'account_name', * 'rname' => 'name', * 'id_name' => 'account_id', * 'vname' => 'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME', * 'join_name'=>'accounts', * 'type' => 'relate', * 'link' => 'accounts', * 'table' => 'accounts', * 'module' => 'Accounts', * 'source' => 'non-db' * A link field which references the shared Relationship */ class ActivitiesRelationship extends OneToManyRelationship { protected static $subpanelsAdded = array(); protected static $labelsAdded = array(); /* * Constructor * @param array $definition Parameters passed in as array defined in parent::$definitionKeys * The lhs_module value is for the One side; the rhs_module value is for the Many */ function __construct ($definition) { parent::__construct ( $definition ) ; } /* * BUILD methods called during the build */ /* * Define the labels to be added to the module for the new relationships * @return array An array of system value => display value */ function buildLabels () { $labelDefinitions = array ( ) ; if (!$this->relationship_only ) { if (!isset(ActivitiesRelationship::$labelsAdded[$this->lhs_module])) { foreach(getTypeDisplayList() as $typeDisplay) { $labelDefinitions [] = array ( 'module' => 'application', 'system_label' => $typeDisplay, 'display_label' => array( $this->lhs_module => $this->lhs_label ? $this->lhs_label : ucfirst($this->lhs_module) ), ); } } $rhs_display_label = ''; if (!empty($this->rhs_label)) { $rhs_display_label .= $this->rhs_label . ':'; } $rhs_display_label .= translate($this->rhs_module); $lhs_display_label = ''; if (!empty($this->rhs_label)) { $lhs_display_label .= $this->rhs_label . ':'; } $lhs_display_label .= translate($this->lhs_module); $labelDefinitions[] = array ( 'module' => $this->lhs_module , 'system_label' => 'LBL_' . strtoupper($this->relationship_name . '_FROM_' . $this->getRightModuleSystemLabel()) . '_TITLE', 'display_label' => $rhs_display_label ); $labelDefinitions[] = array( 'module' => $this->rhs_module, 'system_label' => 'LBL_' . strtoupper($this->relationship_name . '_FROM_' . $this->getLeftModuleSystemLabel()) . '_TITLE', 'display_label' => $lhs_display_label ); ActivitiesRelationship::$labelsAdded[$this->lhs_module] = true; } return $labelDefinitions ; } /* * @return array An array of field definitions, ready for the vardefs, keyed by module */ function buildVardefs ( ) { $vardefs = array ( ) ; $vardefs [ $this->rhs_module ] [] = $this->getLinkFieldDefinition ( $this->lhs_module, $this->relationship_name ) ; $vardefs [ $this->lhs_module ] [] = $this->getLinkFieldDefinition ( $this->rhs_module, $this->relationship_name ) ; return $vardefs ; } protected function getLinkFieldDefinition ($sourceModule , $relationshipName) { $vardef = array ( ) ; $vardef [ 'name' ] = $relationshipName; $vardef [ 'type' ] = 'link' ; $vardef [ 'relationship' ] = $relationshipName ; $vardef [ 'source' ] = 'non-db' ; $vardef [ 'module' ] = $sourceModule ; $vardef [ 'bean_name' ] = BeanFactory::getObjectName($sourceModule) ; $vardef [ 'vname' ] = strtoupper("LBL_{$relationshipName}_FROM_{$sourceModule}_TITLE"); return $vardef ; } /* * Define what fields to add to which modules layouts * @return array An array of module => fieldname */ function buildFieldsToLayouts () { if ($this->relationship_only) return array () ; return array( $this->rhs_module => $this->relationship_name . "_name" ) ; // this must match the name of the relate field from buildVardefs } function buildSubpanelDefinitions () { if ($this->relationship_only || isset(ActivitiesRelationship::$subpanelsAdded[$this->lhs_module])) return array () ; ActivitiesRelationship::$subpanelsAdded[$this->lhs_module] = true; $relationshipName = substr($this->relationship_name, 0, strrpos($this->relationship_name, '_')); return array( $this->lhs_module => array ( 'activities' => $this->buildActivitiesSubpanelDefinition ( $relationshipName ), 'history' => $this->buildHistorySubpanelDefinition ( $relationshipName ) , )); } /* * @return array An array of relationship metadata definitions */ function buildRelationshipMetaData () { $relationshipName = $this->definition [ 'relationship_name' ]; $relMetadata = array ( ) ; $relMetadata [ 'lhs_module' ] = $this->definition [ 'lhs_module' ] ; $relMetadata [ 'lhs_table' ] = $this->getTablename($this->definition [ 'lhs_module' ]) ; $relMetadata [ 'lhs_key' ] = 'id' ; $relMetadata [ 'rhs_module' ] = $this->definition [ 'rhs_module' ] ; $relMetadata [ 'rhs_table' ] = $this->getTablename($this->definition [ 'rhs_module' ]) ; $relMetadata ['rhs_key'] = 'parent_id'; $relMetadata ['relationship_type'] = 'one-to-many'; $relMetadata ['relationship_role_column'] = 'parent_type'; $relMetadata ['relationship_role_column_value'] = $this->definition [ 'lhs_module' ] ; return array( $this->lhs_module => array( 'relationships' => array ($relationshipName => $relMetadata), 'fields' => '', 'indices' => '', 'table' => '') ) ; } /* * Shortcut to construct an Activities collection subpanel * @param AbstractRelationship $relationship Source relationship to Activities module */ protected function buildActivitiesSubpanelDefinition ( $relationshipName ) { return array ( 'order' => 10 , 'sort_order' => 'desc' , 'sort_by' => 'date_start' , 'title_key' => 'LBL_ACTIVITIES_SUBPANEL_TITLE' , 'type' => 'collection' , 'subpanel_name' => 'activities' , //this value is not associated with a physical file 'module' => 'Activities' , 'top_buttons' => array ( array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopCreateTaskButton' ) , array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopScheduleMeetingButton' ) , array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopScheduleCallButton' ) , array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopComposeEmailButton' ) ) , 'collection_list' => array ( 'meetings' => array ( 'module' => 'Meetings' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForActivities' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_meetings' ) , 'tasks' => array ( 'module' => 'Tasks' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForActivities' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_tasks' ) , 'calls' => array ( 'module' => 'Calls' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForActivities' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_calls' ) ) ) ; } /* * Shortcut to construct a History collection subpanel * @param AbstractRelationship $relationship Source relationship to Activities module */ protected function buildHistorySubpanelDefinition ( $relationshipName ) { return array ( 'order' => 20 , 'sort_order' => 'desc' , 'sort_by' => 'date_modified' , 'title_key' => 'LBL_HISTORY' , 'type' => 'collection' , 'subpanel_name' => 'history' , //this values is not associated with a physical file. 'module' => 'History' , 'top_buttons' => array ( array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopCreateNoteButton' ) , array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopArchiveEmailButton'), array ( 'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopSummaryButton' ) ) , 'collection_list' => array ( 'meetings' => array ( 'module' => 'Meetings' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForHistory' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_meetings' ) , 'tasks' => array ( 'module' => 'Tasks' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForHistory' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_tasks' ) , 'calls' => array ( 'module' => 'Calls' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForHistory' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_calls' ) , 'notes' => array ( 'module' => 'Notes' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForHistory' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_notes' ) , 'emails' => array ( 'module' => 'Emails' , 'subpanel_name' => 'ForHistory' , 'get_subpanel_data' => $relationshipName. '_emails' ) ) ) ; } }