/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM INC. MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * cvmx-gpio-defs.h * * Configuration and status register (CSR) type definitions for * Octeon gpio. * * This file is auto generated. Do not edit. * *
* */ #ifndef __CVMX_GPIO_DEFS_H__ #define __CVMX_GPIO_DEFS_H__ #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_BIT_CFGX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN30XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN31XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN38XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN50XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN52XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN56XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN58XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN61XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN63XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN66XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN68XX) && ((offset <= 15))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 15))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_BIT_CFGX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000800ull) + ((offset) & 15) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_BIT_CFGX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000800ull) + ((offset) & 15) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_GPIO_BOOT_ENA CVMX_GPIO_BOOT_ENA_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_BOOT_ENA_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN30XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN31XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN50XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_BOOT_ENA not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008A8ull); } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_BOOT_ENA (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008A8ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_CLK_GENX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN52XX) && ((offset <= 3))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN56XX) && ((offset <= 3))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN61XX) && ((offset <= 3))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN63XX) && ((offset <= 3))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN66XX) && ((offset <= 3))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN68XX) && ((offset <= 3))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 3))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_CLK_GENX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008C0ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_CLK_GENX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008C0ull) + ((offset) & 3) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_CLK_QLMX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN61XX) && ((offset <= 1))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN63XX) && ((offset <= 1))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN66XX) && ((offset <= 1))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN68XX) && ((offset <= 1))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && ((offset <= 1))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_CLK_QLMX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008E0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8; } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_CLK_QLMX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008E0ull) + ((offset) & 1) * 8) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_GPIO_DBG_ENA CVMX_GPIO_DBG_ENA_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_DBG_ENA_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN30XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN31XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN50XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_DBG_ENA not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008A0ull); } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_DBG_ENA (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008A0ull)) #endif #define CVMX_GPIO_INT_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000898ull)) #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_GPIO_MULTI_CAST CVMX_GPIO_MULTI_CAST_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_MULTI_CAST_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN61XX) || OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_MULTI_CAST not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008B0ull); } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_MULTI_CAST (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008B0ull)) #endif #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_GPIO_PIN_ENA CVMX_GPIO_PIN_ENA_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_PIN_ENA_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN66XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_PIN_ENA not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008B8ull); } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_PIN_ENA (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008B8ull)) #endif #define CVMX_GPIO_RX_DAT (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000880ull)) #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING #define CVMX_GPIO_TIM_CTL CVMX_GPIO_TIM_CTL_FUNC() static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_TIM_CTL_FUNC(void) { if (!(OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN68XX))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_TIM_CTL not supported on this chip\n"); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008A0ull); } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_TIM_CTL (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x00010700000008A0ull)) #endif #define CVMX_GPIO_TX_CLR (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000890ull)) #define CVMX_GPIO_TX_SET (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000888ull)) #if CVMX_ENABLE_CSR_ADDRESS_CHECKING static inline uint64_t CVMX_GPIO_XBIT_CFGX(unsigned long offset) { if (!( (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN30XX) && (((offset >= 16) && (offset <= 23)))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN31XX) && (((offset >= 16) && (offset <= 23)))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN50XX) && (((offset >= 16) && (offset <= 23)))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN61XX) && (((offset >= 16) && (offset <= 19)))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CN66XX) && (((offset >= 16) && (offset <= 19)))) || (OCTEON_IS_MODEL(OCTEON_CNF71XX) && (((offset >= 16) && (offset <= 19)))))) cvmx_warn("CVMX_GPIO_XBIT_CFGX(%lu) is invalid on this chip\n", offset); return CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000900ull) + ((offset) & 31) * 8 - 8*16; } #else #define CVMX_GPIO_XBIT_CFGX(offset) (CVMX_ADD_IO_SEG(0x0001070000000900ull) + ((offset) & 31) * 8 - 8*16) #endif /** * cvmx_gpio_bit_cfg# * * Notes: * Only first 16 GPIO pins can introduce interrupts, GPIO_XBIT_CFG16(17,18,19)[INT_EN] and [INT_TYPE] * will not be used, read out always zero. */ union cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_17_63 : 47; uint64_t synce_sel : 2; /**< Selects the QLM clock output x0=Normal GPIO output 01=GPIO QLM clock selected by CSR GPIO_CLK_QLM0 11=GPIO QLM clock selected by CSR GPIO_CLK_QLM1 */ uint64_t clk_gen : 1; /**< When TX_OE is set, GPIO pin becomes a clock */ uint64_t clk_sel : 2; /**< Selects which of the 4 GPIO clock generators */ uint64_t fil_sel : 4; /**< Global counter bit-select (controls sample rate) */ uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; /**< Number of consecutive samples to change state */ uint64_t int_type : 1; /**< Type of interrupt 0 = level (default) 1 = rising edge */ uint64_t int_en : 1; /**< Bit mask to indicate which bits to raise interrupt */ uint64_t rx_xor : 1; /**< Invert the GPIO pin */ uint64_t tx_oe : 1; /**< Drive the GPIO pin as an output pin */ #else uint64_t tx_oe : 1; uint64_t rx_xor : 1; uint64_t int_en : 1; uint64_t int_type : 1; uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; uint64_t fil_sel : 4; uint64_t clk_sel : 2; uint64_t clk_gen : 1; uint64_t synce_sel : 2; uint64_t reserved_17_63 : 47; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn30xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_12_63 : 52; uint64_t fil_sel : 4; /**< Global counter bit-select (controls sample rate) */ uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; /**< Number of consecutive samples to change state */ uint64_t int_type : 1; /**< Type of interrupt 0 = level (default) 1 = rising edge */ uint64_t int_en : 1; /**< Bit mask to indicate which bits to raise interrupt */ uint64_t rx_xor : 1; /**< Invert the GPIO pin */ uint64_t tx_oe : 1; /**< Drive the GPIO pin as an output pin */ #else uint64_t tx_oe : 1; uint64_t rx_xor : 1; uint64_t int_en : 1; uint64_t int_type : 1; uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; uint64_t fil_sel : 4; uint64_t reserved_12_63 : 52; #endif } cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn30xx cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn30xx cn38xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn30xx cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn30xx cn50xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn52xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_15_63 : 49; uint64_t clk_gen : 1; /**< When TX_OE is set, GPIO pin becomes a clock */ uint64_t clk_sel : 2; /**< Selects which of the 4 GPIO clock generators */ uint64_t fil_sel : 4; /**< Global counter bit-select (controls sample rate) */ uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; /**< Number of consecutive samples to change state */ uint64_t int_type : 1; /**< Type of interrupt 0 = level (default) 1 = rising edge */ uint64_t int_en : 1; /**< Bit mask to indicate which bits to raise interrupt */ uint64_t rx_xor : 1; /**< Invert the GPIO pin */ uint64_t tx_oe : 1; /**< Drive the GPIO pin as an output pin */ #else uint64_t tx_oe : 1; uint64_t rx_xor : 1; uint64_t int_en : 1; uint64_t int_type : 1; uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; uint64_t fil_sel : 4; uint64_t clk_sel : 2; uint64_t clk_gen : 1; uint64_t reserved_15_63 : 49; #endif } cn52xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn52xx cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn52xx cn56xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn52xx cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn30xx cn58xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_cn30xx cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s cn63xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s cn68xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx cvmx_gpio_bit_cfgx_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_boot_ena */ union cvmx_gpio_boot_ena { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_boot_ena_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_12_63 : 52; uint64_t boot_ena : 4; /**< Drive boot bus chip enables [7:4] on gpio [11:8] */ uint64_t reserved_0_7 : 8; #else uint64_t reserved_0_7 : 8; uint64_t boot_ena : 4; uint64_t reserved_12_63 : 52; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_boot_ena_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_boot_ena_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_boot_ena_s cn50xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_boot_ena cvmx_gpio_boot_ena_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_clk_gen# */ union cvmx_gpio_clk_genx { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_32_63 : 32; uint64_t n : 32; /**< Determines the frequency of the GPIO clk generator NOTE: Fgpio_clk = Feclk * N / 2^32 N = (Fgpio_clk / Feclk) * 2^32 NOTE: writing N == 0 stops the clock generator N should be <= 2^31-1. */ #else uint64_t n : 32; uint64_t reserved_32_63 : 32; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn63xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cn68xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_clk_genx cvmx_gpio_clk_genx_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_clk_qlm# * * Notes: * QLM0(A) and QLM1(B) can configured to source any of QLM0 or QLM2 as clock source. * Clock speed output for different modes ... * * Speed With Speed with * SERDES speed (Gbaud) DIV=0 (MHz) DIV=1 (MHz) * ********************************************************** * 1.25 62.5 31.25 * 2.5 125 62.5 * 3.125 156.25 78.125 * 5.0 250 125 * 6.25 312.5 156.25 */ union cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_11_63 : 53; uint64_t qlm_sel : 3; /**< Selects which DLM to select from x0 = select DLM0 as clock source x1 = Disabled */ uint64_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint64_t div : 1; /**< Internal clock divider 0=DIV2 1=DIV4 */ uint64_t lane_sel : 2; /**< Selects which RX lane clock from QLMx to use as the GPIO internal QLMx clock. The GPIO block can support upto two unique clocks to send out any GPIO pin as configured by $GPIO_BIT_CFG[SYNCE_SEL] The clock can either be a divided by 2 or divide by 4 of the selected RX lane clock. */ #else uint64_t lane_sel : 2; uint64_t div : 1; uint64_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint64_t qlm_sel : 3; uint64_t reserved_11_63 : 53; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_cn61xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_10_63 : 54; uint64_t qlm_sel : 2; /**< Selects which QLM to select from 01 = select QLM0 as clock source 1x = select QLM2 as clock source 0 = Disabled */ uint64_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint64_t div : 1; /**< Internal clock divider 0=DIV2 1=DIV4 */ uint64_t lane_sel : 2; /**< Selects which RX lane clock from QLMx to use as the GPIO internal QLMx clock. The GPIO block can support upto two unique clocks to send out any GPIO pin as configured by $GPIO_BIT_CFG[SYNCE_SEL] The clock can either be a divided by 2 or divide by 4 of the selected RX lane clock. */ #else uint64_t lane_sel : 2; uint64_t div : 1; uint64_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint64_t qlm_sel : 2; uint64_t reserved_10_63 : 54; #endif } cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_cn63xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_3_63 : 61; uint64_t div : 1; /**< Internal clock divider 0=DIV2 1=DIV4 */ uint64_t lane_sel : 2; /**< Selects which RX lane clock from QLM2 to use as the GPIO internal QLMx clock. The GPIO block can support upto two unique clocks to send out any GPIO pin as configured by $GPIO_BIT_CFG[SYNCE_SEL] The clock can either be a divided by 2 or divide by 4 of the selected RX lane clock. */ #else uint64_t lane_sel : 2; uint64_t div : 1; uint64_t reserved_3_63 : 61; #endif } cn63xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_cn63xx cn63xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_cn61xx cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_s cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_s cn68xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_cn61xx cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx cvmx_gpio_clk_qlmx_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena */ union cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_21_63 : 43; uint64_t dbg_ena : 21; /**< Enable the debug port to be driven on the gpio */ #else uint64_t dbg_ena : 21; uint64_t reserved_21_63 : 43; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena_s cn50xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena cvmx_gpio_dbg_ena_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_int_clr * * Notes: * Only 16 out of 20 GPIOs support interrupt.GPIO_INT_CLR only apply to GPIO0-GPIO15. * */ union cvmx_gpio_int_clr { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; uint64_t type : 16; /**< Clear the interrupt rising edge detector */ #else uint64_t type : 16; uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn38xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn52xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn56xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn58xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn63xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn63xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cn68xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_int_clr_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_int_clr cvmx_gpio_int_clr_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_multi_cast * * Notes: * GPIO<7:4> have the option of operating in GPIO Interrupt Multicast mode. In * this mode, the PP GPIO interrupts (CIU_INT<0-7>_SUM0/CIU_INT<0-3>_SUM4[GPIO<7:4>] values are * stored per cnMIPS core. * For GPIO<7:4> (x=4-7): * When GPIO_MULTI_CAST[EN] = 1: * When GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_EN]==1 & GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_TYPE]==1 (edge detection and interrupt enabled): * * Reads to CIU_INT<0-7>_SUM0/<0-3>_SUM4[GPIO] will return a unique interrupt state per * cnMIPS core. * * Reads to CIU_INT32/33_SUM0/4[GPIO] will return the common GPIO * interrupt state. * * Write of '1' to CIU_INT<0-7>_SUM0/<0-3>_SUM4[GPIO] will clear the individual * interrupt associated with the cnMIPS core. * * Write of '1' to CIU_INT32/33_SUM0/4[GPIO] will clear the common GPIO * interrupt state. * * Write of '1' to GPIO_INT_CLR[TYPE] will clear all * CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] state across all cnMIPS cores and common GPIO interrupt states. * When GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_EN]==0 or GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_TYPE]==0, * * either leveled interrupt or interrupt not enabled, write of '1' to CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] * will have no effects. * When GPIO_MULTI_CAST[EN] = 0: * * Write of '1' to CIU_INT_SUM0/4[GPIO] will have no effects, as this field is RO, * backward compatible with o63. * When GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_EN]==1 & GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_TYPE]==1 (edge detection and interrupt enabled): * * Reads to CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] will return the common GPIO interrupt state. * * Write of '1' to GPIO_INT_CLR[TYPE] will clear all * CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] state across all cnMIPS cores and common GPIO interrupt states. * When GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_EN]==0 or GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_TYPE]==0, * * either leveled interrupt or interrupt not enabled, write of '1' to CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] * will have no effects. * * GPIO<15:8> and GPIO<3:0> will never be in multicast mode as those don't have per cnMIPS capabilities. * For GPIO (y=0-3,8-15): * When GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_EN]==1 & GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_TYPE]==1 (edge detection and interrupt enabled): * * Reads to CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] will return the common GPIO interrupt state. * * Write of '1' to GPIO_INT_CLR[TYPE] will clear all CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] common GPIO * interrupt states. * When GPIO_MULTI_CAST[EN] = 1: * * Write of '1' to CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] will clear the common GPIO interrupt state. * When GPIO_MULTI_CAST[EN] = 0: * * Write of '1' to CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] has no effect, as this field is RO, * backward compatible to o63. * When GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_EN]==0 or GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_TYPE]==0, * * either leveled interrupt or interrupt not enabled, write of '1' to CIU_INT*_SUM0/4[GPIO] * will have no effects. * * Whenever there is mode change, (GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_EN] or GPIO_BIT_CFGx[INT_TYPE] or GPIO_MULTI_CAST[EN]) * software needs to write to $GPIO_INT_CLR to clear up all pending/stale interrupts. */ union cvmx_gpio_multi_cast { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_multi_cast_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; uint64_t en : 1; /**< Enable GPIO Interrupt Multicast mode When EN is set, GPIO<7:4> will function in multicast mode allowing these four GPIOs to interrupt multi-cores. Multicast functionality allows the GPIO to exist as per cnMIPS interrupts as opposed to a global interrupt. */ #else uint64_t en : 1; uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_multi_cast_s cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_multi_cast_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_multi_cast cvmx_gpio_multi_cast_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_pin_ena * * Notes: * GPIO0-GPIO17 has dedicated pins. * GPIO18 share pin with UART (UART0_CTS_L/GPIO_18), GPIO18 enabled when $GPIO_PIN_ENA[ENA18]=1 * GPIO19 share pin with UART (UART1_CTS_L/GPIO_19), GPIO18 enabled when $GPIO_PIN_ENA[ENA19]=1 */ union cvmx_gpio_pin_ena { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_pin_ena_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; uint64_t ena19 : 1; /**< If 0, UART1_CTS_L/GPIO_19 pin is UART pin If 1, UART1_CTS_L/GPIO_19 pin is GPIO19 pin */ uint64_t ena18 : 1; /**< If 0, UART0_CTS_L/GPIO_18 pin is UART pin If 1, UART0_CTS_L/GPIO_18 pin is GPIO18 pin */ uint64_t reserved_0_17 : 18; #else uint64_t reserved_0_17 : 18; uint64_t ena18 : 1; uint64_t ena19 : 1; uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_pin_ena_s cn66xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_pin_ena cvmx_gpio_pin_ena_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_rx_dat */ union cvmx_gpio_rx_dat { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; uint64_t dat : 24; /**< GPIO Read Data */ #else uint64_t dat : 24; uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; uint64_t dat : 16; /**< GPIO Read Data */ #else uint64_t dat : 16; uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; #endif } cn38xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn52xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn56xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn58xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn61xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; uint64_t dat : 20; /**< GPIO Read Data */ #else uint64_t dat : 20; uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; #endif } cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn63xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn63xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn61xx cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn38xx cn68xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_cn61xx cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_rx_dat cvmx_gpio_rx_dat_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_tim_ctl */ union cvmx_gpio_tim_ctl { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_tim_ctl_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_4_63 : 60; uint64_t sel : 4; /**< Selects the GPIO pin to route to TIM */ #else uint64_t sel : 4; uint64_t reserved_4_63 : 60; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_tim_ctl_s cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tim_ctl_s cn68xxp1; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_tim_ctl cvmx_gpio_tim_ctl_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_tx_clr */ union cvmx_gpio_tx_clr { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; uint64_t clr : 24; /**< Bit mask to indicate which GPIO_TX_DAT bits to set to '0'. When read, CLR returns the GPIO_TX_DAT storage. */ #else uint64_t clr : 24; uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; uint64_t clr : 16; /**< Bit mask to indicate which bits to drive to '0'. */ #else uint64_t clr : 16; uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; #endif } cn38xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn52xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn56xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn58xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn61xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; uint64_t clr : 20; /**< Bit mask to indicate which GPIO_TX_DAT bits to set to '0'. When read, CLR returns the GPIO_TX_DAT storage. */ #else uint64_t clr : 20; uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; #endif } cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn63xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn63xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn61xx cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn38xx cn68xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_cn61xx cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_tx_clr cvmx_gpio_tx_clr_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_tx_set */ union cvmx_gpio_tx_set { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; uint64_t set : 24; /**< Bit mask to indicate which GPIO_TX_DAT bits to set to '1'. When read, SET returns the GPIO_TX_DAT storage. */ #else uint64_t set : 24; uint64_t reserved_24_63 : 40; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_s cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_s cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; uint64_t set : 16; /**< Bit mask to indicate which bits to drive to '1'. */ #else uint64_t set : 16; uint64_t reserved_16_63 : 48; #endif } cn38xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn38xxp2; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_s cn50xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn52xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn52xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn56xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn56xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn58xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn58xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn61xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; uint64_t set : 20; /**< Bit mask to indicate which GPIO_TX_DAT bits to set to '1'. When read, SET returns the GPIO_TX_DAT storage. */ #else uint64_t set : 20; uint64_t reserved_20_63 : 44; #endif } cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn63xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn63xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn61xx cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn68xx; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn38xx cn68xxp1; struct cvmx_gpio_tx_set_cn61xx cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_tx_set cvmx_gpio_tx_set_t; /** * cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfg# * * Notes: * Only first 16 GPIO pins can introduce interrupts, GPIO_XBIT_CFG16(17,18,19)[INT_EN] and [INT_TYPE] * will not be used, read out always zero. */ union cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx { uint64_t u64; struct cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_s { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_17_63 : 47; uint64_t synce_sel : 2; /**< Selects the QLM clock output x0=Normal GPIO output 01=GPIO QLM clock selected by CSR GPIO_CLK_QLM0 11=GPIO QLM clock selected by CSR GPIO_CLK_QLM1 */ uint64_t clk_gen : 1; /**< When TX_OE is set, GPIO pin becomes a clock */ uint64_t clk_sel : 2; /**< Selects which of the 4 GPIO clock generators */ uint64_t fil_sel : 4; /**< Global counter bit-select (controls sample rate) */ uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; /**< Number of consecutive samples to change state */ uint64_t int_type : 1; /**< Type of interrupt 0 = level (default) 1 = rising edge */ uint64_t int_en : 1; /**< Bit mask to indicate which bits to raise interrupt */ uint64_t rx_xor : 1; /**< Invert the GPIO pin */ uint64_t tx_oe : 1; /**< Drive the GPIO pin as an output pin */ #else uint64_t tx_oe : 1; uint64_t rx_xor : 1; uint64_t int_en : 1; uint64_t int_type : 1; uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; uint64_t fil_sel : 4; uint64_t clk_sel : 2; uint64_t clk_gen : 1; uint64_t synce_sel : 2; uint64_t reserved_17_63 : 47; #endif } s; struct cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_cn30xx { #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD uint64_t reserved_12_63 : 52; uint64_t fil_sel : 4; /**< Global counter bit-select (controls sample rate) */ uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; /**< Number of consecutive samples to change state */ uint64_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint64_t rx_xor : 1; /**< Invert the GPIO pin */ uint64_t tx_oe : 1; /**< Drive the GPIO pin as an output pin */ #else uint64_t tx_oe : 1; uint64_t rx_xor : 1; uint64_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint64_t fil_cnt : 4; uint64_t fil_sel : 4; uint64_t reserved_12_63 : 52; #endif } cn30xx; struct cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_cn30xx cn31xx; struct cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_cn30xx cn50xx; struct cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_s cn61xx; struct cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_s cn66xx; struct cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_s cnf71xx; }; typedef union cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx cvmx_gpio_xbit_cfgx_t; #endif