Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 16:44:25 +0000 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.4.0) Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=Help%2FPhpWeatherPlugin; flags=""; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary == Synopsis ~PhpWeatherPlugin 是個 WikiPlugin, 他使用 PhpWeather 來顯示目前世界上 某些機場的氣象. 它看起來像是這樣: <> == Plugin Arguments **menu**: 設定為 =true= 是讓 plugin 在報告之後產生選單. 使用者將可以從這個選單 去挑選國家,機場或語言. 預設值為 false. **icao**: 使用這個引數來先行挑選機場,以替代預設機場 EKAH. 如果你想讓使 用者能用選單改變地方,那麼你得使用這樣的語法 {{{ <> }}} 然後當使用者送出表單時,值將會被覆寫.如果你只用了 {{{ <> }}} 那麼,當使用者從清單挑選其他地方的時候,將不會有任何事情產生. **cc**: Specify the country code. You can use this if you want pre-select a different country than the one specified in the ICAO. So using {{{ <> }}} will show the current weather at the NASA Shuttle Facility, United States (KTTS) and at the same time give the user a list of stations in the United Kingdom. As the example shows, then you should use cc||=XX when combining it with **menu** set to true. **language**: The default language. When combining **language** with **menu** set to true then remember to use the language||=xx form. **units**: You can specify the way the units are printed. The choice is between having both metric and imperial units printed, or just one of them. Setting **units** to =both_metric= will print the metric value first and then the imperial value in parenthesis. Using =both_imperial= instead will do the opposite. If you only need the metric or imperial units to be shown, then setting **units** to =only_metric= or =only_imperial= will do just that. ---- [[PhpWikiDocumentation]] [[CategoryWikiPlugin]]