// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s struct X1 { // has no implicit default constructor X1(int); }; struct X2 : X1 { // expected-note 2 {{'X2' declared here}} X2(int); }; struct X3 : public X2 { // expected-error {{implicit default constructor for 'X3' must explicitly initialize the base class 'X2' which does not have a default constructor}} }; X3 x3; // expected-note {{first required here}} struct X4 { // expected-error {{must explicitly initialize the member 'x2'}} \ // expected-error {{must explicitly initialize the reference member 'rx2'}} X2 x2; // expected-note {{member is declared here}} X2 & rx2; // expected-note {{declared at}} }; X4 x4; // expected-note {{first required here}} struct Y1 { // has no implicit default constructor Y1(int); }; struct Y2 : Y1 { Y2(int); Y2(); }; struct Y3 : public Y2 { }; Y3 y3; struct Y4 { Y2 y2; }; Y4 y4; // More tests struct Z1 { // expected-error {{must explicitly initialize the reference member 'z'}} \ // expected-error {{must explicitly initialize the const member 'c1'}} int& z; // expected-note {{declared at}} const int c1; // expected-note {{declared at}} volatile int v1; }; Z1 z1; // expected-note {{first required here}}