> 8) & 0xffffff) ); } return ~$crc; } define('GZIP_MAGIC', "\037\213"); define('GZIP_DEFLATE', 010); function zip_deflate ($content) { // Compress content, and suck information from gzip header. $z = gzip_compress($content); // Suck OS type byte from gzip header. FIXME: this smells bad. extract(unpack("a2magic/Ccomp_type/Cflags/@9/Cos_type", $z)); if ($magic != GZIP_MAGIC) ExitWiki("Bad gzip magic"); if ($comp_type != GZIP_DEFLATE) ExitWiki("Bad gzip comp type"); if (($flags & 0x3e) != 0) ExitWiki(sprintf("Bad flags (0x%02x)", $flags)); $gz_header_len = 10; $gz_data_len = strlen($z) - $gz_header_len - 8; if ($gz_data_len < 0) ExitWiki("not enough gzip output?"); extract(unpack("Vcrc32", substr($z, $gz_header_len + $gz_data_len))); return array(substr($z, $gz_header_len, $gz_data_len), // gzipped data $crc32, // crc $os_type // OS type ); } function zip_inflate ($data, $crc32, $uncomp_size) { if (!function_exists('gzopen')) ExitWiki("Can't inflate data: zlib support not enabled in this PHP"); // Reconstruct gzip header and ungzip the data. $mtime = time(); //(Bogus mtime) return gzip_uncompress( pack("a2CxV@10", GZIP_MAGIC, GZIP_DEFLATE, $mtime) . $data . pack("VV", $crc32, $uncomp_size) ); } function unixtime2dostime ($unix_time) { if ($unix_time % 1) $unix_time++; // Round up to even seconds. list ($year,$month,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) = explode(" ", date("Y n j G i s", $unix_time)); if ($year < 1980) list ($year,$month,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) = array(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); $dosdate = (($year - 1980) << 9) | ($month << 5) | $mday; $dostime = ($hour << 11) | ($min << 5) | ($sec >> 1); return array($dosdate, $dostime); } function dostime2unixtime ($dosdate, $dostime) { $mday = $dosdate & 0x1f; $month = ($dosdate >> 5) & 0x0f; $year = 1980 + (($dosdate >> 9) & 0x7f); $sec = ($dostime & 0x1f) * 2; $min = ($dostime >> 5) & 0x3f; $hour = ($dostime >> 11) & 0x1f; return mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $mday, $year); } /** * Class for zipfile creation. */ define('ZIP_DEFLATE', GZIP_DEFLATE); define('ZIP_STORE', 0); define('ZIP_CENTHEAD_MAGIC', "PK\001\002"); define('ZIP_LOCHEAD_MAGIC', "PK\003\004"); define('ZIP_ENDDIR_MAGIC', "PK\005\006"); class ZipWriter { function ZipWriter ($comment = "", $zipname = "archive.zip") { $this->comment = $comment; $this->nfiles = 0; $this->dir = ""; // "Central directory block" $this->offset = 0; // Current file position. $zipname = addslashes($zipname); header("Content-Type: application/zip; name=\"$zipname\""); header("Content-Disposition: save; filename=\"$zipname\""); } function addRegularFile ($filename, $content, $attrib = false) { if (!$attrib) $attrib = array(); $size = strlen($content); if (function_exists('gzopen')) { list ($data, $crc32, $os_type) = zip_deflate($content); if (strlen($data) < $size) { $content = $data; // Use compressed data. $comp_type = ZIP_DEFLATE; } else unset($crc32); // force plain store. } if (!isset($crc32)) { $comp_type = ZIP_STORE; $crc32 = zip_crc32($content); } if (!empty($attrib['write_protected'])) $atx = (0100444 << 16) | 1; // S_IFREG + read permissions to everybody. else $atx = (0100644 << 16); // Add owner write perms. $ati = $attrib['is_ascii'] ? 1 : 0; if (empty($attrib['mtime'])) $attrib['mtime'] = time(); list ($mod_date, $mod_time) = unixtime2dostime($attrib['mtime']); // Construct parts common to "Local file header" and "Central // directory file header." if (!isset($attrib['extra_field'])) $attrib['extra_field'] = ''; if (!isset($attrib['file_comment'])) $attrib['file_comment'] = ''; $head = pack("vvvvvVVVvv", 20, // Version needed to extract (FIXME: is this right?) 0, // Gen purp bit flag $comp_type, $mod_time, $mod_date, $crc32, strlen($content), $size, strlen($filename), strlen($attrib['extra_field'])); // Construct the "Local file header" $lheader = ZIP_LOCHEAD_MAGIC . $head . $filename . $attrib['extra_field']; // Construct the "central directory file header" $this->dir .= pack("a4CC", ZIP_CENTHEAD_MAGIC, 23, // Version made by (FIXME: is this right?) $os_type); $this->dir .= $head; $this->dir .= pack("vvvVV", strlen($attrib['file_comment']), 0, // Disk number start $ati, // Internal file attributes $atx, // External file attributes $this->offset); // Relative offset of local header $this->dir .= $filename . $attrib['extra_field'] . $attrib['file_comment']; // Output the "Local file header" and file contents. echo $lheader; echo $content; $this->offset += strlen($lheader) + strlen($content); $this->nfiles++; } function finish () { // Output the central directory echo $this->dir; // Construct the "End of central directory record" echo ZIP_ENDDIR_MAGIC; echo pack("vvvvVVv", 0, // Number of this disk. 0, // Number of disk with start of c dir $this->nfiles, // Number entries on this disk $this->nfiles, // Number entries strlen($this->dir), // Size of central directory $this->offset, // Offset of central directory strlen($this->comment)); echo $this->comment; } } /** * Class for reading zip files. * * BUGS: * * Many of the ExitWiki()'s should probably be warn()'s (eg. CRC mismatch). * * Only a subset of zip formats is recognized. (I think that unsupported * formats will be recognized as such rather than silently munged.) * * We don't read the central directory. This means we don't see the * file attributes (text? read-only?), or file comments. * * Right now we ignore the file mod date and time, since we don't need it. */ class ZipReader { function ZipReader ($zipfile) { if (!is_string($zipfile)) $this->fp = $zipfile; // File already open else if (!($this->fp = fopen($zipfile, "rb"))) ExitWiki("Can't open zip file '$zipfile' for reading"); } function _read ($nbytes) { $chunk = fread($this->fp, $nbytes); if (strlen($chunk) != $nbytes) ExitWiki("Unexpected EOF in zip file"); return $chunk; } function done () { fclose($this->fp); return false; } function readFile () { $head = $this->_read(30); extract(unpack("a4magic/vreq_version/vflags/vcomp_type" . "/vmod_time/vmod_date" . "/Vcrc32/Vcomp_size/Vuncomp_size" . "/vfilename_len/vextrafld_len", $head)); //FIXME: we should probably check $req_version. $attrib['mtime'] = dostime2unixtime($mod_date, $mod_time); if ($magic != ZIP_LOCHEAD_MAGIC) { if ($magic != ZIP_CENTHEAD_MAGIC) ExitWiki("Bad header type: " . htmlspecialchars($magic)); // FIXME: better message? return $this->done(); } if (($flags & 0x21) != 0) ExitWiki("Encryption and/or zip patches not supported."); if (($flags & 0x08) != 0) ExitWiki("Postponed CRC not yet supported."); // FIXME: ??? $filename = $this->_read($filename_len); if ($extrafld_len != 0) $attrib['extra_field'] = $this->_read($extrafld_len); $data = $this->_read($comp_size); if ($comp_type == ZIP_DEFLATE) { $data = zip_inflate($data, $crc32, $uncomp_size); } else if ($comp_type == ZIP_STORE) { $crc = zip_crc32($data); if ($crc32 != $crc) ExitWiki(sprintf("CRC mismatch %x != %x", $crc, $crc32)); } else ExitWiki("Compression method $comp_method unsupported"); if (strlen($data) != $uncomp_size) ExitWiki(sprintf("Uncompressed size mismatch %d != %d", strlen($data), $uncomp_size)); return array($filename, $data, $attrib); } } /** * Routines for Mime mailification of pages. */ //FIXME: these should go elsewhere (libmime?). /** * Routines for quoted-printable en/decoding. */ function QuotedPrintableEncode ($string) { // Quote special characters in line. $quoted = ""; while ($string) { // The complicated regexp is to force quoting of trailing spaces. preg_match('/^([ !-<>-~]*)(?:([!-<>-~]$)|(.))/s', $string, $match); $quoted .= $match[1] . $match[2]; if (!empty($match[3])) $quoted .= sprintf("=%02X", ord($match[3])); $string = substr($string, strlen($match[0])); } // Split line. // This splits the line (preferably after white-space) into lines // which are no longer than 76 chars (after adding trailing '=' for // soft line break, but before adding \r\n.) return preg_replace('/(?=.{77})(.{10,74}[ \t]|.{71,73}[^=][^=])/s', "\\1=\r\n", $quoted); } function QuotedPrintableDecode ($string) { // Eliminate soft line-breaks. $string = preg_replace('/=[ \t\r]*\n/', '', $string); return quoted_printable_decode($string); } define('MIME_TOKEN_REGEXP', "[-!#-'*+.0-9A-Z^-~]+"); function MimeContentTypeHeader ($type, $subtype, $params) { $header = "Content-Type: $type/$subtype"; reset($params); while (list($key, $val) = each($params)) { //FIXME: what about non-ascii printables in $val? if (!preg_match('/^' . MIME_TOKEN_REGEXP . '$/', $val)) $val = '"' . addslashes($val) . '"'; $header .= ";\r\n $key=$val"; } return "$header\r\n"; } function MimeMultipart ($parts) { global $mime_multipart_count; // The string "=_" can not occur in quoted-printable encoded data. $boundary = "=_multipart_boundary_" . ++$mime_multipart_count; $head = MimeContentTypeHeader('multipart', 'mixed', array('boundary' => $boundary)); $sep = "\r\n--$boundary\r\n"; return $head . $sep . implode($sep, $parts) . "\r\n--${boundary}--\r\n"; } function MimeifyPageRevision ($revision) { $page = $revision->getPage(); // FIXME: add 'hits' to $params $params = array('pagename' => rawurlencode($page->getName()), 'author' => rawurlencode($revision->get('author')), 'version' => $revision->getVersion(), 'flags' =>"", 'lastmodified' => $revision->get('mtime')); if ($page->get('mtime')) $params['created'] = $page->get('mtime'); if ($page->get('locked')) $params['flags'] = 'PAGE_LOCKED'; if ($revision->get('author_id')) $params['author_id'] = $revision->get('author_id'); $out = MimeContentTypeHeader('application', 'x-phpwiki', $params); $out .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; foreach ($revision->getContent() as $line) { $out .= QuotedPrintableEncode(chop($line)) . "\r\n"; } return $out; } /** * Routines for parsing Mime-ified phpwiki pages. */ function ParseRFC822Headers (&$string) { if (preg_match("/^From (.*)\r?\n/", $string, $match)) { $headers['from '] = preg_replace('/^\s+|\s+$/', '', $match[1]); $string = substr($string, strlen($match[0])); } while (preg_match('/^([!-9;-~]+) [ \t]* : [ \t]* ' . '( .* \r?\n (?: [ \t] .* \r?\n)* )/x', $string, $match)) { $headers[strtolower($match[1])] = preg_replace('/^\s+|\s+$/', '', $match[2]); $string = substr($string, strlen($match[0])); } if (empty($headers)) return false; if (! preg_match("/^\r?\n/", $string, $match)) { // No blank line after headers. return false; } $string = substr($string, strlen($match[0])); return $headers; } function ParseMimeContentType ($string) { // FIXME: Remove (RFC822 style comments). // Get type/subtype if (!preg_match(':^\s*(' . MIME_TOKEN_REGEXP . ')\s*' . '/' . '\s*(' . MIME_TOKEN_REGEXP . ')\s*:x', $string, $match)) ExitWiki ("Bad MIME content-type"); $type = strtolower($match[1]); $subtype = strtolower($match[2]); $string = substr($string, strlen($match[0])); $param = array(); while (preg_match('/^;\s*(' . MIME_TOKEN_REGEXP . ')\s*=\s*' . '(?:(' . MIME_TOKEN_REGEXP . ')|"((?:[^"\\\\]|\\.)*)") \s*/sx', $string, $match)) { if (strlen($match[2])) $val = $match[2]; else $val = preg_replace('/[\\\\](.)/s', '\\1', $match[3]); $param[strtolower($match[1])] = $val; $string = substr($string, strlen($match[0])); } return array($type, $subtype, $param); } function ParseMimeMultipart($data, $boundary) { if (!$boundary) ExitWiki("No boundary?"); $boundary = preg_quote($boundary); while (preg_match("/^(|.*?\n)--$boundary((?:--)?)[^\n]*\n/s", $data, $match)) { $data = substr($data, strlen($match[0])); if ( ! isset($parts) ) $parts = array(); // First time through: discard leading chaff else { if ($content = ParseMimeifiedPages($match[1])) for (reset($content); $p = current($content); next($content)) $parts[] = $p; } if ($match[2]) return $parts; // End boundary found. } ExitWiki("No end boundary?"); } function GenerateFootnotesFromRefs($params) { $footnotes = array(); reset($params); while (list($p, $reference) = each($params)) { if (preg_match('/^ref([1-9][0-9]*)$/', $p, $m)) $footnotes[$m[1]] = sprintf(gettext ("[%d] See [%s]"), $m[1], rawurldecode($reference)); } if (sizeof($footnotes) > 0) { ksort($footnotes); return "-----\n" . gettext ("!References") . "\n" . join("\n%%%\n", $footnotes) . "\n"; } else return ""; } // Convert references in meta-data to footnotes. // Only zip archives generated by phpwiki 1.2.x or earlier should have // references. function ParseMimeifiedPages ($data) { if (!($headers = ParseRFC822Headers($data)) || empty($headers['content-type'])) { //trigger_error("Can't find content-type header", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $typeheader = $headers['content-type']; if (!(list ($type, $subtype, $params) = ParseMimeContentType($typeheader))) { trigger_error("Can't parse content-type: (" . htmlspecialchars($typeheader) . ")", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if ("$type/$subtype" == 'multipart/mixed') { return ParseMimeMultipart($data, $params['boundary']); } else if ("$type/$subtype" != 'application/x-phpwiki') { trigger_error("Bad content-type: $type/$subtype", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } // FIXME: more sanity checking? $page = array(); $pagedata = array(); $versiondata = array(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) continue; $value = rawurldecode($value); switch ($key) { case 'pagename': case 'version': $page[$key] = $value; break; case 'flags': if (preg_match('/PAGE_LOCKED/', $value)) $pagedata['locked'] = 'yes'; break; case 'created': $pagedata[$key] = $value; break; case 'lastmodified': $versiondata['mtime'] = $value; break; case 'author': case 'author_id': $versiondata[$key] = $value; break; } } // FIXME: do we need to try harder to find a pagename if we // haven't got one yet? if (!isset($versiondata['author'])) { $versiondata['author'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id(); } $encoding = strtolower($headers['content-transfer-encoding']); if ($encoding == 'quoted-printable') $data = QuotedPrintableDecode($data); else if ($encoding && $encoding != 'binary') ExitWiki("Unknown encoding type: $encoding"); $data .= GenerateFootnotesFromRefs($params); $page['content'] = preg_replace('/[ \t\r]*\n/', "\n", chop($data)); $page['pagedata'] = $pagedata; $page['versiondata'] = $versiondata; return array($page); } // Local Variables: // mode: php // tab-width: 8 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: ?>