/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2012 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ (function() { var sw = YAHOO.SUGAR, Event = YAHOO.util.Event, Connect = YAHOO.util.Connect, Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom SE = SUGAR.email2; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// ADDRESS BOOK SE.addressBook = { _contactCache : new Array(), // cache of contacts _dd : new Array(), // filtered list, same format as _contactCache _ddLists : new Array(), // list of Lists _dd_mlUsed : new Array(), // contacts in mailing list edit view column1 _dd_mlAvailable : new Array(), // contacts in mailing list edit view column2 clickBubble : true, // hack to get around onclick event bubbling relatedBeanId : '', relatedBeanType : '', idx : 0, itemSpacing : 'white-space:nowrap; padding:2px;', reGUID : SE.reGUID, /** * YUI bug fix 2527707. Causes nested datatable's in to cause 404 errors whens earching. */ initFixForDatatableSort: function () { //Workaround for YUI bug 2527707: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/913efafad48ce433199f3e72e4847b18, should be removed when YUI 2.8+ is used YAHOO.widget.DataTable.prototype.getColumn = function(column) { var oColumn = this._oColumnSet.getColumn(column); if(!oColumn) { // Validate TD element var elCell = column.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "th" ? this.getTdEl(column) : false; if(elCell) { oColumn = this._oColumnSet.getColumn(elCell.cellIndex); } // Validate TH element else { elCell = this.getThEl(column); if(elCell) { // Find by TH el ID var allColumns = this._oColumnSet.flat; for(var i=0, len=allColumns.length; i 0) { SE.composeLayout.handleDrop( (type == 'contacts') ? SE.contactView : SE.emailListsView, null, rows, 'addressTO' + idx ); } else { alert(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_MAKE_SELECTION); } }, editContact : function() { SE.contextMenus.contactsContextMenu.hide(); var element = SE.contactView.getSelectedNodes()[0]; var elementId = ""; if (element.className.indexOf('address-contact') > -1) { elementId = element.id; } else if (element.className.indexOf('address-exp-contact') > -1) { elementId = element.id.substring(2); } }, /** * Filters contact entries based on user input */ filter : function(inputEl) { var ret = new Object(); var re = new RegExp(inputEl.value, "gi"); for(var i in this._contactCache) { if(this._contactCache[i].name.match(re)) { ret[i] = this._contactCache[i]; } } this.buildContactList(ret); }, fullForm : function(id, module) { document.location = "index.php?return_module=Emails&return_action=index&module=" + module + "&action=EditView&record=" + id; }, /** * returns a formatted email address from the addressBook cache */ getFormattedAddress : function(id) { var o = this._contactCache[id]; var primaryEmail = ''; for(var i=0; i]+)>)/ig, "").replace(/'/gi,'\''); var ret = finalName + " <" + finalEmail.replace(/'/gi,'\'') + ">"; return ret; }, /** * Sets up async call to query for matching contacts, users, etc. */ searchContacts : function() { var fn = document.getElementById('input_searchField').value; var pe = document.getElementById('input_searchPerson').value; var rb = document.getElementById('hasRelatedBean').checked; if (rb) { var idx = this.idx; var relatedBeanId = document.getElementById('data_parent_id' + idx).value; var relatedBeanType = document.getElementById('data_parent_type' + idx).value; this.addressBookDataModel.params['related_bean_id'] = relatedBeanId; this.addressBookDataModel.params['related_bean_type'] = relatedBeanType; } else { this.addressBookDataModel.params['related_bean_id'] = ''; } this.addressBookDataModel.params['search_field'] = fn; this.addressBookDataModel.params['person'] = pe; this.addressBookDataModel.params['emailUIAction'] = 'getAddressSearchResults'; this.grid._oDataSource = this.addressBookDataModel; this.grid.getDataSource().sendRequest(SUGAR.util.paramsToUrl(this.addressBookDataModel.params), this.grid.onDataReturnInitializeTable, this.grid); }, /** * Clear Search Crieteria For Addressbook */ clearAddressBookSearch : function() { document.getElementById('input_searchField').value = ""; document.getElementById('input_searchPerson').selectedIndex = 0; }, /** * Opens modal select window to add contacts to addressbook */ selectContactsDialogue : function(destId) { if(!this.contactsDialogue) { var dlg = this.contactsDialogue = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("contactsDialogue", { modal:true, visible:false, draggable: false, constraintoviewport: true, width : 980, buttons : [{text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_ADD, isDefault: true, handler: this.populateEmailAddressFieldsFromResultTable}, {text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_CLEAR, isDefault: true, handler: this.clearAllEmailAddressFieldsFromResultTable} ] }); dlg.setHeader(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SELECT_TITLE); var body = SUGAR.util.getAndRemove("contactsDialogueHTML"); dlg.setBody(body.innerHTML); dlg.renderEvent.subscribe(function() { var iev = YAHOO.util.Dom.get("contactsDialogueBody"); if (iev && !SUGAR.isIE) { this.body.style.width = "950px"; } }, dlg); dlg.beforeRenderEvent.subscribe(function() { var dd = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(dlg.element); dd.setHandleElId(dlg.header); dd.on('endDragEvent', function() { dlg.show(); }); }, dlg, true); dlg.render(); var tp = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("contactsSearchTabs"); var tabContent = SUGAR.util.getAndRemove("searchForm"); tp.addTab(new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_TITLE, scroll : true, content : tabContent.innerHTML, id : "addressSearchTab", active : true })); var addListenerFields = ['input_searchPerson','input_searchField' ] YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(addListenerFields,"keydown", function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 13) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(e); SUGAR.email2.addressBook.searchContacts(); } }); this.contactsDialogue.render(); dlg.center(); } //Quick Compose does not have an innerLayout component and will always be referenced with ix 0. if (typeof(SUGAR.email2.innerLayout) == 'undefined') var idx = 0; else { var activePanel = SUGAR.email2.innerLayout.get("activeTab").get("id"); var idx = activePanel.substring(10); } SE.addressBook.idx = idx; var relatedBeanId; if ((hasRelatedBeanId = document.getElementById('data_parent_id' + idx).value) != '') { document.getElementById('relatedBeanColumn').style.display = ''; var relatedBeanName = document.getElementById('data_parent_name' + idx).value; var relatedBeanType = document.getElementById('data_parent_type' + idx).value; relatedBeanId = document.getElementById('data_parent_id' + idx).value; document.getElementById('relatedBeanInfo').innerHTML = ' ' + relatedBeanType + ' ' + relatedBeanName + ''; SE.addressBook.relatedBeanType = relatedBeanType; } else { document.getElementById('relatedBeanColumn').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('hasRelatedBean').checked = false; } if (!SE.addressBook.grid) { if (hasRelatedBeanId) { document.getElementById('hasRelatedBean').checked = true; } AddressSearchGridInit(); SE.addressBook.relatedBeanId = relatedBeanId; } else { if (typeof(relatedBeanId) != 'undefined' && relatedBeanId != SE.addressBook.relatedBeanId) { SE.addressBook.relatedBeanId = relatedBeanId; document.getElementById('hasRelatedBean').checked = true; } if (document.getElementById('hasRelatedBean').checked == true) { SE.addressBook.addressBookDataModel.params['related_bean_id'] = relatedBeanId; SE.addressBook.addressBookDataModel.params['related_bean_type'] = relatedBeanType; } else { SE.addressBook.addressBookDataModel.params['related_bean_id'] = ''; SE.addressBook.addressBookDataModel.params['related_bean_type'] = ''; } SE.addressBook.addressBookDataModel.params['search_field'] = document.getElementById('input_searchField').value;; SE.addressBook.addressBookDataModel.params['person'] = document.getElementById('input_searchPerson').value; SE.addressBook.grid.getDataSource().sendRequest(SUGAR.util.paramsToUrl(SE.addressBook.addressBookDataModel.params), SE.addressBook.grid.onDataReturnInitializeTable, SE.addressBook.grid); } //Remove any lingering rows in the result set table if the module was closed. SE.addressBook.gridResults.deleteRows(0, SUGAR.email2.addressBook.gridResults.getRecordSet().getLength()); //Repopulate SE.addressBook.populateResulstTableEmailAddresses(); this.contactsDialogue.show(); }, /** * Clear all email addresses from result table. * */ clearAllEmailAddressFieldsFromResultTable: function () { SUGAR.email2.addressBook.gridResults.deleteRows(0, SUGAR.email2.addressBook.gridResults.getRecordSet().getLength()); //Unhighlight any rows currently selected if the emails were cleared. SUGAR.email2.addressBook.grid.toggleSelectAll(false); SUGAR.email2.addressBook.grid.reSelectRowsOnRender(); }, /** * Take all email address listed in the compose tab To|Cc|Bcc fields and re-populates the * results table. This function is called when the address book is displayed. */ populateResulstTableEmailAddresses: function () { var idx = SE.addressBook.idx; var emailFields = ['to','cc','bcc']; for(var k=0;k'; if(t_name == '') t_name = displayEmail = t_emailAddr; var addressType = SE.addressBook.translateAddresType(emailFields[k],true); SUGAR.email2.addressBook.gridResults.addRow({'type':addressType,'name':t_name,'email_address': t_emailAddr, 'display_email_address': displayEmail,'bean_id': -1,'idx' : SE.addressBook.idx}); } } }, /** * Checks all entries in the result table against a particular email address, returning true * if the email address is found, false otherwise. */ doesEmailAdddressExistInResultTable: function(emailAddress) { if(trim(emailAddress) == '') return false; var emailAddressFound = false; var contacts = SE.addressBook.gridResults.getRecordSet().getRecords(); for (var i=0; i < contacts.length; i++) { var data = SE.addressBook.gridResults.getRecord(contacts[i]).getData(); //If we are adding to cc or bcc fields, make them visible. if(data.email_address == emailAddress) { emailAddressFound = true; break; } } return emailAddressFound; }, /** * Takes all email addresses that the users wishes to add from the address book and populates the To * fields on the compose tab. */ populateEmailAddressFieldsFromResultTable: function() { //Clear the fields first, all email addresses are stored in the address book var idx = SE.addressBook.idx; var emailFields = ['to','cc','bcc']; for(var k=0;k'; if(addressType == null) addressType = app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_ADD_TO.replace(/:$/,''); //Default to To when using the plus icon. SUGAR.email2.addressBook.gridResults.addRow({'type':addressType,'name':name,'email_address': data.email,'display_email_address': ea,'bean_id': data.bean_id,'idx' : SE.addressBook.idx}); }, /** * Remove a row from the gridsResult table. */ removeRowFromGridResults : function(rowId,emailAddress) { var contacts = SE.addressBook.gridResults.getRecordSet().getRecords(); for (var i=0; i < contacts.length; i++) { var rec = SE.addressBook.gridResults.getRecord(contacts[i]); var data = rec.getData(); if(data.email_address == emailAddress) { SUGAR.email2.addressBook.gridResults.deleteRow(rec.getId()); break; } } SUGAR.email2.addressBook.toggleSearchRowIcon(rowId,true); }, /** * Translates between the addressType To|Cc|Bcc labels/keys. */ translateAddresType: function(addressType,fromKey) { var displayTo = app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_ADD_TO.replace(/:$/,''); var displayCc = app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_ADD_CC.replace(/:$/,''); var displayBcc = app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_ADD_BCC.replace(/:$/,''); var mappingObject = {}; if(fromKey) mappingObject = {'to':displayTo, 'cc':displayCc, 'bcc':displayBcc}; else { mappingObject[displayTo] = 'to'; //Cant use object literal with variable variable. mappingObject[displayCc] = 'cc'; mappingObject[displayBcc] = 'bcc'; } return typeof(mappingObject[addressType]) != 'undefined' ? mappingObject[addressType] : ''; }, /** * */ toggleSearchRowIcon : function(rowId,show) { if(show) { var idToShow = rowId + '_add_img'; var idToHide = rowId + '_rm_img'; } else { var idToShow = rowId + '_rm_img'; var idToHide = rowId + '_add_img'; } Dom.addClass(idToHide, "yui-hidden"); Dom.removeClass(idToShow, "yui-hidden"); }, /** * Determine if an entry has already been added to the grid results table to prevent duplicates. */ doesGridResultsEntryExist: function(emailAddrs) { var contactExists = false; var contacts = SE.addressBook.gridResults.getRecordSet().getRecords(); for (var i=0; i < contacts.length; i++) { var data = SE.addressBook.gridResults.getRecord(contacts[i]).getData(); if(data.email_address == emailAddrs) { contactExists = true; break; } } return contactExists; }, /** * adds an email address to a string, but first checks if it exists * @param string concat The string we are appending email addresses to * @param string addr Email address to add * @return string */ smartAddEmailAddressToComposeField : function(concat, addr) { var re = new RegExp(addr); if(!concat.match(re)) { if(concat != "") { concat += "; " + addr; } else { concat = addr; } } return concat; } }; //// END ADDRESS BOOK /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// AUTOCOMPLETE /** * Auto-complete object */ SE.autoComplete = { config : { delimChar : [";", ","], useShadow : false, useIFrame : false, typeAhead : true, prehighlightClassName : "yui-ac-prehighlight", queryDelay : 0 }, instances : new Array(), /** * Parses an addressBook entry looking for primary address. If not found, it will return the last found address. * @param object Contact from AddressBook * @return string */ getPrimaryAddress : function(contact) { var address = app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_NOT_FOUND; for(var eIndex in contact.email) { address = contact.email[eIndex].email_address; if(contact.email[eIndex].primary_address == 1) { return contact.email[eIndex].email_address; } } return address; }, /** * initializes autocomplete widgets for a given compose view * @param int idx */ init : function(idx) { var ds = new YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray(this.returnDataSource(SE.addressBook._contactCache), { "queryMatchContains" : false, "queryMatchSubset" : true }); this.instances[idx] = { to : null, cc : null, bcc : null }; // instantiate the autoComplete widgets this.instances[idx]['to'] = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete('addressTO'+idx, "addressToAC"+idx, ds, this.config); this.instances[idx]['cc'] = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete('addressCC'+idx, "addressCcAC"+idx, ds, this.config); this.instances[idx]['bcc'] = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete('addressBCC'+idx, "addressBccAC"+idx, ds, this.config); // enable hiding of interfering textareas this.instances[idx]['to'].containerExpandEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.toggleTextareaHide); this.instances[idx]['cc'].containerExpandEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.toggleTextareaHide); this.instances[idx]['bcc'].containerExpandEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.toggleTextareaHide); // enable reshowing of hidden textareas this.instances[idx]['to'].containerCollapseEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.toggleTextareaShow); this.instances[idx]['cc'].containerCollapseEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.toggleTextareaShow); this.instances[idx]['bcc'].containerCollapseEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.toggleTextareaShow); // enable refreshes of contact lists this.instances[idx]['to'].textboxFocusEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.refreshDataSource); this.instances[idx]['cc'].textboxFocusEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.refreshDataSource); this.instances[idx]['bcc'].textboxFocusEvent.subscribe(SE.autoComplete.refreshDataSource); }, refreshDataSource : function(sType, aArgs) { var textBoxId = aArgs[0].getInputEl().id; // "addressTo0" var idx; var refresh = SE.autoComplete.returnDataSource(SE.addressBook._contactCache); if(textBoxId.indexOf("addressTO") > -1 || textBoxId.indexOf("addressCC") > -1) { idx = textBoxId.substr(9); } else { idx = textBoxId.substr(10); } SE.autoComplete.instances[idx]['to'].dataSource.data = refresh; SE.autoComplete.instances[idx]['cc'].dataSource.data = refresh; SE.autoComplete.instances[idx]['bcc'].dataSource.data = refresh; }, /** * Parses AddressBook entries to return an appropriate DataSource array for YUI.autoComplete */ returnDataSource : function(contacts) { var ret = new Array(); for(var id in contacts) { if (contacts[id].name) { var primary = this.getPrimaryAddress(contacts[id]); ret[ret.length] = contacts[id].name.replace(/<[\/]*b>/gi, '') + " <" + primary + ">"; //ret[ret.length] = contacts[id].name + " <" + primary + ">"; for(var emailIndex in contacts[id].email) { ret[ret.length] = contacts[id].email[emailIndex].email_address; } } } return ret; }, /** * Hides address textareas to prevent autocomplete dropdown from being obscured */ toggleTextareaHide : function(sType, aArgs) { var textBoxId = aArgs[0]._oTextbox.id; // "addressTo0" var type = ""; var idx = -1; if(textBoxId.indexOf("addressTO") > -1) { type = "to"; } else if(textBoxId.indexOf("addressCC") > -1) { type = "cc"; } idx = textBoxId.substr(9); // follow through if not BCC if(type != "") { var cc = document.getElementById("addressCC" + idx); var bcc = document.getElementById("addressBCC" + idx); switch(type) { case "to": cc.style.visibility = 'hidden'; case "cc": bcc.style.visibility = 'hidden'; break; } } }, /** * Redisplays the textareas after an address is committed. */ toggleTextareaShow : function(sType, aArgs) { var textBoxId = aArgs[0]._oTextbox.id; // "addressTo0" var type = ""; var idx = -1; if(textBoxId.indexOf("addressTO") > -1) { type = "to"; } else if(textBoxId.indexOf("addressCC") > -1) { type = "cc"; } idx = textBoxId.substr(9); // follow through if not BCC if(type != "") { document.getElementById("addressCC" + idx).style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById("addressBCC" + idx).style.visibility = 'visible'; } } }; //// END AUTOCOMPLETE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// COMPOSE & SEND /** * expands the options sidebar */ SE.composeLayout = { currentInstanceId : 0, ccHidden : true, bccHidden : true, outboundAccountErrors : null, loadedTinyInstances : {}, //Tracks which tinyMCE editors have initalized with html content. subjectMaxlen : 255, showAddressDetails : function(e) { var linkElement = document.getElementById("More"+e.id); var spanElement = document.getElementById("Detail"+e.id); var emailAddressList = e.value; if(e.value.length > 96) { var resultArray = SE.composeLayout._getEmailArrayFromString(emailAddressList); var displayArray = []; for (var i=0; i<' + t_emailAddr + '>'); else displayArray.push(t_name + '
<' + t_emailAddr + '>'); } var result = displayArray.join('
'); // Display linkElement.style.display = "inline"; linkElement.style.height="10px"; linkElement.style.overflow="visible"; spanElement.innerHTML = result; } else linkElement.style.display = "none"; }, /** * Given a string of email address, return an array containing the name portion (if available) * and email portion. */ _getEmailArrayFromString : function (emailAddressList){ var reg = /@.*?;/g; while ((results = reg.exec(emailAddressList)) != null) { orignial = results[0]; parsedResult = results[0].replace(';', ':::::'); emailAddressList = emailAddressList.replace (orignial, parsedResult); } reg = /@.*?,/g; while ((results = reg.exec(emailAddressList)) != null) { orignial = results[0]; parsedResult = results[0].replace(',', ':::::'); emailAddressList = emailAddressList.replace (orignial, parsedResult); } //Administrator ;1@somwhe.com;2@somwherecomplex.com,3@somwherecomplex.com;4@somwherecomplex.com,5@somwherecomplex.com, var emailArr = emailAddressList.split(":::::"); var resultsArray = []; var newArr = []; for (var i=0; i'); if(trim(emailArr[i]) != '') { if(rposition != -1 && lposition != -1) { var t_name = emailArr[i].substr(0, rposition-1); var t_emailAddr = emailArr[i].substr(rposition+1, (lposition-1 - rposition) ); resultsArray.push({'name':t_name, 'email_address': t_emailAddr}); } else { resultsArray.push({'name':'', 'email_address': emailArr[i]}); } } } return resultsArray; }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// COMPOSE FLOW /** * Prepare bucket DIV and yui-ext tab panels */ _0_yui : function() { var idx = this.currentInstanceId; var composeTab = new YAHOO.SUGAR.ClosableTab({ label: mod_strings.LNK_NEW_SEND_EMAIL, scroll : true, content : "
", id : "composeTab" + idx, closeMsg: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_CONFIRM_CLOSE, active : true }, SE.innerLayout); SE.innerLayout.addTab(composeTab); // get template engine with template if (!SE.composeLayout.composeTemplate) { SE.composeLayout.composeTemplate = new YAHOO.SUGAR.Template(SE.templates['compose']); } // create Tab inner layout var composePanel = this.getComposeLayout(); composePanel.getUnitByPosition("right").collapse(); composePanel.autoSize(); }, /** * Generate the quick compose layout * @method getQuickComposeLayout * @param {Pannel} parentPanel Parent pannel * @param {Object} o Options * @return {} none **/ getQuickComposeLayout : function (parentPanel,o) { var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; //Before rendering the parent pannel we need to initalize the grid layout parentPanel.beforeRenderEvent.subscribe(function() { YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable('htmleditordiv' + idx, function() { SE.composeLayout._createComposeLayout(idx); SE.composeLayout[idx].set('height', 350); SE.composeLayout[idx].render(); }); }); //Wait until the Compose Layout has rendered, then add the //options tab and perform the tiny initialization. parentPanel.renderEvent.subscribe(function() { YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable('htmleditordiv' + idx, function() { SE.composeLayout._initComposeOptionTabs(idx); SE.composeLayout[idx].getUnitByPosition("right").collapse(); //Initialize tinyMCE SE.composeLayout._1_tiny(false); //Init templates and address book SE.composeLayout._2_final(); SE.composeLayout.quickCreateComposePackage(o); }); }); //Check if we have the div override for the shortcut bar if(typeof o.menu_id != 'undefined') { parentPanel.render(o.menu_id); } else { parentPanel.render(document.body); } return SE.composeLayout[idx]; }, /** * Fill in all fields into the quick compose layout. * @method quickCreateComposePackage * @param {Object} o Options * @return {} none **/ quickCreateComposePackage: function(o) { //If we have a compose package fill in defaults. if (typeof(o.composePackage) != 'undefined') { composePackage = o.composePackage; //Set the compose data object //Hijack this method called by composePackage as it's not need for quick creates. SE.composeLayout.c0_composeNewEmail = function(){}; SE.composeLayout.composePackage(); //Fill in defaults. } }, getComposeLayout : function() { var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; this._createComposeLayout(idx); SE.composeLayout[idx].render(); this._initComposeOptionTabs(idx); return SE.composeLayout[idx]; }, /** * Create the layout manager for the compose window. */ _createComposeLayout : function(idx) { SE.composeLayout[idx] = new YAHOO.widget.Layout('htmleditordiv' + idx, { parent: SE.complexLayout, border:true, hideOnLayout: true, height: 400, units: [{ position: "center", animate: false, scroll: false, split:true, body: SE.composeLayout.composeTemplate.exec({ 'app_strings':app_strings, 'mod_strings':mod_strings, 'linkbeans_options' : linkBeans, 'idx' : SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId }) },{ position: "right", scroll:true, collapse: true, collapsed: true, resize: true, border:true, animate: false, width:'230', body: "
", titlebar: true, split: true, header: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_OPTIONS }] }); }, /** * Create compose tab which will populate the 'right' container in the compose window. */ _initComposeOptionTabs : function(idx) { var cTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView("composeRightTabs" + idx); var tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT, scroll : true, content : SUGAR.util.getAndRemove("divAttachments" + idx).innerHTML, id : "divAttachments" + idx, active : true }); tab.layout = SE.composeLayout[idx]; tab.on("activeChange", function(o){ if (o.newValue) { this.layout.getUnitByPosition("right").set("header", app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT); } }); cTabs.addTab(tab); tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_OPTIONS, scroll : true, content : SUGAR.util.getAndRemove("divOptions" + idx).innerHTML, id : "divOptions" + idx, active : false }); tab.layout = SE.composeLayout[idx]; tab.on("activeChange", function(o){ if (o.newValue) { this.layout.getUnitByPosition("right").set("header", app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_OPTIONS); } }); cTabs.addTab(tab); SE.composeLayout[idx].autoSize = function() { var pEl = this.get("element").parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; this.set("height", pEl.clientHeight-30); this.render(); } SE.composeLayout[idx].rightTabs = cTabs; }, isParentTypeValid : function(idx) { var parentTypeValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_type' + idx).value; var parentNameValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_name' + idx).value; if (trim(parentTypeValue) == ""){ alert(mod_strings.LBL_ERROR_SELECT_MODULE); return false; } // if return true; }, isParentTypeAndNameValid : function(idx) { var parentTypeValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_type' + idx).value; var parentNameValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_name' + idx).value; var parentIdValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_id' + idx).value; if ((trim(parentTypeValue) != "" && trim(parentNameValue) == "") || (trim(parentTypeValue) != "" && trim(parentNameValue) != "" && parentIdValue == "")){ alert(mod_strings.LBL_ERROR_SELECT_MODULE_SELECT); return false; } // if return true; }, callopenpopupForEmail2 : function(idx,options) { var formName = 'emailCompose' + idx; if(typeof(options) != 'undefined' && typeof(options.form_name) != 'undefined') formName = options.form_name; var parentTypeValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_type' + idx).value; var parentNameValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_name' + idx).value; if (!SE.composeLayout.isParentTypeValid(idx)) { return; } // if open_popup(document.getElementById('data_parent_type' + idx).value,600,400,'&tree=ProductsProd',true,false, { call_back_function:"SE.composeLayout.popupAddEmail", form_name:formName, field_to_name_array:{ id:'data_parent_id' + idx, name:'data_parent_name' + idx, email1:'email1'} }); }, popupAddEmail : function(o) { var nameKey = "data_parent_name" + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; var data = o.name_to_value_array; if (typeof (data[nameKey]) != "undefined" && data[nameKey] != "" && typeof (data["email1"]) != "undefined" && data["email1"] != "" && data["email1"] != "undefined") { var target = Dom.get("addressTO" + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId); target.value = SE.addressBook.smartAddEmailAddressToComposeField(target.value, data[nameKey] + "<" + data.email1 + ">"); } set_return(o); }, /** * Prepare TinyMCE */ _1_tiny : function(isReplyForward) { var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; var elId = SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor = 'htmleditor' + idx; SE.tinyInstances[elId] = { }; SE.tinyInstances[elId].ready = false; if (!SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) { var t = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(elId); } if(typeof(t) == 'undefined') { if (!SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, elId); } YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable(elId + "_parent", function() { SE.composeLayout.resizeEditorSetSignature(idx,!isReplyForward); }, this); } }, resizeEditorSetSignature : function(idx,setSignature) { var instance = SE.util.getTiny(SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor); if(typeof(instance) == 'undefined' || (typeof(SE.composeLayout.loadedTinyInstances[idx]) != 'undefined' && SE.composeLayout.loadedTinyInstances[idx] == false)) { setTimeout("SE.composeLayout.resizeEditorSetSignature(" + idx + ",'"+setSignature+"');",500); return; } SE.composeLayout.resizeEditor(idx); if(setSignature) { setTimeout("SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.setSignature("+idx+");",250); } }, resizeEditor : function(idx) { var cof = Dom.get('composeOverFrame' + idx); var head = Dom.get('composeHeaderTable' + idx); var targetHeight = cof.clientHeight - head.clientHeight; var instance = SE.util.getTiny('htmleditor' + idx); try { var parentEl = Dom.get(instance.editorId + '_parent'); var toolbar = Dom.getElementsByClassName("mceFirst", "tr", parentEl)[0]; var contentEl = instance.contentAreaContainer; var iFrame = contentEl.firstChild; var tinMceToolbarOffset = 18; iFrame.style.height = (targetHeight - toolbar.offsetHeight - tinMceToolbarOffset) + "px"; } catch(e) { setTimeout("SE.composeLayout.resizeEditor("+idx+");",1000); } }, /** * Initializes d&d, auto-complete, email templates */ _2_final : function() { var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; if(this.emailTemplates) { this.setComposeOptions(idx); } else { //populate email template cache AjaxObject.target = ''; AjaxObject.startRequest(callbackComposeCache, urlStandard + "&emailUIAction=fillComposeCache"); } // handle drop targets for addressBook var to = new YAHOO.util.DDTarget('addressTO' +idx, 'addressBookDD', {notifyDrop:this.handleDrop}); var cc = new YAHOO.util.DDTarget('addressCC' +idx, 'addressBookDD', {notifyDrop:this.handleDrop}); var bcc = new YAHOO.util.DDTarget('addressBCC'+idx, 'addressBookDD', {notifyDrop:this.handleDrop}); to.notifyDrop = cc.notifyDrop = bcc.notifyDrop = this.handleDrop; // auto-complete setup SE.autoComplete.init(idx); // set focus on to: document.getElementById("addressTO" + idx).focus(); }, /** * hide tinyMCE tool bar if send email as plaintext is checked */ renderTinyMCEToolBar : function (idx, hide) { if (hide) { document.getElementById('htmleditor' + idx + '_toolbar1').style.display = 'none'; } else { document.getElementById('htmleditor' + idx + '_toolbar1').style.display = ''; } }, c1_composeEmail : function(isReplyForward, retry) { if (!retry) { this._0_yui(); } if (!SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen() && (typeof(tinyMCE) == 'undefined' || typeof(tinyMCE.settings) == 'undefined')){ setTimeout("SE.composeLayout.c1_composeEmail(" + isReplyForward + ", true);", 500); } else { this._1_tiny(isReplyForward); this._2_final(); if(isReplyForward) { this.replyForwardEmailStage2(); } } }, /** * takes draft info and prepopulates */ c0_composeDraft : function() { this.getNewInstanceId(); inCompose = true; document.getElementById('_blank').innerHTML = ''; var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; SE.composeLayout.draftObject = new Object(); SE.composeLayout.draftObject.id = idx; SE.composeLayout.draftObject.isDraft = true; SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId = idx; SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor = 'htmleditor' + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; SE.tinyInstances[SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor] = new Object(); SE.tinyInstances[SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor].ready = false; SE.composeLayout._0_yui(); SE.composeLayout._1_tiny(true); // final touches SE.composeLayout._2_final(); /* Draft-specific final processing. Need a delay to allow Tiny to render before calling setText() */ setTimeout("AjaxObject.handleReplyForwardForDraft(SE.o);", 1000); }, /** * Strip & Prep editor hidden fields */ c0_composeNewEmail : function() { this.getNewInstanceId(); this.c1_composeEmail(false); }, /** * Sends async request to get the compose view. * Requests come from "reply" or "forwards" */ c0_replyForwardEmail : function(ieId, uid, mbox, type) { SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj = new Object(); SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.ieId = ieId; SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.uid = uid; SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.mbox = mbox; SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.type = type; if(mbox == 'sugar::Emails') { SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.sugarEmail = true; } SE.composeLayout.getNewInstanceId(); SE.composeLayout.c1_composeEmail(true); }, //// END COMPOSE FLOW /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Called when a contact, email, or mailinglist is dropped * into one of the compose fields. */ handleDrop : function (source, event, data, target) { var nodes; if (!target) { target = event.getTarget(); if (data.single) { data.nodes = [data.nodes]; } nodes = data.nodes; } else { target = document.getElementById(target); nodes = data; } if (target.id.indexOf('address') > -1) { // dropped onto email to/cc/bcc field for(var i in nodes) { var node = nodes[i].getData(); var email = ""; if (node[1].indexOf('contact') > -1) { email = SE.addressBook.getFormattedAddress(node[0]); } else if (node[1].indexOf('address-email') > -1){ email = node[3].replace(/ /gi, ''); email = email.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>'); var tr = source.getTrEl(nodes[i]); while (tr && !Dom.hasClass(tr, "address-contact")) { tr = source.getPreviousTrEl(tr); } var CID = source.getRecord(tr).getData()[0]; var o = SE.addressBook._contactCache[CID]; var name = new String(o.name); var finalName = name.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); email = finalName + email; } target.value = SE.addressBook.smartAddEmailAddressToComposeField(target.value, email); } } }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// EMAIL TEMPLATE CODE applyEmailTemplate : function (idx, id) { //bug #20680 var box_title = mod_strings.LBL_EMAILTEMPLATE_MESSAGE_SHOW_TITLE; var box_msg = mod_strings.LBL_EMAILTEMPLATE_MESSAGE_SHOW_MSG; var box_none_msg = mod_strings.LBL_EMAILTEMPLATE_MESSAGE_CLEAR_MSG; //bug #6224 var to_addr = document.getElementById('addressTO'+idx); if (to_addr.value.search(/[^;,]{6,}[;,][^;,]{6,}/) != -1) { box_title = mod_strings.LBL_EMAILTEMPLATE_MESSAGE_WARNING_TITLE; box_msg = mod_strings.LBL_EMAILTEMPLATE_MESSAGE_MULTIPLE_RECIPIENTS + '

' + box_msg; } // id is selected index of email template drop-down if(id == '' || id == "0") { YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.show({ title:box_title, msg: box_none_msg, type: 'confirm', fn: function(btn){ if(btn=='no'){return;}; SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.processNoneResult(idx, id);}, modal:true, scope:this }); return; } YAHOO.SUGAR.MessageBox.show({ title:box_title, msg: box_msg, type: 'confirm', fn: function(btn){ if(btn=='no'){return;}; SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.processResult(idx, id);}, modal:true, scope:this }); }, processNoneResult : function(idx, id) { var tiny = SE.util.getTiny('htmleditor' + idx); var tinyHTML = tiny.getContent(); var openTag = '
'; var htmllow = tinyHTML.toLowerCase(); var start = htmllow.indexOf(openTag); if (start > -1) { tinyHTML = tinyHTML.substr(start); tiny.setContent(tinyHTML); } else { tiny.setContent(''); } //now that content is set, call method to set signature setTimeout("SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.setSignature("+idx+");",500); }, processResult : function(idx , id){ var post_data = {"module":"EmailTemplates","record":id}; var global_rpcClient = new SugarRPCClient(); result = global_rpcClient.call_method('retrieve', post_data, true); if(!result['record']) return; json_objects['email_template_object'] = result['record']; this.appendEmailTemplateJSON(); // get attachments if any AjaxObject.target = ''; AjaxObject.startRequest(callbackLoadAttachments, urlStandard + "&emailUIAction=getTemplateAttachments&parent_id=" + id); }, appendEmailTemplateJSON : function() { var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; // post increment // query based on template, contact_id0,related_to //jchi 09/10/2008 refix #7743 if(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['subject'] != '' ) { // cn: bug 7743, don't stomp populated Subject Line document.getElementById('emailSubject' + idx).value = decodeURI(encodeURI(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['subject'])); } var text = ''; if(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['text_only'] == 1) { text = "

" + decodeURI(encodeURI(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['body'])).replace(/
/ig, '

/gi, "

").replace(/&/gi,'&').replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/'/gi,'\'').replace(/"/gi,'"') + "

"; document.getElementById('setEditor' + idx).checked = true; SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.renderTinyMCEToolBar(idx, 1); } else { text = decodeURI(encodeURI(json_objects['email_template_object']['fields']['body_html'])).replace(/
/ig, '\n').replace(/
/gi, "\n").replace(/&/gi,'&').replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/'/gi,'\'').replace(/"/gi,'"'); document.getElementById('setEditor' + idx).checked = false; SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.renderTinyMCEToolBar(idx, 0); } var tiny = SE.util.getTiny('htmleditor' + idx); var tinyHTML = tiny.getContent(); var openTag = '
'; var closeTag = '
'; var htmllow = tinyHTML.toLowerCase(); var start = htmllow.indexOf(openTag); if (start > -1) { var htmlPart2 = tinyHTML.substr(start); tinyHTML = text + htmlPart2; tiny.setContent(tinyHTML); } else { tiny.setContent(text); } //now that content is set, call method to set signature setTimeout("SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.setSignature("+idx+");",500); }, /** * Writes out the signature in the email editor */ setSignature : function(idx) { if (!tinyMCE) return false; var hide = document.getElementById('setEditor' + idx).checked; SE.composeLayout.renderTinyMCEToolBar(idx,hide); //wait for signatures to load before trying to set them if (!SE.composeLayout.signatures) { setTimeout("SE.composeLayout.setSignature(" + idx + ");", 1000); return; } if(idx != null) { var sel = document.getElementById('signatures' + idx); } else { var sel = document.getElementById('signature_id'); idx = SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor; } //Ensure that the tinyMCE html has been rendered. if(typeof(SE.composeLayout.loadedTinyInstances[idx]) != 'undefined' && SE.composeLayout.loadedTinyInstances[idx] == false) { setTimeout("SE.composeLayout.setSignature(" + idx + ");",1000); return; } var signature = ''; try { signature = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; } catch(e) { } // The tags are used for finding the signature var openTag = '

'; var closeTag = ' 
'; // Get tinyMCE instance var t = tinyMCE.getInstanceById('htmleditor' + idx); // IE 6 Hack if(typeof(t) != 'undefined') { t.contentDocument = t.contentWindow.document; var html = t.getContent(); } else { var html = ''; } var htmllow = html.toLowerCase(); var start = htmllow.indexOf(openTag); // Start looking for the closeTag where the start tag was found var end = htmllow.indexOf(closeTag, start); if (end >= 0) { end += closeTag.length; } else { end = htmllow.length; } // selected "none" - remove signature from email if (signature == '') { if (start > -1) { var htmlPart1 = html.substr(0, start); var htmlPart2 = html.substr(end, html.length); html = htmlPart1 + htmlPart2; t.setContent(html); } SE.signatures.lastAttemptedLoad = ''; return false; } if (!SE.signatures.lastAttemptedLoad) // lazy load place holder { SE.signatures.lastAttemptedLoad = ''; } SE.signatures.lastAttemptedLoad = signature; if (typeof(SE.signatures[signature]) == 'undefined') { //lazy load SE.signatures.lastAttemptedLoad = ''; // reset this flag for recursion SE.signatures.targetInstance = (idx) ? idx : ""; AjaxObject.target = ''; AjaxObject.startRequest(callbackLoadSignature, urlStandard + "&emailUIAction=getSignature&id="+signature); } else { var newSignature = this.prepareSignature(SE.signatures[signature]); // clear out old signature if (SE.signatures.lastAttemptedLoad && start > -1) { var htmlPart1 = html.substr(0, start); var htmlPart2 = html.substr(end, html.length); html = htmlPart1 + htmlPart2; } // pre|append start = html.indexOf('

'); if (SE.userPrefs.signatures.signature_prepend == 'true' && start > -1) // Prepend { var htmlPart1 = html.substr(0, start); var htmlPart2 = html.substr(start, html.length); var newHtml = htmlPart1 + openTag + newSignature + closeTag + htmlPart2; } else if (SUGAR.email2.userPrefs.signatures.signature_prepend == 'true') // Prepend { //bug 48285 var newHtml = html; //remove custom spacing var spacing = '

 '; var customSpacingStart = html.indexOf(spacing); if (customSpacingStart > -1) { var part1 = newHtml.substr(0, customSpacingStart); var part2 = newHtml.substr(customSpacingStart+spacing.length, newHtml.length); newHtml = part1 + part2; } //append signature var bodyStartTag = ''; var body = newHtml.indexOf(bodyStartTag); if (body > -1) { var part1 = newHtml.substr(0, body+bodyStartTag.length); var part2 = newHtml.substr(body+bodyStartTag.length, newHtml.length); newHtml = part1 + spacing + openTag + newSignature + closeTag + part2; } else { newHtml = openTag + newSignature + closeTag + newHtml; } //end bug 48285 } else // Append { // On full compose mail has element empty var bodyStringEmpty = htmllow.indexOf("") > -1 && htmllow.replace(/\s/g, "").match(/.+<\/body>/) == null; // On quick compose a new document has html.length == 0 if (htmllow.length == 0 || bodyStringEmpty) { // Prepend
to openTag because if it's an empty document // or a document with nothing other than whitespace in // TinyMCE will pick the id of the div containing the signature // when adding a new row and duplicate it so this might cause // trouble when changing signatures openTag = "
" + openTag; } var body = html.indexOf(''); if (body > -1) { var part1 = html.substr(0, body); var part2 = html.substr(body, html.length); var newHtml = part1 + openTag + newSignature + closeTag + part2; } else { var newHtml = html + openTag + newSignature + closeTag; } } t.setContent(newHtml); } }, prepareSignature : function(str) { var signature = new String(str); signature = signature.replace(/</gi, '<'); signature = signature.replace(/>/gi, '>'); return signature; }, showAttachmentPanel : function(idx) { var east = SE.composeLayout[idx].getUnitByPosition("right"); var tabs = SE.composeLayout[idx].rightTabs; east.expand(); tabs.set("activeTab", tabs.getTab(0)); }, /** * expands sidebar and displays options panel */ showOptionsPanel : function(idx) { var east = SE.composeLayout[idx].getUnitByPosition("right"); var tabs = SE.composeLayout[idx].rightTabs; east.expand(); tabs.set("activeTab", tabs.getTab(1)); }, /** * Selects the Contacts tab */ showContactsPanel : function() { SE.complexLayout.regions.west.showPanel("contactsTab"); }, /** * Generates fields for Select Document */ addDocumentField : function(idx) { var basket = document.getElementById('addedDocuments' + idx); if(basket) { var index = (basket.childNodes.length / 7) - 1; if(index < 0) index = 0; } else { index = 0; } var test = document.getElementById('documentId' + idx + index); while(test != null) { index++; test = document.getElementById('documentId' + idx + index); } var documentCup = document.createElement("div"); documentCup.id = 'documentCup' + idx + index; documentCup.innerHTML = "" + // document id field "" + // document name field "" + // select button "" + // remove button "" + "
"; basket.appendChild(documentCup); //basket.innerHTML += out; return index; }, /** * Makes async call to save a draft of the email * @param int Instance index */ saveDraft : function(tinyInstance) { SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor = 'htmleditor' + tinyInstance; this.sendEmail(tinyInstance, true); }, selectDocument : function(target) { URL="index.php?module=Emails&action=PopupDocuments&to_pdf=true&target=" + target; windowName = 'selectDocument'; windowFeatures = 'width=800' + ',height=600' + ',resizable=1,scrollbars=1'; win = SUGAR.util.openWindow(URL, windowName, windowFeatures); if(window.focus) { // put the focus on the popup if the browser supports the focus() method win.focus(); } }, /** * Modal popup for file attachment dialogue */ addFileField : function() { if(!SE.addFileDialog){ // lazy initialize the dialog and only create it once SE.addFileDialog = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("addFileDialog", { modal:true, visible:false, fixedcenter:true, constraintoviewport: true, scroll: true, keylisteners : new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(document, { keys:27 }, { fn:function(){SE.addFileDialog.hide();} }) }); SE.addFileDialog.setHeader(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ATTACHMENTS); SE.addFileDialog.render(); // SE.addFileDialog.addKeyListener(27, , SE.addFileDialog); } Dom.removeClass("addFileDialog", "yui-hidden"); SE.addFileDialog.show(); }, /** * Async upload of file to temp dir */ uploadAttachment : function() { if(document.getElementById('email_attachment').value != "") { var formObject = document.getElementById('uploadAttachment'); YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(formObject, true, true); AjaxObject.target = ''; AjaxObject.startRequest(callbackUploadAttachment, null); } else { alert(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_NO_FILE); } }, /** * Adds a SugarDocument to an outbound email. Action occurs in a popup window displaying a ListView from the Documents module * @param string target in focus compose layout */ setDocument : function(idx, target, documentId, documentName, docRevId) { // fields are named/id'd [fieldName][instanceId][index] var addedDocs = document.getElementById("addedDocuments" + idx); var docId = document.getElementById('documentId' + idx + target); var docName = document.getElementById('documentName' + idx + target); var docRevisionId = document.getElementById('document' + idx + target); docId.value = documentId; docName.value = documentName; docRevisionId.value = docRevId; }, /** * Removes the bucket div containing the document input fields */ deleteDocumentField : function(documentCup) { var f0 = document.getElementById(documentCup); f0.parentNode.removeChild(f0); }, /** * Removes a Template Attachment field * @param int * @param int */ deleteTemplateAttachmentField : function(idx, index) { // create not-in-array values for removal filtering var r = document.getElementById("templateAttachmentsRemove" + idx).value; if(r != "") { r += "::"; } r += document.getElementById('templateAttachmentId' + idx + index).value; document.getElementById("templateAttachmentsRemove" + idx).value = r; var target = 'templateAttachmentCup' + idx + index; d = document.getElementById(target); d.parentNode.removeChild(d); }, /** * Async removal of uploaded temp file * @param string index Should be a concatenation of idx and index * @param string */ deleteUploadAttachment : function(index, file) { var d = document.getElementById('email_attachment_bucket' + index); d.parentNode.removeChild(d); // make async call to delete cached file AjaxObject.target = ''; AjaxObject.startRequest('', urlStandard + "&emailUIAction=removeUploadedAttachment&file="+unescape(file)); }, /** * Attaches files coming from Email Templates */ addTemplateAttachmentField : function(idx) { // expose title document.getElementById('templateAttachmentsTitle' + idx).style.display = 'block'; var basket = document.getElementById('addedTemplateAttachments' + idx); if(basket) { var index = basket.childNodes.length; if(index < 0) index = 0; } else { index = 0; } var out = "
" + // remove button "" + // file icon "" + // templateAttachment field "" + // docId field "" + // file name " " + "

" + "
"; basket.innerHTML = basket.innerHTML + out; return index; }, /** * Sends one email via async call * @param int idx Editor instance ID * @param bool isDraft */ sendEmail : function(idx, isDraft) { //If the outbound account has an error message associate with it, alert the user and refuse to continue. var obAccountID = document.getElementById('addressFrom' + idx).value; if( typeof(SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.outboundAccountErrors[obAccountID]) != 'undefined' ) { SUGAR.showMessageBox(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_DESC, SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.outboundAccountErrors[obAccountID], 'alert'); return false; } var form = document.getElementById('emailCompose' + idx); var composeOptionsFormName = "composeOptionsForm" + idx; var t = SE.util.getTiny('htmleditor' + idx); if (t != null || typeof(t) != "undefined") { var html = t.getContent(); } else { var html = "

" + document.getElementById('htmleditor' + idx).value + "

"; } var subj = document.getElementById('emailSubject' + idx).value; var to = trim(document.getElementById('addressTO' + idx).value); var cc = trim(document.getElementById('addressCC' + idx).value); var bcc = trim(document.getElementById('addressBCC' + idx).value); var email_id = document.getElementById('email_id' + idx).value; var composeType = document.getElementById('composeType').value; var parent_type = document.getElementById("parent_type").value; var parent_id = document.getElementById("parent_id").value; var el_uid = document.getElementById("uid"); var uid = (el_uid == null) ? '' : el_uid.value; var el_ieId = document.getElementById("ieId"); var ieId = (el_ieId == null) ? '' : el_ieId.value; var el_mbox = document.getElementById("mbox"); var mbox = (el_mbox == null) ? '' : el_mbox.value; if (!isValidEmail(to) || !isValidEmail(cc) || !isValidEmail(bcc)) { alert(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_COMPOSE_INVALID_ADDRESS); return false; } if (!SE.composeLayout.isParentTypeAndNameValid(idx)) { return; } // if var parentTypeValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_type' + idx).value; var parentIdValue = document.getElementById('data_parent_id' + idx).value; parent_id = parentIdValue; parent_type = parentTypeValue; var in_draft = (document.getElementById('type' + idx).value == 'draft') ? true : false; // baseline viability check if(to == "" && cc == '' && bcc == '' && !isDraft) { alert(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_COMPOSE_ERR_NO_RECIPIENTS); return false; } else if(subj == '' && !isDraft) { if(!confirm(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_COMPOSE_NO_SUBJECT)) { return false; } else { subj = app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_COMPOSE_NO_SUBJECT_LITERAL; } } else if(html == '' && !isDraft) { if(!confirm(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_COMPOSE_NO_BODY)) { return false; } } SE.util.clearHiddenFieldValues('emailCompose' + idx); document.getElementById('data_parent_id' + idx).value = parentIdValue; var title = (isDraft) ? app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_SAVE_DRAFT : app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_SENDING_EMAIL; SUGAR.showMessageBox(title, app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ONE_MOMENT); html = html.replace(/</ig, "sugarLessThan"); html = html.replace(/>/ig, "sugarGreaterThan"); form.sendDescription.value = html; form.sendSubject.value = subj; form.sendTo.value = to; form.sendCc.value = cc; form.sendBcc.value = bcc; form.email_id.value = email_id; form.composeType.value = composeType; form.composeLayoutId.value = 'composeLayout' + idx; form.setEditor.value = (document.getElementById('setEditor' + idx).checked == false) ? 1 : 0; form.saveToSugar.value = 1; form.fromAccount.value = document.getElementById('addressFrom' + idx).value; form.parent_type.value = parent_type; form.parent_id.value = parent_id; form.uid.value = uid; form.ieId.value = ieId; form.mbox.value = mbox; // email attachments var addedFiles = document.getElementById('addedFiles' + idx); if(addedFiles) { for(i=0; i 0) { document.getElementById("emailSubject" + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId).value = composePackage.subject; } //If no parent fields are set in the composePackage, ensure they are cleared. var parentFields = ['parent_type','parent_name','parent_id']; for(var i=0;i 0) { document.getElementById("email_id" + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId).value = composePackage.email_id; } // if if (composePackage.body != null && composePackage.body.length > 0) { var tiny = SE.util.getTiny('htmleditor' + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId); SE.composeLayout.loadedTinyInstances[SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId] = false; setTimeout("SE.composeLayout.setContentOnThisTiny();", 3000); } // if if (composePackage.attachments != null) { SE.composeLayout.loadAttachments(composePackage.attachments); } // if if (composePackage.fromAccounts != null && composePackage.fromAccounts.status) { var addressFrom = document.getElementById('addressFrom' + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId); SE.util.emptySelectOptions(addressFrom); var fromAccountOpts = composePackage.fromAccounts.data; for(i=0; i/ig, '\n').replace(/
/gi, "\n").replace(/&/gi,'&').replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/'/gi,'\'').replace(/"/gi,'"'); } // if //Flag determines if we should clear the tiny contents or just append if (typeof(composePackage.clearBody) != 'undefined' && composePackage.clearBody) { SE.composeLayout.tinyHTML = ''; } else { //check to see if tiny is defined, and this is not a recursive call if not, then call self function one more time if(typeof tiny == 'undefined' && typeof recursive == 'undefined'){ //call this same function again, this time setting the recursive flag to true setTimeout("SE.composeLayout.setContentOnThisTiny(true);", 3000); return; } //bug 48179 //check tinyHTML for closing tags var body = tinyHTML.lastIndexOf(''); spacing = '

 '; if (body > -1) { var part1 = tinyHTML.substr(0, body); var part2 = tinyHTML.substr(body, tinyHTML.length); var newHtml = part1 + spacing + composePackage.body + part2; } else { var newHtml = tinyHTML + spacing + composePackage.body; } //end bug 48179 SE.composeLayout.tinyHTML = newHtml; } tiny.setContent(SE.composeLayout.tinyHTML); //Indicate that the contents has been loaded successfully. SE.composeLayout.loadedTinyInstances[SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId] = true; }, /** * Confirms closure of a compose screen if "x" is clicked */ confirmClose : function(panel) { if(confirm(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_CONFIRM_CLOSE)) { SE.composeLayout.closeCompose(panel.id); return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * forces close of a compose screen */ forceCloseCompose : function(id) { SE.composeLayout.closeCompose(id); // handle flow back to originating view if(composePackage) { // check if it's a module we need to return to if(composePackage.return_module && composePackage.return_action && composePackage.return_id) { if(confirm(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_RETURN_TO_VIEW)) { var url = "index.php?module=" + composePackage.return_module + "&action=" + composePackage.return_action + "&record=" + composePackage.return_id; window.location = url; } } } }, /** * closes the editor that just sent email * @param string id ID of composeLayout tab */ closeCompose : function(id) { // destroy tinyMCE instance var idx = id.substr(13, id.length); var instanceId = "htmleditor" + idx; tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, instanceId); // nullify DOM and namespace values. inCompose = false; SE.composeLayout[idx] = null; SE.tinyInstances[instanceId] = null; var tabsArray = SE.innerLayout.get("tabs"); for (i = 0 ; i < tabsArray.length ; i++) { if (tabsArray[i].get("id") == ('composeTab' + idx)) { tabsArray[i].close(); break; } } //SE.innerLayout.getTab(idx).close(); }, /** * Enable the quick search for the compose relate field or search tab */ enableQuickSearchRelate: function(idx,overides){ if(typeof overides != 'undefined') { var newModuleID = overides['moduleSelectField']; //data_parent_type_search var newModule = document.getElementById(newModuleID).value; var formName = overides['formName']; var fieldName = overides['fieldName']; var fieldId = overides['fieldId']; var fullName = formName + "_" + fieldName; var postBlurFunction = null; } else { var newModule = document.getElementById('data_parent_type'+idx).value; var formName = 'emailCompose'+idx; var fieldName = 'data_parent_name'+idx; var fieldId = 'data_parent_id'+idx; var fullName = formName + "_" + fieldName; var postBlurFunction = "SE.composeLayout.qsAddAddress"; } if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined') window['sqs_objects'] = new Array; window['sqs_objects'][fullName] = { form:formName, method:"query", modules:[newModule], group:"or", field_list:["name","id", "email1"],populate_list:[fieldName,fieldId],required_list:[fieldId], conditions:[{name:"name",op:"like_custom",end:"%",value:""}], post_onblur_function: postBlurFunction, order:"name","limit":"30","no_match_text":"No Match"}; if(typeof QSProcessedFieldsArray != 'undefined') QSProcessedFieldsArray[fullName] = false; if (typeof(QSFieldsArray) != 'undefined' && typeof(QSFieldsArray[fullName]) != 'undefined') { QSFieldsArray[fullName].destroy(); delete QSFieldsArray[fullName]; } if (Dom.get(fullName + "_results")) { Dom.get(fullName + "_results").parentNode.removeChild(Dom.get(fullName + "_results")); } enableQS(false); }, qsAddAddress : function(o) { if (o.name != "" && o.email1 != "") { var target = Dom.get("addressTO" + SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId); target.value = SE.addressBook.smartAddEmailAddressToComposeField(target.value, o.name + "<" + o.email1 + ">"); } }, /** * Returns a new instance ID, 0-index */ getNewInstanceId : function() { this.currentInstanceId = this.currentInstanceId + 1; return this.currentInstanceId; }, /** * Takes an array of objects that contain the filename and GUID of a Note (attachment or Sugar Document) and applies the values to the compose screen. Valid use-cases are applying an EmailTemplate or resuming a Draft Email. */ loadAttachments : function(result) { var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; if(typeof(result) == 'object') { //jchi #20680. Clean the former template attachments; var basket = document.getElementById('addedTemplateAttachments' + idx); if(basket.innerHTML != ''){ confirm(mod_strings.LBL_CHECK_ATTACHMENTS, mod_strings.LBL_HAS_ATTACHMENTS, function(btn){ if (btn != 'yes'){ basket.innerHTML = ''; } }); } for(i in result) { if(typeof result[i] == 'object') { var index = SE.composeLayout.addTemplateAttachmentField(idx); var bean = result[i]; document.getElementById('templateAttachmentId' + idx + index).value = bean['id']; document.getElementById('templateAttachmentName' + idx + index).innerHTML += bean['filename']; } } } }, /** * fills drop-down values for email templates and signatures */ setComposeOptions : function(idx) { // send from accounts var addressFrom = document.getElementById('addressFrom' + idx); if (addressFrom.options.length <= 0) { SE.util.emptySelectOptions(addressFrom); var fromAccountOpts = SE.composeLayout.fromAccounts; for (id = 0 ; id < fromAccountOpts.length ; id++) { var key = fromAccountOpts[id].value; var display = fromAccountOpts[id].text; var is_default = false; if(key == SUGAR.default_inbound_accnt_id) is_default = true; var opt = new Option(display, key); addressFrom.options.add(opt); addressFrom.options[id].selected = is_default; //Safari bug new Option(x,y,true) does not work. } } // email templates var et = document.getElementById('email_template' + idx); SE.util.emptySelectOptions(et); for(var key in this.emailTemplates) { // iterate through assoc array var display = this.emailTemplates[key]; var opt = new Option(display, key); et.options.add(opt); } // signatures var sigs = document.getElementById('signatures' + idx); SE.util.emptySelectOptions(sigs); for(var key in this.signatures) { // iterate through assoc array var display = this.signatures[key]; var opt = new Option(display, key); if(key == SE.userPrefs.signatures.signature_default) { opt.selected = true; } sigs.options.add(opt); } // html/plain email? var htmlEmail = document.getElementById('setEditor' + idx); if(SE.userPrefs.emailSettings.sendPlainText == 1) { htmlEmail.checked = true; } else { htmlEmail.checked = false; } SE.tinyInstances[SE.tinyInstances.currentHtmleditor].ready = true; }, /** * After compose screen is rendered, async call to get email body from Sugar */ replyForwardEmailStage2 : function() { SE.util.clearHiddenFieldValues('emailUIForm'); SUGAR.showMessageBox(app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_RETRIEVING_MESSAGE, app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ONE_MOMENT); var ieId = SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.ieId; var uid = SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.uid; var mbox = SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.mbox; var type = SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.type; var idx = SE.composeLayout.currentInstanceId; var sugarEmail = (SE.composeLayout.replyForwardObj.sugarEmail) ? '&sugarEmail=true' : ""; document.getElementById('emailSubject' + idx).value = type; document.getElementById('emailUIAction').value = 'composeEmail'; document.getElementById('composeType').value = type; document.getElementById('ieId').value = ieId; document.getElementById('uid').value = uid; document.getElementById('mbox').value = mbox; document.getElementById('setEditor' + idx).checked = SE.userPrefs.emailSettings.sendPlainText == 1 ? true : false; var formObject = document.getElementById('emailUIForm'); YAHOO.util.Connect.setForm(formObject); var sendType = type; AjaxObject.startRequest(callbackReplyForward, urlStandard + "&composeType=" + type + sugarEmail); }, /** * Show the hidden cc or bcc fields */ showHiddenAddress: function(addrType,idx){ Dom.removeClass(addrType+"_tr"+idx, "yui-hidden"); Dom.addClass(addrType+"_span"+idx, "yui-hidden"); Dom.addClass("bcc_cc_sep"+idx, "yui-hidden"); this[addrType+'Hidden'+idx] = false; //After bcc or cc is added, move options below last addr field Dom.insertAfter("add_addr_options_tr"+idx, 'bcc_tr'+idx); //If both cc and bcc hidden, remove the empty row containing text. if( ( typeof(this['ccHidden'+idx]) != 'undefined' && typeof(this['bccHidden'+idx]) != 'undefined') && ( this['ccHidden'+idx] == false && this['bccHidden'+idx] == false) ) Dom.addClass("add_addr_options_tr"+idx, "yui-hidden"); SE.composeLayout.resizeEditor(idx); }, /** * Hide the cc and bcc fields if they were shown. */ hideHiddenAddresses: function(idx){ var addrTypes = ['cc','bcc']; for(var i = 0;i