Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 22:55:20 +0100 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.3.11pre-20041223) X-Rcs-Id: $Id: Help%2FOldTextFormattingRules,v 1.1 2005-11-21 22:19:00 rurban Exp $ Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=Help%2FOldTextFormattingRules; pgsrc_version="2 $Revision: 1.1 $"; flags=PAGE_LOCKED; charset=iso-8859-1; markup=2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary ! Synopsis OldTextFormattingRules%%% Emphasis: '' for italics, _~_ for bold, ''_~_ for both.%%% Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, ; term : definition for definition lists.%%% References: ~JoinCapitalizedWords or use square brackets for a ~[page link] or URL ~[~].%%% Footnotes: Use ~[1],~[2],~[3],...%%% Preventing linking: Prefix with "~!": ~!~DoNotHyperlink, name links like ~[~[text | URL] (double up on the "[").%%% Misc: "~!", "~!~!", "~!~!~!" make headings, "%%%" makes a linebreak, "----" makes a horizontal rule.%%% Tables: »|« as first char, »|« for more columns, »|>« align right, »|<« align left, »|^« centered (default), »||« span columns, »|v« span rows ---- ! Paragraphs * Don't indent paragraphs * Words wrap and fill as needed * Use blank lines as separators * Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule * %%% makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too) ! Lists * asterisk for first level * asterisk-asterisk for second level, etc. * Use * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists (mix at will) * semicolon-term-colon-definition for definition lists: ;term here:definition here, as in the
list * One line for each item * Other leading whitespace signals preformatted text, changes font. ! Headings * '~!' at the start of a line makes a small heading * '~!~!' at the start of a line makes a medium heading * '~!~!~!' at the start of a line makes a large heading ! Fonts * Indent with one or more spaces to use a monospace font:
 This is in monospace
This is not !Indented Paragraphs * semicolon-colon -- works like
;:this is an indented block of text ! Emphasis * Use doubled single-quotes ('') for emphasis (usually italics) * Use doubled underscores (__) for strong emphasis (usually bold) * Mix them at will: bold italics * Emphasis can be used multiple times within a line, but cannot cross line boundaries: ''this will not work'' ! References * Hyperlinks to other pages within the Wiki are made by placing the page name in square brackets: [this is a page link] or UsingWikiWords (preferred) * Hyperlinks to external pages are done like this: [] * You can name the links by providing a name, a bar (|) and then the hyperlink or pagename: [PhpWiki home page |] - [the front page | HomePage] * You can suppress linking to old-style references and URIs by preceding the word with a '~!', e.g. ~NotLinkedAsWikiName, ~ * You can create footnotes by using ~[1], ~[2], ~[3], ... like this here #[|ftnt_ref_1]~[[1|#ftnt_1]~]. See footnote for counterpart. (If the ~[ is in the first column, it is a footnote definition rather than a footnote reference #[|ftnt_ref_1]~[[1|#ftnt_1]~].) * Also, the old way of linking URL's is still supported: precede URLs with "http:", "ftp:" or "mailto:" to create links automatically as in: * URLs ending with .png, .gif, or .jpg are inlined if in square brackets, by themselves: [] ! Tables * Simple tables are available. A table row is introduced by a | in the first column. It is best described by example:
      ||  __Name_~_               |v __Cost_~_   |v __Notes_~_
      | __First_~_   | __Last_~_
      |> Jeff       |< Dairiki   |^  Cheap     |< Not worth it
      |> Marco      |< Polo      | Cheaper     |< Not available
;:will generate Name |v Cost |v Notes | First | Last |> Jeff |< Dairiki |^ Cheap |< Not worth it |> Marco |< Polo | Cheaper |< Not available ?> ;:Note that multiple |'s lead to spanned columns, and v's can be used to span rows. A > generates a right justified column, < a left justified column and ^ a centered column (which is the default.) ;:With the new TextFormatingsRules tables are only supported with the OldStyleTablePlugin. ! HTML Mark-Up Language * Don't bother * < and > are themselves * The & characters will not work * If you really must use HTML, your system administrator can enable this feature. Start each line with a bar (|). Note that this feature is disabled by default. ! More detail than you want to know See [MagicPhpWikiURLs] for gory details on how to write various kind of wiki maintainance links. (deprecated) ----- ! Footnotes: #[|ftnt_1]~[[1|#ftnt_ref_1]~] By using ~[1] a second time (in the first column) the footnote itself is defined. You may refer to a footnote as many times as you want, but you may only define it once on the page. Note the the ~[1] in the footnote links back to the first reference, if there are multiple references there will be +'s after the ~[1] which will link to the other references. (References which come after the footnote definition will not be linked to.) ---- PhpWikiDocumentation