Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 11:57:23 +0000 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.4.0) Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=Help%2FOldStyleTablePlugin; flags=""; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary OldStyleTablePlugin 用來在 wiki 頁面含括使用舊風格標記語法的表格. {{{ < Jeff |< Dairiki |^ Cheap |< Not worth it |> Marco |< Polo | Cheaper |< Not available >> }}} 將會得到 < Jeff |< Dairiki |^ Cheap |< Not worth it |> Marco |< Polo | Cheaper |< Not available >> 置首的多重 **|** 用來展延欄, 而 **v** 用來展延列. **>** 產生靠右對齊的欄, **<** 產生靠左對齊的欄, 而 **^** 則產生置中的欄 (預設). ---- Note that within each table cell, _new-style_ markup is used. You can only use inline markup --- no block level markup is allowed within table cells. (Using old-style markup wouldn't make much sense, since one can't include multi-line plugin invocations using the old-style markup rules.)