# Usage: # art/test/run-test --host --gdb [--64] [--interpreter] 004-JniTest # 'b Java_Main_shortMethod' # 'r' # 'command script import host_art_bt.py' # 'host_art_bt' import sys import re import lldb def host_art_bt(debugger, command, result, internal_dict): prettified_frames = [] lldb_frame_index = 0 art_frame_index = 0 target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget() process = target.GetProcess() thread = process.GetSelectedThread() while lldb_frame_index < thread.GetNumFrames(): frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) if frame.GetModule() and re.match(r'JIT\(.*?\)', frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()): # Compiled Java frame # Get function/filename/lineno from symbol context symbol = frame.GetSymbol() if not symbol: print 'No symbol info for compiled Java frame: ', frame sys.exit(1) line_entry = frame.GetLineEntry() prettified_frames.append({ 'function': symbol.GetName(), 'file': str(line_entry.GetFileSpec()) if line_entry else None, 'line': line_entry.GetLine() if line_entry else -1 }) # Skip art frames while True: art_stack_visitor = frame.EvaluateExpression( """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor(""" + str(art_frame_index) + """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor""") art_method = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()""") if art_method.GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0: art_method_name = frame.EvaluateExpression( """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)""") art_method_name_data = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()""").GetValueAsUnsigned() art_method_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()""").GetValueAsUnsigned() error = lldb.SBError() art_method_name = process.ReadCStringFromMemory( art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error) if not error.Success: print 'Failed to read method name' sys.exit(1) if art_method_name != symbol.GetName(): print 'Function names in native symbol and art runtime stack do not match: ', symbol.GetName(), ' != ', art_method_name art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1 break art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1 # Skip native frames lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 if lldb_frame_index < thread.GetNumFrames(): frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) if frame.GetModule() and re.match( r'JIT\(.*?\)', frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename()): # Another compile Java frame # Don't skip; leave it to the next iteration continue elif frame.GetSymbol() and (frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_invoke_stub' or frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_invoke_static_stub'): # art_quick_invoke_stub / art_quick_invoke_static_stub # Skip until we get past the next ArtMethod::Invoke() while True: lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames(): print 'ArtMethod::Invoke not found below art_quick_invoke_stub/art_quick_invoke_static_stub' sys.exit(1) frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) if frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName( ) == 'art::mirror::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)': lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 break else: print 'Invalid frame below compiled Java frame: ', frame elif frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline': # Interpreted JNI frame for x86_64 # Skip art frames while True: art_stack_visitor = frame.EvaluateExpression( """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor(""" + str(art_frame_index) + """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor""") art_method = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()""") if art_method.GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0: # Get function/filename/lineno from ART runtime art_method_name = frame.EvaluateExpression( """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)""") art_method_name_data = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()""").GetValueAsUnsigned() art_method_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()""").GetValueAsUnsigned() error = lldb.SBError() function = process.ReadCStringFromMemory( art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error) prettified_frames.append({ 'function': function, 'file': None, 'line': -1 }) art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1 break art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1 # Skip native frames lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 if lldb_frame_index < thread.GetNumFrames(): frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) if frame.GetSymbol() and (frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_invoke_stub' or frame.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'art_quick_invoke_static_stub'): # art_quick_invoke_stub / art_quick_invoke_static_stub # Skip until we get past the next ArtMethod::Invoke() while True: lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames(): print 'ArtMethod::Invoke not found below art_quick_invoke_stub/art_quick_invoke_static_stub' sys.exit(1) frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) if frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName( ) == 'art::mirror::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)': lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 break else: print 'Invalid frame below compiled Java frame: ', frame elif frame.GetSymbol() and re.search(r'art::interpreter::', frame.GetSymbol().GetName()): # Interpreted Java frame while True: lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames(): print 'art::interpreter::Execute not found in interpreter frame' sys.exit(1) frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) if frame.GetSymbol() and frame.GetSymbol().GetName( ) == 'art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::MethodHelper&, art::DexFile::CodeItem const*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue)': break # Skip art frames while True: art_stack_visitor = frame.EvaluateExpression( """struct GetStackVisitor : public StackVisitor { GetStackVisitor(int depth_) : StackVisitor(Thread::Current(), NULL), depth(depth_) {} bool VisitFrame() { if (cur_depth_ == depth) { return false; } else { return true; } } int depth; }; GetStackVisitor visitor(""" + str(art_frame_index) + """); visitor.WalkStack(true); visitor""") art_method = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()""") if art_method.GetValueAsUnsigned() != 0: # Get function/filename/lineno from ART runtime art_method_name = frame.EvaluateExpression( """art::PrettyMethod(""" + art_method.GetName() + """, true)""") art_method_name_data = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_method_name.GetName() + """.c_str()""").GetValueAsUnsigned() art_method_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_method_name.GetName() + """.length()""").GetValueAsUnsigned() error = lldb.SBError() function = process.ReadCStringFromMemory( art_method_name_data, art_method_name_size + 1, error) line = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetMethod()->GetLineNumFromDexPC(""" + art_stack_visitor.GetName() + """.GetDexPc(true))""").GetValueAsUnsigned() file_name = frame.EvaluateExpression( art_method.GetName() + """->GetDeclaringClassSourceFile()""") file_name_data = file_name.GetValueAsUnsigned() file_name_size = frame.EvaluateExpression( """(size_t)strlen(""" + file_name.GetName() + """)""").GetValueAsUnsigned() error = lldb.SBError() file_name = process.ReadCStringFromMemory( file_name_data, file_name_size + 1, error) if not error.Success(): print 'Failed to read source file name' sys.exit(1) prettified_frames.append({ 'function': function, 'file': file_name, 'line': line }) art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1 break art_frame_index = art_frame_index + 1 # Skip native frames while True: lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 if lldb_frame_index >= thread.GetNumFrames(): print 'Can not get past interpreter native frames' sys.exit(1) frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) if frame.GetSymbol() and not re.search( r'art::interpreter::', frame.GetSymbol().GetName()): break else: # Other frames. Add them as-is. frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(lldb_frame_index) lldb_frame_index = lldb_frame_index + 1 if frame.GetModule(): module_name = frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename() if not module_name in [ 'libartd.so', 'dalvikvm32', 'dalvikvm64', 'libc.so.6']: prettified_frames.append({ 'function': frame.GetSymbol().GetName() if frame.GetSymbol() else None, 'file': str(frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec()) if frame.GetLineEntry() else None, 'line': frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine() if frame.GetLineEntry() else -1 }) for prettified_frame in prettified_frames: print prettified_frame['function'], prettified_frame['file'], prettified_frame['line'] def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict): debugger.HandleCommand( 'command script add -f host_art_bt.host_art_bt host_art_bt')