field_defs['hide'] = array('name'=>'hide', 'source'=>'non-db', 'type'=>'varchar','len'=>25); $this->field_defs['unhide'] = array('name'=>'unhide', 'source'=>'non-db', 'type'=>'varchar','len'=>25); $this->disable_row_level_security =true; } /** * convertToDollar * This method accepts a currency amount and converts it to the US Dollar amount * * @param $amount The currency amount to convert to US Dollars * @param $precision The rounding precision scale * @return currency value in US Dollars from conversion */ function convertToDollar($amount, $precision = 6) { return round(($amount / $this->conversion_rate), $precision); } /** * convertFromCollar * This method accepts a US Dollar amount and returns a currency amount * with the conversion rate applied to it. * * @param $amount The currency amount in US Dollars * @param $precision The rounding precision scale * @return currency value from US Dollar conversion */ function convertFromDollar($amount, $precision = 6){ return round(($amount * $this->conversion_rate), $precision); } /** * getDefaultCurrencyName * * Returns the default currency name as defined in application * @return String value of default currency name */ function getDefaultCurrencyName(){ global $sugar_config; return $sugar_config['default_currency_name']; } /** * getDefaultCurrencySymbol * * Returns the default currency symobol in application * @return String value of default currency symbol(e.g. $) */ function getDefaultCurrencySymbol(){ global $sugar_config; return $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol']; } /** * getDefaultISO4217 * * Returns the default ISO 4217 standard currency code value * @return String value for the ISO 4217 standard code(e.g. EUR) */ function getDefaultISO4217(){ global $sugar_config; return $sugar_config['default_currency_iso4217']; } /** * retrieveIDBySmbol * * Returns the id value for given currency symbol in Currencies table * and currency entry for symbol is not set to deleted. * * @param $symbol Symbol value * @return String id value for symbol defined in Currencies table, blank String value * if none found */ function retrieveIDBySymbol($symbol) { $query = "SELECT id FROM currencies WHERE symbol='$symbol' AND deleted=0;"; $result = $this->db->query($query); if($result){ $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row){ return $row['id']; } } return ''; } function list_view_parse_additional_sections(&$list_form) { global $isMerge; if(isset($isMerge) && $isMerge && $this->id != '-99'){ $list_form->assign('PREROW', ''); } return $list_form; } function retrieve_id_by_name($name) { $query = "select id from currencies where name='$name' and deleted=0;"; $result = $this->db->query($query); if($result){ $row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row){ return $row['id']; } } return ''; } function retrieve($id, $encode = true, $deleted = true){ if($id == '-99'){ $this->name = $this->getDefaultCurrencyName(); $this->symbol = $this->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); $this->id = '-99'; $this->conversion_rate = 1; $this->iso4217 = $this->getDefaultISO4217(); $this->deleted = 0; $this->status = 'Active'; $this->hide = ''; }else{ parent::retrieve($id, $encode, $deleted); } if(!isset($this->name) || $this->deleted == 1){ $this->name = $this->getDefaultCurrencyName(); $this->symbol = $this->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); $this->conversion_rate = 1; $this->iso4217 = $this->getDefaultISO4217(); $this->id = '-99'; $this->deleted = 0; $this->status = 'Active'; $this->hide = ''; } return $this; } /** * Method for returning the currency symbol, must return chr(2) for the € symbol * to display correctly in pdfs * Parameters: * none * Returns: * $symbol otherwise chr(2) for euro symbol */ function getPdfCurrencySymbol() { if($this->symbol == '€' || $this->symbol == '€') return chr(2); return $this->symbol; } function get_list_view_data() { $this->conversion_rate = format_number($this->conversion_rate, 10, 10); $data = parent::get_list_view_data(); return $data; } function save($check_notify = FALSE) { sugar_cache_clear('currency_list'); return parent::save($check_notify); } } // end currency class /** * currency_format_number * * This method is a wrapper designed exclusively for formatting currency values * with the assumption that the method caller wants a currency formatted value * matching his/her user preferences(if set) or the system configuration defaults *(if user preferences are not defined). * * @param $amount The amount to be formatted * @param $params Optional parameters(see @format_number) * @return String representation of amount with formatting applied */ function currency_format_number($amount, $params = array()) { global $locale; if(isset($params['round']) && is_int($params['round'])){ $real_round = $params['round']; }else{ $real_round = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_currency_significant_digits'); } if(isset($params['decimals']) && is_int($params['decimals'])){ $real_decimals = $params['decimals']; }else{ $real_decimals = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_currency_significant_digits'); } $real_round = $real_round == '' ? 0 : $real_round; $real_decimals = $real_decimals == '' ? 0 : $real_decimals; $showCurrencySymbol = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_currency_symbol') != '' ? true : false; if($showCurrencySymbol && !isset($params['currency_symbol'])) { $params["currency_symbol"] = true; } return format_number($amount, $real_round, $real_decimals, $params); } /** * format_number(deprecated) * * This method accepts an amount and formats it given the user's preferences. * Should the values set in the user preferences be invalid then it will * apply the system wide Sugar configuration values. Calls to * getPrecendentPreference() method in Localization.php are made that * handle this logic. * * Going forward with Sugar 4.5.0e+ implementations, users of this class should * simple call this function with $amount parameter and leave it to the * class to locate and apply the appropriate formatting. * * One of the problems is that there is considerable legacy code that is using * this method for non currency formatting. In other words, the format_number * method may be called to just display a number like 1,000 formatted appropriately. * * Also, issues about responsibilities arise. Currently the callers of this function * are responsible for passing in the appropriate decimal and number rounding digits * as well as parameters to control displaying the currency symbol or not. * * @param $amount The currency amount to apply formatting to * @param $round Integer value for number of places to round to * @param $decimals Integer value for number of decimals to round to * @param $params Array of additional parameter values * * * The following are passed in as an array of params: * boolean $params['currency_symbol'] - true to display currency symbol * boolean $params['convert'] - true to convert from USD dollar * boolean $params['percentage'] - true to display % sign * boolean $params['symbol_space'] - true to have space between currency symbol and amount * String $params['symbol_override'] - string to over default currency symbol * String $params['type'] - pass in 'pdf' for pdf currency symbol conversion * String $params['currency_id'] - currency_id to retreive, defaults to current user * String $params['human'] - formatting that truncates the first thousands and appends "k" * @return String formatted currency value * @see include/Localization/Localization.php */ function format_number($amount, $round = null, $decimals = null, $params = array()) { global $app_strings, $current_user, $sugar_config, $locale; static $current_users_currency = null; static $last_override_currency = null; static $override_currency_id = null; static $currency; $seps = get_number_seperators(); $num_grp_sep = $seps[0]; $dec_sep = $seps[1]; // cn: bug 8522 - sig digits not honored in pdfs if(is_null($decimals)) { $decimals = $locale->getPrecision(); } if(is_null($round)) { $round = $locale->getPrecision(); } // only create a currency object if we need it if((!empty($params['currency_symbol']) && $params['currency_symbol']) || (!empty($params['convert']) && $params['convert']) || (!empty($params['currency_id']))) { // if we have an override currency_id if(!empty($params['currency_id'])) { if($override_currency_id != $params['currency_id']) { $override_currency_id = $params['currency_id']; $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($override_currency_id); $last_override_currency = $currency; } else { $currency = $last_override_currency; } } elseif(!isset($current_users_currency)) { // else use current user's $current_users_currency = new Currency(); if($current_user->getPreference('currency')) $current_users_currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); else $current_users_currency->retrieve('-99'); // use default if none set $currency = $current_users_currency; } } if(!empty($params['convert']) && $params['convert']) { $amount = $currency->convertFromDollar($amount, 6); } if(!empty($params['currency_symbol']) && $params['currency_symbol']) { if(!empty($params['symbol_override'])) { $symbol = $params['symbol_override']; } elseif(!empty($params['type']) && $params['type'] == 'pdf') { $symbol = $currency->getPdfCurrencySymbol(); $symbol_space = false; } else { if(empty($currency->symbol)) $symbol = $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); else $symbol = $currency->symbol; $symbol_space = true; } } else { $symbol = ''; } if(isset($params['charset_convert'])) { $symbol = $locale->translateCharset($symbol, 'UTF-8', $locale->getExportCharset()); } if(empty($params['human'])) { $amount = number_format(round($amount, $round), $decimals, $dec_sep, $num_grp_sep); $amount = format_place_symbol($amount, $symbol,(empty($params['symbol_space']) ? false : true)); } else { // If amount is more greater than a thousand(postiive or negative) if(strpos($amount, '.') > 0) { $checkAmount = strlen(substr($amount, 0, strpos($amount, '.'))); } if($checkAmount >= 1000 || $checkAmount <= -1000) { $amount = round(($amount / 1000), 0); $amount = $amount . 'k'; $amount = format_place_symbol($amount, $symbol,(empty($params['symbol_space']) ? false : true)); } else { $amount = format_place_symbol($amount, $symbol,(empty($params['symbol_space']) ? false : true)); } } if(!empty($params['percentage']) && $params['percentage']) $amount .= $app_strings['LBL_PERCENTAGE_SYMBOL']; return $amount; } //end function format_number function format_place_symbol($amount, $symbol, $symbol_space) { if($symbol != '') { if($symbol_space == true) { $amount = $symbol . ' ' . $amount; } else { $amount = $symbol . $amount; } } return $amount; } function unformat_number($string) { // Just in case someone passes an already unformatted number through. if ( !is_string($string) ) { return $string; } static $currency = null; if(!isset($currency)) { global $current_user; $currency = new Currency(); if(!empty($current_user->id)){ if($current_user->getPreference('currency')){ $currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); } else{ $currency->retrieve('-99'); // use default if none set } }else{ $currency->retrieve('-99'); // use default if none set } } $seps = get_number_seperators(); // remove num_grp_sep and replace decimal seperater with decimal $string = trim(str_replace(array($seps[0], $seps[1], $currency->symbol), array('', '.', ''), $string)); if(preg_match('/^[+-]?\d(\.\d+)?[Ee]([+-]?\d+)?$/', $string)) $string = sprintf("%.0f", $string);//for scientific number format. After round(), we may get this number type. preg_match('/[\-\+]?[0-9\.]*/', $string, $string); $out_number = trim($string[0]); if ( $out_number == '' ) { return ''; } else { return (float)$out_number; } } // deprecated use format_number() above function format_money($amount, $for_display = TRUE) { // This function formats an amount for display. // Later on, this should be converted to use proper thousand and decimal seperators // Currently, it stays closer to the existing format, and just rounds to two decimal points if(isset($amount)) { if($for_display) { return sprintf("%0.02f",$amount); } else { // If it's an editable field, don't use a thousand seperator. // Or perhaps we will want to, but it doesn't matter right now. return sprintf("%0.02f",$amount); } } else { return; } } /** * Returns user/system preference for number grouping separator character(default ",") and the decimal separator *(default "."). Special case: when num_grp_sep is ".", it will return NULL as the num_grp_sep. * @return array Two element array, first item is num_grp_sep, 2nd item is dec_sep */ function get_number_seperators($reset_sep = false) { global $current_user, $sugar_config; static $dec_sep = null; static $num_grp_sep = null; // This is typically only used during unit-tests // TODO: refactor this. unit tests should not have static dependencies if ($reset_sep) { $dec_sep = $num_grp_sep = null; } if ($dec_sep == null) { $dec_sep = $sugar_config['default_decimal_seperator']; if (!empty($current_user->id)) { $user_dec_sep = $current_user->getPreference('dec_sep'); $dec_sep = (empty($user_dec_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_decimal_seperator'] : $user_dec_sep); } } if ($num_grp_sep == null) { $num_grp_sep = $sugar_config['default_number_grouping_seperator']; if (!empty($current_user->id)) { $user_num_grp_sep = $current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep'); $num_grp_sep = (empty($user_num_grp_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_number_grouping_seperator'] : $user_num_grp_sep); } } return array($num_grp_sep, $dec_sep); } /** * toString * * Utility function to print out some information about Currency instance. */ function toString($echo = true) { $s = "\$m_currency_round=$m_currency_round \n" . "\$m_currency_decimal=$m_currency_decimal \n" . "\$m_currency_symbol=$m_currency_symbol \n" . "\$m_currency_iso=$m_currency_iso \n" . "\$m_currency_name=$m_currency_name \n"; if($echo) { echo $s; } return $s; } function getCurrencyDropDown($focus, $field='currency_id', $value='', $view='DetailView'){ $view = ucfirst($view); if($view == 'EditView' || $view == 'MassUpdate' || $view == 'QuickCreate'){ if ( isset($_REQUEST[$field]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$field]) ) { $value = $_REQUEST[$field]; } elseif ( empty($focus->id) ) { $value = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency'); if ( empty($value) ) { // -99 is the system default currency $value = -99; } } require_once('modules/Currencies/ListCurrency.php'); $currency_fields = array(); //Bug 18276 - Fix for php 5.1.6 $defs=$focus->field_defs; // foreach($defs as $name=>$key){ if($key['type'] == 'currency'){ $currency_fields[]= $name; } } $currency = new ListCurrency(); $selectCurrency = $currency->getSelectOptions($value); $currency->setCurrencyFields($currency_fields); $html = ''. get_select_options_with_id($listitems,$value).''; }else{ $currency = new Currency(); if ( isset($focus->currency_id) ) { $currency_id = $focus->currency_id; } else { $currency_id = -99; } $currency->retrieve($currency_id); return $currency->name; } } function getCurrencySymbolDropDown($focus, $field='currency_name', $value='', $view='DetailView') { if($view == 'EditView' || $view == 'MassUpdate' || $view == 'QuickCreate'){ require_once('modules/Currencies/ListCurrency.php'); $currency_fields = array(); //Bug 18276 - Fix for php 5.1.6 $defs=$focus->field_defs; // foreach($defs as $name=>$key){ if($key['type'] == 'currency'){ $currency_fields[]= $name; } } $currency = new ListCurrency(); $currency->lookupCurrencies(); $listitems = array(); foreach ( $currency->list as $item ) $listitems[$item->symbol] = $item->symbol; return ''; }else{ $currency = new Currency(); if ( isset($focus->currency_id) ) { $currency_id = $focus->currency_id; } else { $currency_id = -99; } $currency->retrieve($currency_id); return $currency->name; } } ?>