""" Test some lldb command abbreviations. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import time import lldb from lldbsuite.test.decorators import * from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import * from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil class DisassemblyTestCase(TestBase): mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__) @expectedFailureAll( oslist=["windows"], bugnumber="function names print fully demangled instead of name-only") def test(self): self.build() exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.expect("file " + exe, patterns=["Current executable set to .*a.out.*"]) match_object = lldbutil.run_break_set_command(self, "br s -n sum") lldbutil.check_breakpoint_result( self, match_object, symbol_name='sum', symbol_match_exact=False, num_locations=1) self.expect("run", patterns=["Process .* launched: "]) self.runCmd("dis -f") disassembly = self.res.GetOutput() # ARCH, if not specified, defaults to x86_64. arch = self.getArchitecture() if arch in ["", 'x86_64', 'i386', 'i686']: breakpoint_opcodes = ["int3"] instructions = [' mov', ' addl ', 'ret'] elif arch in ["arm", "aarch64"]: breakpoint_opcodes = ["brk", "udf"] instructions = [' add ', ' ldr ', ' str '] elif re.match("mips", arch): breakpoint_opcodes = ["break"] instructions = ['lw', 'sw'] elif arch in ["s390x"]: breakpoint_opcodes = [".long"] instructions = [' l ', ' a ', ' st '] else: # TODO please add your arch here self.fail( 'unimplemented for arch = "{arch}"'.format( arch=self.getArchitecture())) # make sure that the software breakpoint has been removed for op in breakpoint_opcodes: self.assertFalse(op in disassembly) # make sure a few reasonable assembly instructions are here self.expect( disassembly, exe=False, startstr="a.out`sum", substrs=instructions)