/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ var uploads_arr=new Array(); var uploads_count_map=new Object(); var uploads_count = -1; var current_uploads_id = -1; var append = false; // Ed has method InsertHTML which inserts at cursor point - plain does not //following variables store references to input fields grouped with the clicked email selection button (select). var current_contact = ''; var current_contact_id = ''; var current_contact_email = ''; var current_contact_name = ''; var uploadIndex = 0; var select_image = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_ONLY_IMAGE_ATTACHMENT'); var lbl_remove = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_REMOVE'); var lbl_email_attachments_file = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENTS_FILE'); var lbl_email_attachments_document = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENTS_DOCUMENT'); var lbl_email_attachments_embeded = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENTS_EMBEDED'); function toggleRawEmail() { var raw = document.getElementById('rawEmail'); var button = document.getElementById('rawButton'); if(raw.style.display == '') { raw.style.display = 'none'; button.value = showRaw; } else { raw.style.display = ''; button.value = hideRaw; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DOCUMENT HANDLING HELPERS function deletePriorAttachment(id) { var rem = document.getElementById('removeAttachment'); if(rem.value != '') { rem.value += "::"; } rem.value += id; document.getElementById('noteDiv'+id).style.display = 'none'; } function setDocument(target, documentId, documentName, docRevId) { if(window.opener.SUGAR.email2) { var idx = window.opener.SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; window.opener.SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.setDocument(idx, target, documentId, documentName, docRevId); } else { var docId = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentId' + target); var docName = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentName' + target); var docRevisionId = window.opener.document.getElementById('document' + target); docId.value = documentId; docName.value = documentName; docRevisionId.value = docRevId; } window.close(); } function setDocumentToCampaignTemplate(target, documentId, documentName,docRevId, documentType) { // var docId = eval("window.opener.document.forms.EditView.documentId" + target); var docId = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentId' + target); //var docName = eval("window.opener.document.EditView.documentName" + target); var docName = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentName' + target); var docType = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentType' + target); var docId = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentId'); var docName = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentName'); var docRevisionId = window.opener.document.getElementById('docRevId'); var docType = window.opener.document.getElementById('documentType'); docId.value = documentId; //docId.onchange('docUpload(); form_reset_doc();'); docName.value = documentName; docRevisionId.value = docRevId; docType.value = documentType; docName.onchange('docUpload(); form_reset_doc();'); //alert(docName.onchange); window.close(); } function selectDocument(target) { URL="index.php?module=Emails&action=PopupDocuments&to_pdf=true&target=" + target; windowName = 'selectDocument'; windowFeatures = 'width=800' + ',height=600' + ',resizable=1,scrollbars=1'; win = SUGAR.util.openWindow(URL, windowName, windowFeatures); if(window.focus) { // put the focus on the popup if the browser supports the focus() method win.focus(); } } function addDocument() { for(var i=0;i<10;i++) { var elem = document.getElementById('document'+i); if(elem.style.display == 'none') { elem.style.display='block'; break; } } } function deleteDocument(index) { var elem = document.getElementById('document'+index); document.getElementById('documentId'+index).value = ""; document.getElementById('documentName'+index).value = ""; elem.style.display='none'; } // attachment functions below function deleteFile(index) { //get div element var elem = document.getElementById('file'+index); //get upload widget var ea_input = document.getElementById('email_attachment'+index); //get the parent node var Parent = ea_input.parentNode; //create replacement node var ea = document.createElement('input'); ea.setAttribute('id', 'email_attachment' + index); ea.setAttribute('name', 'email_attachment' + index); ea.setAttribute('tabindex', '120'); ea.setAttribute('size', '40'); ea.setAttribute('type', 'file'); //replace the old node with the new one Parent.replaceChild(ea, ea_input); //hide the div element elem.style.display='none'; } function addFile() { for(var i=0;i<10;i++) { var elem = document.getElementById('file'+i); if(elem.style.display == 'none') { elem.style.display='block'; break; } } } //// END DOCUMENT HANDLING HELPERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// New file upload code function multiFiles( list_target){ // Where to write the list this.list_target = list_target; //this.list_target = document.getElementById(list_target); // How many elements? this.count = 0; this.id = 0; /** * Add a new file input element */ this.addElement = function( element ){ // Make sure it's a file input element if( element.tagName == 'INPUT' && element.type == 'file' ){ var currCount =this.id++; element.name = 'email_attachment' + currCount; element.id = 'email_attachment' + currCount; // Add reference to this object element.multi_selector = this; // What to do when a file is selected element.onchange = function() { var url = 'index.php?to_pdf=1&module=EmailTemplates&action=AttachFiles', new_element; //AJAX call begins YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(document.getElementById("upload_form"), true, true); YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', url, {upload: function() {}}, null); //AJAX call ends // New file input new_element = document.createElement('input'); new_element.type = 'file'; // new_element.name = 'email_attachment' +up++; // Add new element this.parentNode.insertBefore(new_element, this); // Apply 'update' to element this.multi_selector.addElement(new_element); // Update list this.multi_selector.addListRow(this); // Hide this: we can't use display:none because Safari doesn't like it //this.style.display='none'; //display none works fine for FF and IE this.style.display = 'none'; //later for Safari add following //this.style.position = 'absolute'; //this.style.left = '-5000px'; }; // File element counter this.count++; // Most recent element this.current_element = element; } else { // This can only be applied to file input elements! alert( 'Error: not a file input element' ); }; }; /** * Add a new row to the list of files */ this.addListRow = function( element ){ // Row div var new_row = document.createElement( 'div' ); // Delete button var new_row_button_remove = document.createElement( 'input' ); new_row_button_remove.type = 'button'; new_row_button_remove.value = lbl_remove; var new_row_file_name = document.createElement( 'input' ); new_row_file_name.type = 'text'; new_row_file_name.size = '40'; new_row_file_name.disabled=true; var new_row_chk_box = document.createElement( 'input' ); new_row_chk_box.setAttribute('id','checkBoxFile[]'); new_row_chk_box.setAttribute('name','checkBoxFile[]'); new_row_chk_box.type = 'checkbox'; new_row_chk_box.checked =false; new_row_chk_box.disabled =true; var new_row_attach_file = document.createElement( 'input' ); new_row_attach_file.type = 'image'; new_row_attach_file.value ='/index.php?entryPoint=getImage&themeName='+SUGAR.themes.theme_name+'&imageName=company_logo.png'; new_row_attach_file.disabled ='true'; var imgElement = document.createElement("img"); imgElement.setAttribute("src", "index.php?entryPoint=getImage&themeName="+SUGAR.themes.theme_name+"&imageName=Accounts.gif"); imgElement.setAttribute("align","absmiddle"); imgElement.setAttribute("alt",lbl_email_attachments_file); imgElement.setAttribute("border","0"); imgElement.setAttribute("height","16"); imgElement.setAttribute("width","16"); var new_row_button_embed = document.createElement("img"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("src", "index.php?entryPoint=getImage&themeName="+SUGAR.themes.theme_name+"&imageName=attachment.gif"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("align","absmiddle"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("alt",lbl_email_attachments_embeded); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("border","0"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("height","16"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("width","16"); // References new_row.element = element; element.size='40'; // Delete function new_row_button_remove.onclick = function() { var filePathComponents = this.parentNode.element.value.split("\\"), fileName = (filePathComponents[filePathComponents.length - 1]), // tinymce related tiny = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('body_text'), currValTiny = tiny.getContent(); // Remove row element from form this.parentNode.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode.element); // find instances of the file and set it to '' while (currValTiny.indexOf(fileName) !== -1) { currValTiny = currValTiny.replace(fileName, 'QW%%^%%WQ'); currValTiny = currValTiny.replace(/]*>?/, ''); } tiny.setContent(currValTiny); // Remove this row from the list this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); // Decrement counter this.parentNode.element.multi_selector.count--; // Re-enable input element (if it's disabled) this.parentNode.element.multi_selector.current_element.disabled = false; // Appease Safari // without it Safari wants to reload the browser window // which nixes your already queued uploads return false; }; // Embed image into the email body template new_row_button_embed.onclick = function() { var filePathComponents = element.value.split("\\"), fileName = filePathComponents[filePathComponents.length - 1], // constants allowedTypes = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'], imglocation = 'cache/images/'; //check if filetype is valid if (SUGAR.util.validateFileExt(fileName, allowedTypes)) { cid = 'cid:' + fileName; embedImage = ''; insert_variable(embedImage); this.parentNode.childNodes[2].checked = 'true'; } else { alert(select_image); } }; // Set row value /* var oas = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var d = document.a.b.value; var e = oas.getFile(d); var f = e.size; alert(f + " bytes"); alert(element); */ //new_row_file_name.value =element.value; new_row_file_name_tab = element.value.split("\\"); //alert(new_row_file_name_tab); nbr_elements = new_row_file_name_tab.length; new_row_file_name.value = new_row_file_name_tab[nbr_elements-1]; //new_row.innerHTML = element.value; //add all the elements //new_row.appendChild(new_row_attach_file); new_row.appendChild(imgElement); new_row.appendChild(new_row_button_embed); new_row.appendChild(new_row_chk_box); new_row.appendChild( new_row_file_name); // Add button new_row.appendChild( new_row_button_remove); // Add it to the list this.list_target.appendChild( new_row ); //document.getElementById(list_target).appendChild(new_row); }; }; function docUpload() { //var theForm = document.getElementById('EditView'); //var theForm = document.getElementById('upload_form'); //AJAX call begins var rets =''; var callback = { upload: function(r) { rets = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(r.responseText); } } var url ='index.php?module=EmailTemplates&action=AttachDocuments'; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', url, callback,null); //AJAX call ends var element = document.getElementById('documentName'); var element1 = document.getElementById('documentId'); var element2 = document.getElementById('docRevId'); var element3 = document.getElementById('documentType'); var elm = document.createElement('div'); elm.setAttribute('id','file'+uploadIndex); var sugarDoc = document.createElement('input'); sugarDoc.setAttribute('type', 'label'); sugarDoc.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); sugarDoc.setAttribute('font', 'bold'); sugarDoc.setAttribute('value',"Sugar Document"); var new_row_button_embed_doc = document.createElement( 'input' ); new_row_button_embed_doc.type = 'button'; new_row_button_embed_doc.value = 'Embed'; var new_row_chk_box = document.createElement( 'input' ); new_row_chk_box.setAttribute('id','checkBoxDoc'+uploadIndex); new_row_chk_box.setAttribute('name','checkBoxDoc'+uploadIndex); new_row_chk_box.type = 'checkbox'; new_row_chk_box.checked =false; new_row_chk_box.disabled='true'; var eah = document.createElement('input'); eah.setAttribute('id', 'documentId'+uploadIndex); eah.setAttribute('name', 'documentId'+uploadIndex); eah.setAttribute('tabindex', '120'); eah.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); eah.setAttribute('value',element1.value); var attId = document.createElement('input'); attId.setAttribute('id', 'docRevId'+uploadIndex); attId.setAttribute('name', 'docRevId'+uploadIndex); attId.setAttribute('tabindex', '120'); attId.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); attId.setAttribute('value',element2.value); var attType = document.createElement('input'); attType.setAttribute('id', 'documentType'+uploadIndex); attType.setAttribute('name', 'documentType'+uploadIndex); attType.setAttribute('tabindex', '120'); attType.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); attType.setAttribute('value',element3.value); var ea = document.createElement('input'); ea.setAttribute('id', 'document[]'); ea.setAttribute('name', 'document[]'); ea.setAttribute('tabindex', '120'); ea.setAttribute('size', '40'); ea.setAttribute('type', 'text'); ea.setAttribute('disabled',true); ea.setAttribute('value',element.value); var eai = document.createElement('input'); eai.setAttribute('type', 'button'); //eai.setAttribute('onclick', 'deleteFile('+uploadIndex+');'); eai.setAttribute('value', lbl_remove); eai.onclick=function(){ var filename = this.parentNode.childNodes[4].value; if(filename){ var tiny = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('body_text'); var currValTiny = tiny.getContent(); while(currValTiny.indexOf(unescape(filename)) != -1){ currValTiny = currValTiny.replace(unescape(filename),'QW%%^%%WQ'); currValTiny = currValTiny.replace(/]*>?/,' '); } tiny.setContent(currValTiny); } this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode); } var new_row_button_embed = document.createElement("img"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("src", "index.php?entryPoint=getImage&themeName="+SUGAR.themes.theme_name+"&imageName=attachment.gif"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("align","absmiddle"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("alt",lbl_email_attachments_embeded); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("border","0"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("height","16"); new_row_button_embed.setAttribute("width","16"); new_row_button_embed.onclick= function(){ //retrieve the documentid this.parentNode.childNodes[2].checked='true'; var documentRevisionId = this.parentNode.childNodes[4].value; var mime_type = this.parentNode.childNodes[5].value; if(mime_type == "image/gif" || mime_type == "image/bmp" || mime_type == "image/png" || mime_type == "image/x-png" || mime_type == "image/jpg" || mime_type == "image/jpeg") { embedImage=''; insert_variable(embedImage); } else{ new_row_chk_box.checked =false; alert(select_image); } }; var SugarDoc = document.createElement("img"); SugarDoc.setAttribute("src", "index.php?entryPoint=getImage&themeName="+SUGAR.themes.theme_name+"&imageName=sugar_document.png"); SugarDoc.setAttribute("align","absmiddle"); SugarDoc.setAttribute("alt",lbl_email_attachments_document); SugarDoc.setAttribute("border","0"); SugarDoc.setAttribute("height","16"); SugarDoc.setAttribute("width","16"); //elm.appendChild(eah); elm.appendChild(SugarDoc); elm.appendChild(new_row_button_embed); elm.appendChild(new_row_chk_box); elm.appendChild(eah); elm.appendChild(attId); elm.appendChild(attType); elm.appendChild(ea); elm.appendChild(eai); elm.style.display = 'block'; var rN= document.getElementById('attachments_div'); rN.appendChild(elm); uploadIndex++; } function addUploadFiles(form_name) { var chForm = document.getElementById('upload_div'); var theForm = document.getElementById(form_name); var elems = chForm.getElementsByTagName("input"); //get the count of all the email_attachment file elements var count = 0; //Use the count to add the documents count=this.multi_selector.id; for (var i=0; i=0 || el.id=='document[]') { theForm.appendChild(el); } } } function form_reset_doc() { // var theForm = document.getElementById('upload_form'); var theForm = document.getElementById('upload_div'); var elems = theForm.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i=0; i'); tiny.setContent(plainText); } else { // toggling into Plain Text ONLY html.style.display = 'none'; plain.style.display = 'block'; altText.style.display = 'none'; if(tiny.getContent()) { var htmlText = new String(tiny.getContent()); htmlText = htmlText.replace(/
/gi, "\n"); htmlText = htmlText.replace(/>/gi, ">"); htmlText = htmlText.replace(/</gi, "<"); htmlText = htmlText.replace(/ /gi, " "); desc.value = stripTags(htmlText); } } } function stripTags(str) { var theText = new String(str); if(theText != 'undefined') { return theText.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''); } } function toggle_textarea() { var checkbox = document.getElementById('toggle_textarea_elem'); var plain = document.getElementById('text_div'); if (checkbox.checked == false) { plain.style.display = 'none'; } else { plain.style.display = 'block'; } } //// END HTML/PLAIN EDITOR FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// EMAIL TEMPLATE CODE function appendEmailTemplateJSON() { // query based on template, contact_id0,related_to if(document.EditView.name.value == '') { // cn: bug 7743, don't stomp populated Subject Line document.EditView.name.value = decodeURI(encodeURI(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['subject'])); } document.EditView.description.value += decodeURI(encodeURI(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['body'])).replace(/
/ig, '\n'); var tiny = tinyMCE.getInstanceById("description_html"); var tinyHtml = tiny.getContent(true); // cn: bug 10985 - IE6/7 will show inline image at top of screen if we set this with no valid target if(document.getElementById('setEditor').checked == false) { var descHtml = decodeURI(encodeURI(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['body_html'])).replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/
/ig, '\n').replace(/'/gi,'\'').replace(/"/gi,'"'); // cn: bug 13376 - leave & to last to preserve certain HTML-entities for TinyMCE editor descHtml = descHtml.replace(/&/gi,'&'); tiny.setContent(tinyHtml + descHtml); } var htmlDiv = document.getElementById('html_div'); // hide the HTML editor if this is Plain-text only if((tinyHtml == '' || tinyHtml == '
') && htmlDiv.style.display == '') { var desc = document.getElementById('description'); var plainText = new String(desc.value); plainText = plainText.replace(/\n/gi, '
'); tiny.setContent(plainText); // cn: bug 6212 // if the template is plain-text, then uncheck "Send HTML Email" document.getElementById('setEditor').checked = true; setEditor(); } } if(typeof SugarClass == "object") { SugarClass.inherit("EmailJsonObj","SugarClass"); } function EmailJsonObj() { } EmailJsonObj.prototype.display = function(result) { var bean; var block = document.getElementById('template_attachments'); var target = block.innerHTML; var full_file_path; for(i in result) { if(typeof result[i] == 'object') { bean = result[i]; full_file_path = file_path + bean['id']+bean['filename']; target += '\n'; target += '\n '+ lnk_remove + '  '; target += '' + bean['filename'] + '
'; } } block.innerHTML = target; } ejo = new EmailJsonObj(); //// END EMAIL TEMPLATE CODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function fill_form(type, error_text) { if(document.getElementById('subjectfield').value == '') { var sendAnyways = confirm(lbl_send_anyways); if(sendAnyways == false) { return false; } } if(type == 'out' && document.EditView.to_addrs.value == '' && document.EditView.cc_addrs.value == '' && document.EditView.bcc_addrs.value == '') { alert(error_text); return false; } var the_form = document.EditView; var inputs = the_form.getElementsByTagName('input'); // this detects if browser needs the following hack or not.. if(inputs.length > 0) { // no need to appendChild to EditView to get file uploads to work return check_form('EditView'); } if(! check_form('EditView')) { return false; } return true; } function setLabels(uploads_arr) { } //this function appends the selected email address to the aggregated email address fields. function set_current_parent(id,email,name,value) { current_contact_id.value += id+";"; current_contact_email.value += email+";"; current_contact_name.value += name+";"; if(current_contact.value != '') { current_contact.value += "; "; } current_contact.value += name + " <" + email + ">"; // current_contact.value += value; } function set_email_return(popup_reply_data) { var form_name = popup_reply_data.form_name; var name_to_value_array = popup_reply_data.name_to_value_array; if (typeof name_to_value_array == "object" ) { update_email_addresses(form_name,name_to_value_array); } else { for(var i in name_to_value_array) { update_email_addresses(form_name,name_to_value_array[i]); } } } function update_email_addresses(form_name,name_to_value) { for(var the_key in name_to_value) { if(the_key == 'toJSON') { /* just ignore */ } else { var displayValue = name_to_value[the_key]; displayValue=displayValue.replace(''',"'"); //restore escaped single quote. displayValue=displayValue.replace('&',"&"); //restore escaped &. displayValue=displayValue.replace('>',">"); //restore escaped >. displayValue=displayValue.replace('<',"<"); //restore escaped <. displayValue=displayValue.replace('" ',"\""); //restore escaped ". window.document.forms[form_name].elements[the_key].value += displayValue + '; '; } } } //create references to input fields associated with the select email address button. //Clicked button is passed as the parameter to the function. function button_change_onclick(obj) { var prefix = 'to_'; if(obj.name.match(/^cc_/i)) { prefix = 'cc_'; } else if(obj.name.match(/^bcc_/i)) { prefix = 'bcc_'; } for(var i = 0; i < obj.form.length;i++) { child = obj.form[i]; if(child.name.indexOf(prefix) != 0) { continue; } if(child.name.match(/addrs_emails$/i)) { current_contact_email = child; } else if(child.name.match(/addrs_ids$/i)) { current_contact_id = child; } else if(child.name.match(/addrs_names$/i)) { current_contact_name = child; } else if(child.name.match(/addrs$/i)) { current_contact = child; } } var filter = ''; var acct_name = ''; if(document.EditView.parent_type.value == 'Accounts' && typeof(document.EditView.parent_name.value) != 'undefined' && document.EditView.parent_name.value != '') { filter = "&form_submit=false&query=true&html=Email_picker&account_name=" + escape(document.EditView.parent_name.value); acct_name = document.EditView.parent_name.value; } var popup_request_data = { "call_back_function" : "set_email_return", "form_name" : "EditView", "field_to_name_array" : { "id" : prefix + "addrs_ids", "email1" : prefix + "addrs_emails", "name" : prefix + "addrs_names", "email_and_name1" : prefix + "addrs_field" } }; return open_popup("Contacts", 600, 400, filter, true, false, popup_request_data, 'MultiSelect', false, 'popupdefsEmail'); } //this function clear the value stored in the aggregated email address fields(nodes). //it relies on the references set by the button_change_onclick method function clear_email_addresses() { if(current_contact != '') { current_contact.value = ''; } if(current_contact_id != '') { current_contact_id.value = ''; } if(current_contact_email != '') { current_contact_email.value = ''; } if(current_contact_name != '') { current_contact_name.value = ''; } } function quick_create_overlib(id, theme, el) { var $dialog = $('
') .html('' + "" + SUGAR.language.get('Emails', 'LBL_LIST_CASE') + '' + "" + "" + SUGAR.language.get('Emails', 'LBL_LIST_LEAD') + "" + "" + "" + SUGAR.language.get('Emails', 'LBL_LIST_CONTACT') + "" + ""+ "" + SUGAR.language.get('Emails', 'LBL_LIST_BUG') + "" + "" + "" + SUGAR.language.get('Emails', 'LBL_LIST_TASK') + "" ) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, title: SUGAR.language.get('Emails', 'LBL_QUICK_CREATE'), width: 150, position: { my: 'right top', at: 'left top', of: $(el) } }); $dialog.dialog('open'); }