Mime-Version: 1.0 (Produced by PhpWiki 1.3.2-jeffs-hacks+carsten's-binary-hack) X-RCS_ID: $Id: TestPageGroup,v 1.1 2002-01-12 05:39:53 carstenklapp Exp $ Content-Type: application/x-phpwiki; pagename=TestPageGroup; author=CarstenKlapp; flags=""; lastmodified=1010813371; author_id=CarstenKlapp Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary TestPageGroup is a test of the TableOfContents plugin (working name ''walkabout''). Click the first page to start the tour of this experimental plugin. !Table of Contents TestPageGroupOne TestPageGroupTwo TestPageGroupThree TestPageGroupFour To do: Accept page names as an ordered list. ---- For reference, here are all the pages that link to TestPageGroup (note that one is missing):