IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMG_JPG => IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMG_PNG => IMAGETYPE_PNG, ); // sprite settings var $pngCompression = 9; var $pngFilter = PNG_NO_FILTER; var $maxWidth = 75; var $maxHeight = 75; var $rowCnt = 30; // processed image types var $imageTypes = array(); // source files var $spriteSrc = array(); var $spriteRepeat = array(); // sprite resource images var $spriteImg; // sprite_config collection var $sprites_config = array(); public function __construct() { // check if we have gd installed if(function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { $this->isAvailable = true; foreach($this->supportedTypeMap as $gd_bit => $imagetype) { if(imagetypes() & $gd_bit) { // swap gd_bit & imagetype $this->imageTypes[$imagetype] = $gd_bit; } } } if(function_exists('logThis') && isset($GLOBALS['path'])) { $this->writeToUpgradeLog = true; } } /** * addDirectory * * This function is used to create the spriteSrc array * @param $name String value of the sprite name * @param $dir String value of the directory associated with the sprite entry */ public function addDirectory($name, $dir) { // sprite namespace if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->spriteSrc)) { $this->spriteSrc[$name] = array(); } // add files from directory $this->spriteSrc[$name][$dir] = $this->getFileList($dir); } /** * getFileList * * This method processes files in a directory and adds them to the sprites array * @param $dir String value of the directory to scan for image files in */ private function getFileList($dir) { $list = array(); if(is_dir($dir)) { if($dh = opendir($dir)) { // optional sprites_config.php file $this->loadSpritesConfig($dir); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "sprites_config.php") { // file info & check supported image format if($info = $this->getFileInfo($dir, $file)) { // skip excluded files if(isset($this->sprites_config[$dir]['exclude']) && array_search($file, $this->sprites_config[$dir]['exclude']) !== false) { global $mod_strings; $msg = string_format($mod_strings['LBL_SPRITES_EXCLUDING_FILE'], array("{$dir}/{$file}")); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($msg); $this->logMessage($msg); } else { // repeatable sprite ? $isRepeat = false; if(isset($this->sprites_config[$dir]['repeat'])) { foreach($this->sprites_config[$dir]['repeat'] as $repeat) { if($info['x'] == $repeat['width'] && $info['y'] == $repeat['height']) { $id = md5($repeat['width'].$repeat['height'].$repeat['direction']); $isRepeat = true; $this->spriteRepeat['repeat_'.$repeat['direction'].'_'.$id][$dir][$file] = $info; } } } if(!$isRepeat) { $list[$file] = $info; } } } else if(preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|ico)$/i', $file)) { $GLOBALS['log']->error('Unable to process image file ' . $file); //$this->logMessage('Unable to process image file ' . $file); } } } } closedir($dh); } return $list; } /** * loadSpritesConfig * * This function is used to load the sprites_config.php file. The sprites_config.php file may be used to add entries * to the sprites_config member variable which may contain a list of array entries of files/directories to exclude from * being included into the sprites image. * * @param $dir String value of the directory containing the custom sprites_config.php file */ private function loadSpritesConfig($dir) { $sprites_config = array(); if(file_exists("$dir/sprites_config.php")) { include("$dir/sprites_config.php"); if(count($sprites_config)) { $this->sprites_config = array_merge($this->sprites_config, $sprites_config); } } } /** * getFileInfo * * This is a private helper function to return attributes about an image. If the width, height or type of the * image file cannot be determined, then we do not process the file. * * @return array of file info entries containing file information (x, y, type) if image type is supported */ private function getFileInfo($dir, $file) { $result = false; $info = @getimagesize($dir.'/'.$file); if($info) { // supported image type ? if(isset($this->imageTypes[$info[2]])) { $w = $info[0]; $h = $info[1]; $surface = $w * $h; // be sure we have an image size $addSprite = false; if($surface) { // sprite dimensions if($w <= $this->maxWidth && $h <= $this->maxHeight) { $addSprite = true; } } if($addSprite) { $result = array(); $result['x'] = $w; $result['y'] = $h; $result['type'] = $info[2]; } } else { $msg = "Skipping unsupported image file type ({$info[2]}) for file {$file}"; $GLOBALS['log']->error($msg); $this->logMessage($msg."\n"); } } return $result; } /** * createSprites * * This is the public function to allow the sprites to be built. * * @return $result boolean value indicating whether or not sprites were created */ public function createSprites() { global $mod_strings; if(!$this->isAvailable) { if(!$this->silentRun) { $msg = $mod_strings['LBL_SPRITES_NOT_SUPPORTED']; $GLOBALS['log']->warn($msg); $this->logMessage($msg); } return false; } // add repeatable sprites if(count($this->spriteRepeat)) { $this->spriteSrc = array_merge($this->spriteSrc, $this->spriteRepeat); } foreach($this->spriteSrc as $name => $dirs) { if(!$this->silentRun) { $msg = string_format($mod_strings['LBL_SPRITES_CREATING_NAMESPACE'], array($name)); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($msg); $this->logMessage($msg); } // setup config for sprite placement algorithm if(substr($name, 0, 6) == 'repeat') { $isRepeat = true; $type = substr($name, 7, 10) == 'horizontal' ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'; $config = array( 'type' => $type, ); } else { $isRepeat = false; $config = array( 'type' => 'boxed', 'width' => $this->maxWidth, 'height' => $this->maxHeight, 'rowcnt' => $this->rowCnt, ); } // use separate class to arrange the images $sp = new SpritePlacement($dirs, $config); $sp->processSprites(); //if(! $this->silentRun) // echo " (size {$sp->width()}x{$sp->height()})
"; // we need a target image size if($sp->width() && $sp->height()) { // init sprite image $this->initSpriteImg($sp->width(), $sp->height()); // add sprites based upon determined coordinates foreach($dirs as $dir => $files) { if(!$this->silentRun) { $msg = string_format($mod_strings['LBL_SPRITES_PROCESSING_DIR'], array($dir)); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($msg); $this->logMessage($msg); } foreach($files as $file => $info) { if($im = $this->loadImage($dir, $file, $info['type'])) { // coordinates $dst_x = $sp->spriteMatrix[$dir.'/'.$file]['x']; $dst_y = $sp->spriteMatrix[$dir.'/'.$file]['y']; imagecopy($this->spriteImg, $im, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $info['x'], $info['y']); imagedestroy($im); if(!$this->silentRun) { $msg = string_format($mod_strings['LBL_SPRITES_ADDED'], array("{$dir}/{$file}")); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($msg); $this->logMessage($msg); } } } } // dir & filenames if($isRepeat) { $outputDir = sugar_cached("sprites/Repeatable"); $spriteFileName = "{$name}.png"; $cssFileName = "{$this->fileName}.css"; $metaFileName = "{$this->fileName}.meta.php"; $nameSpace = "Repeatable"; } else { $outputDir = sugar_cached("sprites/$name"); $spriteFileName = "{$this->fileName}.png"; $cssFileName = "{$this->fileName}.css"; $metaFileName = "{$this->fileName}.meta.php"; $nameSpace = "{$name}"; } // directory structure if(!is_dir(sugar_cached("sprites/$nameSpace"))) { sugar_mkdir(sugar_cached("sprites/$nameSpace"), 0775, true); } // save sprite image imagepng($this->spriteImg, "$outputDir/$spriteFileName", $this->pngCompression, $this->pngFilter); imagedestroy($this->spriteImg); /* generate css & metadata */ $head = ''; $body = ''; $metadata = ''; foreach($sp->spriteSrc as $id => $info) { // sprite id $hash_id = md5($id); // header $head .= "span.spr_{$hash_id},\n"; // image size $w = $info['x']; $h = $info['y']; // image offset $offset_x = $sp->spriteMatrix[$id]['x']; $offset_y = $sp->spriteMatrix[$id]['y']; // sprite css $body .= "/* {$id} */ span.spr_{$hash_id} { width: {$w}px; height: {$h}px; background-position: -{$offset_x}px -{$offset_y}px; }\n"; $metadata .= '$sprites["'.$id.'"] = array ("class"=>"'.$hash_id.'","width"=>"'.$w.'","height"=>"'.$h.'");'."\n"; } // common css header require_once('include/utils.php'); $bg_path = getVersionedPath('index.php').'&entryPoint=getImage&imageName='.$spriteFileName.'&spriteNamespace='.$nameSpace; $head = rtrim($head, "\n,")." {background: url('../../../{$bg_path}'); no-repeat;display:inline-block;}\n"; // append mode for repeatable sprites $fileMode = $isRepeat ? 'a' : 'w'; // save css $css_content = "\n/* autogenerated sprites - $name */\n".$head.$body; if($this->cssMinify) { $css_content = cssmin::minify($css_content); } $fh = fopen("$outputDir/$cssFileName", $fileMode); fwrite($fh, $css_content); fclose($fh); /* save metadata */ $add_php_tag = (file_exists("$outputDir/$metaFileName") && $isRepeat) ? false : true; $fh = fopen("$outputDir/$metaFileName", $fileMode); if($add_php_tag) { fwrite($fh, 'silentRun) { $msg = string_format($mod_strings['LBL_SPRITES_ADDED'], array($name)); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($msg); $this->logMessage($msg); } } } return true; } /** * initSpriteImg * * @param w int value representing width of sprite * @param h int value representing height of sprite * Private function to initialize creating the sprite canvas image */ private function initSpriteImg($w, $h) { $this->spriteImg = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->spriteImg, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($this->spriteImg, 0, 0, $transparent); imagealphablending($this->spriteImg, false); imagesavealpha($this->spriteImg, true); } /** * loadImage * * private function to load image resources * * @param $dir String value of directory where image is located * @param $file String value of file * @param $type String value of the file type (IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG) * */ private function loadImage($dir, $file, $type) { $path_file = $dir.'/'.$file; switch($type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: return imagecreatefromgif($path_file); case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: return imagecreatefromjpeg($path_file); case IMAGETYPE_PNG: return imagecreatefrompng($path_file); default: return false; } } /** * private logMessage * * This is a private function used to log messages generated from this class. Depending on whether or not * silentRun or fromSilentUpgrade is set to true/false then it will either output to screen or write to log file * * @param $msg String value of message to log into file or echo into output buffer depending on the context */ private function logMessage($msg) { if(!$this->silentRun && !$this->fromSilentUpgrade) { echo $msg . '
'; } else if ($this->fromSilentUpgrade && $this->writeToUpgradeLog) { logThis($msg, $GLOBALS['path']); } else if(!$this->silentRun) { echo $msg . "\n"; } } } /** * SpritePlacement * */ class SpritePlacement { // occupied space var $spriteMatrix = array(); // minimum surface var $minSurface = 0; // sprite src (flattened array) var $spriteSrc = array(); // placement config array /* type = boxed horizontal vertical required params for type 1 -> width -> height -> rowcnt */ var $config = array(); function __construct($spriteSrc, $config) { // convert spriteSrc to flat array foreach($spriteSrc as $dir => $files) { foreach($files as $file => $info) { // use full path as identifier $full_path = $dir.'/'.$file; $this->spriteSrc[$full_path] = $info; } } $this->config = $config; } function processSprites() { foreach($this->spriteSrc as $id => $info) { // dimensions $x = $info['x']; $y = $info['y']; // update min surface $this->minSurface += $x * $y; // get coordinates where to add this sprite if($coor = $this->addSprite($x, $y)) { $this->spriteMatrix[$id] = $coor; } } } // returns x/y coordinates to fit the sprite function addSprite($w, $h) { $result = false; switch($this->config['type']) { // boxed case 'boxed': $spriteX = $this->config['width']; $spriteY = $this->config['height']; $spriteCnt = count($this->spriteMatrix) + 1; $y = ceil($spriteCnt / $this->config['rowcnt']); $x = $spriteCnt - (($y - 1) * $this->config['rowcnt']); $result = array( 'x' => ($x * $spriteX) + 1 - $spriteX, 'y' => ($y * $spriteY) + 1 - $spriteY); break; // horizontal -> align vertically case 'horizontal': $result = array('x' => 1, 'y' => $this->height() + 1); break; // vertical -> align horizontally case 'vertical': $result = array('x' => $this->width() + 1, 'y' => 1); break; default: $GLOBALS['log']->warn(__CLASS__.": Unknown sprite placement algorithm -> {$this->config['type']}"); break; } return $result; } // calculate total width function width() { return $this->getMaxAxis('x'); } // calculate total height function height() { return $this->getMaxAxis('y'); } // helper function to get highest axis value function getMaxAxis($axis) { $val = 0; foreach($this->spriteMatrix as $id => $coor) { $new_val = $coor[$axis] + $this->spriteSrc[$id][$axis] - 1; if($new_val > $val) { $val = $new_val; } } return $val; } } ?>