/***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Cavium Networks (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Cavium Networks nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM NETWORKS MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS * OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH * RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY * REPRESENTATION OR DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT * DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES * OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET * POSSESSION OR CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT * OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. * * * For any questions regarding licensing please contact marketing@caviumnetworks.com * ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * cvmx-log supplies a fast log buffer implementation. Each core writes * log data to a differnet buffer to avoid synchronization overhead. Function * call logging can be turned on with the GCC option "-pg". * *
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*/ #include "cvmx.h" #include "cvmx-log.h" #define CVMX_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE (1<<15) #define CVMX_LOG_NUM_BUFFERS 4 /** * The possible types of log data that can be stored in the * buffer. */ typedef enum { CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PC = 0, /**< Log of the program counter location. used for code profiling / tracing */ CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PRINTF, /**< Constant printf format string with two 64bit arguments */ CVMX_LOG_TYPE_DATA, /**< Arbitrary array of dwords. Max size is 31 dwords */ CVMX_LOG_TYPE_STRUCTURE,/**< Log a structured data element. Max size is 30 dwords */ CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PERF, /**< Mips performance counters control registers followed by the data */ } cvmx_log_type_t; /** * Header definition for each log entry. */ typedef union { uint64_t u64; struct { cvmx_log_type_t type : 3; /* Data in the log entry */ uint64_t size : 8; /* Data size in 64bit words */ uint64_t cycle :53; /* Low bits of the cycle counter as a timestamp */ } s; } cvmx_log_header_t; /** * Circular log buffer. Each processor gets a private one to * write to. Log entries are added at the current write * location, then the write location is incremented. The * buffer may wrap in the middle of a log entry. */ static uint64_t cvmx_log_buffers[CVMX_LOG_NUM_BUFFERS][CVMX_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE]; /** * Current locations in the log. */ uint64_t *cvmx_log_buffer_write_ptr = NULL; /* The next write will occur here */ uint64_t *cvmx_log_buffer_end_ptr = NULL; /* Write must move to the next buffer when it equals this */ uint64_t *cvmx_log_buffer_head_ptr = NULL; /* Pointer to begin extracting log data from */ static uint64_t *cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr = NULL; /* Location cvmx_display is reading from */ static uint64_t *cvmx_log_buffer_read_end_ptr = NULL; /* Location where read will need the next buffer */ uint64_t cvmx_log_mcd0_on_full = 0; /* If this is set, cvm-log will assert MCD0 when the log is full. This is set by the remote logging utility through the debugger interface. */ /** * @INTERNAL * Initialize the log for writing */ static void __cvmx_log_initialize(void) CVMX_LOG_DISABLE_PC_LOGGING; static void __cvmx_log_initialize(void) { int buf_num; /* Link the buffers together using the last element in each buffer */ for (buf_num=0; buf_num 255) size_in_dwords = 255; __cvmx_log_write(__cvmx_log_build_header(CVMX_LOG_TYPE_DATA, size_in_dwords)); while (size_in_dwords--) __cvmx_log_write(*data++); } /** * Log a structured data object. Post processing will use the * debugging information in the ELF file to determine how to * display the structure. Max of 2032 bytes. * * Example: * cvmx_log_structure("cvmx_wqe_t", work, sizeof(*work)); * * @param type C typedef expressed as a string. This will be used to * lookup the structure in the debugging infirmation. * @param data Data to be written to the log. * @param size_in_bytes * Size if the data in bytes. Normally you'll use the * sizeof() operator here. */ void cvmx_log_structure(const char *type, void *data, int size_in_bytes) { uint64_t size_in_dwords = (size_in_bytes + 7) >> 3; uint64_t *ptr = (uint64_t*)data; if (size_in_dwords > 254) size_in_dwords = 254; __cvmx_log_write(__cvmx_log_build_header(CVMX_LOG_TYPE_STRUCTURE, size_in_dwords + 1)); __cvmx_log_write(CAST64(type)); while (size_in_dwords--) __cvmx_log_write(*ptr++); } /** * Setup the mips performance counters * * @param counter1 Event type for counter 1 * @param counter2 Event type for counter 2 */ void cvmx_log_perf_setup(cvmx_log_perf_event_t counter1, cvmx_log_perf_event_t counter2) { cvmx_log_perf_control_t control; control.u32 = 0; control.s.event = counter1; control.s.U = 1; control.s.S = 1; control.s.K = 1; control.s.EX = 1; asm ("mtc0 %0, $25, 0\n" : : "r"(control.u32)); control.s.event = counter2; asm ("mtc0 %0, $25, 2\n" : : "r"(control.u32)); } /** * Log the performance counters */ void cvmx_log_perf(void) { uint64_t control1; uint64_t control2; uint64_t data1; uint64_t data2; asm ("dmfc0 %0, $25, 1\n" : "=r"(data1)); asm ("dmfc0 %0, $25, 3\n" : "=r"(data2)); asm ("mfc0 %0, $25, 0\n" : "=r"(control1)); asm ("mfc0 %0, $25, 2\n" : "=r"(control2)); __cvmx_log_write(__cvmx_log_build_header(CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PERF, 3)); __cvmx_log_write(((control1 & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (control2 & 0xffffffff)); __cvmx_log_write(data1); __cvmx_log_write(data2); } /** * @INTERNAL * Read a dword from the log * * @return the dword */ static uint64_t __cvmx_log_read(void) CVMX_LOG_DISABLE_PC_LOGGING; static uint64_t __cvmx_log_read(void) { uint64_t data; /* Check and see if we need to rotate the log */ if (cvmx_likely(cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr != cvmx_log_buffer_read_end_ptr)) { /* No rotate is necessary, just read the data */ data = *cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr++; } else { cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr = CASTPTR(uint64_t, *cvmx_log_buffer_read_end_ptr); if (cvmx_likely(cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr)) { /* Rotate to the next log buffer */ cvmx_log_buffer_read_end_ptr = cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr + CVMX_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE-1; data = *cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr++; } else { /* No more log buffers, return 0 */ cvmx_log_buffer_read_end_ptr = NULL; data = 0; } } return data; } /** * Display the current log in a human readable format. */ void cvmx_log_display(void) { unsigned int i; cvmx_log_header_t header; cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr = cvmx_log_buffer_head_ptr; cvmx_log_buffer_read_end_ptr = cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr + CVMX_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE-1; while (cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr && (cvmx_log_buffer_read_ptr != cvmx_log_buffer_write_ptr)) { header.u64 = __cvmx_log_read(); if (header.s.cycle == 0) continue; printf("%llu: ", (unsigned long long)header.s.cycle); switch (header.s.type) { case CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PC: if (header.s.size == 1) printf("pc 0x%016llx\n", (unsigned long long)__cvmx_log_read()); else printf("Illegal size (%d) for log entry: pc\n", header.s.size); break; case CVMX_LOG_TYPE_PRINTF: switch (header.s.size) { case 1: printf(CASTPTR(const char, __cvmx_log_read())); break; case 2: printf(CASTPTR(const char, __cvmx_log_read()), __cvmx_log_read()); break; case 3: printf(CASTPTR(const char, __cvmx_log_read()), __cvmx_log_read(), __cvmx_log_read()); break; case 4: printf(CASTPTR(const char, __cvmx_log_read()), __cvmx_log_read(), __cvmx_log_read(), __cvmx_log_read()); break; case 5: printf(CASTPTR(const char, __cvmx_log_read()), __cvmx_log_read(), __cvmx_log_read(), __cvmx_log_read(), __cvmx_log_read()); break; default: printf("Illegal size (%d) for log entry: printf\n", header.s.size); break; } printf("\n"); break; case CVMX_LOG_TYPE_DATA: printf("data"); for (i=0; i