'', 'today'=>'now', 'yesterday'=> '-1 day', 'tomorrow'=>'+1 day', 'next week'=> '+1 week', 'next monday'=>'next monday', 'next friday'=>'next friday', 'two weeks'=> '+2 weeks', 'next month'=> '+1 month', 'first day of next month'=> 'first of next month', // must handle this non-GNU date string in SugarBean->populateDefaultValues; if we don't this will evaluate to 1969... 'three months'=> '+3 months', //kbrill Bug #17023 'six months'=> '+6 months', 'next year'=> '+1 year', ); var $hoursStrings = array( '' => '', '01' => '01', '02' => '02', '03' => '03', '04' => '04', '05' => '05', '06' => '06', '07' => '07', '08' => '08', '09' => '09', '10' => '10', '11' => '11', '12' => '12', ); var $hoursStrings24 = array( '' => '', '00' => '00', '01' => '01', '02' => '02', '03' => '03', '04' => '04', '05' => '05', '06' => '06', '07' => '07', '08' => '08', '09' => '09', '10' => '10', '11' => '11', '12' => '12', '13' => '13', '14' => '14', '15' => '15', '16' => '16', '17' => '17', '18' => '18', '19' => '19', '20' => '20', '21' => '21', '22' => '22', '23' => '23', ); var $minutesStrings = array( '' => '', '00' => '00', '15' => '15', '30' => '30', '45' => '45', ); var $meridiemStrings = array( '' => '', 'am' => 'am', 'pm' => 'pm', ); function get_db_default($modify=false){ return ''; } function get_field_def(){ $def = parent::get_field_def(); $def['dbType'] = 'datetime'; if(!empty($def['default'])){ $def['display_default'] = $def['default']; $def['default'] = ''; } return $def; } function populateFromPost(){ parent::populateFromPost(); if(!empty($_REQUEST['defaultDate']) && !empty($_REQUEST['defaultTime'])){ $_REQUEST['default'] = $_REQUEST['defaultDate'].'&'.$_REQUEST['defaultTime']; $defaultTime = $_REQUEST['defaultTime']; $hours = substr($defaultTime, 0, 2); $minutes = substr($defaultTime, 3, 2); $meridiem = substr($defaultTime, 5, 2); if(empty($meridiem)) { if($hours == '00') { $hours = 12; $meridiem = 'am'; } else if($hours >= 12) { //lets add the PM meridiem, but only subtract 12 if hours is greater than 12 if($hours > 12) { $hours -= 12; } $meridiem = 'pm'; } else { $meridiem = 'am'; } //lets format the string to make sure the leading 0's are added back in for hours and minutes $_REQUEST['default'] = $_REQUEST['defaultDate'] . '&' . sprintf('%02d:%02d%s', $hours, $minutes, $meridiem); } }else{ $_REQUEST['default'] = ''; } unset($_REQUEST['defaultDate']); unset($_REQUEST['defaultTime']); foreach($this->vardef_map as $vardef=>$field){ if(isset($_REQUEST[$vardef])){ // Bug #48826. Some fields are allowed to have special characters and must be decoded from the request // Bug 49774, 49775: Strip html tags from 'formula' and 'dependency'. if (is_string($_REQUEST[$vardef]) && in_array($vardef, $this->decode_from_request_fields_map)) { $this->$vardef = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(from_html($_REQUEST[$vardef]))); } else { $this->$vardef = $_REQUEST[$vardef]; } if($vardef != $field){ $this->$field = $this->$vardef; } } } $GLOBALS['log']->debug('populate: '.print_r($this,true)); } } ?>