Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.3.2-jeffs-hacks+carsten's-binary-hack) X-RCS_ID: "$Id: PgsrcTranslation,v 1.5 2002-01-25 21:44:11 carstenklapp Exp $" Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=PgsrcTranslation; flags=""; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary __Note:__ This page is much more impressive on the [alpha server|PhpWikiAlpha:en/PgsrcTranslation] where the page names actually link. !! Translated Page Name Matrix | ''Plugin Pages'' | ''Deutsch (de)'' | ''Español (es)'' | ''Français (fr)'' | ''Italiano (it)'' | ''Nederlands (nl)'' | ''Svenska (sv)'' | AllPages | AlleSeiten | TodasLasPaginas | ToutesLesPages | TutteLePagina | | BackLinks | BackLinks | | CalendarPlugin | | DebugInfo | DebugInfo | | FindPage | SeiteFinden | BuscarPágina | ChercherPage | TrovaPagina | ZoekPagina | SökEfterSida | FullRecentChanges | | FullTextSearch | VolltextSuche | | LikePages | GleicheSeiten | | MostPopular | MeistBesucht | MasPopulares | LePlusVisité | PiuPopolari | MeestBezocht | MestPopulär | PageHistory | SeitenProtokoll | | PhpWikiDocumentation | | | DocumentationDePhpWiki | | RecentChanges | FrischeSeiten | CambiosRecientes | DernièresModifs | CambiamentiRecenti | RecenteVeranderingen | SenasteÄndringar | RecentEdits | GeringfügigeÄnderungen | | TitleSearch | TitelSuche | | RechercheParTitre | %%% | ''Special Pages'' | ''Deutsch (de)'' | ''Español (es)'' | ''Français (fr)'' | ''Italiano (it)'' | ''Nederlands (nl)'' | ''Svenska (sv)'' | HomePage | StartSeite | PáginaPrincipal | [Accueil] | PaginaPrincipale | ThuisPagina | [Framsida] | [MagicPhpWikiURLs] | | | | [MagiaPhpWikiURLs]? | [ToverPhpWikiURLs] | | PhpWikiAdministration | PhpWikiSystemverwalten | | AdministrationDePhpWiki | AmministrazioneDiPhpWiki | PhpWikiBeheer | PhpWikiAdministration? | TextFormattingRules | TextFormatierungsRegeln | ReglasDeFormatoDeTexto | RéglesDeFormatageDesTextes | RegoleDiFormattazioneDelTesto | TekstFormatteringsRegels | [Textformateringsregler] | UserPreferences | [Einstellungen] | | PréférencesUtilisateurs | UserPreferences? | GebruikersVoorkeuren | %%% | ''Normal pages'' | ''Deutsch (de)'' | ''Español (es)'' | ''Français (fr)'' | ''Italiano (it)'' | ''Nederlands (nl)'' | ''Svenska (sv)'' | AddingPages | SeitenErzeugen | AgregarPaginas | AjouterDesPages | AggiungerePagine | PaginasToevoegen | LäggaTillSidor | EditText | EditiereText | EditarElTexto | EditerLeContenu | ModificaIlTesto | VeranderTekst | RedigeraText | GoodStyle | GuterStil | BuenEstilo | StyleCorrect | BuonStile | GoedeStijl | BraStil | HowToUseWiki | WieManWikiBenutzt | ComoUsarWiki | CommentUtiliserWiki | ComeUsareWiki | HoeWikiTeGebruiken | HurManAnvänderWiki | InterWiki | | LinkIcons | | MoreAboutMechanics | WikiTechnik | MasAcercadeLaMecanica | | VarieSulFunzionamento | MeerOverTechnieken | MerOmMekanismerna | PhpWiki | PhpWiki | PhpWiki | PhpWiki | PhpWiki | PhpWiki | PhpWiki | RecentVisitors | GästeBuch | VisitantesRecientes | DerniersVisiteurs | VisitatoriRecenti | RecenteBezoekers | [Gästboken] | ReleaseNotes | | | NotesDeVersion? | NoteDiRilascio | UitgaveNoten | | SandBox | SandKiste | CajaDeArena | ArdoiseMagique | ScatolaDiSabbia | ZandBak | [Sandlådan] | SteveWainstead | SteveWainstead | SteveWainstead | SteveWainstead | SteveWainstead | SteveWainstead | SteveWainstead | TestPage | | | PageDeTests | PaginaDiProva | | WabiSabi | WabiSabi | WabiSabi | WabiSabi | WabiSabi | | WabiSabi | WikiPlugin | | | PluginWiki | | WikiWikiWeb | WikiWikiWeb | WikiWikiWeb | WikiWikiWeb | WikiWikiWeb | | WikiWikiWeb %%% | ''Automatically generated pages'' | ''Deutsch (de)'' | ''Español (es)'' | ''Français (fr)'' | ''Italiano (it)'' | ''Nederlands (nl)'' | ''Svenska (sv)'' | Diff: | Vergleich: | Diferencia de: | Diff : | Differenza di: | Diff van: | Diff av: | Edit: | Editiere: | Editar: | Editer : | Modifica: | Verander: | Redigera: | Remove Page | Seite Löschen | Borrar Página | Supprimer la Page | Rimuovi la Pagina | Verwijder Pagina | Ta bort Sida | Sign In | Anmelden | | | | | | View Source: | Quell Text: | | Afficher la Source : | | Bron Tekst: | Visa Källkoden: %%% | ''Translator's page'' | ''Deutsch (de)'' | ''Español (es)'' | ''Français (fr)'' | ''Italiano (it)'' | ''Nederlands (nl)'' | ''Svenska (sv)'' | n/a | | [KBrown] | | | JanNieuwenhuizen | %%% | ''Obsolete Pages'' | ''Deutsch (de)'' | ''Español (es)'' | ''Français (fr)'' | ''Italiano (it)'' | ''Nederlands (nl)'' | ''Svenska (sv)'' | ConvertTabsToSpaces | KonvertiereLeerzeichenZuTabs | ConvierteEspaciosEnTabs | n/a | ConvertiGliSpaziInTab | VertaalSpatiesNaarTabs | KonverteraMellanslagTillTabbar !! Notes These pages do not automatically link as !WikiWords: ;:es:[KBrown] en,it:[MagicPhpWikiURLs] nl:[ToverPhpWikiURLs]. These pages have single word titles so [[square brackets] are required to link: ;:fr:[Accueil] de:[Einstellungen] sv:[Framsida], [Gästboken], [Sandlådan], [Textformateringsregler]. %%% %%% ''To edit this table copy the source text into a text editor, or set your !EditArea width to 190 in UserPreferences.'' ---- See also: PhpWiki:MultiLingualWiki, PhpWiki:LanguageSelection, PhpWikiDocumentation.