query ( $query ) ; //clear cache before proceeding.. VardefManager::clearVardef () ; // loop through all of the modules and create entries in the Relationships table (the relationships metadata) for every standard relationship, that is, relationships defined in the /modules//vardefs.php // SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta just takes the relationship definition in a file and inserts it as is into the Relationships table // It does not override or recreate existing relationships foreach ( $GLOBALS['beanFiles'] as $bean => $file ) { if (strlen ( $file ) > 0 && file_exists ( $file )) { if (! class_exists ( $bean )) { require ($file) ; } $focus = new $bean ( ) ; if ( $focus instanceOf SugarBean ) { $table_name = $focus->table_name ; $empty = '' ; if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_REBUILD_REL_PROC_META' ] . $focus->table_name . "..." ; SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta ( $focus->getObjectName (), $db, $table_name, $empty, $focus->module_dir ) ; if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_DONE' ] . '
' ; } } } // do the same for custom relationships (true in the last parameter to SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta) - that is, relationships defined in the custom/modules//Ext/vardefs/ area foreach ( $GLOBALS['beanFiles'] as $bean => $file ) { //skip this file if it does not exist if(!file_exists($file)) continue; if (! class_exists ( $bean )) { require ($file) ; } $focus = new $bean ( ) ; if ( $focus instanceOf SugarBean ) { $table_name = $focus->table_name ; $empty = '' ; if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_REBUILD_REL_PROC_C_META' ] . $focus->table_name . "..." ; SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta ( $focus->getObjectName (), $db, $table_name, $empty, $focus->module_dir, true ) ; if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_DONE' ] . '
' ; } } // finally, whip through the list of relationships defined in TableDictionary.php, that is all the relationships in the metadata directory, and install those $dictionary = array ( ) ; require ('modules/TableDictionary.php') ; //for module installer incase we already loaded the table dictionary if (file_exists ( 'custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php' )) { include ('custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php') ; } $rel_dictionary = $dictionary ; foreach ( $rel_dictionary as $rel_name => $rel_data ) { $table = isset($rel_data [ 'table' ]) ? $rel_data [ 'table' ] : "" ; if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_REBUILD_REL_PROC_C_META' ] . $rel_name . "..." ; SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta ( $rel_name, $db, $table, $rel_dictionary, '' ) ; if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_DONE' ] . '
' ; } //clean relationship cache..will be rebuilt upon first access. if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_REBUILD_REL_DEL_CACHE' ] ; Relationship::delete_cache () ; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove the "Rebuild Relationships" red text message on admin logins if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_REBUILD_REL_UPD_WARNING' ] ; // clear the database row if it exists (just to be sure) $query = "DELETE FROM versions WHERE name='Rebuild Relationships'" ; $log->info ( $query ) ; $db->query ( $query ) ; // insert a new database row to show the rebuild relationships is done $id = create_guid () ; $gmdate = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $date_entered = db_convert ( "'$gmdate'", 'datetime' ) ; $query = 'INSERT INTO versions (id, deleted, date_entered, date_modified, modified_user_id, created_by, name, file_version, db_version) ' . "VALUES ('$id', '0', $date_entered, $date_entered, '1', '1', 'Rebuild Relationships', '4.0.0', '4.0.0')" ; $log->info ( $query ) ; $db->query ( $query ) ; $rel = new Relationship(); Relationship::delete_cache(); $rel->build_relationship_cache(); // unset the session variable so it is not picked up in DisplayWarnings.php if (isset ( $_SESSION [ 'rebuild_relationships' ] )) { unset ( $_SESSION [ 'rebuild_relationships' ] ) ; } if (empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'silent' ] )) echo $mod_strings [ 'LBL_DONE' ] ; ?>