($src) return HTML::img(array('src' => $src, 'alt' => "", 'class' => 'linkicon', 'border' => 0)); else return false; } } /** * Glue icon in front of or after text. * Pref: 'noLinkIcons' - ignore icon if set * Theme: 'LinkIcons' - 'yes' at front * - 'no' display no icon * - 'front' display at left * - 'after' display at right * * @param string $protocol_or_url Protocol or URL. Used to determine the * proper icon. * @param string $text The text. * @return XmlContent. */ function PossiblyGlueIconToText($proto_or_url, $text) { global $request, $WikiTheme; if ($request->getPref('noLinkIcons')) return $text; $icon = IconForLink($proto_or_url); if (!$icon) return $text; if ($where = $WikiTheme->getLinkIconAttr()) { if ($where == 'no') return $text; if ($where != 'after') $where = 'front'; } else { $where = 'front'; } if ($where == 'after') { // span the icon only to the last word (tie them together), // to let the previous words wrap on line breaks. if (!is_object($text)) { preg_match('/^(\s*\S*)(\s*)$/', $text, $m); list (, $prefix, $last_word) = $m; } else { $last_word = $text; $prefix = false; } $text = HTML::span(array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), $last_word, HTML::Raw(' '), $icon); if ($prefix) $text = HTML($prefix, $text); return $text; } // span the icon only to the first word (tie them together), // to let the next words wrap on line breaks if (!is_object($text)) { preg_match('/^\s*(\S*)(.*?)\s*$/', $text, $m); list (, $first_word, $tail) = $m; } else { $first_word = $text; $tail = false; } $text = HTML::span(array('style' => 'white-space: nowrap'), $icon, $first_word); if ($tail) $text = HTML($text, $tail); return $text; } /** * Determines if the url passed to function is safe, by detecting if the characters * '<', '>', or '"' are present. * Check against their urlencoded values also. * * @param string $url URL to check for unsafe characters. * @return boolean True if same, false else. */ function IsSafeURL($url) { return !preg_match('/([<>"])|(%3C)|(%3E)|(%22)/', $url); } /** * Generates an HtmlElement object to store data for a link. * * @param string $url URL that the link will point to. * @param string $linktext Text to be displayed as link. * @return HtmlElement HtmlElement object that contains data to construct an html link. */ function LinkURL($url, $linktext = '') { // FIXME: Is this needed (or sufficient?) if(! IsSafeURL($url)) { $link = HTML::strong(HTML::u(array('class' => 'baduri'), _("BAD URL -- remove all of <, >, \""))); } else { if (!$linktext) $linktext = preg_replace("/mailto:/A", "", $url); $args = array('href' => $url); if ( defined('EXTERNAL_LINK_TARGET') ) // can also be set in the css $args['target'] = is_string(EXTERNAL_LINK_TARGET) ? EXTERNAL_LINK_TARGET : "_blank"; $link = HTML::a($args, PossiblyGlueIconToText($url, $linktext)); } $link->setAttr('class', $linktext ? 'namedurl' : 'rawurl'); return $link; } /** * Inline Images * * Syntax: [image.png size=50% border=n align= hspace= vspace= width= height=] * Disallows sizes which are too small. * Spammers may use such (typically invisible) image attributes to raise their GoogleRank. * * Handle embeddable objects, like svg, class, vrml, swf, svgz, pdf, avi, wmv especially. */ function LinkImage($url, $alt = false) { $force_img = "png|jpg|gif|jpeg|bmp|pl|cgi"; // Disallow tags in img src urls. Typical CSS attacks. // FIXME: Is this needed (or sufficient?) if(! IsSafeURL($url)) { $link = HTML::strong(HTML::u(array('class' => 'baduri'), _("BAD URL -- remove all of <, >, \""))); } else { // support new syntax: [image.jpg size=50% border=n] //if (!preg_match("/\.(".$force_img.")/i", $url)) $ori_url = $url; $arr = split(' ',$url); if (count($arr) > 1) { $url = $arr[0]; } if (empty($alt)) $alt = basename($url); $link = HTML::img(array('src' => $url, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt)); if (count($arr) > 1) { array_shift($arr); foreach ($arr as $attr) { if (preg_match('/^size=(\d+%)$/',$attr,$m)) { $link->setAttr('width',$m[1]); $link->setAttr('height',$m[1]); } if (preg_match('/^size=(\d+)x(\d+)$/',$attr,$m)) { $link->setAttr('width',$m[1]); $link->setAttr('height',$m[2]); } if (preg_match('/^border=(\d+)$/',$attr,$m)) $link->setAttr('border',$m[1]); if (preg_match('/^align=(\w+)$/',$attr,$m)) $link->setAttr('align',$m[1]); if (preg_match('/^hspace=(\d+)$/',$attr,$m)) $link->setAttr('hspace',$m[1]); if (preg_match('/^vspace=(\d+)$/',$attr,$m)) $link->setAttr('vspace',$m[1]); } } // Check width and height as spam countermeasure if (($width = $link->getAttr('width')) and ($height = $link->getAttr('height'))) { //$width = (int) $width; // px or % or other suffix //$height = (int) $height; if (($width < 3 and $height < 10) or ($height < 3 and $width < 20) or ($height < 7 and $width < 7)) { trigger_error(_("Invalid image size"), E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } } else { // Older php versions crash here with certain png's: // confirmed for 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2.3; 4.3.2 and 4.3.7 are ok // // See if (!check_php_version(4,3) and preg_match("/^http.+\.png$/i",$url)) ; // it's safe to assume that this will fail. elseif (!DISABLE_GETIMAGESIZE and ($size = @getimagesize($url))) { $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; if (($width < 3 and $height < 10) or ($height < 3 and $width < 20) or ($height < 7 and $width < 7)) { trigger_error(_("Invalid image size"), E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } } } } $link->setAttr('class', 'inlineimage'); /* Check for inlined objects. Everything allowed in INLINE_IMAGES besides * png|jpg|gif|jpeg|bmp|pl|cgi * Note: Allow cgi's (pl,cgi) returning images. */ if (!preg_match("/\.(".$force_img.")/i", $url)) { //HTML::img(array('src' => $url, 'alt' => $alt, 'title' => $alt)); // => HTML::object(array('src' => $url)) ...; return ImgObject($link, $ori_url); } return $link; } /** * / tags instead of for all non-image extensions allowed via INLINE_IMAGES * Called by LinkImage(), not directly. * Syntax: [image.svg size=50% border=n align= hspace= vspace= width= height=] * $alt may be an alternate img * TODO: Need to unify with WikiPluginCached::embedObject() * * Note that Safari 1.0 will crash with , so use only * */ function ImgObject($img, $url) { // get the url args: data="sample.svgz" type="image/svg+xml" width="400" height="300" $args = split(' ', $url); if (count($args) >= 1) { $url = array_shift($args); foreach ($args as $attr) { if (preg_match('/^type=(\S+)$/',$attr,$m)) $img->setAttr('type', $m[1]); if (preg_match('/^data=(\S+)$/',$attr,$m)) $img->setAttr('data', $m[1]); } } $type = $img->getAttr('type'); if (!$type) { // TODO: map extension to mime-types if type is not given and php < 4.3 if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) $type = mime_content_type($url); } $link = HTML::object(array_merge($img->_attr, array('src' => $url, 'type' => $type))); $link->setAttr('class', 'inlineobject'); if (isBrowserSafari()) { return HTML::embed($link->_attr); } $link->pushContent(HTML::embed($link->_attr)); return $link; } class Stack { // var in php5 deprecated function Stack() { $this->items = array(); $this->size = 0; } function push($item) { $this->items[$this->size] = $item; $this->size++; return true; } function pop() { if ($this->size == 0) { return false; // stack is empty } $this->size--; return $this->items[$this->size]; } function cnt() { return $this->size; } function top() { if($this->size) return $this->items[$this->size - 1]; else return ''; } } // end class definition function SplitQueryArgs ($query_args = '') { // FIXME: use the arg-seperator which might not be & $split_args = split('&', $query_args); $args = array(); while (list($key, $val) = each($split_args)) if (preg_match('/^ ([^=]+) =? (.*) /x', $val, $m)) $args[$m[1]] = $m[2]; return $args; } function LinkPhpwikiURL($url, $text = '', $basepage = false) { $args = array(); if (!preg_match('/^ phpwiki: ([^?]*) [?]? (.*) $/x', $url, $m)) { return HTML::strong(array('class' => 'rawurl'), HTML::u(array('class' => 'baduri'), _("BAD phpwiki: URL"))); } if ($m[1]) $pagename = urldecode($m[1]); $qargs = $m[2]; if (empty($pagename) && preg_match('/^(diff|edit|links|info)=([^&]+)$/', $qargs, $m)) { // Convert old style links (to not break diff links in // RecentChanges). $pagename = urldecode($m[2]); $args = array("action" => $m[1]); } else { $args = SplitQueryArgs($qargs); } if (empty($pagename)) $pagename = $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('pagename'); if (isset($args['action']) && $args['action'] == 'browse') unset($args['action']); /*FIXME: if (empty($args['action'])) $class = 'wikilink'; else if (is_safe_action($args['action'])) $class = 'wikiaction'; */ if (empty($args['action']) || is_safe_action($args['action'])) $class = 'wikiaction'; else { // Don't allow administrative links on unlocked pages. $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $page = $dbi->getPage($basepage ? $basepage : $pagename); if (!$page->get('locked')) return HTML::span(array('class' => 'wikiunsafe'), HTML::u(_("Lock page to enable link"))); $class = 'wikiadmin'; } if (!$text) $text = HTML::span(array('class' => 'rawurl'), $url); $wikipage = new WikiPageName($pagename); if (!$wikipage->isValid()) { global $WikiTheme; return $WikiTheme->linkBadWikiWord($wikipage, $url); } return HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, $args), 'class' => $class), $text); } /** * A class to assist in parsing wiki pagenames. * * Now with subpages and anchors, parsing and passing around * pagenames is more complicated. This should help. */ class WikiPageName { /** Short name for page. * * This is the value of $name passed to the constructor. * (For use, e.g. as a default label for links to the page.) */ //var $shortName; /** The full page name. * * This is the full name of the page (without anchor). */ //var $name; /** The anchor. * * This is the referenced anchor within the page, or the empty string. */ //var $anchor; /** Constructor * * @param mixed $name Page name. * WikiDB_Page, WikiDB_PageRevision, or string. * This can be a relative subpage name (like '/SubPage'), * or can be the empty string to refer to the $basename. * * @param string $anchor For links to anchors in page. * * @param mixed $basename Page name from which to interpret * relative or other non-fully-specified page names. */ function WikiPageName($name, $basename=false, $anchor=false) { if (is_string($name)) { $this->shortName = $name; if (strstr($name, ':')) { list($moniker, $this->shortName) = split (":", $name, 2); $map = getInterwikiMap(); // allow overrides to custom maps if (isset($map->_map[$moniker])) { $url = $map->_map[$moniker]; if (strstr($url, '%s')) $url = sprintf($url, $this->shortName); else $url .= $this->shortName; // expand Talk or User, but not to absolute urls! if (strstr($url, '//')) { if ($moniker == 'Talk') $name = $name . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR . _("Discussion"); elseif ($moniker == 'User') $name = $name; } else { $name = $url; } if (strstr($name, '?')) list($name, $dummy) = split("?", $name, 2); } } // FIXME: We should really fix the cause for "/PageName" in the WikiDB if ($name == '' or $name[0] == SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR) { if ($basename) $name = $this->_pagename($basename) . $name; else { $name = $this->_normalize_bad_pagename($name); $this->shortName = $name; } } } else { $name = $this->_pagename($name); $this->shortName = $name; } $this->name = $this->_check($name); $this->anchor = (string)$anchor; } function getName() { return $this->name; } function getParent() { $name = $this->name; if (!($tail = strrchr($name, SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR))) return false; return substr($name, 0, -strlen($tail)); } function isValid($strict = false) { if ($strict) return !isset($this->_errors); return (is_string($this->name) and $this->name != ''); } function getWarnings() { $warnings = array(); if (isset($this->_warnings)) $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $this->_warnings); if (isset($this->_errors)) $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $this->_errors); if (!$warnings) return false; return sprintf(_("'%s': Bad page name: %s"), $this->shortName, join(', ', $warnings)); } function _pagename($page) { if (isa($page, 'WikiDB_Page')) return $page->getName(); elseif (isa($page, 'WikiDB_PageRevision')) return $page->getPageName(); elseif (isa($page, 'WikiPageName')) return $page->name; // '0' or e.g. '1984' should be allowed though if (!is_string($page) and !is_integer($page)) { trigger_error(sprintf("Non-string pagename '%s' (%s)(%s)", $page, gettype($page), get_class($page)), E_USER_NOTICE); } //assert(is_string($page)); return $page; } function _normalize_bad_pagename($name) { trigger_error("Bad pagename: " . $name, E_USER_WARNING); // Punt... You really shouldn't get here. if (empty($name)) { global $request; return $request->getArg('pagename'); } assert($name[0] == SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR); $this->_errors[] = sprintf(_("Leading %s not allowed"), SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR); return substr($name, 1); } /** * Compress internal white-space to single space character. * * This leads to problems with loading a foreign charset pagename, * which cannot be deleted anymore, because unknown chars are compressed. * So BEFORE importing a file _check must be done !!! */ function _check($pagename) { // Compress internal white-space to single space character. $pagename = preg_replace('/[\s\xa0]+/', ' ', $orig = $pagename); if ($pagename != $orig) $this->_warnings[] = _("White space converted to single space"); // Delete any control characters. if (DATABASE_TYPE == 'cvs' or DATABASE_TYPE == 'file' or DATABASE_TYPE == 'flatfile') { $pagename = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f\x7f\x80-\x9f]/', '', $orig = $pagename); if ($pagename != $orig) $this->_errors[] = _("Control characters not allowed"); } // Strip leading and trailing white-space. $pagename = trim($pagename); $orig = $pagename; while ($pagename and $pagename[0] == SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR) $pagename = substr($pagename, 1); if ($pagename != $orig) $this->_errors[] = sprintf(_("Leading %s not allowed"), SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR); // ";" is urlencoded, so safe from php arg-delim problems /*if (strstr($pagename, ';')) { $this->_warnings[] = _("';' is deprecated"); $pagename = str_replace(';', '', $pagename); }*/ // not only for SQL, also to restrict url length if (strlen($pagename) > MAX_PAGENAME_LENGTH) { $pagename = substr($pagename, 0, MAX_PAGENAME_LENGTH); $this->_errors[] = _("too long"); } // disallow some chars only on file and cvs if ((DATABASE_TYPE == 'cvs' or DATABASE_TYPE == 'file' or DATABASE_TYPE == 'flatfile') and preg_match('/(:|\.\.)/', $pagename, $m)) { $this->_warnings[] = sprintf(_("Illegal chars %s removed"), $m[1]); $pagename = str_replace('..', '', $pagename); $pagename = str_replace(':', '', $pagename); } return $pagename; } } /** * Convert old page markup to new-style markup. * * @param string $text Old-style wiki markup. * * @param string $markup_type * One of:
Convert all markup. *
Convert only inline markup. *
Convert only link markup. *
* * @return string New-style wiki markup. * * @bugs Footnotes don't work quite as before (esp if there are * multiple references to the same footnote. But close enough, * probably for now.... * @bugs Apache2 and IIS crash with OldTextFormattingRules or * AnciennesR%E8glesDeFormatage. (at the 2nd attempt to do the anchored block regex) * It only crashes with CreateToc so far, but other pages (not in pgsrc) are * also known to crash, even with Apache1. */ function ConvertOldMarkup ($text, $markup_type = "block") { static $subs; static $block_re; // FIXME: // Trying to detect why the 2nd paragraph of OldTextFormattingRules or // AnciennesR%E8glesDeFormatage crashes. // It only crashes with CreateToc so far, but other pages (not in pgsrc) are // also known to crash, even with Apache1. $debug_skip = false; // I suspect this only to crash with Apache2 and IIS. if (in_array(php_sapi_name(),array('apache2handler','apache2filter','isapi')) and preg_match("/plugin CreateToc/", $text)) { trigger_error(_("The CreateTocPlugin is not yet old markup compatible! ") ._("Please remove the CreateToc line to be able to reformat this page to old markup. ") ._("Skipped."), E_USER_WARNING); $debug_skip = true; //if (!DEBUG) return $text; return $text; } if (empty($subs)) { /***************************************************************** * Conversions for inline markup: */ // escape tilde's $orig[] = '/~/'; $repl[] = '~~'; // escape escaped brackets $orig[] = '/\[\[/'; $repl[] = '~['; // change ! escapes to ~'s. global $WikiNameRegexp, $request; $bang_esc[] = "(?:" . ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS . "):[^\s<>\[\]\"'()]*[^\s<>\[\]\"'(),.?]"; // before 4.3.9 pcre had a memory release bug, which might hit us here. so be safe. if (check_php_version(4,3,9)) { $map = getInterwikiMap(); if ($map_regex = $map->getRegexp()) $bang_esc[] = $map_regex . ":[^\\s.,;?()]+"; // FIXME: is this really needed? } $bang_esc[] = $WikiNameRegexp; $orig[] = '/!((?:' . join(')|(', $bang_esc) . '))/'; $repl[] = '~\\1'; $subs["links"] = array($orig, $repl); // Temporarily URL-encode pairs of underscores in links to hide // them from the re for bold markup. $orig[] = '/\[[^\[\]]*?__[^\[\]]*?\]/e'; $repl[] = 'str_replace(\'__\', \'%5F%5F\', \'\\0\')'; // Escape '<'s //$orig[] = '/<(?!\?plugin)|(?~[[\\1|#ftnt_\\1]~]'; // Convert old style emphases to HTML style emphasis. $orig[] = '/__(.*?)__/'; $repl[] = '\\1'; $orig[] = "/''(.*?)''/"; $repl[] = '\\1'; // Escape nestled markup. $orig[] = '/^(?<=^|\s)[=_](?=\S)|(?<=\S)[=_*](?=\s|$)/m'; $repl[] = '~\\0'; // in old markup headings only allowed at beginning of line $orig[] = '/!/'; $repl[] = '~!'; // Convert URL-encoded pairs of underscores in links back to // real underscores after bold markup has been converted. $orig = '/\[[^\[\]]*?%5F%5F[^\[\]]*?\]/e'; $repl = 'str_replace(\'%5F%5F\', \'__\', \'\\0\')'; $subs["inline"] = array($orig, $repl); /***************************************************************** * Patterns which match block markup constructs which take * special handling... */ // Indented blocks $blockpats[] = '[ \t]+\S(?:.*\s*\n[ \t]+\S)*'; // Tables $blockpats[] = '\|(?:.*\n\|)*'; // List items $blockpats[] = '[#*;]*(?:[*#]|;.*?:)'; // Footnote definitions $blockpats[] = '\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]'; if (!$debug_skip) { // Plugins $blockpats[] = '<\?plugin(?:-form)?\b.*\?>\s*$'; } // Section Title $blockpats[] = '!{1,3}[^!]'; /* removed .|\n in the anchor not to crash on /m because with /m "." already includes \n this breaks headings but it doesn't crash anymore (crash on non-cgi, non-cli only) */ $block_re = ( '/\A((?:.|\n)*?)(^(?:' . join("|", $blockpats) . ').*$)\n?/m' ); } if ($markup_type != "block") { list ($orig, $repl) = $subs[$markup_type]; return preg_replace($orig, $repl, $text); } else { list ($orig, $repl) = $subs['inline']; $out = ''; //FIXME: // php crashes here in the 2nd paragraph of OldTextFormattingRules, // AnciennesR%E8glesDeFormatage and more // See LIMITATIONS while (preg_match($block_re, $text, $m)) { $text = substr($text, strlen($m[0])); list (,$leading_text, $block) = $m; $suffix = "\n"; if (strchr(" \t", $block[0])) { // Indented block $prefix = "
                $suffix = "\n
\n"; } elseif ($block[0] == '|') { // Old-style table $prefix = "\n"; } elseif (strchr("#*;", $block[0])) { // Old-style list item preg_match('/^([#*;]*)([*#]|;.*?:) */', $block, $m); list (,$ind,$bullet) = $m; $block = substr($block, strlen($m[0])); $indent = str_repeat(' ', strlen($ind)); if ($bullet[0] == ';') { //$term = ltrim(substr($bullet, 1)); //return $indent . $term . "\n" . $indent . ' '; $prefix = $ind . $bullet; } else $prefix = $indent . $bullet . ' '; } elseif ($block[0] == '[') { // Footnote definition preg_match('/^\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]/', $block, $m); $footnum = $m[1]; $block = substr($block, strlen($m[0])); $prefix = "#[|ftnt_".${footnum}."]~[[".${footnum}."|#ftnt_ref_".${footnum}."]~] "; } elseif ($block[0] == '<') { // Plugin. // HACK: no inline markup... $prefix = $block; $block = ''; } elseif ($block[0] == '!') { // Section heading preg_match('/^!{1,3}/', $block, $m); $prefix = $m[0]; $block = substr($block, strlen($m[0])); } else { // AAck! assert(0); } if ($leading_text) $leading_text = preg_replace($orig, $repl, $leading_text); if ($block) $block = preg_replace($orig, $repl, $block); $out .= $leading_text; $out .= $prefix; $out .= $block; $out .= $suffix; } return $out . preg_replace($orig, $repl, $text); } } /** * Expand tabs in string. * * Converts all tabs to (the appropriate number of) spaces. * * @param string $str * @param integer $tab_width * @return string */ function expand_tabs($str, $tab_width = 8) { $split = split("\t", $str); $tail = array_pop($split); $expanded = "\n"; foreach ($split as $hunk) { $expanded .= $hunk; $pos = strlen(strrchr($expanded, "\n")) - 1; $expanded .= str_repeat(" ", ($tab_width - $pos % $tab_width)); } return substr($expanded, 1) . $tail; } /** * Split WikiWords in page names. * * It has been deemed useful to split WikiWords (into "Wiki Words") in * places like page titles. This is rumored to help search engines * quite a bit. * * @param $page string The page name. * * @return string The split name. */ function SplitPagename ($page) { if (preg_match("/\s/", $page)) return $page; // Already split --- don't split any more. // This algorithm is specialized for several languages. // (Thanks to Pierrick MEIGNEN) // Improvements for other languages welcome. static $RE; if (!isset($RE)) { // This mess splits between a lower-case letter followed by // either an upper-case or a numeral; except that it wont // split the prefixes 'Mc', 'De', or 'Di' off of their tails. switch ($GLOBALS['LANG']) { case 'en': case 'it': case 'es': case 'de': $RE[] = '/([[:lower:]])((?getCurrentRevision()); $request->finish(); } /** * Get time offset for local time zone. * * @param $time time_t Get offset for this time. Default: now. * @param $no_colon boolean Don't put colon between hours and minutes. * @return string Offset as a string in the format +HH:MM. */ function TimezoneOffset ($time = false, $no_colon = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); $secs = date('Z', $time); if ($secs < 0) { $sign = '-'; $secs = -$secs; } else { $sign = '+'; } $colon = $no_colon ? '' : ':'; $mins = intval(($secs + 30) / 60); return sprintf("%s%02d%s%02d", $sign, $mins / 60, $colon, $mins % 60); } /** * Format time in ISO-8601 format. * * @param $time time_t Time. Default: now. * @return string Date and time in ISO-8601 format. */ function Iso8601DateTime ($time = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); $tzoff = TimezoneOffset($time); $date = date('Y-m-d', $time); $time = date('H:i:s', $time); return $date . 'T' . $time . $tzoff; } /** * Format time in RFC-2822 format. * * @param $time time_t Time. Default: now. * @return string Date and time in RFC-2822 format. */ function Rfc2822DateTime ($time = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); return date('D, j M Y H:i:s ', $time) . TimezoneOffset($time, 'no colon'); } /** * Format time in RFC-1123 format. * * @param $time time_t Time. Default: now. * @return string Date and time in RFC-1123 format. */ function Rfc1123DateTime ($time = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); return gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $time); } /** Parse date in RFC-1123 format. * * According to RFC 1123 we must accept dates in the following * formats: * * Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 * Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 * Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format * * (Though we're only allowed to generate dates in the first format.) */ function ParseRfc1123DateTime ($timestr) { $timestr = trim($timestr); if (preg_match('/^ \w{3},\s* (\d{1,2}) \s* (\w{3}) \s* (\d{4}) \s*' .'(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) \s* GMT $/ix', $timestr, $m)) { list(, $mday, $mon, $year, $hh, $mm, $ss) = $m; } elseif (preg_match('/^ \w+,\s* (\d{1,2})-(\w{3})-(\d{2}|\d{4}) \s*' .'(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) \s* GMT $/ix', $timestr, $m)) { list(, $mday, $mon, $year, $hh, $mm, $ss) = $m; if ($year < 70) $year += 2000; elseif ($year < 100) $year += 1900; } elseif (preg_match('/^\w+\s* (\w{3}) \s* (\d{1,2}) \s*' .'(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) \s* (\d{4})$/ix', $timestr, $m)) { list(, $mon, $mday, $hh, $mm, $ss, $year) = $m; } else { // Parse failed. return false; } $time = strtotime("$mday $mon $year ${hh}:${mm}:${ss} GMT"); if ($time == -1) return false; // failed return $time; } /** * Format time to standard 'ctime' format. * * @param $time time_t Time. Default: now. * @return string Date and time. */ function CTime ($time = false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); return date("D M j H:i:s Y", $time); } /** * Format number as kilobytes or bytes. * Short format is used for PageList * Long format is used in PageInfo * * @param $bytes int. Default: 0. * @param $longformat bool. Default: false. * @return class FormattedText (XmlElement.php). */ function ByteFormatter ($bytes = 0, $longformat = false) { if ($bytes < 0) return fmt("-???"); if ($bytes < 1024) { if (! $longformat) $size = fmt("%s b", $bytes); else $size = fmt("%s bytes", $bytes); } else { $kb = round($bytes / 1024, 1); if (! $longformat) $size = fmt("%s k", $kb); else $size = fmt("%s Kb (%s bytes)", $kb, $bytes); } return $size; } /** * Internationalized printf. * * This is essentially the same as PHP's built-in printf * with the following exceptions: *
  1. It passes the format string through gettext(). *
  2. It supports the argument reordering extensions. *
* * Example: * * In php code, use: *
 *    __printf("Differences between versions %s and %s of %s",
 *             $new_link, $old_link, $page_link);
* * Then in locale/po/de.po, one can reorder the printf arguments: * *
 *    msgid "Differences between %s and %s of %s."
 *    msgstr "Der Unterschiedsergebnis von %3$s, zwischen %1$s und %2$s."
* * (Note that while PHP tries to expand $vars within double-quotes, * the values in msgstr undergo no such expansion, so the '$'s * okay...) * * One shouldn't use reordered arguments in the default format string. * Backslashes in the default string would be necessary to escape the * '$'s, and they'll cause all kinds of trouble.... */ function __printf ($fmt) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); echo __vsprintf($fmt, $args); } /** * Internationalized sprintf. * * This is essentially the same as PHP's built-in printf with the * following exceptions: * *
  1. It passes the format string through gettext(). *
  2. It supports the argument reordering extensions. *
* * @see __printf */ function __sprintf ($fmt) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); return __vsprintf($fmt, $args); } /** * Internationalized vsprintf. * * This is essentially the same as PHP's built-in printf with the * following exceptions: * *
  1. It passes the format string through gettext(). *
  2. It supports the argument reordering extensions. *
* * @see __printf */ function __vsprintf ($fmt, $args) { $fmt = gettext($fmt); // PHP's sprintf doesn't support variable with specifiers, // like sprintf("%*s", 10, "x"); --- so we won't either. if (preg_match_all('/(? count($args)) trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s: argument index out of range"), $argnum), E_USER_WARNING); $newargs[] = $args[$argnum - 1]; } $args = $newargs; } // Not all PHP's have vsprintf, so... array_unshift($args, $fmt); return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); } function file_mtime ($filename) { if ($stat = @stat($filename)) return $stat[9]; else return false; } function sort_file_mtime ($a, $b) { $ma = file_mtime($a); $mb = file_mtime($b); if (!$ma or !$mb or $ma == $mb) return 0; return ($ma > $mb) ? -1 : 1; } class fileSet { /** * Build an array in $this->_fileList of files from $dirname. * Subdirectories are not traversed. * * (This was a function LoadDir in lib/loadsave.php) * See also */ function getFiles($exclude='', $sortby='', $limit='') { $list = $this->_fileList; if ($sortby) { require_once('lib/PageList.php'); switch (Pagelist::sortby($sortby, 'db')) { case 'pagename ASC': break; case 'pagename DESC': $list = array_reverse($list); break; case 'mtime ASC': usort($list,'sort_file_mtime'); break; case 'mtime DESC': usort($list,'sort_file_mtime'); $list = array_reverse($list); break; } } if ($limit) return array_splice($list, 0, $limit); return $list; } function _filenameSelector($filename) { if (! $this->_pattern ) return true; else { if (! $this->_pcre_pattern ) $this->_pcre_pattern = glob_to_pcre($this->_pattern); return preg_match('/' . $this->_pcre_pattern . ($this->_case ? '/' : '/i'), $filename); } } function fileSet($directory, $filepattern = false) { $this->_fileList = array(); $this->_pattern = $filepattern; if ($filepattern) $this->_pcre_pattern = glob_to_pcre($this->_pattern); $this->_case = !isWindows(); $this->_pathsep = '/'; if (empty($directory)) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("%s is empty."), 'directoryname'), E_USER_NOTICE); return; // early return } @ $dir_handle = opendir($dir=$directory); if (empty($dir_handle)) { trigger_error(sprintf(_("Unable to open directory '%s' for reading"), $dir), E_USER_NOTICE); return; // early return } while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle)) { if ($filename[0] == '.' || filetype($dir . $this->_pathsep . $filename) != 'file') continue; if ($this->_filenameSelector($filename)) { array_push($this->_fileList, "$filename"); //trigger_error(sprintf(_("found file %s"), $filename), // E_USER_NOTICE); //debugging } } closedir($dir_handle); } }; // File globbing // expands a list containing regex's to its matching entries class ListRegexExpand { //var $match, $list, $index, $case_sensitive; function ListRegexExpand (&$list, $match, $case_sensitive = true) { $this->match = $match; $this->list = &$list; $this->case_sensitive = $case_sensitive; //$this->index = false; } function listMatchCallback ($item, $key) { $quoted = str_replace('/','\/',$item); if (preg_match('/' . $this->match . ($this->case_sensitive ? '/' : '/i'), $quoted)) { unset($this->list[$this->index]); $this->list[] = $item; } } function expandRegex ($index, &$pages) { $this->index = $index; array_walk($pages, array($this, 'listMatchCallback')); return $this->list; } } // Convert fileglob to regex style: // Convert some wildcards to pcre style, escape the rest // Escape . \\ + * ? [ ^ ] $ ( ) { } = ! < > | : / // Fixed bug #994994: "/" in $glob. function glob_to_pcre ($glob) { // check simple case: no need to escape $escape = '\[](){}=!<>|:/'; if (strcspn($glob, $escape . ".+*?^$") == strlen($glob)) return $glob; // preg_replace cannot handle "\\\\\\2" so convert \\ to \xff $glob = strtr($glob, "\\", "\xff"); $glob = str_replace("/", '\/', $glob); // first convert some unescaped expressions to pcre style: . => \. $special = ".^$"; $re = preg_replace('/([^\xff])?(['.preg_quote($special).'])/', "\\1\xff\\2", $glob); // * => .*, ? => . $re = preg_replace('/([^\xff])?\*/', '$1.*', $re); $re = preg_replace('/([^\xff])?\?/', '$1.', $re); if (!preg_match('/^[\?\*]/', $glob)) $re = '^' . $re; if (!preg_match('/[\?\*]$/', $glob)) $re = $re . '$'; // .*? handled above, now escape the rest //while (strcspn($re, $escape) != strlen($re)) // loop strangely needed $re = preg_replace('/([^\xff])(['.preg_quote($escape, "/").'])/', "\\1\xff\\2", $re); return strtr($re, "\xff", "\\"); } function glob_match ($glob, $against, $case_sensitive = true) { return preg_match('/' . glob_to_pcre($glob) . ($case_sensitive ? '/' : '/i'), $against); } function explodeList($input, $allnames, $glob_style = true, $case_sensitive = true) { $list = explode(',',$input); // expand wildcards from list of $allnames if (preg_match('/[\?\*]/',$input)) { // Optimizing loop invariants: // for ($i = 0, $max = sizeof($list); $i < $max; $i++) { $f = $list[$i]; if (preg_match('/[\?\*]/',$f)) { reset($allnames); $expand = new ListRegexExpand($list, $glob_style ? glob_to_pcre($f) : $f, $case_sensitive); $expand->expandRegex($i, $allnames); } } } return $list; } // echo implode(":",explodeList("Test*",array("xx","Test1","Test2"))); function explodePageList($input, $include_empty=false, $sortby='pagename', $limit='', $exclude='') { include_once("lib/PageList.php"); return PageList::explodePageList($input, $include_empty, $sortby, $limit, $exclude); } // Class introspections /** * Determine whether object is of a specified type. * In PHP builtin since 4.2.0 as is_a() * is_a() deprecated in PHP 5, in favor of instanceof operator * @param $object object An object. * @param $class string Class name. * @return bool True iff $object is a $class * or a sub-type of $class. */ function isa ($object, $class) { //if (check_php_version(5)) // return $object instanceof $class; if (check_php_version(4,2) and !check_php_version(5)) return is_a($object, $class); $lclass = check_php_version(5) ? $class : strtolower($class); return is_object($object) && ( strtolower(get_class($object)) == strtolower($class) || is_subclass_of($object, $lclass) ); } /** Determine whether (possible) object has method. * * @param $object mixed Object * @param $method string Method name * @return bool True iff $object is an object with has method $method. */ function can ($object, $method) { return is_object($object) && method_exists($object, strtolower($method)); } /** Determine whether a function is okay to use. * * Some providers (e.g. Lycos) disable some of PHP functions for * "security reasons." This makes those functions, of course, * unusable, despite the fact the function_exists() says they * exist. * * This function test to see if a function exists and is not * disallowed by PHP's disable_functions config setting. * * @param string $function_name Function name * @return bool True iff function can be used. */ function function_usable($function_name) { static $disabled; if (!is_array($disabled)) { $disabled = array(); // Use get_cfg_var since ini_get() is one of the disabled functions // (on Lycos, at least.) $split = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim(get_cfg_var('disable_functions'))); foreach ($split as $f) $disabled[strtolower($f)] = true; } return ( function_exists($function_name) and ! isset($disabled[strtolower($function_name)]) ); } /** Hash a value. * * This is used for generating ETags. */ function wikihash ($x) { if (is_scalar($x)) { return $x; } elseif (is_array($x)) { ksort($x); return md5(serialize($x)); } elseif (is_object($x)) { return $x->hash(); } trigger_error("Can't hash $x", E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Seed the random number generator. * * better_srand() ensures the randomizer is seeded only once. * * How random do you want it? See: * * */ function better_srand($seed = '') { static $wascalled = FALSE; if (!$wascalled) { $seed = $seed === '' ? (double) microtime() * 1000000 : $seed; function_exists('mt_srand') ? mt_srand($seed) : srand($seed); $wascalled = TRUE; //trigger_error("new random seed", E_USER_NOTICE); //debugging } } function rand_ascii($length = 1) { better_srand(); $s = ""; for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++) { // return only typeable 7 bit ascii, avoid quotes if (function_exists('mt_rand')) $s .= chr(mt_rand(40, 126)); else // the usually bad glibc srand() $s .= chr(rand(40, 126)); } return $s; } /* by Dan Frankowski. */ function rand_ascii_readable ($length = 6) { // Pick a few random letters or numbers $word = ""; better_srand(); // Don't use 1lI0O, because they're hard to read $letters = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789"; $letter_len = strlen($letters); for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) { if (function_exists('mt_rand')) $word .= $letters[mt_rand(0, $letter_len-1)]; else $word .= $letters[rand(0, $letter_len-1)]; } return $word; } /** * Recursively count all non-empty elements * in array of any dimension or mixed - i.e. * array('1' => 2, '2' => array('1' => 3, '2' => 4)) * See */ function count_all($arg) { // skip if argument is empty if ($arg) { //print_r($arg); //debugging $count = 0; // not an array, return 1 (base case) if(!is_array($arg)) return 1; // else call recursively for all elements $arg foreach($arg as $key => $val) $count += count_all($val); return $count; } } function isSubPage($pagename) { return (strstr($pagename, SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)); } function subPageSlice($pagename, $pos) { $pages = explode(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR,$pagename); $pages = array_slice($pages,$pos,1); return $pages[0]; } /** * Alert * * Class for "popping up" and alert box. (Except that right now, it doesn't * pop up...) * * FIXME: * This is a hackish and needs to be refactored. However it would be nice to * unify all the different methods we use for showing Alerts and Dialogs. * (E.g. "Page deleted", login form, ...) */ class Alert { /** Constructor * * @param object $request * @param mixed $head Header ("title") for alert box. * @param mixed $body The text in the alert box. * @param hash $buttons An array mapping button labels to URLs. * The default is a single "Okay" button pointing to $request->getURLtoSelf(). */ function Alert($head, $body, $buttons=false) { if ($buttons === false) $buttons = array(); $this->_tokens = array('HEADER' => $head, 'CONTENT' => $body); $this->_buttons = $buttons; } /** * Show the alert box. */ function show() { global $request; $tokens = $this->_tokens; $tokens['BUTTONS'] = $this->_getButtons(); $request->discardOutput(); $tmpl = new Template('dialog', $request, $tokens); $tmpl->printXML(); $request->finish(); } function _getButtons() { global $request; $buttons = $this->_buttons; if (!$buttons) $buttons = array(_("Okay") => $request->getURLtoSelf()); global $WikiTheme; foreach ($buttons as $label => $url) print "$label $url\n"; $out[] = $WikiTheme->makeButton($label, $url, 'wikiaction'); return new XmlContent($out); } } // 1.3.8 => 1030.08 // 1.3.9-p1 => 1030.091 // 1.3.10pre => 1030.099 // 1.3.11pre-20041120 => 1030.1120041120 // 1.3.12-rc1 => 1030.119 function phpwiki_version() { static $PHPWIKI_VERSION; if (!isset($PHPWIKI_VERSION)) { $arr = explode('.',preg_replace('/\D+$/','', PHPWIKI_VERSION)); // remove the pre $arr[2] = preg_replace('/\.+/','.',preg_replace('/\D/','.',$arr[2])); $PHPWIKI_VERSION = $arr[0]*1000 + $arr[1]*10 + 0.01*$arr[2]; if (strstr(PHPWIKI_VERSION, 'pre') or strstr(PHPWIKI_VERSION, 'rc')) $PHPWIKI_VERSION -= 0.01; } return $PHPWIKI_VERSION; } function phpwiki_gzhandler($ob) { if (function_exists('gzencode')) $ob = gzencode($ob); $GLOBALS['request']->_ob_get_length = strlen($ob); if (!headers_sent()) { header(sprintf("Content-Length: %d", $GLOBALS['request']->_ob_get_length)); } return $ob; } function isWikiWord($word) { global $WikiNameRegexp; //or preg_match('/\A' . $WikiNameRegexp . '\z/', $word) ?? return preg_match("/^$WikiNameRegexp\$/",$word); } // needed to store serialized objects-values only (perm, pref) function obj2hash ($obj, $exclude = false, $fields = false) { $a = array(); if (! $fields ) $fields = get_object_vars($obj); foreach ($fields as $key => $val) { if (is_array($exclude)) { if (in_array($key, $exclude)) continue; } $a[$key] = $val; } return $a; } /** * isUtf8String($string) - cheap utf-8 detection * * segfaults for strings longer than 10kb! * Use or * checkTitleEncoding() at */ function isUtf8String( $s ) { $ptrASCII = '[\x00-\x7F]'; $ptr2Octet = '[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]'; $ptr3Octet = '[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}'; $ptr4Octet = '[\xF0-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]{3}'; $ptr5Octet = '[\xF8-\xFB][\x80-\xBF]{4}'; $ptr6Octet = '[\xFC-\xFD][\x80-\xBF]{5}'; return preg_match("/^($ptrASCII|$ptr2Octet|$ptr3Octet|$ptr4Octet|$ptr5Octet|$ptr6Octet)*$/s", $s); } /** * Check for UTF-8 URLs; Internet Explorer produces these if you * type non-ASCII chars in the URL bar or follow unescaped links. * Requires urldecoded pagename. * Fixes bug #953949 * * src: languages/Language.php:checkTitleEncoding() from mediawiki */ function fixTitleEncoding( $s ) { global $charset; $s = trim($s); // print a warning? if (empty($s)) return $s; $ishigh = preg_match( '/[\x80-\xff]/', $s); /* $isutf = ($ishigh ? preg_match( '/^([\x00-\x7f]|[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|' . '[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]{3})+$/', $s ) : true ); */ $isutf = ($ishigh ? isUtf8String($s) : true); $locharset = strtolower($charset); if( $locharset != "utf-8" and $ishigh and $isutf ) $s = charset_convert('UTF-8', $locharset, $s); if ($locharset == "utf-8" and $ishigh and !$isutf ) return utf8_encode( $s ); // Other languages can safely leave this function, or replace // it with one to detect and convert another legacy encoding. return $s; } /** * MySQL fulltext index doesn't grok utf-8, so we * need to fold cases and convert to hex. * src: languages/Language.php:stripForSearch() from mediawiki */ /* function stripForSearch( $string ) { global $wikiLowerChars; // '/(?:[a-z]|\xc3[\x9f-\xbf]|\xc4[\x81\x83\x85\x87])/' => "a-z\xdf-\xf6\xf8-\xff" return preg_replace( "/([\\xc0-\\xff][\\x80-\\xbf]*)/e", "'U8' . bin2hex( strtr( \"\$1\", \$wikiLowerChars ) )", $string ); } */ /** * Workaround for allow_url_fopen, to get the content of an external URI. * It returns the contents in one slurp. Parsers might want to check for allow_url_fopen * and use fopen, fread chunkwise. (see lib/XmlParser.php) */ function url_get_contents( $uri ) { if (get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) { // was ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) return @file_get_contents($uri); } else { require_once("lib/HttpClient.php"); $bits = parse_url($uri); $host = $bits['host']; $port = isset($bits['port']) ? $bits['port'] : 80; $path = isset($bits['path']) ? $bits['path'] : '/'; if (isset($bits['query'])) { $path .= '?'.$bits['query']; } $client = new HttpClient($host, $port); $client->use_gzip = false; if (!$client->get($path)) { return false; } else { return $client->getContent(); } } } /** * Generate consecutively named strings: * Name, Name2, Name3, ... */ function GenerateId($name) { static $ids = array(); if (empty($ids[$name])) { $ids[$name] = 1; return $name; } else { $ids[$name]++; return $name . $ids[$name]; } } // from IncludePage. To be of general use. // content: string or array of strings function firstNWordsOfContent( $n, $content ) { if ($content and $n > 0) { if (is_array($content)) { // fixme: return a list of lines then? //$content = join("\n", $content); //$return_array = true; $wordcount = 0; foreach ($content as $line) { $words = explode(' ', $line); if ($wordcount + count($words) > $n) { $new[] = implode(' ', array_slice($words, 0, $n - $wordcount)) . sprintf(_("... (first %s words)"), $n); return $new; } else { $wordcount += count($words); $new[] = $line; } } return $new; } else { // fixme: use better whitespace/word seperators $words = explode(' ', $content); if (count($words) > $n) { return join(' ', array_slice($words, 0, $n)) . sprintf(_("... (first %s words)"), $n); } else { return $content; } } } else { return ''; } } // moved from lib/plugin/IncludePage.php function extractSection ($section, $content, $page, $quiet = false, $sectionhead = false) { $qsection = preg_replace('/\s+/', '\s+', preg_quote($section, '/')); if (preg_match("/ ^(!{1,})\\s*$qsection" // section header . " \\s*$\\n?" // possible blank lines . " ( (?: ^.*\\n? )*? )" // some lines . " (?= ^\\1 | \\Z)/xm", // sec header (same or higher level) (or EOF) implode("\n", $content), $match)) { // Strip trailing blanks lines and ----
s $text = preg_replace("/\\s*^-{4,}\\s*$/m", "", $match[2]); if ($sectionhead) $text = $match[1] . $section ."\n". $text; return explode("\n", $text); } if ($quiet) $mesg = $page ." ". $section; else $mesg = $section; return array(sprintf(_("<%s: no such section>"), $mesg)); } // use this faster version: only load ExternalReferrer if we came from an external referrer function isExternalReferrer(&$request) { if ($referrer = $request->get('HTTP_REFERER')) { $home = SERVER_URL; // SERVER_URL or SCRIPT_NAME, if we want to check sister wiki's also if (string_starts_with(strtolower($referrer), strtolower($home))) return false; require_once("lib/ExternalReferrer.php"); $se = new SearchEngines(); return $se->parseSearchQuery($referrer); } //if (DEBUG) return array('query' => 'wiki'); return false; } /** * Useful for PECL overrides: cvsclient, ldap, soap, xmlrpc, pdo, pdo_ */ function loadPhpExtension($extension) { if (!extension_loaded($extension)) { $isWindows = (substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN'); $soname = ($isWindows ? 'php_' : '') . $extension . ($isWindows ? '.dll' : '.so'); if (!@dl($soname)) return false; } return extension_loaded($extension); } function charset_convert($from, $to, $data) { //global $CHARSET; //$wikicharset = strtolower($CHARSET); //$systemcharset = strtolower(get_cfg_var('iconv.internal_encoding')); // 'iso-8859-1'; if (strtolower($from) == 'utf-8' and strtolower($to) == 'iso-8859-1') return utf8_decode($data); if (strtolower($to) == 'utf-8' and strtolower($from) == 'iso-8859-1') return utf8_encode($data); if (loadPhpExtension("iconv")) { $tmpdata = iconv($from, $to, $data); if (!$tmpdata) trigger_error("charset conversion $from => $to failed. Wrong source charset?", E_USER_WARNING); else $data = $tmpdata; } else { trigger_error("The iconv extension cannot be loaded", E_USER_WARNING); } return $data; } function string_starts_with($string, $prefix) { return (substr($string, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix); } function string_ends_with($string, $suffix) { return (substr($string, -strlen($suffix)) == $suffix); } function array_remove($arr,$value) { return array_values(array_diff($arr,array($value))); } /** * Ensure that the script will have another $secs time left. * Works only if safe_mode is off. * For example not to timeout on waiting socket connections. * Use the socket timeout as arg. */ function longer_timeout($secs = 30) { $timeout = @ini_get("max_execution_time") ? ini_get("max_execution_time") : 30; $timeleft = $timeout - $GLOBALS['RUNTIMER']->getTime(); if ($timeleft < $secs) @set_time_limit(max($timeout,(integer)($secs + $timeleft))); } function printSimpleTrace($bt) { //print_r($bt); echo "\nTraceback:\n"; if (function_exists('debug_print_backtrace')) { // >= 5 debug_print_backtrace(); } else { foreach ($bt as $i => $elem) { if (!array_key_exists('file', $elem)) { continue; } //echo join(" ",array_values($elem)),"\n"; echo " ",$elem['file'],':',$elem['line']," ",$elem['function'],"\n"; } } } /** * Return the used process memory (in byte?) * Enable the section which will work for you. (They are very slow) * Special quirks for Windows: Requires cygwin. */ function getMemoryUsage() { //if (!(DEBUG & _DEBUG_VERBOSE)) return; if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') and memory_get_usage()) { return memory_get_usage(); } elseif (function_exists('getrusage') and ($u = @getrusage()) and !empty($u['ru_maxrss'])) { $mem = $u['ru_maxrss']; } elseif (substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN') { // may require a newer cygwin // what we want is the process memory only: apache or php (if CGI) $pid = getmypid(); $memstr = ''; // win32_ps_stat_proc, win32_ps_stat_mem if (function_exists('win32_ps_list_procs')) { $info = win32_ps_stat_proc($pid); $memstr = $info['mem']['working_set_size']; } elseif(0) { // This works only if it's a cygwin process (apache or php). // Requires a newer cygwin //$memstr = exec("cat /proc/$pid/statm |cut -f1"); // if it's native windows use something like this: // (requires pslist from $memstr = exec("pslist $pid|grep -A1 Mem|sed 1d|perl -ane\"print \$"."F[5]\""); } return (integer) trim($memstr); } elseif (0) { $pid = getmypid(); //%MEM: Percentage of total memory in use by this process //VSZ: Total virtual memory size, in 1K blocks. //RSS: Real Set Size, the actual amount of physical memory allocated to this process. //CPU time used by process since it started. //echo "%",`ps -o%mem,vsz,rss,time -p $pid|sed 1d`,"\n"; $memstr = exec("ps -orss -p $pid|sed 1d"); return (integer) trim($memstr); } } // $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ // Revision 1.260 2007/02/17 14:15:21 rurban // fix ImgLink params: $ori_url // // Revision 1.259 2007/01/20 11:41:38 rurban // WikiPagename::_check: add flatfile support // // Revision 1.258 2007/01/07 18:43:51 rurban // Remove FileFinder dependency for loadPhpExtension() // // Revision 1.257 2007/01/03 21:24:56 rurban // Disable noisy ps subprocess on DEBUG. Turn it on explicitly on memory debugging. Add convert_charset helper. Use convert_charset(). // // Revision 1.256 2007/01/02 13:23:49 rurban // ftnt_${footnum}: do not confuse old php string definition parsers. Clarify API: sortby,limit and exclude are strings. // // Revision 1.255 2006/12/22 16:53:38 rurban // Try to dl() load the iconv extension, if not already loaded // // Revision 1.254 2006/12/02 19:53:05 rurban // Simplify DISABLE_MARKUP_WIKIWORD handling by adding the new function // stdlib: array_remove(). Hopefully PHP will not add this natively sooner // or later. // // Revision 1.253 2006/08/25 22:20:52 rurban // better split subpages at sep // // Revision 1.252 2006/06/18 11:03:36 rurban // support rc version // // Revision 1.251 2006/03/19 15:01:00 rurban // patch #1333957 by Matt Brown: Authentication cookie identical across all wikis on a host // // Revision 1.250 2006/03/07 20:45:44 rurban // wikihash for php-5.1 // // Revision 1.249 2005/10/30 14:24:33 rurban // move rand_ascii_readable from Captcha to stdlib // // Revision 1.248 2005/10/29 14:18:30 uckelman // Added is_a() deprecation note. // // Revision 1.247 2005/10/10 20:31:21 rurban // fix win32ps call // // Revision 1.246 2005/10/10 19:38:48 rurban // add win32ps // // Revision 1.245 2005/09/18 16:01:09 rurban // trick to send the correct gzipped Content-Length // // Revision 1.244 2005/09/11 13:24:33 rurban // fix shortname, dont quote twice in ListRegexExpand // // Revision 1.243 2005/08/06 15:01:38 rurban // workaround php VBASIC alike limitation: allow integer pagenames // // Revision 1.242 2005/08/06 13:07:04 rurban // quote paths correctly (not the best method though) // // Revision 1.241 2005/05/06 16:54:19 rurban // support optional EXTERNAL_LINK_TARGET, default: _blank // // Revision 1.240 2005/04/23 11:15:49 rurban // handle allowed inlined objects within INLINE_IMAGES // // Revision 1.239 2005/04/01 16:11:42 rurban // just whitespace // // Revision 1.238 2005/03/04 16:29:14 rurban // Fixed bug #994994 (escape / in glob) // Optimized glob_to_pcre within fileSet() matching. // // Revision 1.237 2005/02/12 17:22:18 rurban // locale update: missing . : fixed. unified strings // proper linebreaks // // Revision 1.236 2005/02/08 13:41:32 rurban // add rand_ascii // // Revision 1.235 2005/02/04 11:54:48 rurban // fix Talk: names // // Revision 1.234 2005/02/03 05:09:25 rurban // Talk: + User: fix // // Revision 1.233 2005/02/02 20:40:12 rurban // fix Talk: and User: names and links // // Revision 1.232 2005/02/02 19:34:09 rurban // more maps: Talk, User // // Revision 1.231 2005/01/30 19:48:52 rurban // enable ps memory on unix // // Revision 1.230 2005/01/25 07:10:51 rurban // add getMemoryUsage to stdlib // // Revision 1.229 2005/01/21 11:51:22 rurban // changed (c) // // Revision 1.228 2005/01/17 20:28:30 rurban // Allow more pagename chars: Limit only on certain backends. // Re-Allow : and ; and control chars on non-file backends. // // Revision 1.227 2005/01/14 18:32:08 uckelman // ConvertOldMarkup did not properly handle links containing pairs of pairs // of underscores. (E.g., [] would be // munged by the regex for bold text.) Now '__' in links are hidden prior to // conversion of '__' into '', and then unhidden afterwards. // // Revision 1.226 2004/12/26 17:12:06 rurban // avoid stdargs in url, php5 fixes // // Revision 1.225 2004/12/22 19:02:29 rurban // fix glob for starting * or ? // // Revision 1.224 2004/12/20 12:11:50 rurban // fix "lib/stdlib.php:1348: Warning[2]: Compilation failed: unmatched parentheses at offset 2" // not reproducable other than on, but this seems to fix it. // // Revision 1.223 2004/12/18 16:49:29 rurban // fix RPC for !USE_PATH_INFO, add debugging helper // // Revision 1.222 2004/12/17 16:40:45 rurban // add not yet used url helper // // Revision 1.221 2004/12/06 19:49:58 rurban // enable action=remove which is undoable and seeable in RecentChanges: ADODB ony for now. // renamed delete_page to purge_page. // enable action=edit&version=-1 to force creation of a new version. // added BABYCART_PATH config // fixed magiqc in // and some more docs // // Revision 1.220 2004/11/30 17:47:41 rurban // added mt_srand, check for native isa // // Revision 1.219 2004/11/26 18:39:02 rurban // new regex search parser and SQL backends (90% complete, glob and pcre backends missing) // // Revision 1.218 2004/11/25 08:28:48 rurban // support exclude // // Revision 1.217 2004/11/16 17:31:03 rurban // re-enable old block markup conversion // // Revision 1.216 2004/11/11 18:31:26 rurban // add simple backtrace on such general failures to get at least an idea where // // Revision 1.215 2004/11/11 14:34:12 rurban // minor clarifications // // Revision 1.214 2004/11/11 11:01:20 rurban // fix loadPhpExtension // // Revision 1.213 2004/11/01 10:43:57 rurban // seperate PassUser methods into seperate dir (memory usage) // fix WikiUser (old) overlarge data session // remove wikidb arg from various page class methods, use global ->_dbi instead // ... // // Revision 1.212 2004/10/22 09:15:39 rurban // Alert::show has no arg anymore // // Revision 1.211 2004/10/22 09:05:11 rurban // added longer_timeout (HttpClient) // fixed warning // // Revision 1.210 2004/10/14 21:06:02 rurban // fix dumphtml with USE_PATH_INFO (again). fix some PageList refs // // Revision 1.209 2004/10/14 19:19:34 rurban // loadsave: check if the dumped file will be accessible from outside. // and some other minor fixes. (cvsclient native not yet ready) // // Revision 1.208 2004/10/12 13:13:20 rurban // php5 compatibility (5.0.1 ok) // // Revision 1.207 2004/09/26 12:21:40 rurban // removed old log entries. // added persistent start_debug on internal links and DEBUG // added isExternalReferrer (not yet used) // // Revision 1.206 2004/09/25 16:28:36 rurban // added to TOC, firstNWordsOfContent is now plugin compatible, added extractSection // // Revision 1.205 2004/09/23 13:59:35 rurban // Before removing a page display a sample of 100 words. // // Revision 1.204 2004/09/17 13:19:15 rurban // fix LinkPhpwikiURL bug reported in // by SteveBennett. // // Revision 1.203 2004/09/16 08:00:52 rurban // just some comments // // Revision 1.202 2004/09/14 10:11:44 rurban // start 2nd Id with ...Plugin2 // // Revision 1.201 2004/09/14 10:06:42 rurban // generate iterated plugin ids, set plugin span id also // // Revision 1.200 2004/08/05 17:34:26 rurban // move require to sortby branch // // Revision 1.199 2004/08/05 10:38:15 rurban // fix Bug #993692: Making Snapshots or Backups doesn't work anymore // in CVS version. // // Revision 1.198 2004/07/02 10:30:36 rurban // always disable getimagesize for < php-4.3 with external png's // // Revision 1.197 2004/07/02 09:55:58 rurban // more stability fixes: new DISABLE_GETIMAGESIZE if your php crashes when loading LinkIcons: failing getimagesize in old phps; blockparser stabilized // // Revision 1.196 2004/07/01 08:51:22 rurban // dumphtml: added exclude, print pagename before processing // // Revision 1.195 2004/06/29 08:52:22 rurban // Use ...version() $need_content argument in WikiDB also: // To reduce the memory footprint for larger sets of pagelists, // we don't cache the content (only true or false) and // we purge the pagedata (_cached_html) also. // _cached_html is only cached for the current pagename. // => Vastly improved page existance check, ACL check, ... // // Now only PagedList info=content or size needs the whole content, esp. if sortable. // // Revision 1.194 2004/06/29 06:48:04 rurban // Improve LDAP auth and GROUP_LDAP membership: // no error message on false password, // added two new config vars: LDAP_OU_USERS and LDAP_OU_GROUP with GROUP_METHOD=LDAP // fixed two group queries (this -> user) // stdlib: ConvertOldMarkup still flawed // // Revision 1.193 2004/06/28 13:27:03 rurban // CreateToc disabled for old markup and Apache2 only // // Revision 1.192 2004/06/28 12:47:43 rurban // skip if non-DEBUG and old markup with CreateToc // // Revision 1.191 2004/06/25 14:31:56 rurban // avoid debug_skip warning // // Revision 1.190 2004/06/25 14:29:20 rurban // WikiGroup refactoring: // global group attached to user, code for not_current user. // improved helpers for special groups (avoid double invocations) // new experimental config option ENABLE_XHTML_XML (fails with IE, and document.write()) // fixed a XHTML validation error on userprefs.tmpl // // Revision 1.189 2004/06/20 09:45:35 rurban // php5 isa fix (wrong strtolower) // // Revision 1.188 2004/06/16 10:38:58 rurban // Disallow refernces in calls if the declaration is a reference // ("allow_call_time_pass_reference clean"). // PhpWiki is now allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off clean, // but several external libraries may not. // In detail these libs look to be affected (not tested): // * Pear_DB odbc // * adodb oracle // // Revision 1.187 2004/06/14 11:31:37 rurban // renamed global $Theme to $WikiTheme (gforge nameclash) // inherit PageList default options from PageList // default sortby=pagename // use options in PageList_Selectable (limit, sortby, ...) // added action revert, with button at action=diff // added option regex to WikiAdminSearchReplace // // Revision 1.186 2004/06/13 13:54:25 rurban // Catch fatals on the four dump calls (as file and zip, as html and mimified) // FoafViewer: Check against external requirements, instead of fatal. // Change output for xhtmldumps: using file:// urls to the local fs. // Catch SOAP fatal by checking for GOOGLE_LICENSE_KEY // Import GOOGLE_LICENSE_KEY and FORTUNE_DIR from config.ini. // // Revision 1.185 2004/06/11 09:07:30 rurban // support theme-specific LinkIconAttr: front or after or none // // Revision 1.184 2004/06/04 20:32:53 rurban // Several locale related improvements suggested by Pierrick Meignen // LDAP fix by John Cole // reanable admin check without ENABLE_PAGEPERM in the admin plugins // // Revision 1.183 2004/06/01 10:22:56 rurban // added url_get_contents() used in XmlParser and elsewhere // // Revision 1.182 2004/05/25 12:40:48 rurban // trim the pagename // // Revision 1.181 2004/05/25 10:18:44 rurban // Check for UTF-8 URLs; Internet Explorer produces these if you // type non-ASCII chars in the URL bar or follow unescaped links. // Fixes bug #953949 // src: languages/Language.php:checkTitleEncoding() from mediawiki // // Revision 1.180 2004/05/18 16:23:39 rurban // rename split_pagename to SplitPagename // // Revision 1.179 2004/05/18 16:18:37 rurban // AutoSplit at subpage seperators // RssFeed stability fix for empty feeds or broken connections // // Revision 1.178 2004/05/12 10:49:55 rurban // require_once fix for those libs which are loaded before FileFinder and // its automatic include_path fix, and where require_once doesn't grok // dirname(__FILE__) != './lib' // upgrade fix with PearDB // navbar.tmpl: remove spaces for IE   button alignment // // Revision 1.177 2004/05/08 14:06:12 rurban // new support for inlined image attributes: [image.jpg size=50x30 align=right] // minor stability and portability fixes // // Revision 1.176 2004/05/08 11:25:15 rurban // php-4.0.4 fixes // // Revision 1.175 2004/05/06 17:30:38 rurban // CategoryGroup: oops, dos2unix eol // improved phpwiki_version: // pre -= .0001 (1.3.10pre: 1030.099) // -p1 += .001 (1.3.9-p1: 1030.091) // improved InstallTable for mysql and generic SQL versions and all newer tables so far. // abstracted more ADODB/PearDB methods for action=upgrade stuff: // backend->backendType(), backend->database(), // backend->listOfFields(), // backend->listOfTables(), // // Revision 1.174 2004/05/06 12:02:05 rurban // fix bug#949002: [ Link | ] assertion // // Revision 1.173 2004/05/03 15:00:31 rurban // added more database upgrading: session.sess_ip, autp_increment // // Revision 1.172 2004/04/26 20:44:34 rurban // locking table specific for better databases // // Revision 1.171 2004/04/19 23:13:03 zorloc // Connect the rest of PhpWiki to the IniConfig system. Also the keyword regular expression is not a config setting // // Revision 1.170 2004/04/19 18:27:45 rurban // Prevent from some PHP5 warnings (ref args, no :: object init) // php5 runs now through, just one wrong XmlElement object init missing // Removed unneccesary UpgradeUser lines // Changed WikiLink to omit version if current (RecentChanges) // // Revision 1.169 2004/04/15 21:29:48 rurban // allow [0] with new markup: link to page "0" // // Revision 1.168 2004/04/10 02:30:49 rurban // Fixed gettext problem with VIRTUAL_PATH scripts (Windows only probably) // Fixed "cannot setlocale..." ( problem) // // Revision 1.167 2004/04/02 15:06:55 rurban // fixed a nasty ADODB_mysql session update bug // improved UserPreferences layout (tabled hints) // fixed UserPreferences auth handling // improved auth stability // improved old cookie handling: fixed deletion of old cookies with paths // // Revision 1.166 2004/04/01 15:57:10 rurban // simplified Sidebar theme: table, not absolute css positioning // added the new box methods. // remaining problems: large left margin, how to override _autosplitWikiWords in Template only // // Revision 1.165 2004/03/24 19:39:03 rurban // php5 workaround code (plus some interim debugging code in XmlElement) // php5 doesn't work yet with the current XmlElement class constructors, // WikiUserNew does work better than php4. // rewrote WikiUserNew user upgrading to ease php5 update // fixed pref handling in WikiUserNew // added Email Notification // added simple Email verification // removed emailVerify userpref subclass: just a email property // changed pref binary storage layout: numarray => hash of non default values // print optimize message only if really done. // forced new cookie policy: delete pref cookies, use only WIKI_ID as plain string. // prefs should be stored in db or homepage, besides the current session. // // Revision 1.164 2004/03/18 21:41:09 rurban // fixed sqlite support // WikiUserNew: PHP5 fixes: don't assign $this (untested) // // Revision 1.163 2004/03/17 18:41:49 rurban // just reformatting // // Revision 1.162 2004/03/16 15:43:08 rurban // make fileSet sortable to please PageList // // Revision 1.161 2004/03/12 15:48:07 rurban // fixed explodePageList: wrong sortby argument order in UnfoldSubpages // simplified lib/stdlib.php:explodePageList // // Revision 1.160 2004/02/28 21:14:08 rurban // generally more PHPDOC docs // see // fxied WikiUserNew pref handling: empty theme not stored, save only // changed prefs, sql prefs improved, fixed password update, // removed REPLACE sql (dangerous) // moved gettext init after the locale was guessed // + some minor changes // // (c-file-style: "gnu") // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>