// RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only -verify %s struct X { union { float f3; double d2; } named; union { int i; float f; union { float f2; mutable double d; }; }; void test_unqual_references(); struct { int a; float b; }; void test_unqual_references_const() const; mutable union { // expected-error{{anonymous union at class scope must not have a storage specifier}} float c1; double c2; }; }; void X::test_unqual_references() { i = 0; f = 0.0; f2 = f; d = f; f3 = 0; // expected-error{{use of undeclared identifier 'f3'}} a = 0; } void X::test_unqual_references_const() const { d = 0.0; f2 = 0; // expected-error{{read-only variable is not assignable}} a = 0; // expected-error{{read-only variable is not assignable}} } void test_unqual_references(X x, const X xc) { x.i = 0; x.f = 0.0; x.f2 = x.f; x.d = x.f; x.f3 = 0; // expected-error{{no member named 'f3'}} x.a = 0; xc.d = 0.0; xc.f = 0; // expected-error{{read-only variable is not assignable}} xc.a = 0; // expected-error{{read-only variable is not assignable}} } struct Redecl { int x; // expected-note{{previous declaration is here}} class y { }; union { int x; // expected-error{{member of anonymous union redeclares 'x'}} float y; double z; // expected-note{{previous declaration is here}} double zz; // expected-note{{previous definition is here}} }; int z; // expected-error{{duplicate member 'z'}} void zz(); // expected-error{{redefinition of 'zz' as different kind of symbol}} }; union { // expected-error{{anonymous unions at namespace or global scope must be declared 'static'}} int int_val; float float_val; }; static union { int int_val2; float float_val2; }; void f() { int_val2 = 0; float_val2 = 0.0; } void g() { union { int i; float f2; }; i = 0; f2 = 0.0; } struct BadMembers { union { struct X { }; // expected-error {{types cannot be declared in an anonymous union}} struct { int x; int y; } y; void f(); // expected-error{{functions cannot be declared in an anonymous union}} private: int x1; // expected-error{{anonymous union cannot contain a private data member}} protected: float x2; // expected-error{{anonymous union cannot contain a protected data member}} }; }; // typedef union { }; // expected-error{{declaration does not declare anything}}