; RUN: opt < %s -store-to-load-forwarding-conflict-detection=false -loop-accesses -analyze | FileCheck %s ; RUN: opt -passes='require,require,loop(print-access-info)' -store-to-load-forwarding-conflict-detection=false -disable-output < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s ; This test checks that we prove the strided accesses to be independent before ; concluding that there is a forward dependence. ; struct pair { ; int x; ; int y; ; }; ; ; int independent_interleaved(struct pair *p, int z, int n) { ; int s = 0; ; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ; p[i].y = z; ; s += p[i].x; ; } ; return s; ; } ; CHECK: for.body: ; CHECK-NOT: Forward: ; CHECK-NOT: store i32 %z, i32* %p_i.y, align 8 -> ; CHECK-NOT: %0 = load i32, i32* %p_i.x, align 8 %pair = type { i32, i32 } define i32 @independent_interleaved(%pair *%p, i64 %n, i32 %z) { entry: br label %for.body for.body: %i = phi i64 [ %i.next, %for.body ], [ 0, %entry ] %s = phi i32 [ %1, %for.body ], [ 0, %entry ] %p_i.x = getelementptr inbounds %pair, %pair* %p, i64 %i, i32 0 %p_i.y = getelementptr inbounds %pair, %pair* %p, i64 %i, i32 1 store i32 %z, i32* %p_i.y, align 8 %0 = load i32, i32* %p_i.x, align 8 %1 = add nsw i32 %0, %s %i.next = add nuw nsw i64 %i, 1 %cond = icmp slt i64 %i.next, %n br i1 %cond, label %for.body, label %for.end for.end: %2 = phi i32 [ %1, %for.body ] ret i32 %2 }