"""Test that types defined in shared libraries with stripped symbols work correctly.""" from __future__ import print_function import unittest2 import lldb from lldbsuite.test.decorators import * from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import * from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil class SharedLibStrippedTestCase(TestBase): mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__) @expectedFailureAll(oslist=["windows"]) def test_expr(self): """Test that types work when defined in a shared library and forward-declared in the main executable""" if "clang" in self.getCompiler() and "3.4" in self.getCompilerVersion(): self.skipTest( "llvm.org/pr16214 -- clang emits partial DWARF for structures referenced via typedef") self.build() self.common_setup() # This should display correctly. self.expect( "expression --show-types -- *my_foo_ptr", VARIABLES_DISPLAYED_CORRECTLY, substrs=[ "(foo)", "(sub_foo)", "other_element = 3"]) @expectedFailureAll(oslist=["windows"]) @unittest2.expectedFailure("rdar://problem/10381325") def test_frame_variable(self): """Test that types work when defined in a shared library and forward-declared in the main executable""" self.build() self.common_setup() # This should display correctly. self.expect( "frame variable --show-types -- *my_foo_ptr", VARIABLES_DISPLAYED_CORRECTLY, substrs=[ "(foo)", "(sub_foo)", "other_element = 3"]) def setUp(self): # Call super's setUp(). TestBase.setUp(self) # Find the line number to break inside main(). self.source = 'main.c' self.line = line_number(self.source, '// Set breakpoint 0 here.') self.shlib_names = ["foo"] def common_setup(self): # Run in synchronous mode self.dbg.SetAsync(False) # Create a target by the debugger. target = self.dbg.CreateTarget("a.out") self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET) # Break inside the foo function which takes a bar_ptr argument. lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line( self, self.source, self.line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True) # Register our shared libraries for remote targets so they get # automatically uploaded environment = self.registerSharedLibrariesWithTarget( target, self.shlib_names) # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point. process = target.LaunchSimple( None, environment, self.get_process_working_directory()) self.assertTrue(process, PROCESS_IS_VALID) # The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint. self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT, substrs=['stopped', 'stop reason = breakpoint']) # The breakpoint should have a hit count of 1. self.expect("breakpoint list -f", BREAKPOINT_HIT_ONCE, substrs=[' resolved, hit count = 1'])