/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Cavium Networks (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Cavium Networks nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM NETWORKS MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS * OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH * RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY * REPRESENTATION OR DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT * DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES * OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET * POSSESSION OR CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. * * * For any questions regarding licensing please contact marketing@caviumnetworks.com * ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * This file provides bootbus flash operations * *
$Revision: 41586 $
* * */ #include "cvmx-config.h" #include "cvmx.h" #include "cvmx-sysinfo.h" #include "cvmx-spinlock.h" #include "cvmx-flash.h" #define MAX_NUM_FLASH_CHIPS 8 /* Maximum number of flash chips */ #define MAX_NUM_REGIONS 8 /* Maximum number of block regions per chip */ #define DEBUG 1 #define CFI_CMDSET_NONE 0 #define CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED 1 #define CFI_CMDSET_AMD_STANDARD 2 #define CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD 3 #define CFI_CMDSET_AMD_EXTENDED 4 #define CFI_CMDSET_MITSU_STANDARD 256 #define CFI_CMDSET_MITSU_EXTENDED 257 #define CFI_CMDSET_SST 258 typedef struct { void * base_ptr; /**< Memory pointer to start of flash */ int is_16bit; /**< Chip is 16bits wide in 8bit mode */ uint16_t vendor; /**< Vendor ID of Chip */ int size; /**< Size of the chip in bytes */ uint64_t erase_timeout; /**< Erase timeout in cycles */ uint64_t write_timeout; /**< Write timeout in cycles */ int num_regions; /**< Number of block regions */ cvmx_flash_region_t region[MAX_NUM_REGIONS]; } cvmx_flash_t; static CVMX_SHARED cvmx_flash_t flash_info[MAX_NUM_FLASH_CHIPS]; static CVMX_SHARED cvmx_spinlock_t flash_lock = CVMX_SPINLOCK_UNLOCKED_INITIALIZER; /** * @INTERNAL * Read a byte from flash * * @param chip_id Chip to read from * @param offset Offset into the chip * @return Value read */ static uint8_t __cvmx_flash_read8(int chip_id, int offset) { return *(volatile uint8_t *)(flash_info[chip_id].base_ptr + offset); } /** * @INTERNAL * Read a byte from flash (for commands) * * @param chip_id Chip to read from * @param offset Offset into the chip * @return Value read */ static uint8_t __cvmx_flash_read_cmd(int chip_id, int offset) { if (flash_info[chip_id].is_16bit) offset<<=1; return __cvmx_flash_read8(chip_id, offset); } /** * @INTERNAL * Read 16bits from flash (for commands) * * @param chip_id Chip to read from * @param offset Offset into the chip * @return Value read */ static uint16_t __cvmx_flash_read_cmd16(int chip_id, int offset) { uint16_t v = __cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, offset); v |= __cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, offset + 1)<<8; return v; } /** * @INTERNAL * Write a byte to flash * * @param chip_id Chip to write to * @param offset Offset into the chip * @param data Value to write */ static void __cvmx_flash_write8(int chip_id, int offset, uint8_t data) { volatile uint8_t *flash_ptr = (volatile uint8_t *)flash_info[chip_id].base_ptr; flash_ptr[offset] = data; } /** * @INTERNAL * Write a byte to flash (for commands) * * @param chip_id Chip to write to * @param offset Offset into the chip * @param data Value to write */ static void __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(int chip_id, int offset, uint8_t data) { volatile uint8_t *flash_ptr = (volatile uint8_t *)flash_info[chip_id].base_ptr; flash_ptr[offset<base_ptr = base_ptr; flash->is_16bit = 1; /* FIXME: Currently assumes the chip is 16bits */ /* Put flash in CFI query mode */ __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xf0); /* Reset the flash chip */ __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x55, 0x98); /* Make sure we get the QRY response we should */ if ((__cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x10) != 'Q') || (__cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x11) != 'R') || (__cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x12) != 'Y')) { flash->base_ptr = NULL; return -1; } /* Read the 16bit vendor ID */ flash->vendor = __cvmx_flash_read_cmd16(chip_id, 0x13); /* Read the write timeout. The timeout is microseconds(us) is 2^0x1f typically. The worst case is this value time 2^0x23 */ flash->write_timeout = 1ull << (__cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x1f) + __cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x23)); /* Read the erase timeout. The timeout is milliseconds(ms) is 2^0x21 typically. The worst case is this value time 2^0x25 */ flash->erase_timeout = 1ull << (__cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x21) + __cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x25)); /* Get the flash size. This is 2^0x27 */ flash->size = 1<<__cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x27); /* Get the number of different sized block regions from 0x2c */ flash->num_regions = __cvmx_flash_read_cmd(chip_id, 0x2c); int start_offset = 0; /* Loop through all regions get information about each */ for (region=0; regionnum_regions; region++) { cvmx_flash_region_t *rgn_ptr = flash->region + region; rgn_ptr->start_offset = start_offset; /* The number of blocks in each region is a 16 bit little endian endian field. It is encoded at 0x2d + region*4 as (blocks-1) */ uint16_t blocks = __cvmx_flash_read_cmd16(chip_id, 0x2d + region*4); rgn_ptr->num_blocks = 1u + blocks; /* The size of each block is a 16 bit little endian endian field. It is encoded at 0x2d + region*4 + 2 as (size/256). Zero is a special case representing 128 */ uint16_t size = __cvmx_flash_read_cmd16(chip_id, 0x2d + region*4 + 2); if (size == 0) rgn_ptr->block_size = 128; else rgn_ptr->block_size = 256u * size; start_offset += rgn_ptr->block_size * rgn_ptr->num_blocks; } /* Take the chip out of CFI query mode */ switch (flash_info[chip_id].vendor) { case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_STANDARD: __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xf0); case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD: case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED: __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xff); break; } /* Convert the timeouts to cycles */ flash->write_timeout *= cvmx_sysinfo_get()->cpu_clock_hz / 1000000; flash->erase_timeout *= cvmx_sysinfo_get()->cpu_clock_hz / 1000; #if DEBUG /* Print the information about the chip */ cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Base pointer: %p\n" " Vendor: 0x%04x\n" " Size: %d bytes\n" " Num regions: %d\n" " Erase timeout: %llu cycles\n" " Write timeout: %llu cycles\n", flash->base_ptr, (unsigned int)flash->vendor, flash->size, flash->num_regions, (unsigned long long)flash->erase_timeout, (unsigned long long)flash->write_timeout); for (region=0; regionnum_regions; region++) { cvmx_dprintf(" Region %d: offset 0x%x, %d blocks, %d bytes/block\n", region, flash->region[region].start_offset, flash->region[region].num_blocks, flash->region[region].block_size); } #endif return 0; } /** * Initialize the flash access library */ void cvmx_flash_initialize(void) { int boot_region; int chip_id = 0; memset(flash_info, 0, sizeof(flash_info)); /* Loop through each boot bus chip select region */ for (boot_region=0; boot_region start_cycle + flash_info[chip_id].erase_timeout) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Timeout erasing block\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } } __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xf0); /* Reset the flash chip */ cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return 0; } case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD: case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED: { /* Send the erase sector command sequence */ __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xff); /* Reset the flash chip */ __cvmx_flash_write8(chip_id, offset, 0x20); __cvmx_flash_write8(chip_id, offset, 0xd0); /* Loop checking status */ uint8_t status = __cvmx_flash_read8(chip_id, offset); uint64_t start_cycle = cvmx_get_cycle(); while ((status & 0x80) == 0) { if (cvmx_get_cycle() > start_cycle + flash_info[chip_id].erase_timeout) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Timeout erasing block\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } status = __cvmx_flash_read8(chip_id, offset); } /* Check the final status */ if (status & 0x7f) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Hardware failure erasing block\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xff); /* Reset the flash chip */ cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return 0; } } cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Unsupported flash vendor\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } /** * Write a block on the flash chip * * @param chip_id Chip to write a block on * @param region Region to write a block in * @param block Block number to write * @param data Data to write * @return Zero on success. Negative on failure */ int cvmx_flash_write_block(int chip_id, int region, int block, const void *data) { cvmx_spinlock_lock(&flash_lock); #if DEBUG cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Writing chip %d, region %d, block %d\n", chip_id, region, block); #endif int offset = flash_info[chip_id].region[region].start_offset + block * flash_info[chip_id].region[region].block_size; int len = flash_info[chip_id].region[region].block_size; const uint8_t *ptr = (const uint8_t *)data; switch (flash_info[chip_id].vendor) { case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_STANDARD: { /* Loop through one byte at a time */ while (len--) { /* Send the program sequence */ __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xf0); /* Reset the flash chip */ __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x555, 0xaa); __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x2aa, 0x55); __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x555, 0xa0); __cvmx_flash_write8(chip_id, offset, *ptr); /* Loop polling for status */ uint64_t start_cycle = cvmx_get_cycle(); while (1) { uint8_t status = __cvmx_flash_read8(chip_id, offset); if (((status ^ *ptr) & (1<<7)) == 0) break; /* Data matches, this byte is done */ else if (status & (1<<5)) { /* Hardware timeout, recheck status */ status = __cvmx_flash_read8(chip_id, offset); if (((status ^ *ptr) & (1<<7)) == 0) break; /* Data matches, this byte is done */ else { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Hardware write timeout\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } } if (cvmx_get_cycle() > start_cycle + flash_info[chip_id].write_timeout) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Timeout writing block\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } } /* Increment to the next byte */ ptr++; offset++; } __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xf0); /* Reset the flash chip */ cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return 0; } case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD: case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED: { cvmx_dprintf("%s:%d len=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, len); /* Loop through one byte at a time */ while (len--) { /* Send the program sequence */ __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xff); /* Reset the flash chip */ __cvmx_flash_write8(chip_id, offset, 0x40); __cvmx_flash_write8(chip_id, offset, *ptr); /* Loop polling for status */ uint8_t status = __cvmx_flash_read8(chip_id, offset); uint64_t start_cycle = cvmx_get_cycle(); while ((status & 0x80) == 0) { if (cvmx_get_cycle() > start_cycle + flash_info[chip_id].write_timeout) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Timeout writing block\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } status = __cvmx_flash_read8(chip_id, offset); } /* Check the final status */ if (status & 0x7f) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Hardware failure erasing block\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } /* Increment to the next byte */ ptr++; offset++; } cvmx_dprintf("%s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); __cvmx_flash_write_cmd(chip_id, 0x00, 0xff); /* Reset the flash chip */ cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return 0; } } cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Unsupported flash vendor\n"); cvmx_spinlock_unlock(&flash_lock); return -1; } /** * Erase and write data to a flash * * @param address Memory address to write to * @param data Data to write * @param len Length of the data * @return Zero on success. Negative on failure */ int cvmx_flash_write(void *address, const void *data, int len) { int chip_id; /* Find which chip controls this address. Don't allow the write to span multiple chips */ for (chip_id=0; chip_id= address + len)) break; } if (chip_id == MAX_NUM_FLASH_CHIPS) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Unable to find chip that contains address %p\n", address); return -1; } cvmx_flash_t *flash = flash_info + chip_id; /* Determine which block region we need to start writing to */ void *region_base = flash->base_ptr; int region = 0; while (region_base + flash->region[region].num_blocks * flash->region[region].block_size <= address) { region++; region_base = flash->base_ptr + flash->region[region].start_offset; } /* Determine which block in the region to start at */ int block = (address - region_base) / flash->region[region].block_size; /* Require all writes to start on block boundries */ if (address != region_base + block*flash->region[region].block_size) { cvmx_dprintf("cvmx-flash: Write address not aligned on a block boundry\n"); return -1; } /* Loop until we're out of data */ while (len > 0) { /* Erase the current block */ if (cvmx_flash_erase_block(chip_id, region, block)) return -1; /* Write the new data */ if (cvmx_flash_write_block(chip_id, region, block, data)) return -1; /* Increment to the next block */ data += flash->region[region].block_size; len -= flash->region[region].block_size; block++; if (block >= flash->region[region].num_blocks) { block = 0; region++; } } return 0; }