authController = $this->getAuthController($type); } /** * Get auth controller object * @param string $type * @return SugarAuthenticate */ protected function getAuthController($type) { if (!$type) { $type = !empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['authenticationClass']) ? $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['authenticationClass'] : 'SugarAuthenticate'; } if ($type == 'SugarAuthenticate' && !empty($GLOBALS['system_config']->settings['system_ldap_enabled']) && empty($_SESSION['sugar_user'])) { $type = 'LDAPAuthenticate'; } // check in custom dir first, in case someone want's to override an auth controller if (file_exists('custom/modules/Users/authentication/'.$type.'/' . $type . '.php')) { require_once('custom/modules/Users/authentication/'.$type.'/' . $type . '.php'); } elseif (file_exists('modules/Users/authentication/'.$type.'/' . $type . '.php')) { require_once('modules/Users/authentication/'.$type.'/' . $type . '.php'); } else { require_once('modules/Users/authentication/SugarAuthenticate/SugarAuthenticate.php'); $type = 'SugarAuthenticate'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['no_saml']) && (is_subclass_of($type, 'SAMLAuthenticate') || 'SAMLAuthenticate' == $type)) { $type = 'SugarAuthenticate'; } return new $type(); } /** * Returns an instance of the authentication controller * * @param string $type this is the type of authetnication you want to use default is SugarAuthenticate * @return an instance of the authetnciation controller */ public static function getInstance($type = null) { if (empty(self::$authcontrollerinstance)) { self::$authcontrollerinstance = new AuthenticationController($type); } return self::$authcontrollerinstance; } /** * This function is called when a user initially tries to login. * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @param array $PARAMS * @return boolean true if the user successfully logs in or false otherwise. */ public function login($username, $password, $PARAMS = array()) { //kbrill bug #13225 $_SESSION['loginAttempts'] = (isset($_SESSION['loginAttempts']))? $_SESSION['loginAttempts'] + 1: 1; unset($GLOBALS['login_error']); if($this->loggedIn)return $this->loginSuccess; LogicHook::initialize()->call_custom_logic('Users', 'before_login'); $this->loginSuccess = $this->authController->loginAuthenticate($username, $password, false, $PARAMS); $this->loggedIn = true; if($this->loginSuccess){ //Ensure the user is authorized checkAuthUserStatus(); loginLicense(); if(!empty($GLOBALS['login_error'])){ unset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id']); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('FAILED LOGIN: potential hack attempt:'.$GLOBALS['login_error']); $this->loginSuccess = false; return false; } //call business logic hook if(isset($GLOBALS['current_user'])) $GLOBALS['current_user']->call_custom_logic('after_login'); // Check for running Admin Wizard $config = new Administration(); $config->retrieveSettings(); if ( is_admin($GLOBALS['current_user']) && empty($config->settings['system_adminwizard']) && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'AdminWizard' ) { $GLOBALS['module'] = 'Configurator'; $GLOBALS['action'] = 'AdminWizard'; ob_clean(); header("Location: index.php?module=Configurator&action=AdminWizard"); sugar_cleanup(true); } $ut = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('ut'); $checkTimeZone = true; if (is_array($PARAMS) && !empty($PARAMS) && isset($PARAMS['passwordEncrypted'])) { $checkTimeZone = false; } // if if(empty($ut) && $checkTimeZone && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'SetTimezone' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'SaveTimezone' ) { $GLOBALS['module'] = 'Users'; $GLOBALS['action'] = 'Wizard'; ob_clean(); header("Location: index.php?module=Users&action=Wizard"); sugar_cleanup(true); } }else{ //kbrill bug #13225 LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('FAILED LOGIN:attempts[' .$_SESSION['loginAttempts'] .'] - '. $username); } // if password has expired, set a session variable return $this->loginSuccess; } /** * This is called on every page hit. * It returns true if the current session is authenticated or false otherwise * * @return booelan */ public function sessionAuthenticate() { if(!$this->authenticated){ $this->authenticated = $this->authController->sessionAuthenticate(); } if($this->authenticated){ if(!isset($_SESSION['userStats']['pages'])){ $_SESSION['userStats']['loginTime'] = time(); $_SESSION['userStats']['pages'] = 0; } $_SESSION['userStats']['lastTime'] = time(); $_SESSION['userStats']['pages']++; } return $this->authenticated; } /** * Called when a user requests to logout. Should invalidate the session and redirect * to the login page. */ public function logout() { $GLOBALS['current_user']->call_custom_logic('before_logout'); $this->authController->logout(); LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'after_logout'); } }