// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple %itanium_abi_triple -std=c++11 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s // Test optnone on template instantiations. //-- Effect of optnone on generic add template function. template T template_normal(T a) { return a + a; } template __attribute__((optnone)) T template_optnone(T a) { return a + a + a; } // This function should cause instantiations of each template, one marked // with the 'optnone' attribute. int container(int i) { return template_normal(i) + template_optnone(i); } // CHECK: @_Z15template_normalIiET_S0_({{.*}}) [[NORMAL:#[0-9]+]] // CHECK: @_Z16template_optnoneIiET_S0_({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE:#[0-9]+]] //-- Effect of optnone on a partial specialization. // FIRST TEST: a method becomes marked with optnone in the specialization. template class template_normal_base { public: T method(T t, U u) { return t + static_cast(u); } }; template class template_normal_base { public: __attribute__((optnone)) int method (int t, U u) { return t - static_cast(u); } }; // This function should cause an instantiation of the full template (whose // method is not marked optnone) and an instantiation of the partially // specialized template (whose method is marked optnone). void container2() { int y = 2; float z = 3.0; template_normal_base class_normal; template_normal_base class_optnone; float r1 = class_normal.method(z, y); float r2 = class_optnone.method(y, z); } // CHECK: @_ZN20template_normal_baseIfiE6methodEfi({{.*}}) [[NORMAL]] // CHECK: @_ZN20template_normal_baseIifE6methodEif({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]] //-- Effect of optnone on a partial specialization. // SECOND TEST: a method loses optnone in the specialization. template class template_optnone_base { public: __attribute__((optnone)) T method(T t, U u) { return t + static_cast(u); } }; template class template_optnone_base { public: int method (int t, U u) { return t - static_cast(u); } }; // This function should cause an instantiation of the full template (whose // method is marked optnone) and an instantiation of the partially // specialized template (whose method is not marked optnone). void container3() { int y = 2; float z = 3.0; template_optnone_base class_optnone; template_optnone_base class_normal; float r1 = class_optnone.method(z, y); float r2 = class_normal.method(y, z); } // CHECK: @_ZN21template_optnone_baseIfiE6methodEfi({{.*}}) [[OPTNONE]] // CHECK: @_ZN21template_optnone_baseIifE6methodEif({{.*}}) [[NORMAL]] // CHECK: attributes [[NORMAL]] = // CHECK-NOT: optnone // CHECK: attributes [[OPTNONE]] = {{.*}} optnone