module = (! empty ( $module )) ? $module :( (isset($_REQUEST['module']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['module'])) ? $_REQUEST ['module'] : ''); $this->base_path = "custom/Extension/modules/{$this->module}/Ext/Vardefs"; } function getModuleName() { return $this->module ; } /* * As DynamicField has a counterpart in MBModule, provide the MBModule function getPackagename() here also */ function getPackageName() { return null ; } function deleteCache(){ } /** * This will add the bean as a reference in this object as well as building the custom field cache if it has not been built * LOADS THE BEAN IF THE BEAN IS NOT BEING PASSED ALONG IN SETUP IT SHOULD BE SET PRIOR TO SETUP * * @param SUGARBEAN $bean */ function setup($bean = null) { if ($bean) { $this->bean = $bean; } if (isset ( $this->bean->module_dir )) { $this->module = $this->bean->module_dir; } if(!isset($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$this->bean->object_name]['custom_fields'])){ $this->buildCache ( $this->module ); } } function setLabel( $language='en_us' , $key , $value ) { $params [ "label_" . $key ] = $value; require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/parser.label.php' ; $parser = new ParserLabel ( $this->module ) ; $parser->handleSave( $params , $language); } /** * Builds the cache for custom fields based on the vardefs * * @param STRING $module * @param boolean saveCache Boolean value indicating whether or not to pass saveCache value to saveToVardef, defaults to true * @return unknown */ function buildCache($module = false, $saveCache=true) { //We can't build the cache while installing as the required database tables may not exist. if (!empty($GLOBALS['installing']) && $GLOBALS['installing'] == true|| empty($GLOBALS['db'])) return false; if($module == '../data')return false; static $results = array ( ) ; $where = ''; if (! empty ( $module )) { $where .= " custom_module='$module' AND "; unset( $results[ $module ] ) ; // clear out any old results for the module as $results is declared static } else { $results = array ( ) ; // clear out results - if we remove a module we don't want to have its old vardefs hanging around } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('rebuilding cache for ' . $module); $query = "SELECT * FROM fields_meta_data WHERE $where deleted = 0"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query ( $query ); require_once ('modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'); // retrieve the field definition from the fields_meta_data table // using 'encode'=false to fetchByAssoc to prevent any pre-formatting of the base metadata // for immediate use in HTML. This metadata will be further massaged by get_field_def() and so should not be pre-formatted while ( $row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc ( $result, false ) ) { $field = get_widget ( $row ['type'] ); foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) { $field->$key = $value; } $field->default = $field->default_value; $vardef = $field->get_field_def (); $vardef ['id'] = $row ['id']; $vardef ['custom_module'] = $row ['custom_module']; if (empty ( $vardef ['source'] )) $vardef ['source'] = 'custom_fields'; if (empty ( $results [$row ['custom_module']] )) $results [$row ['custom_module']] = array ( ); $results [$row ['custom_module']] [$row ['name']] = $vardef; } if (empty ( $module )) { foreach ( $results as $module => $result ) { $this->saveToVardef ( $module, $result, $saveCache); } } else { if (! empty ( $results [$module] )) { $this->saveToVardef ( $module, $results [$module], $saveCache); }else{ $this->saveToVardef ( $module, false, $saveCache); } } return true; } /** * Returns the widget for a custom field from the fields_meta_data table. */ function getFieldWidget($module, $fieldName) { if (empty($module) || empty($fieldName)){ sugar_die("Unable to load widget for '$module' : '$fieldName'"); } $query = "SELECT * FROM fields_meta_data WHERE custom_module='$module' AND name='$fieldName' AND deleted = 0"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query ( $query ); require_once ('modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'); if ( $row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc ( $result ) ) { $field = get_widget ( $row ['type'] ); $field->populateFromRow($row); return $field; } } /** * Updates the cached vardefs with the custom field information stored in result * * @param string $module * @param array $result * @param boolean saveCache Boolean value indicating whether or not to call VardefManager::saveCache, defaults to true */ function saveToVardef($module,$result,$saveCache=true) { global $beanList; if (! empty ( $beanList [$module] )) { $object = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module); if(empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields'])){ //if the vardef isn't loaded let's try loading it. VardefManager::refreshVardefs($module,$object, null, false); //if it's still not loaded we really don't have anything useful to cache if(empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object]['fields']))return; } $GLOBALS ['dictionary'] [$object] ['custom_fields'] = false; if (! empty ( $GLOBALS ['dictionary'] [$object] )) { if (! empty ( $result )) { // First loop to add foreach ( $result as $field ) { foreach($field as $k=>$v){ //allows values for custom fields to be defined outside of the scope of studio if(!isset($GLOBALS ['dictionary'] [$object] ['fields'] [$field ['name']][$k])){ $GLOBALS ['dictionary'] [$object] ['fields'] [$field ['name']][$k] = $v; } } } // Second loop to remove foreach ( $GLOBALS ['dictionary'] [$object] ['fields'] as $name => $fieldDef ) { if (isset ( $fieldDef ['custom_module'] )) { if (! isset ( $result [$name] )) { unset ( $GLOBALS ['dictionary'] [$object] ['fields'] [$name] ); } else { $GLOBALS ['dictionary'] [$object] ['custom_fields'] = true; } } } //if } } $manager = new VardefManager(); if($saveCache) { $manager->saveCache ($this->module, $object); } // Everything works off of vardefs, so let's have it save the users vardefs // to the employees module, because they both use the same table behind // the scenes if ($module == 'Users') { $manager->loadVardef('Employees', 'Employee', true); return; } } } /** * returns either false or an array containing the select and join parameter for a query using custom fields * @param $expandedList boolean If true, return a list of all fields with source=custom_fields in the select instead of the standard _cstm.* * This is required for any downstream construction of a SQL statement where we need to manipulate the select list, * for example, listviews with custom relate fields where the value comes from join rather than from the custom table * * @return array select=>select columns, join=>prebuilt join statement */ function getJOIN( $expandedList = false , $includeRelates = false, &$where = false){ if(!$this->bean->hasCustomFields()){ return false; } if (empty($expandedList) ) { $select = ",{$this->bean->table_name}_cstm.*" ; } else { $select = ''; $isList = is_array($expandedList); foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $name=>$field) { if (!empty($field['source']) && $field['source'] == 'custom_fields' && (!$isList || !empty($expandedList[$name]))){ // assumption: that the column name in _cstm is the same as the field name. Currently true. // however, two types of dynamic fields do not have columns in the custom table - html fields (they're readonly) and flex relates (parent_name doesn't exist) if ( $field['type'] != 'html' && $name != 'parent_name') $select .= ",{$this->bean->table_name}_cstm.{$name}" ; } } } $join = " LEFT JOIN " .$this->bean->table_name. "_cstm ON " .$this->bean->table_name. ".id = ". $this->bean->table_name. "_cstm.id_c "; if ($includeRelates) { $jtAlias = "relJoin"; $jtCount = 1; foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $name=>$field) { if ($field['type'] == 'relate' && isset($field['custom_module'])) { $relateJoinInfo = $this->getRelateJoin($field, $jtAlias.$jtCount); $select .= $relateJoinInfo['select']; $join .= $relateJoinInfo['from']; //bug 27654 martin if ($where) { $pattern = '/'.$field['name'].'\slike/i'; $replacement = $relateJoinInfo['name_field'].' like'; $where = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$where); } $jtCount++; } } } return array('select'=>$select, 'join'=>$join); } function getRelateJoin($field_def, $joinTableAlias) { if (empty($field_def['type']) || $field_def['type'] != "relate") { return false; } global $beanFiles, $beanList, $module; $rel_module = $field_def['module']; if(empty($beanFiles[$beanList[$rel_module]])) { return false; } require_once($beanFiles[$beanList[$rel_module]]); $rel_mod = new $beanList[$rel_module](); $rel_table = $rel_mod->table_name; if (isset($rel_mod->field_defs['name'])) { $name_field_def = $rel_mod->field_defs['name']; if(isset($name_field_def['db_concat_fields'])) { $name_field = db_concat($joinTableAlias, $name_field_def['db_concat_fields']); } //If the name field is non-db, we need to find another field to display else if(!empty($rel_mod->field_defs['name']['source']) && $rel_mod->field_defs['name']['source'] == "non-db" && !empty($field_def['rname'])) { $name_field = "$joinTableAlias." . $field_def['rname']; } else { $name_field = "$"; } } $tableName = isset($field_def['custom_module']) ? "{$this->bean->table_name}_cstm" : $this->bean->table_name ; $relID = $field_def['id_name']; $ret_array['rel_table'] = $rel_table; $ret_array['name_field'] = $name_field; $ret_array['select'] = ", {$tableName}.{$relID}, {$name_field} {$field_def['name']} "; $ret_array['from'] = " LEFT JOIN $rel_table $joinTableAlias ON $tableName.$relID = $" . " AND $joinTableAlias.deleted=0 "; return $ret_array; } /** * Fills in all the custom fields of type relate relationships for an object * */ function fill_relationships(){ global $beanList, $beanFiles; if(!empty($this->bean->relDepth)) { if($this->bean->relDepth > 1)return; }else{ $this->bean->relDepth = 0; } foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $field){ if(empty($field['source']) || $field['source'] != 'custom_fields')continue; if($field['type'] == 'relate'){ $related_module =$field['ext2']; $name = $field['name']; if (empty($this->bean->$name)) { //Don't load the relationship twice $id_name = $field['id_name']; if(isset($beanList[ $related_module])){ $class = $beanList[$related_module]; if(file_exists($beanFiles[$class]) && isset($this->bean->$name)){ require_once($beanFiles[$class]); $mod = new $class(); $mod->relDepth = $this->bean->relDepth + 1; $mod->retrieve($this->bean->$id_name); $this->bean->$name = $mod->name; } } } } } } /** * Process the save action for sugar bean custom fields * * @param boolean $isUpdate */ function save($isUpdate){ if($this->bean->hasCustomFields() && isset($this->bean->id)){ if($isUpdate){ $query = "UPDATE ". $this->bean->table_name. "_cstm SET "; } $queryInsert = "INSERT INTO ". $this->bean->table_name. "_cstm (id_c"; $values = "('".$this->bean->id."'"; $first = true; foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $name=>$field){ if(empty($field['source']) || $field['source'] != 'custom_fields')continue; if($field['type'] == 'html' || $field['type'] == 'parent')continue; if(isset($this->bean->$name)){ $quote = "'"; if(in_array($field['type'], array('int', 'float', 'double', 'uint', 'ulong', 'long', 'short', 'tinyint', 'currency', 'decimal'))) { $quote = ''; if(!isset($this->bean->$name) || !is_numeric($this->bean->$name) ){ if($field['required']){ $this->bean->$name = 0; }else{ $this->bean->$name = 'NULL'; } } } if ( $field['type'] == 'bool' ) { if ( $this->bean->$name === FALSE ) $this->bean->$name = '0'; elseif ( $this->bean->$name === TRUE ) $this->bean->$name = '1'; } $val = $this->bean->$name; if(($field['type'] == 'date' || $field['type'] == 'datetimecombo') && (empty($this->bean->$name )|| $this->bean->$name == '1900-01-01')){ $quote = ''; $val = 'NULL'; $this->bean->$name = ''; // do not set it to string 'NULL' } if($isUpdate){ if($first){ $query .= " $name=$quote".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($val)."$quote"; }else{ $query .= " ,$name=$quote".$GLOBALS['db']->quote($val)."$quote"; } } $first = false; $queryInsert .= " ,$name"; $values .= " ,$quote". $GLOBALS['db']->quote($val). "$quote"; } } if($isUpdate){ $query.= " WHERE id_c='" . $this->bean->id ."'"; } $queryInsert .= " ) VALUES $values )"; if(!$first){ if(!$isUpdate){ $GLOBALS['db']->query($queryInsert); }else{ $checkquery = "SELECT id_c FROM {$this->bean->table_name}_cstm WHERE id_c = '{$this->bean->id}'"; if ( $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($checkquery) ) { $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); } else { $GLOBALS['db']->query($queryInsert); } } } } } /** * Deletes the field from fields_meta_data and drops the database column then it rebuilds the cache * Use the widgets get_db_modify_alter_table() method to get the table sql - some widgets do not need any custom table modifications * @param STRING $name - field name */ function deleteField($widget){ require_once('modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/TemplateField.php'); global $beanList; if (!($widget instanceof TemplateField)) { $field_name = $widget; $widget = new TemplateField(); $widget->name = $field_name; } $object_name = $beanList[$this->module]; //Some modules like cases have a bean name that doesn't match the object name if (empty($GLOBALS['dictionary'][$object_name])) { $newName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($this->module); $object_name = $newName != false ? $newName : $object_name; } $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM fields_meta_data WHERE id='" . $this->module . $widget->name . "'"); $sql = $widget->get_db_delete_alter_table( $this->bean->table_name . "_cstm" ) ; if (! empty( $sql ) ) $GLOBALS['db']->query( $sql ); $this->removeVardefExtension($widget); VardefManager::clearVardef(); VardefManager::refreshVardefs($this->module, $object_name); } /* * Method required by the TemplateRelatedTextField->save() method * Taken from MBModule's implementation */ function fieldExists($name = '', $type = ''){ // must get the vardefs from the GLOBAL array as $bean->field_defs does not contain the values from the cache at this point // TODO: fix this - saveToVardefs() updates GLOBAL['dictionary'] correctly, obtaining its information directly from the fields_meta_data table via buildCache()... $vardefs = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$this->bean->object_name]['fields']; if(!empty($vardefs)){ if(empty($type) && empty($name)) return false; else if(empty($type)) return !empty($vardefs[$name]); else if(empty($name)){ foreach($vardefs as $def){ if($def['type'] == $type) return true; } return false; }else return (!empty($vardefs[$name]) && ($vardefs[$name]['type'] == $type)); }else{ return false; } } /** * Adds a custom field using a field object * * @param Field Object $field * @return boolean */ function addFieldObject(&$field){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('adding field'); $object_name = $this->module; $db_name = $field->name; $fmd = new FieldsMetaData(); $id = $fmd->retrieve($object_name.$db_name,true, false); $is_update = false; $label = strtoupper( $field->label ); if(!empty($id)){ $is_update = true; }else{ $db_name = $this->getDBName($field->name); $field->name = $db_name; } $this->createCustomTable(); $fmd->id = $object_name.$db_name; $fmd->custom_module= $object_name; $fmd->name = $db_name; $fmd->vname = $label; $fmd->type = $field->type; $fmd->help = $field->help; if (!empty($field->len)) $fmd->len = $field->len; // tyoung bug 15407 - was being set to $field->size so changes weren't being saved $fmd->required = ($field->required ? 1 : 0); $fmd->default_value = $field->default; $fmd->ext1 = $field->ext1; $fmd->ext2 = $field->ext2; $fmd->ext3 = $field->ext3; $fmd->ext4 = (isset($field->ext4) ? $field->ext4 : ''); $fmd->comments = $field->comment; $fmd->massupdate = $field->massupdate; $fmd->importable = ( isset ( $field->importable ) ) ? $field->importable : null ; $fmd->duplicate_merge = $field->duplicate_merge; $fmd->audited =$field->audited; $fmd->reportable = ($field->reportable ? 1 : 0); if(!$is_update){ $fmd->new_with_id=true; } if($field){ if(!$is_update){ //Do two SQL calls here in this case //The first is to create the column in the custom table without the default value //The second is to modify the column created in the custom table to set the default value //We do this so that the existing entries in the custom table don't have the default value set $field->default = ''; $field->default_value = ''; // resetting default and default_value does not work for multienum and causes trouble for mssql // so using a temporary variable here to indicate that we don't want default for this query $field->no_default = 1; $query = $field->get_db_add_alter_table($this->bean->table_name . '_cstm'); // unsetting temporary member variable unset($field->no_default); if(!empty($query)){ $GLOBALS['db']->query($query, true, "Cannot create column"); $field->default = $fmd->default_value; $field->default_value = $fmd->default_value; $query = $field->get_db_modify_alter_table($this->bean->table_name . '_cstm'); if(!empty($query)){ $GLOBALS['db']->query($query, true, "Cannot set default"); } } }else{ $query = $field->get_db_modify_alter_table($this->bean->table_name . '_cstm'); if(!empty($query)){ $GLOBALS['db']->query($query, true, "Cannot modify field"); } } $fmd->save(); $this->buildCache($this->module); $this->saveExtendedAttributes($field, array_keys($fmd->field_defs)); } return true; } function saveExtendedAttributes($field, $column_fields) { require_once ('modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/StandardField.php') ; require_once ('modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php') ; global $beanList; $to_save = array(); $base_field = get_widget ( $field->type) ; foreach ($field->vardef_map as $property => $fmd_col){ //Skip over attribes that are either the default or part of the normal attributes stored in the DB if (!isset($field->$property) || in_array($fmd_col, $column_fields) || in_array($property, $column_fields) || $this->isDefaultValue($property, $field->$property, $base_field) || $property == "action" || $property == "label_value" || $property == "label" || (substr($property, 0,3) == 'ext' && strlen($property) == 4)) { continue; } $to_save[$property] = is_string($field->$property) ? htmlspecialchars_decode($field->$property, ENT_QUOTES) : $field->$property; } $bean_name = $beanList[$this->module]; $this->writeVardefExtension($bean_name, $field, $to_save); } protected function isDefaultValue($property, $value, $baseField) { switch ($property) { case "importable": return ( $value === 'true' || $value === '1' || $value === true || $value === 1 ); break; case "required": case "audited": case "massupdate": return ( $value === 'false' || $value === '0' || $value === false || $value === 0); break; case "default_value": case "default": case "help": case "comments": return ($value == ""); case "duplicate_merge": return ( $value === 'false' || $value === '0' || $value === false || $value === 0 || $value === "disabled"); break; } if (isset($baseField->$property)) { return $baseField->$property == $value; } return false; } protected function writeVardefExtension($bean_name, $field, $def_override) { //Hack for the broken cases module $vBean = $bean_name == "aCase" ? "Case" : $bean_name; $file_loc = "$this->base_path/sugarfield_{$field->name}.php"; $out = " $val) { $out .= override_value_to_string_recursive(array($vBean, "fields", $field->name, $property), "dictionary", $val) . "\n"; } $out .= "\n ?>"; if (!file_exists($this->base_path)) mkdir_recursive($this->base_path); if( $fh = @sugar_fopen( $file_loc, 'w' ) ) { fputs( $fh, $out); fclose( $fh ); return true ; } else { return false ; } } protected function removeVardefExtension($field) { $file_loc = "$this->base_path/sugarfield_{$field->name}.php"; if (is_file($file_loc)) { unlink($file_loc); } } /** * DEPRECIATED: Use addFieldObject instead. * Adds a Custom Field using parameters * * @param unknown_type $name * @param unknown_type $label * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $max_size * @param unknown_type $required_option * @param unknown_type $default_value * @param unknown_type $ext1 * @param unknown_type $ext2 * @param unknown_type $ext3 * @param unknown_type $audited * @param unknown_type $mass_update * @param unknown_type $ext4 * @param unknown_type $help * @param unknown_type $duplicate_merge * @param unknown_type $comment * @return boolean */ function addField($name,$label='', $type='Text',$max_size='255',$required_option='optional', $default_value='', $ext1='', $ext2='', $ext3='',$audited=0, $mass_update = 0 , $ext4='', $help='',$duplicate_merge=0, $comment=''){ require_once('modules/DynamicFields/templates/Fields/TemplateField.php'); $field = new TemplateField(); $field->label = $label; if(empty($field->label)){ $field->label = $name; } $field->name = $name; $field->type = $type; $field->len = $max_size; $field->required = (!empty($required_option) && $required_option != 'optional'); $field->default = $default_value; $field->ext1 = $ext1; $field->ext2 = $ext2; $field->ext3 = $ext3; $field->ext4 = $ext4; $field->help = $help; $field->comments = $comment; $field->massupdate = $mass_update; $field->duplicate_merge = $duplicate_merge; $field->audited = $audited; $field->reportable = 1; return $this->addFieldObject($field); } /** * Creates the custom table with an id of id_c * */ function createCustomTable($execute = true){ $out = ""; if (!$GLOBALS['db']->tableExists($this->bean->table_name."_cstm")) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug('creating custom table for '. $this->bean->table_name); $iddef = array( "id_c" => array( "name" => "id_c", "type" => "id", "required" => 1, ) ); $ididx = array( 'id'=>array( 'name' =>$this->bean->table_name."_cstm_pk", 'type' =>'primary', 'fields'=>array('id_c') ), ); $query = $GLOBALS['db']->createTableSQLParams($this->bean->table_name."_cstm", $iddef, $ididx); if(!$GLOBALS['db']->supports("inline_keys")) { $indicesArr = $GLOBALS['db']->getConstraintSql($ididx, $this->bean->table_name."_cstm"); } else { $indicesArr = array(); } if($execute) { $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); if(!empty($indicesArr)) { foreach($indicesArr as $idxq) { $GLOBALS['db']->query($idxq); } } } $out = $query . "\n"; if(!empty($indicesArr)) { $out .= join("\n", $indicesArr)."\n"; } $out .= $this->add_existing_custom_fields($execute); } return $out; } /** * Updates the db schema and adds any custom fields we have used if the custom table was dropped * */ function add_existing_custom_fields($execute = true){ $out = ""; if($this->bean->hasCustomFields()){ foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $name=>$data){ if(empty($data['source']) || $data['source'] != 'custom_fields') continue; $out .= $this->add_existing_custom_field($data, $execute); } } return $out; } function add_existing_custom_field($data, $execute = true) { $field = get_widget ( $data ['type'] ); $field->populateFromRow($data); $query = "/*MISSING IN DATABASE - {$data['name']} - ROW*/\n" . $field->get_db_add_alter_table($this->bean->table_name . '_cstm'); $out = $query . "\n"; if ($execute) $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); return $out; } public function repairCustomFields($execute = true) { $out = $this->createCustomTable($execute); //If the table didn't exist, createCustomTable will have returned all the SQL to create and populate it if (!empty($out)) return "/*Checking Custom Fields for module : {$this->module} */\n$out"; //Otherwise make sure all the custom fields defined in the vardefs exist in the custom table. //We aren't checking for data types, just that the column exists. $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $tablename = $this->bean->table_name."_cstm"; $compareFieldDefs = $db->get_columns($tablename); foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $name=>$data){ if(empty($data['source']) || $data['source'] != 'custom_fields') continue; /** * @bug 43471 * @issue 43471 * @itr 23441 * * force the name to be lower as it needs to be lower since that is how it's put into the key * in the get_columns() call above. */ if(!empty($compareFieldDefs[strtolower($name)])) { continue; } $out .= $this->add_existing_custom_field($data, $execute); } if (!empty($out)) $out = "/*Checking Custom Fields for module : {$this->module} */\n$out"; return $out; } /** * Adds a label to the module's mod_strings for the current language * Note that the system label name * * @param string $displayLabel The label value to be displayed * @return string The core of the system label name - returns currency_id5 for example, when the full label would then be LBL_CURRENCY_ID5 * TODO: Only the core is returned for historical reasons - switch to return the real system label */ function addLabel ( $displayLabel ) { $mod_strings = return_module_language($GLOBALS[ 'current_language' ], $this->module); $limit = 10; $count = 0; $field_key = $this->getDBName($displayLabel, false); $systemLabel = $field_key; if(!$this->use_existing_labels){ // use_existing_labels defaults to false in this module; as of today, only set to true by ModuleInstaller.php while( isset( $mod_strings [ $systemLabel ] ) && $count <= $limit ) { $systemLabel = $field_key. "_$count"; $count++; } } $selMod = (!empty($_REQUEST['view_module'])) ? $_REQUEST['view_module'] : $this->module; require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/parser.label.php' ; $parser = new ParserLabel ( $selMod , isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] ) ? $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] : null ) ; $parser->handleSave ( array('label_'. $systemLabel => $displayLabel ) , $GLOBALS [ 'current_language' ] ) ; return $systemLabel; } /** * Returns a Database Safe Name * * @param STRING $name * @param BOOLEAN $_C do we append _c to the name * @return STRING */ function getDBName($name, $_C= true){ static $cached_results = array(); if(!empty($cached_results[$name])) { return $cached_results[$name]; } $exclusions = array('parent_type', 'parent_id', 'currency_id', 'parent_name'); // Remove any non-db friendly characters $return_value = preg_replace("/[^\w]+/","_",$name); if($_C == true && !in_array($return_value, $exclusions) && substr($return_value, -2) != '_c'){ $return_value .= '_c'; } $cached_results[$name] = $return_value; return $return_value; } function setWhereClauses(&$where_clauses){ if (isset($this->avail_fields)) { foreach($this->avail_fields as $name=>$value){ if(!empty($_REQUEST[$name])){ $where_clauses[] = $this->bean->table_name . "_cstm.$name LIKE '". $GLOBALS['db']->quote($_REQUEST[$name]). "%'"; } } } } /////////////////////////BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY MODE FOR PRE 5.0 MODULES\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////////////////////END BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY MODE FOR PRE 5.0 MODULES\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /** * * DEPRECATED loads fields into the bean This used to be called during the retrieve process now it is done through a join Restored from pre-r30895 to maintain support for custom code that may have called retrieve() directly */ function retrieve() { if(!isset($this->bean)){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("DynamicField retrieve, bean not instantiated: ".var_export(debug_print_backtrace(), true)); return false; } if(!$this->bean->hasCustomFields()){ return false; } $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->bean->table_name."_cstm WHERE id_c='".$this->bean->id."'"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query); $row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($result); if($row) { foreach($row as $name=>$value) { // originally in pre-r30895 we checked if this field was in avail_fields i.e., in fields_meta_data and not deleted // with the removal of avail_fields post-r30895 we have simplified this - we now retrieve every custom field even if previously deleted // this is considered harmless as the value although set in the bean will not otherwise be used (nothing else works off the list of fields in the bean) $this->bean->$name = $value; } } } function populateXTPL($xtpl, $view) { if($this->bean->hasCustomFields()){ $results = $this->getAllFieldsView($view, 'xtpl'); foreach($results as $name=>$value){ if(is_array($value['xtpl'])) { foreach($value['xtpl'] as $xName=>$xValue) { $xtpl->assign(strtoupper($xName), $xValue); } } else { $xtpl->assign(strtoupper($name), $value['xtpl']); } } } } function populateAllXTPL($xtpl, $view){ $this->populateXTPL($xtpl, $view); } function getAllFieldsView($view, $type){ require_once ('modules/DynamicFields/FieldCases.php'); $results = array(); foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $name=>$data){ if(empty($data['source']) || $data['source'] != 'custom_fields') { continue; } $field = get_widget ( $data ['type'] ); $field->populateFromRow($data); $field->view = $view; $field->bean = $this->bean; switch(strtolower($type)) { case 'xtpl': $results[$name] = array('xtpl'=>$field->get_xtpl()); break; case 'html': $results[$name] = array('html'=> $field->get_html(), 'label'=> $field->get_html_label(), 'fieldType'=>$field->data_type, 'isCustom' =>true); break; } } return $results; } ////////////////////////////END BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY MODE FOR PRE 5.0 MODULES\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ } ?>