format(self::UTC_FORMAT); } /** * Gets the UTC formatted dateTime from the given timestamp. * * Checks the version of Sugar to see if user timezone adjustments are needed. * * @param integer $ts the timestamp to format * @return string the UTC formatted dateTime */ protected function getUtcTime($ts) { global $timedate, $sugar_version; $timestamp = ($ts+(date('Z')-$timedate->adjustmentForUserTimeZone()*60)); return $this->getUtcDateTime(new SugarDateTime("@" . $ts)); } /** * Converts the given number of minutes to formatted number of hours and remaining minutes. * * @param integer $minutes the number of minutes to format * @return string the formatted hours and minutes */ protected function convertMinsToHoursAndMins($minutes) { $hrs = floor(abs($minutes) / 60); $remainderMinutes = abs($minutes) - ($hrs * 60); $sign = (($minutes < 0) ? "-" : "+"); return $sign . str_pad($hrs, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($remainderMinutes, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Create a todo entry for the given task. * * @param UserBean $user_bean the current UserBean * @param Task $task the task for the todo entry * @param string $moduleName the name of the task module * @param string $dtstamp the current timestamp * @return string the todo entry for the task */ protected function createSugarIcalTodo($user_bean, $task, $moduleName, $dtstamp) { global $sugar_config; $str = ""; $str .= "BEGIN:VTODO\n"; $validDueDate = (isset($task->date_due) && $task->date_due != "" && $task->date_due != "0000-00-00"); $validDueTime = (isset($task->time_due) && $task->time_due != ""); $dueYear = 1970; $dueMonth = 1; $dueDay = 1; $dueHour = 0; $dueMin = 0; if ($validDueDate) { $dateDueArr = split("-", $task->date_due); $dueYear = (int)$dateDueArr[0]; $dueMonth = (int)$dateDueArr[1]; $dueDay = (int)$dateDueArr[2]; if ($validDueTime) { $timeDueArr = split(":", $task->time_due); $dueHour = (int)$timeDueArr[0]; $dueMin = (int)$timeDueArr[1]; } } $date_arr = array( 'day'=>$dueDay, 'month'=>$dueMonth, 'hour'=>$dueHour, 'min'=>$dueMin, 'year'=>$dueYear); $due_date_time = new SugarDateTime(); $due_date_time->setDate($dueYear, $dueMonth, $dueDay); $due_date_time->setTime($dueHour, $dueMin); $str .= "DTSTART;TZID=" . $user_bean->getPreference('timezone') . ":" . str_replace("Z", "", $this->getUtcDateTime($due_date_time)) . "\n"; $str .= "DTSTAMP:" . $dtstamp . "\n"; $str .= "SUMMARY:" . $task->name . "\n"; $str .= "UID:" . $task->id . "\n"; if ($validDueDate) { $iCalDueDate = str_replace("-", "", $task->date_due); if (strlen($iCalDueDate) > 8) { $iCalDueDate = substr($iCalDueDate, 0, 8); } $str .= "DUE;VALUE=DATE:" . $iCalDueDate . "\n"; } if ($moduleName == "ProjectTask") { $str .= "DESCRIPTION:Project: " . $task->project_name. "\\n\\n" . $this->escapeNls($task->description). "\n"; } else { $str .= "DESCRIPTION:" . $this->escapeNls($task->description). "\n"; } $str .= "URL;VALUE=URI:" . $sugar_config['site_url']. "/index.php?module=".$moduleName."&action=DetailView&record=". $task->id. "\n"; if ($task->status == 'Completed') { $str .= "STATUS:COMPLETED\n"; $str .= "PERCENT-COMPLETE:100\n"; $str .= "COMPLETED:" . $this->getUtcDateTime($due_date_time) . "\n"; } else if (!empty($task->percent_complete)) { $str .= "PERCENT-COMPLETE:" . $task->percent_complete . "\n"; } if ($task->priority == "Low") { $str .= "PRIORITY:9\n"; } else if ($task->priority == "Medium") { $str .= "PRIORITY:5\n"; } else if ($task->priority == "High") { $str .= "PRIORITY:1\n"; } $str .= "END:VTODO\n"; return $str; } /** * Creates the string for the user's events and todos between the given start * and end times * * @param UserBean $user_bean the current UserBean * @param DateTime $start_date_time the start date to search from * @param DateTime $end_date_time the end date to search to * @param string $dtstamp the current timestamp * @return string the entries for events and todos */ protected function createSugarIcal(&$user_bean,&$start_date_time,&$end_date_time, $dtstamp) { $str = ''; global $DO_USER_TIME_OFFSET, $sugar_config, $current_user, $timedate; $acts_arr = CalendarActivity::get_activities($user_bean->id, false, $start_date_time, $end_date_time, 'month'); $hide_calls = false; if (!empty($_REQUEST['hide_calls']) && $_REQUEST['hide_calls'] == "true") { $hide_calls = true; } // loop thru each activity, get start/end time in UTC, and return iCal strings foreach($acts_arr as $act) { $event = $act->sugar_bean; if (!$hide_calls || ($hide_calls && $event->object_name != "Call")) { $str .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\n"; $str .= "SUMMARY:" . $event->name . "\n"; $str .= "DTSTART;TZID=" . $user_bean->getPreference('timezone') . ":" . str_replace("Z", "", $timedate->tzUser($act->start_time, $current_user)->format(self::UTC_FORMAT)) . "\n"; $str .= "DTEND;TZID=" . $user_bean->getPreference('timezone') . ":" . str_replace("Z", "", $timedate->tzUser($act->end_time, $current_user)->format(self::UTC_FORMAT)) . "\n"; $str .= "DTSTAMP:" . $dtstamp . "\n"; $str .= "DESCRIPTION:" . $this->escapeNls($event->description) . "\n"; $str .= "URL;VALUE=URI:" . $sugar_config['site_url']. "/index.php?module=".$event->module_dir."&action=DetailView&record=". $event->id. "\n"; $str .= "UID:" . $event->id . "\n"; if ($event->object_name == "Meeting") { $str .= "LOCATION:" . $event->location . "\n"; $eventUsers = $event->get_meeting_users(); $query = "SELECT contact_id as id from meetings_contacts where meeting_id='$event->id' AND deleted=0"; $eventContacts = $event->build_related_list($query, new Contact()); $eventAttendees = array_merge($eventUsers, $eventContacts); if (is_array($eventAttendees)) { foreach($eventAttendees as $attendee) { if ($attendee->id != $user_bean->id) { $str .= 'ATTENDEE;CN="'.$attendee->get_summary_text().'":mailto:'. $attendee->email1 . "\n"; } } } } if ($event->object_name == "Call") { $eventUsers = $event->get_call_users(); $eventContacts = $event->get_contacts(); $eventAttendees = array_merge($eventUsers, $eventContacts); if (is_array($eventAttendees)) { foreach($eventAttendees as $attendee) { if ($attendee->id != $user_bean->id) { $str .= 'ATTENDEE;CN="'.$attendee->get_summary_text().'":mailto:'. $attendee->email1 . "\n"; } } } } if ($event->reminder_time > 0 && $event->status != "Held") { $str .= "BEGIN:VALARM\n"; $str .= "TRIGGER:-PT" . $event->reminder_time/60 . "M\n"; $str .= "ACTION:DISPLAY\n"; $str .= "DESCRIPTION:" . $event->name . "\n"; $str .= "END:VALARM\n"; } $str .= "END:VEVENT\n"; } } require_once('include/TimeDate.php'); $timedate = new TimeDate(); $today = gmdate("Y-m-d"); $today = $timedate->handle_offset($today, $timedate->dbDayFormat, false); require_once('modules/ProjectTask/ProjectTask.php'); $where = "project_task.assigned_user_id='{$user_bean->id}' ". "AND (project_task.status IS NULL OR (project_task.status!='Deferred')) ". "AND (project_task.date_start IS NULL OR project_task.date_start <= '$today')"; $seedProjectTask = new ProjectTask(); $projectTaskList = $seedProjectTask->get_full_list("", $where); if (is_array($projectTaskList)) { foreach($projectTaskList as $projectTask) { $str .= $this->createSugarIcalTodo($user_bean, $projectTask, "ProjectTask", $dtstamp); } } require_once('modules/Tasks/Task.php'); $where = "tasks.assigned_user_id='{$user_bean->id}' ". "AND (tasks.status IS NULL OR (tasks.status!='Deferred')) ". "AND (tasks.date_start IS NULL OR tasks.date_start <= '$today')"; $seedTask = new Task(); $taskList = $seedTask->get_full_list("", $where); if (is_array($taskList)) { foreach($taskList as $task) { $str .= $this->createSugarIcalTodo($user_bean, $task, "Tasks", $dtstamp); } } return $str; } /** * Gets the time zone for the given user. * * @param User $current_user the user * @return DateTimeZone the user's timezone */ protected function getUserTimezone($current_user) { $gmtTZ = new DateTimeZone("UTC"); $userTZName = TimeDate::userTimezone($current_user); if (!empty($userTZName)) { $tz = new DateTimeZone($userTZName); } else { $tz = $gmtTZ; } return $tz; } /** * Gets the daylight savings range for the given user. * * @param User $current_user the user * @param integer $year the year * @return array the start and end transitions of daylight savings */ protected function getDSTRange($current_user, $year) { $tz = $this->getUserTimezone($current_user); $idx = 0; $result = array(); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) { $year_date = SugarDateTime::createFromFormat("Y", $year, new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $year_end = clone $year_date; $year_end->setDate((int) $year, 12, 31); $year_end->setTime(23, 59, 59); $year_date->setDate((int) $year, 1, 1); $year_date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $transitions = $tz->getTransitions($year_date->getTimestamp(), $year_end->getTimestamp()); foreach($transitions as $transition) { if($transition['isdst']) { break; } $idx++; } } else { $transitions = $tz->getTransitions(); $idx = 0; foreach($transitions as $transition) { if($transition['isdst'] && intval(substr($transition["time"], 0, 4)) == intval(date("Y"))) { break; } $idx++; } } if (empty($transitions[$idx]["isdst"])) { // No DST transitions found return $result; } $result["start"] = $transitions[$idx]; // DST begins here // scan till DST ends while (isset($transitions[$idx]) && $transitions[$idx]["isdst"]) $idx++; if(isset($transitions[$idx])) { $result["end"] = $transitions[$idx]; } return $result; } /** * Gets the timezone string for the current user. * * @return string the full timezone definition including daylight savings for the iCal */ protected function getTimezoneString() { global $current_user, $timedate; $timezoneName = $current_user->getPreference('timezone'); $gmtTZ = new DateTimeZone("UTC"); $tz = $this->getUserTimezone($current_user); $dstRange = $this->getDSTRange($current_user, date('Y')); $dstOffset = 0; $gmtOffset = 0; $timezoneString = "BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\n"; $timezoneString .= "TZID:" . $timezoneName . "\n"; $timezoneString .= "X-LIC-LOCATION:" . $timezoneName . "\n"; if (array_key_exists('start', $dstRange)) { $dstOffset = ($dstRange['start']['offset'] / 60); $startDate = new DateTime("@" . $dstRange["start"]["ts"], $gmtTZ); $startstamp = strtotime($timedate->asDb($startDate)); $timezoneString .= "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT\n"; $timezoneString .= "TZOFFSETFROM:" . $this->convertMinsToHoursAndMins($gmtOffset) . "\n"; $timezoneString .= "TZOFFSETTO:" . $this->convertMinsToHoursAndMins($dstOffset) . "\n"; $timezoneString .= "DTSTART:" . str_replace("Z", "", $this->getUtcTime($startstamp)) . "\n"; $timezoneString .= "END:DAYLIGHT\n"; } if (array_key_exists('end', $dstRange)) { $gmtOffset = ($dstRange['end']['offset'] / 60); $endDate = new DateTime("@" . $dstRange["end"]["ts"], $gmtTZ); $endstamp = strtotime($timedate->asDb($endDate)); $timezoneString .= "BEGIN:STANDARD\n"; $timezoneString .= "TZOFFSETFROM:" . $this->convertMinsToHoursAndMins($dstOffset) . "\n"; $timezoneString .= "TZOFFSETTO:" . $this->convertMinsToHoursAndMins($gmtOffset) . "\n"; $timezoneString .= "DTSTART:" . str_replace("Z", "", $this->getUtcTime($endstamp)) . "\n"; $timezoneString .= "END:STANDARD\n"; } $timezoneString .= "END:VTIMEZONE\n"; return $timezoneString; } /** * Generates the complete string for the calendar * * @param User $user_focus the user * @param integer $num_months the number of months to search before and after today * @return string the iCal calenar string */ function getVcalIcal(&$user_focus, $num_months) { global $current_user, $timedate; $current_user = $user_focus; $cal_name = $user_focus->first_name. " ". $user_focus->last_name; $str = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n"; $str .= "VERSION:2.0\n"; $str .= "METHOD:PUBLISH\n"; $str .= "X-WR-CALNAME:$cal_name (SugarCRM)\n"; $str .= "PRODID:-//SugarCRM//SugarCRM Calendar//EN\n"; $str .= $this->getTimezoneString(); $str .= "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n"; $now_date_time = $timedate->getNow(true); global $sugar_config; $timeOffset = 2; if (isset($sugar_config['vcal_time']) && $sugar_config['vcal_time'] != 0 && $sugar_config['vcal_time'] < 13) { $timeOffset = $sugar_config['vcal_time']; } if (!empty($num_months)) { $timeOffset = $num_months; } $start_date_time = $now_date_time->get("-$timeOffset months"); $end_date_time = $now_date_time->get("+$timeOffset months"); $utc_now_time = $this->getUtcDateTime($now_date_time); $str .= $this->createSugarIcal($user_focus,$start_date_time,$end_date_time,$utc_now_time); $str .= "DTSTAMP:" . $utc_now_time . "\n"; $str .= "END:VCALENDAR\n"; return $str; } }