// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fobjc-default-synthesize-properties -verify %s @interface NSString @end @interface NSObject @end @interface SynthItAll @property int howMany; @property (retain) NSString* what; @end @implementation SynthItAll //@synthesize howMany, what; @end @interface SynthSetter : NSObject @property (nonatomic) int howMany; // REM: nonatomic to avoid warnings about only implementing one of the pair @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* what; @end @implementation SynthSetter //@synthesize howMany, what; - (int) howMany { return self.howMany; } // - (void) setHowMany: (int) value - (NSString*) what { return self.what; } // - (void) setWhat: (NSString*) value @end @interface SynthGetter : NSObject @property (nonatomic) int howMany; // REM: nonatomic to avoid warnings about only implementing one of the pair @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* what; @end @implementation SynthGetter //@synthesize howMany, what; // - (int) howMany - (void) setHowMany: (int) value { self.howMany = value; } // - (NSString*) what - (void) setWhat: (NSString*) value { if (self.what != value) { } } @end @interface SynthNone : NSObject @property int howMany; @property (retain) NSString* what; @end @implementation SynthNone //@synthesize howMany, what; // REM: Redundant anyway - (int) howMany { return self.howMany; } - (void) setHowMany: (int) value { self.howMany = value; } - (NSString*) what { return self.what; } - (void) setWhat: (NSString*) value { if (self.what != value) { } } @end @protocol TopProtocol @property (readonly) id myString; @end @interface TopClass { id myString; } @end @interface SubClass : TopClass @end @implementation SubClass @end // rdar://7920807 @interface C @end @interface C (Category) @property int p; // expected-warning {{property 'p' requires method 'p' to be defined }} \ // expected-warning {{property 'p' requires method 'setP:' to be defined}} @end @implementation C (Category) // expected-note 2 {{implementation is here}} @end // Don't complain if a property is already @synthesized by usr. @interface D { } @property int PROP; @end @implementation D - (int) Meth { return self.PROP; } @synthesize PROP=IVAR; @end