Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 17:28:55 -0500 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.3.2-jeffs-hacks) X-Rcs-Id: $Id: InterWiki,v 1.3 2002-01-27 22:52:21 carstenklapp Exp $ Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=InterWiki; flags=""; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary This wiki supports InterWiki links in a style copied from UseModWiki. Links to pages in other wikis can be made without having to know or type the full URLs, for example: MeatBall:InterWiki will link to the page named "!InterWiki" at MeatballWiki. The InterWiki map file in use at PhpWiki can be viewed at [] (lib/, in your phpwiki distribution). The map file is manually updated. It is based upon and periodically synchronized with the UseMod:InterMap, but is not quite identical. One notable difference from UseModWiki is that PhpWiki supports '%s' within the URLs in the map--see the entry for RFC for an example. Not all of the entries in the InterWiki map are actual wikis. For example, these are just regular web sites: Dictionary:fungible, [JargonFile:Alderson loop], [IMDB:Roman Holiday], RFC:2822, and ISBN:020171499X. The ''Category'' "InterWiki" moniker is a special entry which allows one to link a page to a Category page without creating a back-reference. (Category:Category links to the !CategoryCategory page, yet this page won't show up in the back-links listing of !CategoryCategory.) The term "InterWiki" Also a broader concept. See PhpWiki:InterWikiSearch for more links. ---- PhpWikiDocumentation