// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -Wover-aligned -verify %s namespace test1 { struct Test { template struct SeparateCacheLines { T data; } __attribute__((aligned(256))); SeparateCacheLines high_contention_data[10]; }; void helper() { Test t; new Test; // expected-warning {{type 'test1::Test' requires 256 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees}} new Test[10]; // expected-warning {{type 'test1::Test' requires 256 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees}} } } namespace test2 { class Test { typedef int __attribute__((aligned(256))) aligned_int; aligned_int high_contention_data[10]; }; void helper() { Test t; new Test; // expected-warning {{type 'test2::Test' requires 256 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees}} new Test[10]; // expected-warning {{type 'test2::Test' requires 256 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees}} } } namespace test3 { struct Test { template struct SeparateCacheLines { T data; } __attribute__((aligned(256))); void* operator new(unsigned long) { return 0; } SeparateCacheLines high_contention_data[10]; }; void helper() { Test t; new Test; new Test[10]; // expected-warning {{type 'test3::Test' requires 256 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees}} } } namespace test4 { struct Test { template struct SeparateCacheLines { T data; } __attribute__((aligned(256))); void* operator new[](unsigned long) { return 0; } SeparateCacheLines high_contention_data[10]; }; void helper() { Test t; new Test; // expected-warning {{type 'test4::Test' requires 256 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees}} new Test[10]; } }