moduleName = $moduleName ; $this->load () ; } static function findRelatableModules () { return parent::findRelatableModules ( true ) ; } /* * Load the set of relationships for this module - the set is the combination of that held in the working file plus all of the relevant deployed relationships for the module * Note that deployed relationships are readonly and cannot be modified - getDeployedRelationships() takes care of marking them as such * Assumes that only called for modules which exist in $beansList - otherwise get_module_info will break * This means that load() cannot be called for Activities, only Tasks, Notes, etc * * Note that we may need to adjust the cardinality for any custom relationships that we do not have entries for in the working directory * These relationships might have been loaded from an installation package by ModuleInstaller, or the custom/working directory might have been cleared at some point * The cardinality in the installed relationship is not necessarily correct for custom relationships, which currently are all built as many-to-many relationships * Instead we must obtain the true cardinality from a property we added to the relationship metadata when we created the relationship * This relationship metadata is accessed through the Table Dictionary */ function load () { $relationships = $this->getDeployedRelationships () ; if (! empty ( $relationships )) { // load the relationship definitions for all installed custom relationships into $dictionary $dictionary = array ( ) ; if (file_exists ( 'custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php' )) { include ('custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php') ; } $invalidModules = array(); $validModules = array_keys ( self::findRelatableModules () ) ; // now convert the relationships array into an array of AbstractRelationship objects foreach ( $relationships as $name => $definition ) { if (($definition [ 'lhs_module' ] == $this->moduleName) || ($definition [ 'rhs_module' ] == $this->moduleName)) { if (in_array ( $definition [ 'lhs_module' ], $validModules ) && in_array ( $definition [ 'rhs_module' ], $validModules ) && ! in_array ( $definition [ 'lhs_module' ], $invalidModules ) && ! in_array ( $definition [ 'rhs_module' ], $invalidModules )) { // identify the subpanels for this relationship - TODO: optimize this - currently does m x n scans through the subpanel list... $definition [ 'rhs_subpanel' ] = self::identifySubpanel ( $definition [ 'lhs_module' ], $definition [ 'rhs_module' ] ) ; $definition [ 'lhs_subpanel' ] = self::identifySubpanel ( $definition [ 'rhs_module' ], $definition [ 'lhs_module' ] ) ; // now adjust the cardinality with the true cardinality found in the relationships metadata (see method comment above) if (! empty ( $dictionary ) && ! empty ( $dictionary [ $name ] ) ) { if (! empty ( $dictionary [ $name ] [ 'true_relationship_type' ] )) { $definition [ 'relationship_type' ] = $dictionary [ $name ] [ 'true_relationship_type' ] ; } if (! empty ( $dictionary [ $name ] [ 'from_studio' ] )) { $definition [ 'from_studio' ] = $dictionary [ $name ] [ 'from_studio' ] ; } $definition [ 'is_custom' ] = true; } $this->relationships [ $name ] = RelationshipFactory::newRelationship ( $definition ) ; } } } } /* // Now override with any definitions from the working directory // must do this to capture one-to-ones that we have created as these don't show up in the relationship table that is the source for getDeployedRelationships() $overrides = parent::_load ( "custom/working/modules/{$this->moduleName}" ) ; foreach ( $overrides as $name => $relationship ) { $this->relationships [ $name ] = $relationship ; }*/ } /* * Save this modules relationship definitions out to a working file */ function save () { parent::_save ( $this->relationships, "custom/working/modules/{$this->moduleName}" ) ; } /* * Update pre-5.1 relationships to the 5.1 relationship definition * There is nothing to do for Deployed relationships as these were only introduced in 5.1 * @param array definition The 5.0 relationship definition * @return array The definition updated to 5.1 format */ protected function _updateRelationshipDefinition ($definition) { return $definition ; } /* * Use the module Loader to delete the relationship from the instance. */ function delete ($rel_name) { //Remove any fields from layouts $rel = $this->get($rel_name); if (!empty($rel)) { $this->removeFieldsFromDeployedLayout($rel); } require_once("ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php"); require_once ('modules/Administration/QuickRepairAndRebuild.php') ; $mi = new ModuleInstaller(); $mi->silent = true; $mi->id_name = 'custom' . $rel_name; // provide the moduleinstaller with a unique name for this relationship - normally this value is set to the package key... $mi->uninstall_relationship("custom/metadata/{$rel_name}MetaData.php"); $mi->uninstallLabels('custom/Extension/modules/relationships/language/',$rel->buildLabels()); $mi->uninstallExtLabels($rel->buildLabels()); // now clear all caches so that our changes are visible Relationship::delete_cache(); $mi->rebuild_tabledictionary(); $MBmodStrings = $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ]; $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] = return_module_language ( '', 'Administration' ) ; $rac = new RepairAndClear ( ) ; $rac->repairAndClearAll ( array ( 'clearAll', 'rebuildExtensions', ), array ( $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_ALL_MODULES' ] ), true, false ) ; $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] = $MBmodStrings; //Bug 41070, supercedes the previous 40941 fix in this section if (isset($this->relationships[$rel_name])) { unset($this->relationships[$rel_name]); } } /* * Return the set of all known relevant relationships for a deployed module * The set is made up of the relationships held in this class, plus all those already deployed in the application * @return array Set of all relevant relationships */ protected function getAllRelationships () { return array_merge ( $this->relationships, parent::getDeployedRelationships () ) ; } /* * Return the name of the first (currently only) subpanel displayed in the DetailView of $thisModuleName provided by $sourceModuleName * We can assume that both sides of the relationship are deployed modules as this is only called within the context of DeployedRelationships * @param string $thisModuleName Name of the related module * @param string $sourceModuleName Name of the primary module * @return string Name of the subpanel if found; null otherwise */ static private function identifySubpanel ($thisModuleName , $sourceModuleName) { $module = get_module_info ( $thisModuleName ) ; require_once ('include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php') ; $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions ( $module ) ; $subpanelNames = $spd->get_available_tabs () ; // actually these are the displayed subpanels foreach ( $subpanelNames as $key => $name ) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( $thisModuleName . " " . $name ) ; $subPanel = $spd->load_subpanel ( $name ) ; if ($subPanel && ! isset ( $subPanel->_instance_properties [ 'collection_list' ] )) { if ($sourceModuleName == $subPanel->_instance_properties [ 'module' ]) { return $subPanel->_instance_properties [ 'subpanel_name' ] ; } } } return null ; } /* * Return the name of the first (currently only) relate field of $thisModuleName sourced from by $sourceModuleName * We can assume that both sides of the relationship are deployed modules as this is only called within the context of DeployedRelationships * @param string $thisModuleName Name of the related module * @param string $sourceModuleName Name of the primary module * @return string Name of the relate field, if found; null otherwise */ static private function identifyRelateField ($thisModuleName , $sourceModuleName) { $module = get_module_info ( $thisModuleName ) ; foreach ( $module->field_defs as $field ) { if ($field [ 'type' ] == 'relate' && isset ( $field [ 'module' ] ) && $field [ 'module' ] == $sourceModuleName) return $field [ 'name' ] ; } return null ; } /* * As of SugarCRM 5.1 the subpanel code and the widgets have difficulty handling multiple subpanels or relate fields from the same module * Until this is fixed, we new relationships which will trigger this problem must be flagged as "relationship_only" and built without a UI component * This function is called from the view when constructing a new relationship * We can assume that both sides of the relationship are deployed modules as this is only called within the context of DeployedRelationships * @param AbstractRelationship $relationship The relationship to be enforced */ public function enforceRelationshipOnly ($relationship) { $lhs = $relationship->lhs_module ; $rhs = $relationship->rhs_module ; // if the lhs_module already has a subpanel or relate field sourced from the rhs_module, // or the rhs_module already has a subpanel or relate field sourced from the lhs_module, // then set "relationship_only" in the relationship // if (($relationship->getType() != MB_ONETOONE && ! is_null ( self::identifySubpanel ( $lhs, $rhs ) )) || ($relationship->getType() == MB_MANYTOMANY && ! is_null ( self::identifySubpanel ( $rhs, $lhs ) )) || ($relationship->getType() == MB_ONETOONE && ! is_null ( self::identifyRelateField ( $rhs, $lhs ) )) || ($relationship->getType() != MB_MANYTOMANY && ! is_null ( self::identifyRelateField ( $lhs, $rhs ) ))) // $relationship->setRelationship_only () ; } /* * BUILD FUNCTIONS */ /* * Implement all of the Relationships in this set of relationships * This is more general than it needs to be given that deployed relationships are built immediately - there should only be one relationship to build here... * We use the Extension mechanism to do this for DeployedRelationships * All metadata is placed in the modules Ext directory, and then Rebuild is called to activate them */ function build () { $basepath = "custom/Extension/modules" ; $this->activitiesToAdd = false ; // and mark all as built so that the next time we come through we'll know and won't build again foreach ( $this->relationships as $name => $relationship ) { $definition = $relationship->getDefinition () ; // activities will always appear on the rhs only - lhs will be always be this module in MB if (strtolower ( $definition [ 'rhs_module' ] ) == 'activities') { $this->activitiesToAdd = true ; $relationshipName = $definition [ 'relationship_name' ] ; foreach ( self::$activities as $activitiesSubModuleLower => $activitiesSubModuleName ) { $definition [ 'rhs_module' ] = $activitiesSubModuleName ; $definition [ 'for_activities' ] = true ; $definition [ 'relationship_name' ] = $relationshipName . '_' . $activitiesSubModuleLower ; $this->relationships [ $definition [ 'relationship_name' ] ] = RelationshipFactory::newRelationship ( $definition ) ; } unset ( $this->relationships [ $name ] ) ; } } $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->info ( get_class ( $this ) . "->build(): installing relationships" ) ; $MBModStrings = $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] ; $adminModStrings = return_module_language ( '', 'Administration' ) ; // required by ModuleInstaller foreach ( $this->relationships as $name => $relationship ) { $relationship->setFromStudio(); $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] = $MBModStrings ; $installDefs = parent::build ( $basepath, "", array ($name => $relationship ) ) ; // and mark as built so that the next time we come through we'll know and won't build again $relationship->setReadonly () ; $this->relationships [ $name ] = $relationship ; // now install the relationship - ModuleInstaller normally only does this as part of a package load where it installs the relationships defined in the manifest. However, we don't have a manifest or a package, so... // If we were to chose to just use the Extension mechanism, without using the ModuleInstaller install_...() methods, we must : // 1) place the information for each side of the relationship in the appropriate Ext directory for the module, which means specific $this->save...() methods for DeployedRelationships, and // 2) we must also manually add the relationship into the custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php file as install_relationship doesn't handle that (install_relationships which requires the manifest however does) // Relationships must be in tabledictionary.ext.php for the Admin command Rebuild Relationships to reliably work: // Rebuild Relationships looks for relationships in the modules vardefs.php, in custom/modules//Ext/vardefs/vardefs.ext.php, and in modules/TableDictionary.php and custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php // if the relationship is not defined in one of those four places it could be deleted during a rebuilt, or during a module installation (when RebuildRelationships.php deletes all entries in the Relationships table) // So instead of doing this, we use common save...() methods between DeployedRelationships and UndeployedRelationships that will produce installDefs, // and rather than building a full manifest file to carry them, we manually add these installDefs to the ModuleInstaller, and then // individually call the appropriate ModuleInstaller->install_...() methods to take our relationship out of our staging area and expand it out to the individual module Ext areas $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] = $adminModStrings ; require_once 'ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php' ; $mi = new ModuleInstaller ( ) ; $mi->id_name = 'custom' . $name ; // provide the moduleinstaller with a unique name for this relationship - normally this value is set to the package key... $mi->installdefs = $installDefs ; $mi->base_dir = $basepath ; $mi->silent = true ; VardefManager::clearVardef () ; $mi->install_relationships () ; $mi->install_languages () ; $mi->install_vardefs () ; $mi->install_layoutdefs () ; $mi->install_extensions(); } // Run through the module installer to rebuild the relationships once after everything is done. require_once 'ModuleInstall/ModuleInstaller.php' ; $mi = new ModuleInstaller ( ) ; $mi->silent = true; $mi->rebuild_relationships(); // now clear all caches so that our changes are visible require_once ('modules/Administration/QuickRepairAndRebuild.php') ; $rac = new RepairAndClear ( ) ; $rac->repairAndClearAll ( array ( 'clearAll' ), array ( $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_ALL_MODULES' ] ), true, false ) ; $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] = $MBModStrings ; // finally, restore the ModuleBuilder mod_strings // save out the updated definitions so that we keep track of the change in built status $this->save () ; $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->info ( get_class ( $this ) . "->build(): finished relationship installation" ) ; } /* * Add any fields to the DetailView and EditView of the appropriate modules * @param string $basepath Basepath location for this module (not used) * @param string $relationshipName Name of this relationship (for uniqueness) * @param array $layoutAdditions An array of module => fieldname * return null */ protected function saveFieldsToLayouts ($basepath , $dummy , $relationshipName , $layoutAdditions) { require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php' ; // these modules either lack editviews/detailviews or use custom mechanisms for the editview/detailview. In either case, we don't want to attempt to add a relate field to them // would be better if GridLayoutMetaDataParser could handle this gracefully, so we don't have to maintain this list here $invalidModules = array ( 'emails' , 'kbdocuments' ) ; foreach ( $layoutAdditions as $deployedModuleName => $fieldName ) { if (! in_array ( strtolower ( $deployedModuleName ), $invalidModules )) foreach ( array ( MB_EDITVIEW , MB_DETAILVIEW ) as $view ) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->info ( get_class ( $this ) . ": adding $fieldName to $view layout for module $deployedModuleName" ) ; $parser = new GridLayoutMetaDataParser ( $view, $deployedModuleName ) ; $parser->addField ( array ( 'name' => $fieldName ) ) ; $parser->handleSave ( false ) ; } } } /** * Added for bug #40941 * Deletes the field from DetailView and editView of the appropriate module * after the relatioship is deleted in delete() function above. * @param $relationship The relationship that is getting deleted * return null */ private function removeFieldsFromDeployedLayout ($relationship) { // many-to-many relationships don't have fields so if we have a many-to-many we can just skip this... if ($relationship->getType () == MB_MANYTOMANY) return false ; $successful = true ; $layoutAdditions = $relationship->buildFieldsToLayouts () ; require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php' ; foreach ( $layoutAdditions as $deployedModuleName => $fieldName ) { foreach ( array ( MB_EDITVIEW , MB_DETAILVIEW ) as $view ) { $parser = new GridLayoutMetaDataParser ( $view, $deployedModuleName ) ; $parser->removeField ( $fieldName ); $parser->handleSave ( false ) ; } } return $successful ; } } ?>