// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fno-rtti %s -emit-llvm -o %t -triple=i386-pc-win32 -fdump-vtable-layouts 2>&1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=VFTABLES %s // RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=GLOBALS %s < %t // RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CODEGEN %s < %t namespace test1 { // Some covariant types. struct A { int a; }; struct B { int b; }; struct C : A, B { int c; }; struct D : C { int d; }; struct E : D { int e; }; // One base class and two overrides, all with covariant return types. struct H { virtual B *foo(); }; struct I : H { virtual C *foo(); }; struct J : I { virtual D *foo(); J(); }; struct K : J { virtual E *foo(); K(); }; J::J() {} // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'test1::H' in 'test1::I' in 'test1::J' (3 entries). // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | test1::D *test1::J::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test1::B *'): 4 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | test1::D *test1::J::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test1::C *'): 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 2 | test1::D *test1::J::foo() // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7J@test1@@6B@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant { [3 x i8*] } // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@J@test1@@QAEPAUB@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@J@test1@@QAEPAUC@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@J@test1@@UAEPAUD@2@XZ" K::K() {} // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'test1::H' in 'test1::I' in 'test1::J' in 'test1::K' (4 entries). // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | test1::E *test1::K::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test1::B *'): 4 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | test1::E *test1::K::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test1::C *'): 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 2 | test1::E *test1::K::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test1::D *'): 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 3 | test1::E *test1::K::foo() // Only B to C requires adjustment, but we get 3 thunks in K's vftable, two of // which are trivial. // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7K@test1@@6B@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant { [4 x i8*] } // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@K@test1@@QAEPAUB@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@K@test1@@QAEPAUC@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@K@test1@@QAEPAUD@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@K@test1@@UAEPAUE@2@XZ" // This thunk has a return adjustment. // CODEGEN-LABEL: define {{.*}} @"\01?foo@K@test1@@QAEPAUB@2@XZ" // CODEGEN: call {{.*}} @"\01?foo@K@test1@@UAEPAUE@2@XZ" // CODEGEN: icmp {{.*}}, null // CODEGEN: getelementptr // CODEGEN: ret // These two don't. // CODEGEN-LABEL: define {{.*}} @"\01?foo@K@test1@@QAEPAUC@2@XZ" // CODEGEN: call {{.*}} @"\01?foo@K@test1@@UAEPAUE@2@XZ" // CODEGEN-NEXT: ret // CODEGEN-LABEL: define {{.*}} @"\01?foo@K@test1@@QAEPAUD@2@XZ" // CODEGEN: call {{.*}} @"\01?foo@K@test1@@UAEPAUE@2@XZ" // CODEGEN-NEXT: ret } namespace test2 { // Covariant types. D* is not trivially convertible to C*. struct A { int a; }; struct B { int b; }; struct C : B { int c; }; struct D : A, C { int d; }; struct E : D { int e; }; // J's foo will require an adjusting thunk, and K will require a trivial thunk. struct H { virtual B *foo(); }; struct I : H { virtual C *foo(); }; struct J : I { virtual D *foo(); J(); }; struct K : J { virtual E *foo(); K(); }; J::J() {} // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'test2::H' in 'test2::I' in 'test2::J' (2 entries). // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | test2::D *test2::J::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test2::B *'): 4 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | test2::D *test2::J::foo() // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7J@test2@@6B@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant { [2 x i8*] } K::K() {} // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'test2::H' in 'test2::I' in 'test2::J' in 'test2::K' (3 entries). // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | test2::E *test2::K::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test2::B *'): 4 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | test2::E *test2::K::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test2::D *'): 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 2 | test2::E *test2::K::foo() // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7K@test2@@6B@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant { [3 x i8*] } } namespace pr20479 { struct A { virtual A *f(); }; struct B : virtual A { virtual B *f(); }; struct C : virtual A, B { // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'pr20479::A' in 'pr20479::B' in 'pr20479::C' (2 entries). // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | pr20479::B *pr20479::B::f() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct pr20479::A *'): vbase #1, 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | pr20479::B *pr20479::B::f() C(); }; C::C() {} // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7C@pr20479@@6B@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant { [2 x i8*] } // GLOBALS: @"\01?f@B@pr20479@@QAEPAUA@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?f@B@pr20479@@UAEPAU12@XZ" } namespace pr21073 { struct A { virtual A *f(); }; struct B : virtual A { virtual B *f(); }; struct C : virtual A, virtual B { // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'pr21073::A' in 'pr21073::B' in 'pr21073::C' (2 entries). // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | pr21073::B *pr21073::B::f() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct pr21073::A *'): vbase #1, 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: [this adjustment: 8 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | pr21073::B *pr21073::B::f() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct pr21073::B *'): 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: [this adjustment: 8 non-virtual] C(); }; C::C() {} // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7C@pr21073@@6B@" = linkonce_odr unnamed_addr constant { [2 x i8*] } // GLOBALS: @"\01?f@B@pr21073@@WPPPPPPPI@AEPAUA@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?f@B@pr21073@@WPPPPPPPI@AEPAU12@XZ" } namespace pr21073_2 { struct A { virtual A *foo(); }; struct B : virtual A {}; struct C : virtual A { virtual C *foo(); }; struct D : B, C { D(); }; D::D() {} // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'pr21073_2::A' in 'pr21073_2::C' in 'pr21073_2::D' (2 entries) // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | pr21073_2::C *pr21073_2::C::foo() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct pr21073_2::A *'): vbase #1, 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | pr21073_2::C *pr21073_2::C::foo() // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7D@pr21073_2@@6B@" = {{.*}} constant { [2 x i8*] } // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@C@pr21073_2@@QAEPAUA@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?foo@C@pr21073_2@@UAEPAU12@XZ" } namespace test3 { struct A { virtual A *fn(); }; struct B : virtual A { virtual B *fn(); }; struct X : virtual B {}; struct Y : virtual B {}; struct C : X, Y {}; struct D : virtual B, virtual A, C { D *fn(); D(); }; D::D() {} // VFTABLES-LABEL: VFTable for 'test3::A' in 'test3::B' in 'test3::X' in 'test3::C' in 'test3::D' (3 entries). // VFTABLES-NEXT: 0 | test3::D *test3::D::fn() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test3::A *'): vbase #1, 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: [this adjustment: vtordisp at -4, 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 1 | test3::D *test3::D::fn() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test3::B *'): vbase #2, 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: [this adjustment: vtordisp at -4, 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: 2 | test3::D *test3::D::fn() // VFTABLES-NEXT: [return adjustment (to type 'struct test3::D *'): 0 non-virtual] // VFTABLES-NEXT: [this adjustment: vtordisp at -4, 0 non-virtual] // GLOBALS-LABEL: @"\01??_7D@test3@@6B@" = {{.*}} constant { [3 x i8*] } // GLOBALS: @"\01?fn@D@test3@@$4PPPPPPPM@A@AEPAUA@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?fn@D@test3@@$4PPPPPPPM@A@AEPAUB@2@XZ" // GLOBALS: @"\01?fn@D@test3@@$4PPPPPPPM@A@AEPAU12@XZ" }