\n"; ?> $_("Edit:") ${SPLIT_PAGE}

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$_("You can change the size of the editing area.") $_("See") . $_("Also see") $_("tips for editing.")

$_("Emphasis:") '' $_("for italics"), __ $_("for bold"), ''__ $_("for both")
$_("Lists:") * $_("for bullet lists"), # $_("for numbered lists"), ''; $_("term") : $_("definition")'' $_("for definition lists")
$_("References:") $_("JoinCapitalizedWords or use square brackets for a [page link] or URL [http://cool.wiki.int/].")
$_("Footnotes:") $_("Use [1],[2],[3],...")
$_("Preventing linking:") $_("Avoid linking with '!': !DoNotHyperlink,") $_("name links like [[text | URL] (double up on the '[')")
$_("Misc:") "!", "!!", "!!!" $_("make headings"), "%%%" $_("makes a linebreak"), "- - - -" $_("makes a horizontal rule")
$_("more on")