moduleName = $moduleName; if (!empty($packageName)) $this->packageName = $packageName ; } /** * Takes in the request params from a save request and processes * them for the save. * @param REQUEST $params Labels as "label_".System label => Display label pairs * @param string $language Language key, for example 'en_us' */ function handleSave ($params , $language) { $labels = array ( ) ; foreach ( $params as $key => $value ) { if (preg_match ( '/^label_/', $key ) && strcmp ( $value, 'no_change' ) != 0) { $labels [ strtoupper(substr ( $key, 6 )) ] = SugarCleaner::cleanHtml(from_html($value),false); } } if (!empty($this->packageName)) //we are in Module builder { return self::addLabels ( $language, $labels, $this->moduleName, "custom/modulebuilder/packages/{$this->packageName}/modules/{$this->moduleName}/language" ) ; } else { $addLabelsResult = true; $addExtLabelsResult = true; $extLabels = array(); $extFile = "custom/modules/".$this->moduleName."/Ext/Language/".$language.".lang.ext.php"; if (is_file($extFile)) { include($extFile); foreach ($labels as $key=>$value) { if (isset($mod_strings[$key])) { $extLabels[$key] = $value; unset($labels[$key]); } } } if (!empty($labels)) { $addLabelsResult = self::addLabels($language, $labels, $this->moduleName); } if (!empty($extLabels)) { $addExtLabelsResult = self::addLabels($language, $extLabels, $this->moduleName, null, true); } return $addLabelsResult && $addExtLabelsResult; } } /* * Remove a label from the language pack for a module * @param string $language Language key, for example 'en_us' * @param string $label The label to remove * @param string $labelvalue The value of the label to remove * @param string $moduleName Name of the module to which to add these labels * @param string $basepath base path of the language file * @param string $forRelationshipLabel whether this is a relationship label */ static function removeLabel($language, $label, $labelvalue, $moduleName, $basepath = null, $forRelationshipLabel = false) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "ParserLabel->removeLabels($language, \$label, \$labelvalue, $moduleName, $basepath );" ) ; if (is_null ( $basepath )) { $deployedModule = true ; $basepath = "custom/modules/$moduleName/language" ; if($forRelationshipLabel){ $basepath = "custom/modules/$moduleName/Ext/Language" ; } if (! is_dir ( $basepath )) { $GLOBALS ['log']->debug("$basepath is not a directory."); return false; } } $filename = "$basepath/$language.lang.php" ; if($forRelationshipLabel){ $filename = "$basepath/$language.lang.ext.php" ; } $dir_exists = is_dir ( $basepath ) ; $mod_strings = array ( ) ; if ($dir_exists) { if (file_exists ($filename)) { // obtain $mod_strings include ($filename) ; } else { $GLOBALS ['log']->debug("file $filename does not exist."); return false; } } else { $GLOBALS ['log']->debug("directory $basepath does not exist."); return false ; } $changed = false ; if (isset($mod_strings[$label]) && $mod_strings[$label]==$labelvalue) { unset($mod_strings[$label]); $changed = true; } if ($changed) { if (! write_array_to_file ( "mod_strings", $mod_strings, $filename )) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->fatal ( "Could not write $filename" ) ; } else { // if we have a cache to worry about, then clear it now if ($deployedModule) { $GLOBALS ['log']->debug ( "PaserLabel->addLabels: clearing language cache" ) ; $cache_key = "module_language." . $language . $moduleName ; sugar_cache_clear ( $cache_key ) ; LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache ( $moduleName, $language ) ; } } } return true ; } /* * Add a set of labels to the language pack for a module, deployed or undeployed * @param string $language Language key, for example 'en_us' * @param array $labels The labels to add in the form of an array of System label => Display label pairs * @param string $moduleName Name of the module to which to add these labels * @param string $packageName If module is undeployed, name of the package to which it belongs */ static function addLabels ($language , $labels , $moduleName , $basepath = null, $forRelationshipLabel = false) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "ParserLabel->addLabels($language, \$labels, $moduleName, $basepath );" ) ; $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "\$labels:" . print_r ( $labels, true ) ) ; $deployedModule = false ; if (is_null ( $basepath )) { $deployedModule = true ; $basepath = "custom/modules/$moduleName/language" ; if($forRelationshipLabel){ $basepath = "custom/modules/$moduleName/Ext/Language" ; } if (! is_dir ( $basepath )) { mkdir_recursive($basepath); } } $filename = "$basepath/$language.lang.php" ; if($forRelationshipLabel){ $filename = "$basepath/$language.lang.ext.php" ; } $dir_exists = is_dir ( $basepath ) ; $mod_strings = array ( ) ; if ($dir_exists) { if (file_exists ( $filename )) { // obtain $mod_strings include ($filename) ; }else if($forRelationshipLabel){ $fh = fopen ($filename, 'a'); fclose($fh); } } else { return false ; } $changed = false ; //$charset = (isset($app_strings['LBL_CHARSET'])) ? $app_strings['LBL_CHARSET'] : $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_charset'] ; foreach ( $labels as $key => $value ) { if (! isset ( $mod_strings [ $key ] ) || strcmp ( $value, $mod_strings [ $key ] ) != 0) { $mod_strings [$key] = to_html(strip_tags(from_html($value))); // must match encoding used in view.labels.php $changed = true ; } } if ($changed) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "ParserLabel->addLabels: writing new mod_strings to $filename" ) ; $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "ParserLabel->addLabels: mod_strings=".print_r($mod_strings,true) ) ; if (! write_array_to_file ( "mod_strings", $mod_strings, $filename )) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->fatal ( "Could not write $filename" ) ; } else { // if we have a cache to worry about, then clear it now if ($deployedModule) { SugarCache::cleanOpcodes(); $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "PaserLabel->addLabels: clearing language cache" ) ; $cache_key = "module_language." . $language . $moduleName ; sugar_cache_clear ( $cache_key ) ; LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache ( $moduleName, $language ) ; } } } return true ; } /** * Takes in the request params from a save request and processes * them for the save. * @param $metadata * @param string $language Language key, for example 'en_us' */ function handleSaveRelationshipLabels ($metadata , $language) { foreach ( $metadata as $definition ) { $labels = array(); $labels[$definition [ 'system_label' ]] = $definition [ 'display_label' ]; self::addLabels ( $language, $labels, $definition [ 'module' ],null,true ); } } function addLabelsToAllLanguages($labels) { $langs = get_languages(); foreach($langs as $lang_key => $lang_display) { $this->addLabels($lang_key, $labels, $this->moduleName); } } } ?>