/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Initialize Email 2.0 Application */ //Override Sugar Languge so quick creates work properly function email2init() { //Init Tiny MCE // var tinyConfig = "code,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull," + // "separator,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,separator,forecolor,backcolor,fontselect,fontsizeselect"; if (!SUGAR.util.isTouchScreen()) { tinyMCE.init({ convert_urls : false, theme_advanced_toolbar_align : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_toolbar_align, valid_children : tinyConfig.valid_children, width: tinyConfig.width, theme: tinyConfig.theme, theme_advanced_toolbar_location : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_toolbar_location, theme_advanced_buttons1 : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_buttons1, theme_advanced_buttons2 : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_buttons2, theme_advanced_buttons3 : tinyConfig.theme_advanced_buttons3, plugins : tinyConfig.plugins, elements : tinyConfig.elements, language : tinyConfig.language, extended_valid_elements : tinyConfig.extended_valid_elements, mode: tinyConfig.mode, strict_loading_mode : true, force_br_newlines : true, forced_root_block : '', directionality : (typeof(rtl) == "undefined") ? "ltr" : "rtl", gecko_spellcheck : tinyConfig.gecko_spellcheck }); } // initialze message overlay SUGAR.email2.e2overlay = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("SUGAR.email2.e2overlay", { //iframe : true, modal : false, autoTabs : true, width : 300, height : 120, shadow : true } ); // Hide Sugar menu if (SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol) SUGAR.themes.tempHideLeftCol(); // add key listener for kb shortcust - disable backspace nav in mozilla/ie // YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window.document, 'keypress', SUGAR.email2.keys.overall); // set defaults for YAHOO.util.DragDropManager YAHOO.util.DDM.mode = 0; // point mode, default is point (0) SUGAR.email2.nextYear = new Date(); SUGAR.email2.nextYear.setDate(SUGAR.email2.nextYear.getDate() + 360); // initialize and display UI framework (complexLayout.js) complexLayoutInit(); // initialize and display grid (grid.js) gridInit(); // initialize treeview for folders //onloadTreeinit(); SUGAR.email2.folders.rebuildFolders(true); //Setup the Message Box overlay /*Ext.MessageBox.maxWidth = 350; Ext.MessageBox.minProgressWidth = 350; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// CONTEXT MENUS // detailView array SUGAR.email2.contextMenus.detailViewContextMenus = new Object(); */ var SEC = SUGAR.email2.contextMenus; //Grid menu var emailMenu = SEC.emailListContextMenu = new YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu("emailContextMenu", { trigger: SUGAR.email2.grid.get("element"), lazyload: true }); emailMenu.subscribe("beforeShow", function() { var oTarget = this.contextEventTarget; if (typeof(oTarget) == "undefined") return; var grid = SUGAR.email2.grid; var selectedRows = grid.getSelectedRows(); var multipleSelected = (selectedRows.length > 1) ? true: false; if (!multipleSelected) { grid.unselectAllRows(); grid.selectRow(oTarget); SUGAR.email2.contextMenus.showEmailsListMenu(grid, grid.getRecord(oTarget)); } else if(multipleSelected) { SUGAR.email2.contextMenus.showEmailsListMenu(grid, grid.getRecord(oTarget)); } }); //When we need to access menu items later we can only do so by indexes so we create a mapping to allow //us to access individual elements easier by name rather than by index emailMenu.itemsMapping = {'viewRelationships':0, 'openMultiple': 1, 'archive' : 2, 'reply' : 3,'replyAll' : 4,'forward' : 5, 'delete' : 6,'print' : 7,'mark' : 8,'assignTo' : 9, 'relateTo' : 10}; emailMenu.addItems([ { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_VIEW_RELATIONSHIPS, id: 'showDetailView', onclick: { fn: SEC.showDetailView } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_OPEN_ALL, onclick: { fn: SEC.openMultiple } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ARCHIVE_TO_SUGAR, onclick: { fn: SEC.archiveToSugar } }, { text: ""+ app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_REPLY, id: 'reply', onclick: { fn: SEC.replyForwardEmailContext } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_REPLY_ALL, id: 'replyAll', onclick: { fn: SEC.replyForwardEmailContext } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_FORWARD, id: 'forward', onclick: { fn: SEC.replyForwardEmailContext } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_DELETE, id: 'delete', onclick: { fn: SEC.markDeleted } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_PRINT, id: 'print', onclick: { fn: SEC.viewPrintable } }, // Mark... submenu { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK, submenu: { id: "markEmailMenu", itemdata : [ { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK + " " + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK_UNREAD, onclick: { fn: SEC.markUnread } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK + " " + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK_READ, onclick: { fn: SEC.markRead } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK + " " + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK_FLAGGED, onclick: { fn: SEC.markFlagged } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK + " " + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MARK_UNFLAGGED, onclick: { fn: SEC.markUnflagged } } ] } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_ASSIGN_TO, id: 'assignTo', onclick: { fn: SEC.assignEmailsTo } }, { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_RELATE_TO, id: 'relateTo', onclick: { fn: SEC.relateTo } } ]); SEC.emailListContextMenu.render(); //Handle the Tree folder menu trigger ourselves YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("emailtree"), "contextmenu", SUGAR.email2.folders.handleRightClick) //Folder Menu SEC.frameFoldersContextMenu = new YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu("folderContextMenu", { trigger: "", lazyload: true }); SEC.frameFoldersContextMenu.addItems([ { text: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_CHECK, //helptext: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_HELP_ADD_FOLDER + "", onclick: { fn: function() { var node = SUGAR.email2.clickedFolderNode; if (node.data.ieId) { SUGAR.email2.folders.startEmailCheckOneAccount(node.data.ieId, false)}; }} }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_SYNCHRONIZE, //helptext: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_HELP_ADD_FOLDER + "", onclick: { fn: function() { var node = SUGAR.email2.clickedFolderNode; if (node.data.ieId) { SUGAR.email2.folders.startEmailCheckOneAccount(node.data.ieId, true)}; }} }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_ADD_FOLDER, //helptext: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_HELP_ADD_FOLDER + "", onclick: { fn: SUGAR.email2.folders.folderAdd } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_DELETE_FOLDER, //helptext: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_HELP_DELETE_FOLDER + "", onclick: { fn: SUGAR.email2.folders.folderDelete } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_RENAME_FOLDER, //helptext: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_HELP_RENAME_FOLDER + "", onclick: { fn: SUGAR.email2.folders.folderRename } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_EMPTY_TRASH, //helptext: "" + app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_HELP_EMPTY_TRASH + "", onclick: { fn: SUGAR.email2.folders.emptyTrash } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_CLEAR_CACHE, onclick: { fn: function() { var node = SUGAR.email2.clickedFolderNode; if (node.data.ieId) { SUGAR.email2.folders.clearCacheFiles(node.data.ieId)}; }} } ]); SEC.frameFoldersContextMenu.render(); SEC.initContactsMenu = function() { // contacts SEC.contactsContextMenu = new YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu("contactsMenu", { trigger: "contacts", lazyload: true }); SEC.contactsContextMenu.addItems([ { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_REMOVE, onclick:{ fn: SUGAR.email2.addressBook.removeContact } }, { text: app_strings.LBL_EMAIL_MENU_COMPOSE, onclick:{ fn: function() {SUGAR.email2.addressBook.composeTo('contacts')}} } ]); SEC.contactsContextMenu.subscribe("beforeShow", function() { var oTarget = this.contextEventTarget, grid = SUGAR.email2.contactView; if (oTarget && !grid.isSelected(oTarget)) { grid.unselectAllRows(); grid.selectRow(oTarget); } }); SEC.contactsContextMenu.render(); } // set auto-check timer SUGAR.email2.folders.startCheckTimer(); // check if we're coming from an email-link click setTimeout("SUGAR.email2.composeLayout.composePackage()", 2000); YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, 'resize', SUGAR.email2.autoSetLayout); //Init fix for YUI 2.7.0 datatable sort. SUGAR.email2.addressBook.initFixForDatatableSort(); } function createTreePanel(treeData, params) { var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView(params.id); var root = tree.getRoot(); //if (treeData.nodes && treeData[0].id == "Home") // treeData = treeData[0]; return tree; } function addChildNodes(parentNode, parentData) { var Ck = YAHOO.util.Cookie; var nextyear = SUGAR.email2.nextYear; var nodes = parentData.nodes || parentData.children; for (i in nodes) { if (typeof(nodes[i]) == 'object') { if (nodes[i].data) { // See comment about href below. // nodes[i].data.href = '#'; var node = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(nodes[i].data, parentNode); node.action = nodes[i].data.action; } else { if (nodes[i].id == SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','LBL_EMAIL_HOME_FOLDER')) { addChildNodes(parentNode, nodes[i]); return; } nodes[i].expanded = Ck.getSub("EmailTreeLayout", nodes[i].id + "") == "true"; Ck.setSub("EmailTreeLayout", nodes[i].id + "", nodes[i].expanded ? true : false, {expires: SUGAR.email2.nextYear}); if (nodes[i].cls) { nodes[i].className = nodes[i].cls; } // Previously, span was added in the label so it was rendering in the tree. // Default behavior is to wrap in span if no href property, and since this href // doesn't do anything, remove it so that it will be wrapped in spans. // nodes[i].href = "#"; // URL Decode the text, so it shows properly nodes[i].text = unescape(nodes[i].text); if (nodes[i].text) nodes[i].label = nodes[i].text; //Override YUI child node creation if (nodes[i].children) { nodes[i].nodes = nodes[i].children; nodes[i].children = [ ]; } var node = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(nodes[i], parentNode); } if (typeof(nodes[i].nodes) == 'object') { addChildNodes(node, nodes[i]); } } } } /** * Custom TreeView initialization sequence to setup DragDrop targets for every tree node */ function email2treeinit(tree, treedata, treediv, params) { //ensure the tree data is not corrupt if (!treedata) { return; } if (SUGAR.email2.tree) { SUGAR.email2.tree.destroy(); SUGAR.email2.tree = null; } var tree = SUGAR.email2.tree = createTreePanel({nodes : {}}, { id: 'emailtree' }); tree.subscribe("clickEvent", SUGAR.email2.folders.handleClick); tree.subscribe("collapseComplete", function(node){YAHOO.util.Cookie.setSub("EmailTreeLayout", node.data.id + "", false, {expires: SUGAR.email2.nextYear});}); tree.subscribe("expandComplete", function(node){ YAHOO.util.Cookie.setSub("EmailTreeLayout", node.data.id + "", true, {expires: SUGAR.email2.nextYear}); for (var i in node.children) { SE.accounts.setupDDTarget(node.children[i]); } }); tree.setCollapseAnim("TVSlideOut"); tree.setExpandAnim("TVSlideIn"); var root = tree.root; while (root.hasChildren()) { var node = root.children[0]; node.destroy(); tree.removeNode(root.children[0], false); } addChildNodes(root, treedata); tree.render(); SUGAR.email2.accounts.renderTree(); } SUGAR.email2.folders.folderDD = function(id, sGroup, config) { SUGAR.email2.folders.folderDD.superclass.constructor.call(this, id, sGroup, config); }; YAHOO.extend(SUGAR.email2.folders.folderDD, YAHOO.util.DDProxy, { startDrag: function(x, y) { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; this.dragNode = SUGAR.email2.tree.getNodeByElement(this.getEl()); this.dragId = ""; var dragEl = this.getDragEl(); var clickEl = this.getEl(); Dom.setStyle(clickEl, "color", "#AAA"); Dom.setStyle(clickEl, "opacity", "0.25"); dragEl.innerHTML = clickEl.innerHTML; Dom.addClass(dragEl, "ygtvcell"); Dom.addClass(dragEl, "ygtvcontent"); Dom.addClass(dragEl, "folderDragProxy"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "height", (clickEl.clientHeight - 5) + "px"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "width", (clickEl.clientWidth - 5) + "px"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "backgroundColor", "#FFF"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "opacity", "0.5"); Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "border", "1px solid #AAA"); }, onDragOver: function(ev, id) { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; if (id != this.dragId) { var node = SUGAR.email2.tree.getNodeByElement(YAHOO.util.Dom.get(id)); if(node.data.cls != "sugarFolder") { SUGAR.email2.folders.unhighliteAll(); return; } this.dragId = id; this.targetNode = node; SUGAR.email2.folders.unhighliteAll(); node.highlight(); } }, onDragOut: function(e, id) { if (this.targetNode) { SUGAR.email2.folders.unhighliteAll(); this.targetNode = false; this.dragId = false; } }, endDrag: function() { YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.getEl(), "opacity", "1.0"); if (this.targetNode) { SUGAR.email2.folders.moveFolder(this.dragNode.data.id, this.targetNode.data.id); } } });